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微型真空电子器件和太赫兹辐射源技术进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
廖复疆 《电子学报》2003,31(9):1361-1364
微加工技术为真空电子技术的发展提供了新的领域和新的应用.场致发射阵列阴极(FEA)是最突出的代表.本文综述了FEA近年来的发展,特别给出了我所在FEA研究方面的新进展.已经获得5 A/cm2左右的电流密度,为进一步的应用奠定了良好的基础.国际上正在开展微型真空电子器件研究,该项研究将导致微波管体积、重量、成本的降低和工作频率、可靠性的进一步提高.微型真空电子器件可为太赫兹频域提供1W的大功率发射源.  相似文献   

Though wire grid and strip polarizers are widely used for control of submillimeter radiation, both calculated and experimentally measured values of their transmission are often contradict one another. We have measured the transmission of wire and thin-film photolithographic polarizers at a wavelength of 0.13-mm using 100 W free electron laser radiation and compared the results with previous experiments and calculations. Using a thin-film photolithographic polarizer we showed that radiation of the Novosibirsk FEL after traveling through a 14-m beamline is plane-polarized with the degree of polarization better than 99.6%.  相似文献   

Free electron lasers (FEL) are the lasers which utilize the phenomenon of stimulated undulator radiation. Now they are the most powerful sources of electromagnetic radiation with frequency tunable from 1 to 10 THz. Contrary to most lasers, motion of an electron in the FEL may be described by classical mechanics and classical electrodynamics. Therefore they belong to the family of vacuum electronic devices, such as traveling wave tubes or klystrons. The basics of the FEL physics are discussed. General considerations are clarified through some examples. The Novosibirsk THz FEL is described briefly.  相似文献   

Generation of a sheet beam directly from a scandia-doped dispenser cathode has been investigated and optimized by means of beam-profile simulations and measurements. Rectangular beams 600 mum wide and 100 mum thick with current densities over 50 A/cm2 have been generated. The beams are stable for at least several hundred hours with the cathodes operating at 950degCb, making them promising candidates for application in the next generation of terahertz vacuum electron devices such as a 0.5-THz superradiant Smith-Purcell radiation source.  相似文献   

Sub-THz radiation can be generated by conversion of plasma waves into electromagnetic (EM) radiation in a plasma with strong Langmuir (LT) turbulence produced via a two-stream instability of a high current relativistic electron beam (REB). Nonlinear plasmon-plasmon merging results in the generation of photons nearby the 2nd harmonic of the plasma frequency 2ω p (“2ω p -process”). For plasma densities of 1014???1015?cm?3, these frequencies are in the range of sub-THz waves at 370–570 GHz. The specific power density of sub-THz-wave emission from plasmas in the multi-mirror magnetic trap GOL-3 (at BINP) during injection of a 10-μs-REB with a current density of about 1 kA/cm2 at plasma densities n e ?≈?5?1014?cm?3, electron temperatures T e ?≈?1.5 keV and magnetic induction B?≈?4 T was measured to be approx. 1 kW/cm3 in the frequency band around 300 GHz. In the case of a weakly relativistic 100-μs-electron beam (90 keV) with 250 A/cm2 the corresponding results are 700 W/cm3 around 90 GHz with an efficiency of 1–2 % at n e ?≈?3?1013?cm?3 (total power?≈?30 kW). Theoretical investigations show that at a density of n e ?≈?3?1015?cm?3 and a turbulence level of 5 % the generated sub-THz power can reach?≈?1 MW/cm3.  相似文献   

A terahertz dual-mode extended interaction oscillator (EIO) driven by a pseudospark-sourced sheet electron beam (SEB) was presented. The major advantages of the newly developed circuit include 1) high-density SEB interacting with the TM11 and TM31 modes, respectively, and 2) high output power of over 1 kW at the sub-terahertz frequency range. Two different types of 2π modes and their output characteristics were studied, and the circuit was optimized to ensure efficient outputs of two standing-wave modes. The three-dimensional (3D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation predicts the maximum output power of 1.3 kW with the 3-dB bandwidth of ~0.5 GHz at 303 GHz when operating at the TM11 mode, and 3.18 kW with the 3-dB bandwidth of ~0.85 GHz at 364 GHz when operating at the TM31 mode.  相似文献   

传统的微波源主要由行波管、磁控管、返波管等电真空器件实现,但因其工作电压高、功耗大、体积大,导致在使用安全性、利用效率和便携性等方面存在不足。而微波固态源由于具有效率高、谐波抑制性能好、稳定性高等优点,正逐步替代传统微波源,有着很好的发展空间。设计了一种紧凑型大功率微波固态源,采用锁相环作为信源,通过三级功放级联对微波信号进行逐级放大,最终输出频率为915 MHz、功率为300 W 的微波信号。测试结果表明该固态源的工作效率≥70%,二次谐波抑制≤-40 dBc,三次谐波抑制≤-50 dBc。该设计在微波加热和解冻等方面具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

研究了在预调制成团的电子注经过孔阵列时所激发的Smith-Purcell超辐射现象。基于Smith-Purcell辐射公式,利用三维模拟软件对采用的结构进行模拟仿真,得到在太赫兹频率段的超辐射电磁波。采用对冲光栅来对直流电子注进行调制,理论求解了对冲光栅中的色散方程,并对其进行数值计算,得其色散曲线。选取发射电压U=50kV,发射电流I=30A/cm2,通过色散曲线得到该对冲光栅的注波互作用频率点在0.3THz,最终的仿真结果为0.31THz,两者有较好的吻合度。孔阵列采用的是周期为0.3mm的单排孔阵列,由Smith-Purcell辐射公式计算电子注二次谐波0.62THz的辐射角度为60°,仿真结果与理论分析保持高度一致。通过对辐射区Ez(t)场的观察,发现二次谐波场的幅值是其基波场幅值的5倍多,说明大部分能量集中在二倍频0.62THz上,这与理论分析吻合较好。  相似文献   

The special position of terahertz wave in the electromagnetic spectrum makes it possess the characteristics of orientation, broadband, penetration and low energy, which promotes the extensive research of terahertz wave in the fields of communication, radar, imaging,sensing, security inspection and so on. The solid-state terahertz sources based on semiconductor devices have attracted extensive attention in the field of terahertz information technology due to their characteristics such as being ab...  相似文献   

We perform a comprehensive study on the emission from finite arrays of patch antenna microcavities designed for the terahertz range by using a finite element method. The emission properties including quality factors, far-field pattern, and photon extraction efficiency are investigated for etched and non-etched structures as a function of the number of resonators, the dielectric layer thickness, and period of the array. In addition, the simulations are achieved for lossy and perfect metals and dielectric layers, allowing to extract the radiative and non-radiative contributions to the total quality factors of the arrays. Our study shows that this structure can be optimized to obtain low beam divergence (FWHM <10°) and photon extraction efficiencies >50% while keeping a strongly localized mode. These results show that the use of these microcavities would lead to efficient terahertz emitters with a low divergence vertical emission and engineered losses.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于开口圆环结构的太赫兹分束器,其由两种单元结构组成,这两种结构的区别在于是否存在底层连续金属层,这两种结构的顶层金属图案由开口圆环组成,介质层为聚酰亚胺薄膜。通过改变开口圆环的开口大小和半径排列构成了8×8的相位梯度超表面。当太赫兹波分别沿-z轴方向和+z轴方向垂直入射时,电磁波会被分成沿x,y轴对称但能量分布不同的四束波,两种入射模式能够得到两种不同的分束比。在0.7 THz下,当太赫兹波分别沿-z轴方向和+z轴方向垂直入射时,其分束比分别为0.8∶1和1.9∶1,实现对分束比的调谐。此分束器具有体积小、成本低的优点,可应用于太赫兹通信、太赫兹成像和太赫兹隐身等领域。  相似文献   

讨论了聚焦电子束曝光中的邻近效应问题,阐述了扫描隧道显微镜的原理和工作方式。把扫描隧道显微技术用于低能电子束的光刻,不仅能提高图形的分辨率,而且使电子束加工工艺不再局限于真空环境。对曝光电子的能量和线条宽度之间的关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

太赫兹涡旋波束可以提高雷达通信系统通信容量及成像系统的分辨率,如何有效地产生这种波束成为近期研究热点之一。为了克服传统方式的缺点,该文设计加工了5个工作在太赫兹频段的反射型超表面,它们可以产生±1、±2和3共5个不同模态的涡旋波束。为了避免馈源对涡旋波束的遮挡,通过平面反射阵原理控制了波束的偏转方向。超表面单元为3层结构,其中,上层为金属结构,控制上层结构中8个枝节的长度,可以在基本不改变超表面单元反射系数的情况下,调整它的反射相位。中间层为介质层,为了使超表面单元有较高的反射系数,介质层下方为一金属地。超表面单元仿真显示,其同极化反射率在90%以上,相位分布也满足超表面设计需求。超表面的仿真及测试结果表明,在340 GHz附近,不同超表面在设计的方向上产生了对应模态的涡旋波束,并且涡旋波束中的主模态能量占比最高。   相似文献   

太赫兹辐射源的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谷智  陈沅  李焕勇  介万奇 《红外技术》2011,33(5):252-256,261
太赫兹技术在物理、化学等基础研究学科,以及安全检查、空间通信等应用学科都具有重要的研究价值和应用前景,而太赫兹辐射源正是太赫兹技术发展的关键部分.概述了基于激光光学技术、真空电子技术和超快激光技术产生太赫兹辐射的常用方法和主要特点,以及目前的研究状况,并对这各种太赫兹波辐射源的发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

基于超快电子自旋动力学的太赫兹辐射研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了近年来利用超快自旋动力学过程产生太赫兹(THz)辐射的研究进展。介绍了基于逆自旋霍尔效应和逆Rashba-Edelstein效应的瞬态自旋流-电荷流转换,指出铁磁/非磁性异质结构已被用于设计低成本、高效率的THz辐射源。通过优化膜厚、生长条件、衬底和结构,可进一步提高基于自旋电子学的THz发射器的效率和带宽。简述了THz发射光谱在研究超快自旋泽贝克效应形成动力学中的应用。  相似文献   

In this review paper, we present the recent progress in the development of a series of gyrotrons at the Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, University of Fukui, that have opened the road to many novel applications in the high-power terahertz science and technology. The current status of the research in this actively developing field is illustrated by the most representative examples in which the developed gyrotrons are used as powerful and frequency-tunable sources of coherent radiation operating in a continuous-wave regime. Among them are high-precision spectroscopic techniques (most notably dynamic nuclear polarization-nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance, X-ray detected magnetic resonance, and studies of the hyperfine splitting of the energy levels of positronium), treatment and characterization of advanced materials, and new medical technologies.  相似文献   

基于非线性光学技术的THz源具有其独特的性能和优点,将基于非线性光学差频原理和光学参量效应,从理论上研究并分析THz波与抽运光、闲频光及相位匹配角之间的关系,得到THz波输出的条件和范围,并设计出宽波段连续可调的THz源。以调QNd∶YAG激光器和光学参量振荡器(OPO)作为抽运源,以GaSe和MgO∶LiNbO3晶体作为差频非线性晶体,根据相位匹配理论及光学参量效应,搭建两套THz波产生系统。其中,基于光学参量效应的THz辐射源有效地产生出THz信号。  相似文献   

We present the design of a compact measurement device to determine the position of a beam in a radio optical setup. The unit is used to align the Terahertz optics of the GREAT instrument on the airborne astronomical observatory SOFIA.  相似文献   

基于Maxwell方程组的经舆理论,对于腔的菲涅耳数不满足远远大于1的条件时的光束传播问题,利用衍射积分方程理论进行求解.根据菲涅耳-基尔霍夫衍射积分方程建立数值模型,采用matlab数值模拟的方法,对环型激光束传输方向的近场及远场强度的空间分布进行了分析.  相似文献   

Principles and mechanisms of generation of terahertz electromagnetic oscillations by generators based on solid-state micro- and nanostructures are discussed. Parameters of experimental models of such devices are given. A theoretical model of terahertz radiation in magnetic metal junctions is presented, and the possibility of varying the frequency of a spin-injection terahertz oscillator is demonstrated. The results of development of methods for examining the spectral characteristics of radiation in the 0.15–80 THz range with a spectral resolution of up to 1.8 GHz are detailed.  相似文献   

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