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5、制浆造纸工业水污染物排放新标准的实施 传统的制浆造纸行业历来是中国工业废水和COD的排放大户。是污染排放控制的行业。据统计,到2006年.造纸行业废水排放量仍然高达37.4亿吨,占全国重点统计企业废水排放总量的17.98%,COD排放量为155.3万吨,占全国工业COD总排放量的33.6名。造纸行业对全国工业总产值贡献率约占2名,但COD的排放却占了33%。  相似文献   

工业行业中,造纸行业对COD排放几乎占到全国工业总排放量的1/3。造纸行业污染物排放总量居高不下对完成"十一五"减排目标构成巨大威胁,  相似文献   

啤酒工业污染物排放标准于2006年实施由国家环保总局和国家质量监督检疫总局联合发布的啤酒工业污染物排放标准将从2006年1月1日起实施,该标准为强制性标准。3啤酒是酿酒业中废水和污染物排放大户,根据调查结果测算,2002年啤酒废水排放量约为2.7亿m3,年排放COD约为2.9万t,啤酒废水占全国工业废水排放总量的1.3%,所排COD占全国工业废水中COD排放总量的0.5%。啤酒工业在清洁生产和污染防治工作中虽然取得了较大的进展,吨产品废水排放量也有较大程度的降低,但随着啤酒产量的增长,废水及污染物排放总量仍有增长的趋势。据该行业预测,2010年…  相似文献   

一、行业概况 制浆造纸工业是我国国民经济的重要产业之一。1996年我国机制纸及纸板产量约2600万吨,居世界第三位。目前人均消费量20余公斤,年需进口纸及纸板400万吨左右。 我国造纸原料以非木材纤维为主,国产木浆仅占全国生产纸浆总量的10%左右;低档纸种产量比重约占总产量的50%;现有企业经1996年调整后仍有6700余家,其中年产万吨以上造纸企业1100余家;绝大部分现有企业技术装备落后,能耗物耗高,治理污染能力不足,“三废”对环境污染比较严重。据1995年环境统计公报数字,县及县以上造纸及纸制品工业废水排放23.9亿吨,占全国总排放量的11%。废水排放达标量3.3亿吨,仅占造纸废水排放量的14%。排放废水中悬浮物148万吨,占全国总排放量的18%;化学需氧量(COD)321万吨,约占全国总排放量的41%,工业固体废物产生量546万吨,占全国固体废物产生总量的0.8%。综合利用量364万吨,占造纸工业固体废物产生量的67%;工业废气排放量1937万立方米,占全国工业废气排放量的1.8%,其中二氧化硫排放量32万吨,去除量3万吨,占造  相似文献   

我们是中国浆纸业骨干企业的代表,在满足国内外市场需要,为亿万消费大众提供丰富浆纸产品的同时,我们还肩负着保护环境、造福子孙的历史重任。为此,我们将不懈努力,孜孜以求。浆纸行业是我国近年来发展迅速的产业之一,为国家经济发展作出了重大贡献。但由于种种历史原因,行业的污染状况也是十分突出的。据国家环保局的统计,造纸污水排放量为35亿t/a,占全国工业污水排放量将近20%。而主要污染物COD的排放量为288万t/a,占全国工业COD排放量将近40%。这一数字使我们这些以发展中国浆纸业为己任的企业经营管理者们无不为之汗颜,并深感各自肩…  相似文献   

2008年,我国纸和纸板总产量已达7980吨,首次超过美国,历史性地跃居世界第一.回归分析我国纸和纸板总消费量与GDP总量,两者的线性相关系数为0.9857,相关性很高,证明我国造纸工业和国家经济发展息息相关.根据国家环保部公布的数据,2007年吨纸COD排放量为21.4千克,仅为2001年的1/3,单位产品COD排放量连年下降.在我国造纸工业快速发展的同时,环境保护已经取得很大成绩.但是,造纸工业废水和COD排放量仍分别占全国工业排放总量的17%和32%,造纸工业环保事业依然任重而道远.  相似文献   

以青岛市历年环境质量报告书以及青岛市统计年鉴为依据,选取1996-2008年工业固体废弃物污染指数和经济数据,探究青岛市工业固体废弃物与经济发展之间的库兹涅茨曲线特征。结果表明,青岛市经济发展和固体废弃物污染指数可采用多项式进行拟合,随人均GDP的增长,粉煤灰产生量、冶炼废渣产生量、固体废弃物产生总量均呈明显上升趋势,但固体废弃物排放量呈总体下降趋势。多项式拟合结果显示,工业固体废弃物产生总量和粉煤灰产生量EKC曲线均呈倒U型关系,冶炼废渣产生量EKC曲线呈正U型关系,而工业固体废弃物排放量EKC曲线呈近似倒N型曲线。政府部门对工业固体废弃物的综合利用是青岛市环境库兹涅茨曲线特征的主要成因。  相似文献   

2007年全国工业废水的排放量是220亿立方米,而造纸行业的污水排放量就达到了42亿立方米,占到了全国的19.1%。2007年全国工业COD排放  相似文献   

统计了2005~2012年我国造纸工业的产品产量、主要水污染物(COD和氨氮)排放量、取水量、用水量等数据,分析了我国造纸工业单位产品的用水量和主要水污染物排放强度,并采用灰色关联度分析法对各要素与主要水污染物排放量之间的关联度进行了探讨。结果显示,2005~2012年间我国造纸工业主要水污染物的排放强度显著降低,2012年COD和氨氮的排放强度分别为5.69 kg/t产品和0.19 kg/t产品,相比2005年分别降低了77.9%和71.6%。与造纸工业主要水污染物排放量变化最密切的指标是单位产品废水排放量、单位产品取水量及主要水污染物排放强度,说明造纸工业生产工艺与污染治理水平的提升对主要水污染物排放量的降低有显著作用。  相似文献   

本刊讯(环保部消息)2014年11月24日,环境保护部官方网站公布了《2013年环境统计年报》(下称《年报》)。从《年报》看,2013年全面主要污染物排放总量有所下降,与2012年相比,化学需氧量排放量下降2.93%、氨氮排放量下降3.12%、二氧化硫排放量下降3.48%、氮氧化物排放量下降4.72%。全国废水排放总量695.4亿吨,其中,工业废水排放量209.8亿吨。废水中化学需氧量排放量2352.7万吨,其中,工业源化学需氧量排放量为319.5万吨;废水中氨氮排放量245.7万吨,其中,工业源氨氮排放量为24.6万吨。  相似文献   

针对全球正面临着化石能源趋紧、温室气体排放过剩的问题,减污降碳要求已经迫在眉睫,作为支柱产业之一,纺织工业的低碳绿色发展对工业领域实现双碳目标有重要意义.首先,从全产业链分析了中国纺织工业产生能耗和排污的环节,剖析了纺织品从原料加工、染整加工以及成品加工过程中碳排放的主要环节和降碳潜力,然后对推动降碳的污染治理和资源回...  相似文献   

A comprehensive Pb-Sr-Nd isotope tracer study of atmospheric trace metal pollution has been performed in the urban environment of Strasbourg-Kehl. Filter dust of the principal pollutant sources (waste incinerators, thermal power plant and steel plant) and soot of car and ship exhausts have been analyzed. In addition tree barks (as biomonitors) and PM10 have been analyzed to trace and determine the distribution of the pollution in the environment. The industrial sources have highly variable epsilonNd values (-9.7 and -12.5 for incinerators and -17.5 for steel plant). Much higher epsilonNd values have been found for soot of car exhausts (-6 and -6.9). These high values make the Nd isotope system a powerful tool for the discrimination of traffic emissions but especially for the identification of diesel derived particles in the urban environment. The 206Pb/207Pb isotope ratios of gasoline are low (1.089) compared to diesel soot (1.159). The 26Pb/207Pb ratios of 1.151-1.152 for the steel plant and 1.152 for the solid waste incinerator are close to the Pb isotope ratio of diesel. The 87Sr/ 8Sr isotope ratios of the principal industrial sources vary significantly: 0.7095 for the domestic solid waste incinerator, 0.709 for the steel plant, and 0.7087 for car exhaust soot. PM10 aerosols collected in the urban center of Strasbourg show the influence of the pollutant sources at 3-7 km distance from the center. Most of the aerosols Pb isotopic compositions suggest Pb admixtures from at least three sources: a natural background and in function of the wind direction the domestic waste incinerator (S-wind) or the steel plant and the chemical waste incinerator (NE-wind). The traffic contribution can only be estimated with help of Nd isotopes. Therefore the clear identification of different pollutant sources in the urban environment is only possible by combining the three different isotope systems and is based on the fact that significant differences exist between the Pb, Sr, and Nd isotope ratios of the natural atmospheric background and pollutants containing Pb, Sr, and Nd of industrial origin with similar variable 206Pb/207Pb, 87Sr/ 86Sr, and 143Nd/144Nd.  相似文献   

工业化进程不断加快的过程中,会消耗大量资源,也会产生大量废气污染物,尤其是重化工比重的持续上升,使得工业废气排放量逐渐提升,环境污染越发严重.在可持续发展背景下,工业领域势必要加强废气污染源的监测,通过科学、全面地监测发现污染源头,并从源头进行治理.现阶段我国工业废气污染监测还存在一些不足.只有针对性地解决这些问题,并制定完善的优化策略,才能更好地促进我国工业稳定、持续地发展.  相似文献   

A total of 26 suspended sediment samples collected over a 5-year period in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario, Canada and surrounding creeks were analyzed for a suite of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and sulfur heterocycles. Hamilton Harbour sediments contain relatively high levels of polycyclic aromatic compounds and heavy metals due to emissions from industrial and mobile sources. Two receptor modeling methods using factor analyses were compared to determine the profiles and relative contributions of pollution sources to the harbor; these methods are principal component analyses (PCA) with multiple linear regression analysis (MLR) and positive matrix factorization (PMF). Both methods identified four factors and gave excellent correlation coefficients between predicted and measured levels of 25 aromatic compounds; both methods predicted similar contributions from coal tar/coal combustion sources to the harbor (19 and 26%, respectively). One PCA factor was identified as contributions from vehicular emissions (61%); PMF was able to differentiate vehicular emissions into two factors, one attributed to gasoline emissions sources (28%) and the other to diesel emissions sources (24%). Overall, PMF afforded better source identification than PCA with MLR. This work constitutes one of the few examples of the application of PMF to the source apportionment of sediments; the addition of sulfur heterocycles to the analyte list greatly aided in the source identification process.  相似文献   

Human activities have intensely altered the global nitrogen cycle and produced nitrogenous gases of environmental significance, especially in China where the most serious atmospheric nitrogen pollution worldwide exists. We present a comprehensive assessment of ammonia (NH(3)), nitrogen oxides (NO(x)), and nitrous oxide (N(2)O) emissions in China based on a full cycle analysis. Total reactive nitrogen (Nr) emission more than doubled over the past three decades, during which the trend of increase slowed for NH(3) emissions after 2000, while the trend of increase continued to accelerate for NO(x) and N(2)O emissions. Several hotspots were identified, and their Nr emissions were about 10 times higher than others. Agricultural sources take 95% of total NH(3) emission; fossil fuel combustion accounts for 96% of total NO(x) emission; agricultural (51%) and natural sources (forest and surface water, 39%) both contribute to the N(2)O emission in China. Total atmospheric Nr emissions related health damage in 2008 in China reached US$19-62 billion, accounting for 0.4-1.4% of China's gross domestic product, of which 52-60% were from NH(3) emission and 39-47% were from NO(x) emission. These findings provide policy makers an integrated view of Nr sources and health damage to address the significant challenges associated with the reduction of air pollution.  相似文献   

Combustion emissions are a major contributor to degradation of air quality and pose a risk to human health. We evaluate and apply a multiscale air quality modeling system to assess the impact of combustion emissions on UK air quality. Epidemiological evidence is used to quantitatively relate PM(2.5) exposure to risk of early death. We find that UK combustion emissions cause ~13,000 premature deaths in the UK per year, while an additional ~6000 deaths in the UK are caused by non-UK European Union (EU) combustion emissions. The leading domestic contributor is transport, which causes ~7500 early deaths per year, while power generation and industrial emissions result in ~2500 and ~830 early deaths per year, respectively. We estimate the uncertainty in premature mortality calculations at -80% to +50%, where results have been corrected by a low modeling bias of 28%. The total monetized life loss in the UK is estimated at £6-62bn/year or 0.4-3.5% of gross domestic product. In Greater London, where PM concentrations are highest and are currently in exceedance of EU standards, we estimate that non-UK EU emissions account for 30% of the ~3200 air quality-related deaths per year. In the context of the European Commission having launched infringement proceedings against the UK Government over exceedances of EU PM air quality standards in London, these results indicate that further policy measures should be coordinated at an EU-level because of the strength of the transboundary component of PM pollution.  相似文献   

Global aerosol direct radiative forcing (DRF) is an important metric for assessing potential climate impacts of future emissions changes. However, the radiative consequences of emissions perturbations are not readily quantified nor well understood at the level of detail necessary to assess realistic policy options. To address this challenge, here we show how adjoint model sensitivities can be used to provide highly spatially resolved estimates of the DRF from emissions of black carbon (BC), primary organic carbon (OC), sulfur dioxide (SO(2)), and ammonia (NH(3)), using the example of emissions from each sector and country following multiple Representative Concentration Pathway (RCPs). The radiative forcing efficiencies of many individual emissions are found to differ considerably from regional or sectoral averages for NH(3), SO(2) from the power sector, and BC from domestic, industrial, transportation and biomass burning sources. Consequently, the amount of emissions controls required to attain a specific DRF varies at intracontinental scales by up to a factor of 4. These results thus demonstrate both a need and means for incorporating spatially refined aerosol DRF into analysis of future emissions scenario and design of air quality and climate change mitigation policies.  相似文献   

This study set out to identify possible PCDD/F emission sources for different atmospheric environments in a highly industrialized city located in southern Taiwan. We collected stack flue gas samples from five main stationary emission sources of the municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs), medical waste incinerators (MWIs), electric arc furnaces (EAFs), secondary aluminum smelters (ALSs), and sinter plants to assess the characteristics of their PCDD/F emissions. For mobile sources, congener profiles reported in U.S. EPA's database for unleaded gas-fueled vehicles (UGFV) and diesel-fueled vehicles (DFV) were directly adopted owing to lack of local data. The congener profiles of the 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/Fs were selected as the signatures of these PCDD/F emission sources. We conducted PCDD/F samplings on atmospheric environments of four categories, including background, residential area, traffic area, and industrial area. Through PCA and cluster analyses, we found that traffic areas were most influenced by PCDD/F emissions from UGFV and DFV, while those of industrial areas were mainly influenced by metallurgical facilities and MWIs. The above results were further examined by using the methodology of the indicatory PCDD/Fs. We confirmed that traffic areas were contributed by traffic sources, but industrial areas were simply affected by metallurgical facilities rather than MWIs. In conclusion, besides the use of PCA and cluster analyses, the methodology of the indicatory PCDD/Fs should be conducted for further validation in order to prevent misjudgment.  相似文献   

了解北京市丰台区部分市售食品中镉的污染状况。方法 采取分层随机抽样方法,2011—2012年间采集丰台区大型农副产品批发市场、商场超市、农贸市场共6类215份市售食品样品,按照GB/T 5009.15—2003《食品中镉的测定方法》对样品进行前处理,采用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法检测镉含量。结果 2011—2012年监测样品中镉的检出率为76.7%(165/215);按照GB 2762—2012规定的限量值,以及根据鲜香菇的含水量进行折算后的干香菇的限量值进行比较,则2011—2012年监测样品的合格率为100%。结论 丰台区各类市售食品镉污染水平总体是安全的,但各类市售食品都有检出镉,说明存在不同程度的污染,需要加强监测,控制污染,保障人群的健康。  相似文献   

实验结果显示,在常温环境下,反应器受温度影响较小.温度由35℃变为25℃时,出水COD浓度有所增加但不明显,COD去除效率及产气量有所降低但也不明显.在低温环境下,反应器处理效率大大降低,出水COD浓度大大增加、VFAs含量也急剧上升,COD去除效率及产气量下降显著,膜污染周期也缩短明显.但与普通厌氧反应器(厌氧流化床...  相似文献   

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