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目的 探讨富自体浓缩生长因子纤维蛋白液联合Bio-Oss骨粉对口腔种植引导性骨再生术后黏膜愈合和骨缺损再生的影响。方法 选择2016年10月—2018年12月濮阳市油田总医院口腔科接诊的83例上颌单个前牙缺失伴唇侧骨缺损患者,将其分为2组,实验组(42例)采用富自体浓缩生长因子纤维蛋白液+Bio-Oss骨粉引导骨再生,对照组(41例)采用Bio-Oss骨粉引导骨再生。随访2组患者术后7 d、6周、1年手术区黏膜愈合程度、种植体成功率、骨缺损再生情况、疼痛程度和其他并发症等的发生情况。观察2组种植体成功率和术后并发症,以及术后黏膜颜色、肿胀程度、出血指数、探诊深度、附着丧失、植骨高度、成骨厚度的差异。采用SPSS 25.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果 2组种植体成功率无统计学差异(95.24% ∶ 97.56%,P>0.05),实验组并发症发生率显著低于对照组(2.38% ∶ 14.63%,P<0.05),实验组黏膜颜色、肿胀度评分显著低于对照组[(0.65±0.03)分 ∶ (2.01±0.15)分、(1.10±0.37)分 ∶ (2.69±0.54)分,P<0.05],出血指数、探诊深度、附着丧失显著低于对照组[(0.35±0.05) ∶ (0.49±0.09)、(3.39±0.62)mm ∶ (4.41±0.95)mm、(3.02±0.66)mm ∶ (5.31±0.91)mm,P<0.05],植骨高度、成骨高度显著高于对照组[(2.61±0.50)mm ∶ (2.20±0.31)mm、(2.53±0.34)mm ∶ (2.02±0.27)mm,P<0.05],实验组术后疼痛程度显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 富自体浓缩生长因子纤维蛋白液联合Bio-Oss骨粉可有效促进口腔种植引导骨再生术后黏膜愈合和骨缺损再生,减轻术后疼痛和并发症。  相似文献   

朱靖恺  刘艳  谢超  段妍  马威 《口腔医学》2019,39(7):636-641
牙体缺失后牙槽骨骨量不足向来是口腔种植中最为棘手的问题之一,而经过长期的探索研究,自体骨移植技术、引导性骨再生技术(GBR)等一系列经典术式应运而生,可以说在一定程度上很好地解决了这一问题。其中GBR技术更是以其成骨可预期性好,长期骨吸收率低,易充填塑形,无第二术区,手术并发症少等优势得到了广大种植医生和患者的青睐。然而,随着科技的进步,血小板浓缩物这一新技术开始崭露头角,并凭借着其独有的优势在口腔种植领域的组织增量中占有一席之地,甚至向经典的GBR技术发起了挑战。本文将重点对血小板浓缩物应用在口腔种植领域,特别是组织增量方面的优势作一简要综述。  相似文献   

郑定国  陈永辉  林培 《口腔医学》2016,(12):1112-1117
目的总结骨量不足种植患者中,浓缩生长因子(concentrate growth factors,CGF)促进骨组织再生和修复的临床效果。方法我科自2012年7月—2014年10月期间,在骨量不足患者中,例如前牙唇侧凹陷、即刻种植、上颌后牙区垂直高度不足患者行上颌窦外提升、上颌窦内提升(包括嵌入式上颌窦内提升术),采用CGF技术共76例,年龄在17~63岁,男45例,女31例。本研究将需增加骨量采用引导骨组织再生术(guided bone regeneration,GBR)患者分为单独使用CGF组、CGF与自体骨或骨代材料混合组。对患者术后1周、1个月、3个月、6个月、1年定期复查,术后第2年后每隔半年复查一次。重点检查创口愈合情况、牙龈牙周情况、种植体松动度及患者对美观、咀嚼功能的评价,并使用数字化化牙片、口腔锥形束CT(CBCT)观察骨组织再生和修复情况。术后随访平均时间22个月(6~34个月)。结果 76例应用CGF技术引导骨组织再生病例术后反应轻,除混合组1例创口裂开、6周种植体脱落外,其他患者均创口愈合良好,CBCT复查显示种植区骨整合良好。成功率98.68%。结论 CGF能促进创口愈合、新骨形成和种植体骨结合的能力,并缩短了这一过程所需的时间。临床使用安全简单且费用低廉,值得推荐。  相似文献   

富含血小板血浆因含多种高浓度生长因子而对骨再生有促进作用。本文综述了富含血小板血浆在促进口腔种植骨再生的研究进展。  相似文献   

采用异体硬脑经膜冷冻处理,作为引导种植体周围骨组织再生的膜材料,经临床24例观察,未发生伤口愈合不良,形成瘘道等现象,所有病例种植体稳固,骨再生修复良好。其中15例裂隙状骨缺损引导骨组织修复率达87.8%。临床应用表明,冷冻异体硬脑膜引导骨组织再生,具有来源广,制备贮存简便,不产生排斥反应,引导骨组织生长效果好等特点,是目前较理想的引导骨组织再生膜材料,可广泛应用于各类与种植有关的骨缺损。  相似文献   

采用异体硬脑经膜冷冻处理,作为引导种植体周围骨组织再生的膜材料,经临床24例应用观察,未发生伤口愈合不良、形成瘘道等现象,所有病例种植体稳固,骨再生修复良好。其中15例(16区)裂隙状骨缺报引导骨组织修复率达87.8%。临床应用表明,冷冻异体硬脑膜引导骨组织再生,具有来源广、制备贮存简便,不产生排斥反应,引导骨组织生长效果好等特点,是目前较理想的引导骨组织再生膜材料、可广泛应用于各类与种植有关的骨缺损。还讨论了与提高引导骨组织再生效果有关的手术技巧。  相似文献   

引导组织再生术(guided tissue regeneration,GTR)与引导骨再生术(guided bone regeneration,GBR)是修复、重建口腔软硬组织缺损的常规术式之一.面对美学与功能的双重挑战,GTR与GBR经过近数十年的临床应用,带动了无数骨移植、软组织移植替代材料的发展.然而,现有的材料...  相似文献   

近年来,数字化技术在口腔种植治疗中得到了越来越广泛的应用,正在逐渐影响、改变我们对于口腔种植治疗的认识理念和治疗程序。文章旨在探讨如何将种植基本理论、基本原则与数字化技术相结合,解决具体病例的个性化治疗需求。  相似文献   

富血小板纤维蛋白(platelet-rich fibrin,PRF)作为血小板浓缩制品其三维纤维组织结构能够贮存丰富的生长因子,对于口腔颌面部软硬组织缺损的愈合有显著的促进作用。PRF中内含大量的血小板,血小板内的多种细胞因子能够调节正常生长代谢,其大多通过与特异的高亲和力的细胞膜受体结合发挥其调节作用。如今在口腔种植领域中,PRF扮演着越来越重要的角色。本篇综述将对PRF在口腔种植领域中的最新进展进行描述。  相似文献   

钛膜引导骨再生技术在即刻种植中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
骨结合式种植按植入时间可分为即刻种植、延期种植 ,前者具有疗程短、防止骨吸收、无牙期短等优点 ,但即刻种植在临床工作中常遇到局部牙槽突吸收或种植体不能完全占据整个拔牙窝而出现的骨缺损 ,从而影响种植质量 ,导致种植失败。以前多采用骨移植方法解决此类骨缺损。近年来 ,引导骨再生生物膜技术出现与应用 ,扩大了种植适应证。我们对 73例即刻种植病例 ,选择医用纯钛骨再生引导膜封闭骨缺损 ,术后 12周 X线显示骨缺损完全修复 ,表明钛膜能成功起到屏障作用。1 材料与方法1.1 材料和设备西安中邦公司生产的医用纯钛膜骨再生引导膜 (3…  相似文献   

目的:评价上颌前牙区骨挤压联合骨引导再生同期种植术的临床效果.方法:对14例上前牙缺失、牙槽骨厚度为3mm-4mm的患者,联合采用骨挤压、骨引导再生技术,植入Frialit-2种植体17颗,于植入后6个月行二期手术,同时测量牙槽嵴顶增宽的厚度,最终完成烤瓷冠修复.结果:本组共17颗种植体,术后均无明显并发症发生,牙槽嵴顶增宽的厚度平均为2.8mm±0.6 mm,修复完成后观察12-20个月,种植体行使功能良好,无一种植体松动或脱落.结论:对于上颌前牙区牙槽骨吸收的患者,采用骨挤压联合骨引导再生术后行种植体植入,可改善牙槽骨质量,获得满意的近期临床效果.  相似文献   

This case report describes the successful rebuilding of jaw bone for the anchorage of an endosseous implant by applying the principle of "guided tissue regeneration". The extremely reduced bone volume required reconstructive surgery in 2 stages, the 1st surgical procedure being carried out before the installation of the implant and the 2nd simultaneously with the placement of the implant. The biological prerequisites as well as technical demands for this treatment modality are discussed.  相似文献   

引导组织再生术和引导骨再生术广泛用于牙周骨缺损的治疗中,给牙周组织再生开辟了广泛的空间,但二者单独使用却存在一定的局限性。因此,目前的研究多趋向于将骨移植材料和膜材料与多肽生长因子联合应用于牙周骨缺损的修复。下面就引导组织再生膜材料、引导骨再生支架材料和碱性成纤维细胞生长因子的理化性质、生物学功能,以及三者联合应用于牙周骨缺损治疗中的作用作一综述。  相似文献   

目的评价浓缩生长因子(concentrated growth factor,CGF)应用于上颌前牙区唇侧骨缺损引导骨再生(guided bone regeneration,GBR)的效果。方法选取上颌前牙区单牙缺失伴唇侧水平向骨缺损40例,随机分为观察组和对照组各20例。观察组使用浓缩生长因子+骨粉+胶原膜行引导骨再生术;对照组使用骨粉+胶原膜行常规引导骨再生术。术后行软组织愈合评估,术后半年评价骨增量的效果。结果观察组软组织伤口一期愈合率为100%,对照组为75%,观察组高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.017)。观察组术后半年骨宽度增加量为(3.70±0.28)mm,对照组为(2.96±0.16)mm,观察组骨增量大于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.000)。结论 CGF能促进上颌前牙区骨缺损引导骨再生术的成骨量。  相似文献   

施少杰  丁锋  宋应亮 《口腔医学》2019,39(3):261-265
引导骨再生(GBR)是修复种植体周围缺损的重要方法,但在成骨效果上仍有不足。理论上组织工程将生长因子和生物活性材料应用于GBR可以提高疗效,但是目前临床上尚未建立起可预测疗效的种植体周围缺损再生疗法,甚至有研究发现在GBR中使用生长因子后还存在成骨长期稳定性不良的现象,这与理论上预计的结果不符。解决这一问题是推进生长因子应用的关键,通过查阅文献与分析,文中给出了两种可能的原因:生长因子后期水平过低和加速屏障膜降解作用,并据此提出验证的方法,为进一步研究提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

生长因子复合生物膜引导牙周组织再生   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
随着引导组织再生术(guided tissue regeneration,GTR)研究的不断深入,传统的生物膜已经逐渐被复合生长因子的功能性生物膜所替代。功能性复合膜的研制、开发和应用,已成为GTR研究的热点,越来越多的研究表明生长因子缓释生物膜将是未来GTR研究的趋势。  相似文献   

This investigation evaluated guided bone regeneration with a polytetrafluoroethylene barrier membrane at exposed parts of Bråemark dental implants with and without concomitant use of decalcified freeze‐dried bone allograft. Density of the regenerated tissue was also determined using a No. 23 probe at a pressure of 25g and was graded from 1 to 5. The higher index was associated with a higher resistance of newly formed tissue to the pressure of the probe. In 19 patients, 23 defects were treated by barrier membrane alone and 11 defects by bone allograft with barrier membrane. The width and the depth of the defects were determined at the time of the implant placement and at the second‐stage implant surgery. When success was defined as 0 mm of residual defect, the mean success rate was 68% for the membrane group and 90% for the membrane group with bone allograft, with no statistically significant difference between the two treatment groups. The two groups did not demonstrate a significant difference in median density index. There was a significant positive relationship between time of membrane coverage and density index. A density index of 4 was only recorded after 7 months of membrane coverage. The present findings suggest beneficial clinical effect with the use of membrane alone and freeze‐dried bone allograft with membrane for guided bone regeneration. This study proposed the use of a novel density index of clinical evaluation of regenerated tissue.  相似文献   

Regeneration and enlargement of jaw bone using guided tissue regeneration   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
The purpose of this study was to present the surgical procedures and the clinical results of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) treatment aimed at regenerating local jaw bone in situations where the anatomy of the ridge did not allow the placement of dental implants. 12 patients were selected for ridge enlargement or bony defect regeneration. A combined split- and full-thickness flap was raised in areas designated for subsequent implant placement. Following perforation of the cortical bone to create a bleeding bone surface, a PTFE membrane was adjusted to the surgical site in such a way that a secluded space was created between the membrane and the subjacent bone surface in order to increase the width of the ridge or to regenerate bony defects present. Complete tension-free closure of the soft tissue flap was emphasized. Following a healing period of 6 to 10 months, reopening procedures were performed and the gain of bone dimension was assessed. In 9 patients with 12 potential implant sites, a sufficient bone volume was obtained to allow subsequent implant placement. The gain of new bone formation varied between 1.5 and 5.5 mm. In 3 patients, acute infections developed which necessitated early removal of the membranes and no bone regeneration could be achieved. The results of the study indicate that the biological principle of GTR is highly predictable for ridge enlargement or defect regeneration under the prerequisite of a complication-free healing.  相似文献   

The present case report demonstrates the application of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) in combination with antimicrobial therapy for the treatment of an early implant failure. This treatment approach both prevented further loss of bone as well as led to the regeneration of lost bone. By means of color-converted digital subtraction images, remodelling of the tissues adjacent to the defect was documented as early as one month postsurgically. The images demonstrated "bone-fill" in the apical portion of the defect and resorptive changes at the bone crest. This case report demonstrates that combined regenerative and antimicrobial therapy may be a successful treatment approach restoring osseointegration of dental implants following loss of bone due to infection. Continuously increasing bone-fill inside the defect was documented when comparing the radiograph obtained immediately before the GTR procedure and at months 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 of the healing period, respectively. Clinical measurement obtained at the time of the surgery and at the time of the membrane removal confirmed the radiographic evidence of bone-fill by demonstrating new tissue resistant to probing in close contact to the implant surface at the site of the previous defect. Antimicrobial therapy included an antibiotic regimen during the 1st month of healing as well as topical rinses with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine) over the entire healing period of 6 months. As a result of this treatment approach, the implant was saved and could be used as an abutment for a bridge reconstruction.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated rate and extent of alveolar bone formation in dental implant dehiscence defects following guided bone regeneration (GBR) and implantation of xenogeneic freeze-dried demineralized bone matrix (xDBM). A total of 16 titanium plasma-sprayed (TPS) and 16 hydroxyapatite-coated (HA) titanium cylinder implants were inserted in 4 mongrel dogs following extraction of the mandibular premolar teeth. Four implant sites per jaw quadrant (2 TPS and 2 HA implant sites) were prepared into extraction sockets in each dog. Buccal alveolar bone was removed to create 3 x 5 mm dehiscence defects. Two jaw quadrants in separate animals received GBR, GBR + xDBM, xDBM (control), or gingival flap surgery alone (GFS; control). Thus, four conditions were available for each implant type (TPS or HA): GBR, GBR + xDBM; xDBM and GFS. The animals received fluorescent bone labels to allow observations of rate and extent of bone formation. Animals were sacrificed at 12 weeks postsurgery and block sections were harvested for histologic analysis. There were no apparent histologic differences between TPS and HA implant defects. GBR and GBR + xDBM resulted in almost complete bone closure of the dental implant dehiscence defect. Rate of bone formation appeared higher following GBR alone. Extent of bone formation appeared somewhat greater following GBR + xDBM; however, delayed. xDBM alone did not adequately resolve the bony defect. In conclusion, GBR results in rapid, clinically relevant bone closure of dental implant dehiscence defects. Adjunctive implantation of xDBM does not appear to significantly improve the healing response in the model used.  相似文献   

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