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To better understand chemical weathering and controlling processes in the Yalong River of the eastern Tibetan Plateau, this study presents major ion concentrations and stable isotopes of the dissolved loads. The isotopic compositions (δ13C-DIC, δ34S and δ18O-SO4) of the dissolved loads are very useful to quantify solute sources and define the carbon budget related with chemical weathering in riverine systems. The isotopic composition of sulphate demonstrates that most of the sulphate is derived from sulphide oxidation, particularly in the upper reach of the Yalong River. The correlations between δ13C-DIC, water chemistry and isotopes of sulphate, suggest that the carbon dynamics are mainly affected by carbonate weathering by sulphuric acid and equilibration processes. Approximately 13% of the dissolved inorganic carbon in the Yalong River originates from carbonate weathering by strong acid. The CO2 consumption rates are estimated to be 2.8 × 105 mol/km2/yr and 0.9 × 105 mol/km2/yr via carbonate and silicate weathering in the Yalong River, respectively. In this study, the influence of sulphide oxidation and metamorphic CO2 on the carbon budget is estimated for the Yalong River draining the eastern Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Chemical weathering of basalts in the Putorana Plateau, Central Siberia, has been studied by combining chemical and mineralogical analysis of solids (rocks, soils, river sediments and suspended matter) and fluid solution chemistry in order to quantify CO2 consumption and to assess the major factors controlling basic rock weathering under permafrost-dominated taiga climate. The chemical status of  40 major and trace elements (TE) in pristine boreal rivers and interstitial solutions of permafrost soils has been investigated using in-field ultrafiltration procedure. This revealed strong relationships between concentration of TE and that of major inorganic components of colloids, i.e., Fe or Al. Decomposing plant litter and permafrost thawing are considered important sources of most major and trace elements in Arctic rivers during summertime.  相似文献   

In the natural environment, temperature and moisture are very important parameters in stone degradation. Therefore, on 28 samples from different lithologies (magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks) thermal and hygric expansion measurements were performed in order to constrain their behaviour related to environmental changes. It was shown that marbles, even those that are dolomitic, are sensitive to temperature impacts. For rocks with clay minerals the effect of temperature may be responsible for shrinking. Finally the amount of residual strain, i.e. the formation of microcracks due to temperature action controls the rate of stone degradation. For most sedimentary rocks no residual strain after heating was observed. In contrast to most magmatic and metamorphic low-porosity rocks, sedimentary rocks contain swelling minerals (like smectite and even phyllosilicates), which are very sensitive to hygric attacks. The cycles of wetting and drying, i.e. the natural environmental effects, may significantly control the deterioration velocity caused by hygric expansion.  相似文献   

Water samples collected from the six reservoirs of Damodar River basin in pre- and post-monsoon, have been analysed, to study the major ion chemistry and the weathering and geochemical processes controlling the water composition. Ca, Na and HCO3 dominate the chemical composition of the reservoir water. The seasonal data shows a minimum concentration of most of the ions in post-monsoon and a maximum concentration in pre-monsoon seasons, reflecting the concentrating effects due to elevated temperature and increased evaporation during the low water level period of the pre-monsoon season. Water chemistry of the reservoirs strongly reflects the dominance of continental weathering aided by atmospheric and anthropogenic activities in the catchment area. Higher concentration of SO4 and TDS in Panchet, Durgapur and Tenughat reservoirs indicate mining and anthropogenic impact on water quality. The high contribution of (Ca+Mg) to the total cations, high concentration of dissolved silica, relatively high (Na+K)/TZ+ ratio (0.3) and low equivalent ratio of (Ca+Mg)/(Na+K) suggests combined influence of carbonate and silicate weathering. Kaolinite is the possible mineral that is in equilibrium with the water, implying that the chemistry of reservoir water favours kaolinite formation. The calculated values of SAR, RSC and sodium percentage indicate the ‘excellent to good quality’ of water for irrigation uses.  相似文献   

我们对采自于加勒比海地区小安德列斯岛弧(Lesser Antilles Arc)Kick’em Jenny(KEJ)海底火山玄武岩中的斜长石斑晶进行了矿物形态和成分分析。利用电子探针(EMPA)和LA-ICP-MS测定了具有环带结构的斜长石斑晶中主量元素的空间分布,同时也利用LA-ICP-MS分析了斜长石中Sr的分布。结果表明,在不同的矿物斑晶中,元素含量均表现出和环带结构相联系的空间分布变化。斜长石斑晶中最主要的结构为韵律环带以及熔蚀结构,所测定的矿物边缘都存在An值从由内向外迅速降低的致密韵律环带,可能反映了快速结晶时的不平衡;而晶体内部的稀疏韵律环带结构是由岩浆填充或对流活动导致的。部分斜长石的熔蚀层An值由内向外升高,反映了高Ca岩浆填充的过程。这说明斜长石斑晶的矿物形态和元素环带可以用来制约俯冲带海底火山岩浆从源区上升到岩浆房再到喷发的复杂过程,包括岩浆演化、熔体多次填充、熔体与结晶矿物之间的反应、以及矿物再熔融等。这对于理解海底火山的喷发以及岛弧岩浆岩的演化有重要意义。  相似文献   

A detailed geochemical study on river waters of the Australian Victorian Alps was carried out to determine: (i) the relative significance of silicate, carbonate, evaporite and sulfide weathering in controlling the major ion composition and; (ii) the factors regulating seasonal and spatial variations of CO2 consumption via silicate weathering in the catchments. Major ion chemistry implies that solutes are largely derived from evaporation of precipitation and chemical weathering of carbonate and silicate lithologies. The input of solutes from rock weathering was determined by calculating the contribution of halite dissolution and atmospheric inputs using local rain and snow samples. Despite the lack of carbonate outcrops in the study area and waters being undersaturated with respect to calcite, the dissolution of vein calcite accounts for up to 67% of the total dissolved cations, generating up to 90% of dissolved Ca and 97% of Mg. Dissolved sulfate has δ34S values of 16 to 20‰CDT, indicating that it is derived predominantly from atmospheric deposition and minor gypsum weathering and not from bacterial reduction of FeS2. This militates against sulphuric acid weathering in Victorian rivers. Ratios of Si vs. the atmospheric corrected Na and K concentrations range from ~ 1.1 to ~ 4.3, suggesting incongruent weathering from plagioclase to smectite, kaolinite and gibbsite.Estimated long-term average CO2 fluxes from silicate weathering range from ~ 0.012 × 106 to 0.039 × 106 mol/km2/yr with the highest values in rivers draining the basement outcrops rather than sedimentary rocks. This is about one order of magnitude below the global average which is due to low relief, and the arid climate in that region. Time series measurements show that exposure to lithology, high physical erosion and long water–rock contact times dominate CO2 consumption fluxes via silicate weathering, while variations in water temperature are not overriding parameters controlling chemical weathering. Because the atmospheric corrected concentrations of Na, K and Mg act non-conservative in Victorian rivers the parameterizations of weathering processes, and net CO2 consumption rates in particular, based on major ion abundances, should be treated with skepticism.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic subdivision of peat in the Gorobets River valley, the largest river on Shikotan Island, is conducted based on the study of palynological and diatom assemblages, tephrostratigraphy, and radiocarbon dating. The study object is one of the oldest peats in the South Kurile region and reflects the development of natural environments beginning from the early Holocene. Nine phases are distinguished in the development of vegetation on Shikotan Island. The changes in vegetable communities were determined by climatic fluctuations during the Holocene. Their ages, the factors responsible for the appearance and extinction of particular coniferous, small-, and broad-leaved taxa, and changes in their landscape-forming role during different periods of the Holocene, as well as specific features in the formation of the present-day vegetation on the Lesser Kurile Ridge representing a separate floral area, are established. In addition to the climatic and sea-level fluctuations, the development of the island landscapes was determined to a significant extent by its topography, size, and isolation.  相似文献   

Results from recent fieldwork and the Aguadomar marine survey in the Lesser Antilles clearly indicate that the volcanic field of southern Dominica has experienced three major edifice collapse events. This led to formation of the most voluminous debris avalanches known in the Caribbean Arc. Submarine hummocky morphology with plurikilometric megablocks is characteristic of debris avalanche deposits. We propose that steep slopes on the western Caribbean side of the island and intense hydrothermal alteration lead to recurrent large-scale edifice collapses. Therefore islands in the Lesser Antilles face a non-negligible risk from generation of tsunamis associated with potential future edifice collapse. To cite this article: A. Le Friant et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 235–243.  相似文献   

In Douala (Littoral Cameroon), the Cretaceous to Quaternary formation composed of marine to continental sediments are covered by ferrallitic soils. These sediments and soils have high contents of SiO2 (≥70.0 wt%), intermediate contents of Al2O3 (11.6–28.4 wt%), Fe2O3 (0.00–20.5 wt%) and TiO2 (0.04–4.08 wt%), while K2O (≤0.18 wt%), Na2O (≤0.04 wt%), MgO (≤0.14 wt%) and CaO (≤0.02 wt%) are very low to extremely low. Apart from silica, major oxides and trace elements (REE included) are more concentrated in the fine fraction (<62.5 μm) whose proportions of phyllosilicates and heavy minerals are significant. The close co-associations between Zr, Hf, Th and ∑REE in this fraction suggest that REE distribution is controlled by monazite and zircon. CIA values indicate intense weathering. Weathering products are characterized by the association Al2O3 and Ga in kaolinite; the strong correlation between Fe2O3 and V in hematite and goethite; the affinity of TiO2 with HFSE (Hf, Nb, Th, Y and Zr) in heavy minerals. The ICV values suggest mature sediments. The PCI indicates a well-drained environment whereas U/Th and V/Cr ratios imply oxic conditions. La/Sc, La/Co, Th/Cr, Th/Sc and Eu/Eu* elemental ratios suggest a source with felsic components. Discrimination diagrams are consistent with the felsic source. The REE patterns of some High-K granite and granodiorite of the Congo Craton resemble those of the samples, indicating that they derive from similar source rocks.  相似文献   

Eluvial concentration of platinum-group minerals (PGM) has developed in the south of New Caledonia, from the weathering of a mafic and ultramafic cumulate. The platinum/palladium (Pt/Pd) ratio evolution from the bottom to the top of the weathering profile indicates a chemical mobilization of Pd in supergene environment. The examination by scanning electron microscopy of the residual PGM collected in the weathering profile and their chemical characterization by electronic microprobe show a preservation of the structure and chemical signature (in the core of the grains) of the fresh PGM. This clearly demonstrates that the PGM studied here are residual and are affected by dissolution process.  相似文献   

Pramod Singh   《Chemical Geology》2009,266(3-4):251-264
The sediments of the Ganga River from different depositional regimes in the Plain region such as the river channel, active flood-plain and the older flood-plain sediments from the inter-fluve region were analysed for major, trace and the rare earth elements (REEs). These are compared with catchment zone sediments of the river and probable source rocks in the Himalaya. The lower CIA values between 48 and 54.7 for the catchment sediments indicates that the sediments supplied to the Ganga Plain are chemically immature and subjected mostly to physical weathering due to higher erosion rates in the Himalaya. The CIA values ranging between 55 and 74, with average value of 59, 61.4 and 67 for sediments from the Plain's bed-load, active flood-plain and older flood-plain from the inter-fluve region indicates that silicate weathering of Ganga River sediments has occurred only after entering into the plains. This is likely because of higher residence time and change in the climate from cold-frigid in the Himalaya to tropical sub-humid in the plains. Therefore, the use of geochemical data on ancient system to infer climate in their source region may not always be true. Although the CIA values indicate a moderate chemical weathering in the plains, it is far from impressive. Dominance of physical weathering in the catchment region and lower degree of chemical weathering in the Plains indicate that weathering of sediments supplied by Himalayan Rivers, particularly the Ganga River may not have affected the atmospheric CO2 to a significant level as is generally believed. Thus the net effect of the Himalaya on the CO2 sequestration and consequent global cooling needs a re-evaluation.The plots of sediments in ternary diagram among La, Th, Sc and ratios involving Co/Th, La/Sc and Sc/Th indicate granitic to granodioritic source rocks to the sediments. The ratio plots involving relatively immobile Al2O3, TiO2 and FeO along with REE plots suggest that out of the major Himalayan lithologies, gneisses and Cambro-Ordovician granites of HHCS have acted as the dominant source to the sediments.The plots of LogNa2O/K2O vs. LogSiO2/Al2O3 and FeO/SiO2 vs. Al2O3/SiO2 diagrams show that the combination of processes including erosion, weathering, sorting and aeolian activity has together played a major role in progressively changing the chemistry from source rock to catchments bed-load to Plains bed-load, active flood-plains and the older inter-fluve sediments in the Ganga River system. The above plots demonstrate that as a result of above processes the ratios between the elements generally thought to be immobile and used in provenance studies does not always remain invariant and the linear trend line in the scatter gram between the two immobile elements show rotation around the fine grained end member.  相似文献   

Sr isotope and Ca/Mg/Sr chemical compositions of freshwater ostracode tests separated from a sediment core represent the last 16 ka of sedimentation in Lake Constance, Central Europe. The chemical evolution of the paleowater's dissolved load of Lake Constance was estimated by correcting the ostracode data for Ca/Mg/Sr fractionation due to biogenic calcification. Since the Late Pleistocene deglaciation, the Ca/Sr molar ratios of paleowaters increased systematically from about 100 (a near marine signature) to about 200. Ca/Mg molar ratios varied in the range of 1–25. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicate Late Pleistocene paleowater compositions of 0.7086–0.7091, significantly more radiogenic than present day waters (0.7085). Sr isotopes and Ca/Mg/Sr chemical data together show that weathering of Mesozoic evaporites consistently dominated the dissolved Sr load (80–90%). Carbonate and silicate weathering were less important (1–10%). Trends of Sr dissolved loads were therefore not related to Mg which was mainly mobilized by carbonate weathering. Biotite weathering was an important source of radiogenic Sr in the paleowaters. The short-term release (duration about 600–800 years) of radiogenic Sr during glacier retreat started 15.2 ka ago and was due to enhanced biotite weathering at the glacier base. Long-term release of radiogenic Sr was due to biotite weathering in glacial soils and silicate rocks, and has gradually declined since the Late Pleistocene/Holocene transition.  相似文献   

This present study describes the elemental geochemistry of fluvial sediments in the Kurigram (upstream) to Sirajganj–Tangail (downstream) section of the Brahmaputra–Jamuna River, Bangladesh, with the aim of evaluating their provenance, weathering and tectonic setting. Petrographically, the sediments are rich in quartz (68%), followed by feldspars (8.5%) and lithic grains (7%). The bulk sediment chemistry is influenced by grain size. Concentrations of TiO2, Fe2O3, MgO, K2O, P2O5, Rb, Nb, Cr, V, Y, and, Ce, Th and Ga slightly decrease with increasing SiO2/Al2O3 and grain size, suggesting clay matrix control. In contrast, concentrations of CaO, Na2O, Sr and Pb increase with increasing SiO2/Al2O3 and grain size, suggesting residence of these substances in feldspar. Decrease in Zr as grain size increases is likely controlled both by clay matrix and heavy minerals. In addition, heavy minerals' sorting also influences Ce, Th, Y and Cr abundances in some samples. The sediments are predominantly quartzose in composition with abundant low-grade metamorphic and sedimentary lithics, low feldspars and trace volcanic detritus, indicating a quartzose recycled orogen province as a source of the sediments. Discriminant diagrams together with immobile element ratio plots show that, the Brahmaputra–Jamuna River sediments are mostly derived from rocks formed in an active continental margin. Moreover, the rare earth element ratios as well as chondrite-normalized REE patterns with flat HREE, LREE enrichment, and negative Eu anomalies indicate derivation of the sediments of Brahmaputra–Jamuna River from felsic rock sources of upper continental crust (UCC). The chemical indices of alteration suggest that Brahmaputra–Jamuna River sediments are chemically immature and experienced low chemical weathering effects. In the A–CN–K ternary diagram, most of the samples close to the plagioclase–K-feldspar join line and to the UCC plot, and in the field of various lithologies of Higher Himalayan Crystalline Series, suggesting that rocks in these series are likely source rocks. Therefore, the elemental geochemistry of the Brahmaputra–Jamuna River sediments is controlled mostly by mechanical breakdown of lithic fragments and subsequent preferential attrition of muscovite > albite > quartz.  相似文献   

Paleogeographic reconstructions for the Samarovo, Taz, Murukta, and Sartan glaciations reveal the formation conditions of proglacial lakes dammed by ice in intermontane depressions and valleys of large rivers in eastern Transbaikalia. Middle-Late Pleistocene climate change is reconstructed using spore-pollen spectra from Pleistocene sediments in northern Transbaikalia. The age and lifetime of proglacial lakes are constrained by radiocarbon, thermoluminescence, and varve chronology of their bottom sediments in the periglacial zone. The lake levels remain recorded in sediments produced by deposition and erosion along the former lake shores, as well as in morphology and lithology variations of terminal moraines. A large proglacial lake, with a maximum level of 1020 m, occupied vast areas in Transbaikalia and its surroundings during the Samarovo glaciation. After the glaciers degraded, the Amur River system expanded into the area of closed lake basins in the southeastern Baikal region, including North China and Mongolia. The obtained results have implications for the Middle-Late Pleistocene history of lake deposition.  相似文献   

The Goshgarchay Cu-Au deposit is located in the central part of the northwest flank of the Murovdagh region in the Lesser Caucasus. The Goshgarchay Cu-Au deposit is associated with Middle Jurassic volcanic and Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous high-K calc-alkaline intrusive rocks. The Cu-Au mineralization is commonly related to quartz-sericite-chlorite alteration dominantly composed of chalcopyrite, gold, sphalerite, pyrite, bornite, hematite, covellite, chalcocite, malachite, and azurite. The Goshgarchay copper-gold deposit, which is 600 m wide and approximately 1.2 km long, is seen as a fault-controlled and vein-, stockwork– and disseminated type deposit. The Goshgarchay Cu-Au deposit predominantly comprises Cu (max. 64500 ppm) and Au (max. 11.3 ppm), while it comprises relatively less amounts Zn (max. 437 ppm), Mo (max. 47.5 ppm), Pb (max. 134 ppm), and Ag (max. 21 ppm). The homogenization temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions in quartz for stage I range from 380°C to 327°C, and 6.9 wt% to 2.6 wt% NaCl eq., respectively. Th and salinities in quartz for stage II range from 304°C to 253°C, and 7.6 wt% to 3.2 wt% NaCl eq., respectively. The calculated δ34Sh2s values (?1.5‰ to 5.5‰) of sulfides and especially the narrow range of δ34Sh2s values of chalcopyrite and bornite (between ?0.07‰ and +0.7‰) indicate that the source of the Goshgarchay Cu-Au mineralization is magmatic. Based on the mineralogical, geochemical, fluid inclusion, and sulfur isotopic data, the Goshgarchay Cu-Au deposit represents a late stage peripheral magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization probably underlain by a concealed porphyry deposit.  相似文献   

This work analyzes the stone superficial deterioration of some monuments in Rabat city. The rock is a calcarenite with porous texture, rich in calcium carbonates and fossils. The techniques used to study the surfaces altered by blackening or black crusts, are the SEM equipped with EDX microprobe, the X-ray diffraction, and the analysis of the soluble salts by ionic chromatography for anions and flame spectrometer for cations. They reveal significant contents of calcium sulphates, mainly gypsum, often associated with sodium chlorides. These salts known to have a destructive effect on the calcareous stones seem to be originated from the contamination by atmospheric pollutants, particularly sulfur dioxide, and by the marine sprays.  相似文献   

We present whole-rock major- and trace-element and Nd–Sr–Pbradiogenic isotope data for Cretaceous igneous suites from easternCuba. These rocks are related to the Greater Antilles paleo-islandarc magmatism and have three different igneous styles. Group1 consists of tholeiitic basalts and rare basaltic andesitesthat have normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB)-like compositionssimilar to those found in back-arc basin basalts (TiO2 = 1·2–2·9wt%; La/Yb(N) = 0·7–0·9, Th/Nb = 0·06–0·08,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·65–37·74).Group 2 comprises basaltic and rare basaltic andesitic subvolcanicdykes with major- and trace-element and isotopic compositionssimilar to those of island arc tholeiites (TiO2 = 0·7–1·4wt%; La/Yb(N) = 0·6–0·9, Th/Nb = 0·06–0·68,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·74–38·25).Group 3 is composed of low-Ti (TiO2 = 0·3–0·9wt%) calcalkaline igneous rocks that have an unambiguous subduction-relatedcharacter (La/Yb(N) = 1·1–5·0, Th/Nb = 0·35–1·55,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·94–38·39).The parental magmas of the three groups formed by variable meltingdegrees (< 5–25%) of spinel lherzolite, with more depletedmantle sources for Groups 2 and 3 than Group 1. The trace-elementand radiogenic isotope compositions of primitive Group 3 samplesare strongly bimodal. One subgroup of samples is characterizedby low Ta/Yb (0·02–0·03) and Th/La (0·10–0·13),slightly subchondritic Nb/Ta (13·3–17·3),and relatively high initial 206Pb/204Pb (18·57–18·62)and Nd (7·6–9·4). The remaining primitiveGroup 3 samples have higher Ta/Yb (0·06–0·11)and Th/La (0·24–0·32), and highly subchondriticNb/Ta (7·6–9·1), coupled with lower initial206Pb/204Pb (18·24–18·29) and Nd (3·4–5·5).These signatures were induced by two distinct slab componentsthat mainly reflect the contributions of Cretaceous Atlanticmarine and North American continental sediments, respectively.Nb/Ta in the first subgroup was influenced by melting of rutile-bearingsubducted crust, whereas in the second it was inherited fromrecycled continental sediments. The involvement of Atlanticand North American sediments in Cuban Cretaceous magmatism indicatesthat the Proto-Caribbean (North American-Proto Atlantic) lithospheresubducted beneath the Greater Antilles arc during the Late Cretaceous(pre-Campanian), consistent with geotectonic models involvingonset of SW-dipping subduction beneath the Greater Antillespaleo-arc during the Aptian. The variable mantle source depletionand magnitude of the subduction component probably reflect differentsettings across the arc, from the arc front to a back-arc spreadingridge. KEY WORDS: eastern Cuba; Greater Antilles paleo-island arc; mantle source depletion; Nb/Ta fractionation; slab component  相似文献   

王涛  王宗起  闫臻  闫全人  张英利  向忠金 《岩石学报》2009,25(12):3241-3250
秦岭造山带以商-丹构造带为界分为北秦岭和南秦岭构造带.大堡组位于南秦岭构造带内,由灰色-深灰色的泥岩、粉砂岩和炭硅板岩,以及夹含炭硅质岩、灰岩和基性火山岩块体组成.在大堡组中出露的能干上和蚂蝗峡基性岩块夹于黑色的泥岩之中,岩石地球化学分析结果表明,SiO_2含量为41.53%~53.59%,富TiO_2为2.14%~3.58%,REE的总量为∑REE=282.3×10~(-6),轻稀土元素较重稀土元素富集[(La/Yb)_N=8.34],略显Eu正异常(Eu~*=1.13~1.25),具有较高的Ti/Y(300~622)和Zr/Y(3.8~7.4)比值.大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba和K相对富集,无明显的Nb和Ta异常,其Nb和Ta值为N-MORB标准值的10~20倍,为典型洋岛玄武岩(OIB)地球化学特征.锆石SHRIMP Ⅱ U-Pb测年获得能干上和蚂蝗峡基性岩块体分别形成于446Ma和455Ma.这些资料进一步表明,奥陶纪时期南秦岭存在着古洋盆.  相似文献   

冯光英  刘飞  牛晓露  杨经绥 《岩石学报》2023,39(12):3717-3733



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