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好氧污泥对季铵盐吸附性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
试验对比了苄基季铵盐(BAC)在好氧活性污泥和灭活好氧污泥的吸附平衡和吸附动力学。结果表明,2种污泥对BAC的吸附都在30 min达到平衡;随着BAC初始含量的增大,好氧污泥的吸附量增大,吸附率降低;伪2级较伪1级反应动力学模型更符合吸附试验。15~35℃下,BAC在好氧活性污泥的吸附行为可以很好地用Langmuir和Freundlich吸附等温方程描述,温度升高吸附能力降低,在15、25、35℃时,最大吸附量分别为315、307、277mg·g-1;25℃时灭活好氧污泥对BAC的吸附方程也同时符合Langmuir和Freundlich方程,最大吸附量为210.7 mg·g-1。好氧活性污泥的吸附性能强于灭活好氧污泥,2者都能有效地的吸附去除BAC。  相似文献   

污泥吸附性能的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以处理城市污水的好氧污泥和厌氧污泥为对象,考察污泥浓度、吸附时间、温度和进水水质对污泥吸附性能的影响。研究表明:增加污泥浓度和进水有机物浓度有利于提高好氧和厌氧污泥的吸附性能:温度增加时,好氧污泥和厌氧污泥的吸附性能下降;好氧污泥和厌氧污泥对污水中有机物的吸附在15min基本达到平衡:在相同的试验条件下,好氧污泥的吸附性能强于厌氧污泥。  相似文献   

活性污泥对污水中有机物的吸附性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了活性污泥对废水中有机物的吸附效果,幵以废水中COD的浓度为考察指标,对活性污泥吸附水中有机物影响的因素迚行了探讨。结果表明:活性污泥对废水中的有机物的吸附效果较好,以生物吸附为主;同时,对pH为8、温度为30℃的模拟废水,以4 000 mg/L的污泥的浓度对废水中的有机物吸附14 h,废水中的COD的去除率可达91.6%。  相似文献   

用久置污泥、好氧活性污泥、厌氧活性污泥对阳离子染料亚甲蓝进行吸附研究,考察了吸附平衡时间、吸附等温线、吸附动力学、pH、离子浓度.污泥量对吸附亚甲蓝的影响.结果表明,3种污泥对亚甲蓝都具有良好的吸附效果,好氧活性污泥对亚甲蓝的吸附等温式同时符合Langmuir和Freundlich方程,久置污泥和厌氧活性污泥对亚甲蓝的吸附更符合Freundlich 方程;3种污泥对亚甲蓝的吸附行为符合很2级反应动力学;pH<2时3种污泥对亚甲蓝的去除率偏低,久置污泥和好氧活性污泥在pH3~12、厌氧活性污泥在pH5~12对亚甲蓝的吸附性能稳定;10mg·L~(-4)的醋酸钠可以有效促进3种污泥对亚甲蓝的吸附,促进作用随着醋酸钠浓度的升高逐渐减弱,但高浓度的醋酸钠对亚甲蓝的吸附没有明显影响.  相似文献   

采用活性污泥联合聚丙烯酰吸附去除废水中镉离子,研究活性污泥投加量、溶液pH、温度、PAM投加量对去除镉的影响。结果表明,对于初始浓度100 mg/L的含镉溶液,活性污泥@PAM去除水中镉的最优条件为:污泥投加量0. 54 g,反应pH=5. 686,浓度0. 3%PAM溶液投加量为3. 017 m L,此时水中Cd的去除率可达97. 08%。等温吸附和吸附动力学实验表明,Langmuir等温吸附模型和二级反应动力学模型能够更好地描述镉离子在活性污泥@PAM体系中的吸附行为,表明吸附过程主要以单分子层吸附为主,受到化学吸附机理的控制。  相似文献   

以石化企业干化剩余活性污泥为炭源前体、ZnCl2溶液为活化剂,在613℃条件下炭化70min制得了碘值为683.40mg/g、产率为55.5%的污泥基活性炭(SAC,sludge-based activated carbon)样品,并进一步利用不同浓度的HNO3、H2SO4和H2O2溶液为改性剂对SAC氧化改性,通过碘值测定、BET、Boehm滴定、ICP、FTIR、XRD、SEM、TEM等手段对改性前后SAC样品进行了表征分析和对比研究。结果表明,HNO3和H2SO4改性后SAC的BET比表面积、孔容、碘值均明显增加,可有效提高SAC吸附性能,当HNO3浓度为0.5mol/L、H2SO4浓度为1.0mol/L时改性效果最好,动态吸附甲苯的吸附量较改性前分别提高了38.80%和27.19%,吸附穿透时间也明显延长;而对于H2O2溶液为改性剂,总体上不利于SAC吸附性能的提高。对甲苯吸附效果最好的几种改性SAC材料进行再生性能测试,均展现了良好的再生循环利用性能。  相似文献   

阐述了污泥焚烧灰渣的组成及性质,介绍了其吸附性能在治理废水中的研究进展。综述了污泥焚烧灰渣酸处理、盐和碱处理和微波处理等改性方法在废水处理研究领域的应用,指出了污泥焚烧灰渣吸附的应用前景。  相似文献   

郭莹  崔康平 《广东化工》2013,(15):3-4,6
以污水厂的剩余污泥为原料,采用化学活化法制备污泥活性炭,全面研究了吸附时间、pH、温度和离子强度对污泥活性炭吸附罗丹明效果的影响,确定了三种温度下(25℃、35℃、45℃)的吸附等温模型和吸附动力学模型。结果表明:最佳吸附时间为25 h,此时吸附率达96.56%;35℃时吸附率效果最佳;碱性条件下吸附效果较好;离子强度对于吸附行为影响不大。其吸附规律可用Freundlich模型描述,其动力学参数符合伪二级动力学模型。  相似文献   

污泥质活性炭吸附剂的制备和吸附性能研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了目前污泥质活性炭吸附剂制备方法及在治污方面的应用进展。阐述了污泥直接干化法、传统活性炭活化碳化法和微波活化碳化法等制备方法的研究现状,指出向污泥中添加金属氧化物、聚合物以及相应的辅料,可改变污泥碳的结构,提高吸附去污效能。初步探讨了污泥质活性炭吸附剂的除污机制和朗格缪尔及弗兰德利希模型的应用研究。  相似文献   

李鑫  蒋白懿  孙志民  徐晓然 《辽宁化工》2010,39(2):157-159,163
采用MLSS为6000mg/L的活性污泥为吸附剂,对水样进行三级吸附试验,研究了在不同的曝气时间、pH和污泥浓度对活性污泥吸附量的影响及活性污泥吸附深度处理垃圾渗滤液的吸附等温线。试验结果表明:活性污泥吸附平衡时间为2h,pH为3~9时,活性污泥吸附量几乎不变。随着污泥浓度的升高,活性污泥的吸附量增大,污泥浓度升至6000mg/L后吸附量变化不大。一级、二级活性污泥吸附等温线更好的符合Freundlich公式等温式,吸附常数n介于1~10之间,说明活性污泥是良好的吸附剂,三级活性污泥吸附等温线则更好的符合Iangmuir公式等温式。  相似文献   

活性污泥工艺中,曝气时间是影响系统处理效果的重要运行参数。研究了曝气时间对污泥吸附性能和聚集性能的影响,考察了期间胞外聚合物(EPS)特性。结果表明,当有机负荷为100 mg[CODCr]/g[MLSS]时,恢复污泥性能的最佳曝气时间为2 h,过长的时间将降低其性能。污泥性能与LB-EPS和TB-EPS的质量比及多糖和蛋白质的质量比具有负相关性。曝气使污泥EPS中的LB-EPS和TB-EPS的质量比及多糖和蛋白质的质量比均下降,从而使得絮体中具有更多的氢键缔合倾向的官能团,提高了活性污泥絮体的吸附聚集性能。  相似文献   

通过活性污泥对阿特拉津的等温吸附和动力学吸附试验,研究了活性污泥对阿特拉津的吸附特性。结果表明:活性污泥对阿特拉津具有一定的吸附能力,且加入HgCl后吸附效果较好,原因是抑制微生物活性的污泥,化学稳定性好,吸附能力也相应加强;另外,硝化污泥对阿特拉津的吸附能力要好于普通活性污泥;伪二级动力学方程和颗粒内扩散方程能更好地拟合活性污泥对阿特拉津的动力学吸附特征,表明吸附是化学吸附和颗粒扩散共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

EM菌液在活性污泥系统中的实验研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
朱亮  朱雪诞 《工业水处理》2001,21(10):13-15
有效微生物应用于活性污泥系统中,分别进行了EM复壮、EM投加及EM絮凝性能的研究。研究表明:用糖蜜、蜂蜜及高浓度污水均能有效的复壮EM;在活性污泥系统中投EM液,可以提高系统的处理效率;EM复活液具有一定的生物絮凝性能。  相似文献   

主要考察了膜生物反应器和传统活性污泥工艺之间的差异,分别从污泥驯化、出水质量、生物相、混合液污泥的物理特性、反应器内微生物累积情况几方面分析它们的不同之处。总的来说,膜生物反应器结合生物化学降解作用和膜分离的特点,与传统活性污泥工艺相比有许多优势,在废水处理工程中更有应用前景。  相似文献   

活性污泥吸附重金属离子的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从处理含重金属离子废水的现状出发,简述了活性污泥吸附重金属离子过程中的表面有机络合、离子交换及其它机理;讨论了温度、时间、pH值、污泥种类、预处理、重金属离子浓度等因素对活性污泥吸附重金属离子的影响,并对解吸方式进行了论述;综述了目前国内外有关活性污泥吸附重金属离子的最新研究成果,指明了进一步加强吸附机理和固定化技术以提高活性污泥应用性的研究是今后的方向。  相似文献   

The filtration performances of submerged membrane bioreactors (SMBR) with and without the addition of powdered activated carbon (PAC) were investigated respectively under the same feed and operation conditions. A series of experiments were conducted to analyze near-critical flux, effect of air-scouring rate and time of stable filtration operation of both systems. The experimental results demonstrated that pronounced flux enhancement was achieved by adding 1.2 g/L PAC. The near-critical flux for the biological powdered activated carbon (BPAC) system was about 32% higher than that for the activated sludge (AS) system. Increasing the air-scouring rate led to a more significant flux improvement for the BPAC system compared to the AS system. Long-term operation indicated that, at constant flux, the TMP increasing rate of the BPAC system could be lagged and thus cause the extension of operating intervals about 1.8 times compared to the AS system. Quantitative calculations showed the total hydraulic resistance of the BPAC system was about 44% lower than that of the AS system, and this decrease was mainly caused by the reduction in cake resistance. Analyses were then made from various aspects such as floc size distribution and apparent viscosity of the mixed liquor to elucidate the major factors giving rise to different filtration characteristics.  相似文献   

Surplus sludge produced during the biological treatment of wastewater requires costly disposal procedures. With increasing environmental and legislative constraints, increasing sludge production and more limited disposal options, new recycling alternatives have to be found. The possibility of obtaining activated carbons from surplus biological sludge by chemical activation with H2SO4 has been investigated. Operational parameters such as the amount of H2SO4 added, the temperature, and activation time were modified to ascertain their influence on the quality of the activated carbon obtained. The quality of the sludge‐based activated carbons was evaluated by established characterisation parameters for adsorption from solution such as phenol value, iodine number, methylene blue number and tannin value and compared with commercial activated carbons. Activation at 700 °C for 30 min in the presence of 0.5 cm3 H2SO4 g?1 dry solids in the sludge led to an activated carbon with a good capacity for iodine and tannic acid. The sludge‐derived activated carbon obtained is mesoporous in nature with a high presence of large macropores. Weak and moderate acidic surface functional groups were detected on the surface, which impart a hydrophilic nature to the solid. When compared with a commercial activated carbon, the sludge‐derived activated carbon performed better when removing dyes with a high presence of anionic solubilising groups and heavy metals. The results indicate that COD adsorption from a biologically‐treated effluent may also be an area for application. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Both ferric iron Fe(III) and ferrous iron Fe(II) salts are commonly used for chemical phosphorus removal (CPR) in the activated sludge (AS) process but only a few studies have compared Fe(III) and Fe(II) salts regarding their effect on the physical and biological properties of AS. In this research, the units of a continuous flow laboratory‐scale AS plant were dosed with Fe(III) and Fe(II) salts at a concentration of 25 mg Fe dm?3 feed and changes in the AS properties were measured as Fe accumulated or washed out during startup, normal operation and withdrawal of dosing. RESULTS: The morphological characteristics of the flocs showed marked differences depending on the type of ion used. Fe(II) dosed flocs were more compact, less filamentous and smaller in size than Fe(III) dosed flocs. The settleability index of the Fe(II) dosed sludge was lower than that of the Fe(III) dosed sludge. The activity of ammonium (NH4+‐N) and nitrite (NO2?‐N) oxidizing bacteria was found to be affected by the accumulation of Fe relating products into the sludge. CONCLUSIONS: Fe(II) was a more effective flocculent than Fe(III) and this was attributed to its ability to form stronger ionic bonds with the flocs prior to its oxidation to Fe(III). A hypothesis explaining the mode of action of Fe(II) is proposed. Floc surface properties were enhanced, this being beneficial to the morphological characteristics and settleability with further implications for the operation of AS. However, the effect may be reversed at high Fe contents. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

剩余污泥发酵同步反硝化系统污泥减量及反硝化性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引言城市污水生物处理系统反硝化的顺利进行通常需要足够的碳源保证[1],而我国大部分污水厂存在碳源不足的问题,许多工艺中外加碳源的投加[2-3]大大增加了运行成本及控制系统的复杂性。剩余污泥的处理处置是城市污水处理厂的另一重点和难点[4]。为了实现剩余污泥的减量化和资源化[5-6],  相似文献   

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