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Ozone and urban forests in Italy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ozone levels along urban-to-rural gradients in three Italian cities (Milan, Florence, Bari) showed that average AOT40 values at rural and suburban sites were 2.6 times higher than those determined at urban sites. However, O3 also exceeded the European criteria to protect forest health at urban sites, even when the standards for human health protection were met. For protecting street trees in Mediterranean cities, the objectives of measurement at urban sites should extend from the protection of human health to the protection of vegetation as well. A review of forest effects on O3 pollution and of O3 pollution on forest conditions in Italian cities showed that it was not possible to distinguish the effect of O3 in the complex mixture of urban pollutants and stressors. A preliminary list of tree species for urban planning in the Mediterranean area shows the average tree capacity of O3 removal and VOC emission.  相似文献   

In the frame of a European research project on air quality in urban agglomerations, data on ozone concentrations from 23 automated urban and suburban monitoring stations in 11 cities from seven countries were analysed and evaluated. Daily and summer mean and maximum concentrations were computed based on hourly mean values, and cumulative ozone exposure indices (Accumulated exposure Over a Threshold of 40 ppb (AOT40), AOT20) were calculated. The diurnal profiles showed a characteristic pattern in most city centres, with minimum values in the early morning hours, a strong rise during the morning, peak concentrations in the afternoon, and a decline during the night. The widest amplitudes between minimum and maximum values were found in central and southern European cities such as Düsseldorf, Verona, Klagenfurt, Lyon or Barcelona. In the northern European cities of Edinburgh and Copenhagen, by contrast, maximum values were lower and diurnal variation was much smaller. Based on ozone concentrations as well as on cumulative exposure indices, a clear north–south gradient in ozone pollution, with increasing levels from northern and northwestern sites to central and southern European sites, was observed. Only the Spanish cities did not fit this pattern; there, ozone levels were again lower than in central European cities, probably due to the direct influence of strong car traffic emissions. In general, ozone concentrations and cumulative exposure were significantly higher at suburban sites than at urban and traffic-exposed sites. When applying the newly established European Union (EU) Directive on ozone pollution in ambient air, it was demonstrated that the target value for the protection of human health was regularly surpassed at urban as well as suburban sites, particularly in cities in Austria, France, northern Italy and southern Germany. European target values and long-term objectives for the protection of vegetation expressed as AOT40 were also exceeded at many monitoring sites.  相似文献   

Data collected at one site in central Italy using the NC-S/NC-R clover (Trifolium repens) biotype system during 1997-2007 were analysed in order to assess: (a) its performance under Mediterranean conditions; (b) variations of ozone damage linked with meteorological conditions; (c) if critical level approach is a good predictor of ozone risk on vegetation. NC-S dry biomasses were systematically lower than those of NC-R, the mean ratio being 0.7. Relevant relationship between ozone visible injury and cumulated values of AOT40 were also reported. Temperature and number of rainy days were the most important factors associated with ozone presence and, as a consequence, with leaf injury index. Photosynthetic gas exchange properties indicate that NC-S has higher values of stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

An experimental study on the formation and transport of ozone in ambient air was performed in Tenerife (Canary Islands) in order to investigate the processes affecting ozone levels and air quality. The special features of Tenerife (prevalence of the trade wind pattern (NE), orography and the specific location of the local ozone sources) permit to quantify the role of the ‘long-range transport from northern latitudes' versus the ‘formation and transport of ozone downwind of the main urban areas' of Tenerife. Levels of O3, NO2 and OX were monitored in different types of environments to achieve this purpose. The results showed that: (1) upwind of the urban areas ozone is mainly transported from the ocean by trade winds, (2) local ozone titration (by NO) and ozone replenishment from the ocean are the main causes of ozone variations in urban and suburban areas, and (3) photochemical ozone production occurs downwind of the urban areas. Photochemical production causes daylight O3 and OX levels downwind of urban areas to be frequently (60% and 35% days/year, respectively) higher than upwind of the urban sites (O3 and OX excess frequently in the range 5–20 ppbv). Due to the above processes, different daily ozone cycles occur in short distances (<30 km), with maximum O3 levels during daylight or night depending on the site. Ozone phytotoxicity was assessed by calculating the AOT40 index upwind and downwind of the main urban areas. The critical value for the 5-day-AOT40 index was simultaneously exceeded at the two sites (few times/year) during long-range transport events. During the additional exceedances of the critical value downwind of the urban area, relatively high 5-day-AOT40 values were recorded upwind of the urban site. Thus, long-range transport from northern latitudes may produce relatively high 5-days-AOT40 levels in the oceanic boundary layer. These results are important for the protection of the large number of endemic plants in the Canaries. The conceptual model discussed in this study may be qualitatively applied to other islands which possess features similar to those of Tenerife.  相似文献   

Long-range transboundary air pollution has caused severe environmental effects in Europe. European air pollution abatement policy, in the framework of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP Convention) and the European Union Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) programme, has used critical loads and their exceedances by atmospheric deposition to design emission abatement targets and strategies. The LRTAP Convention International Cooperative Programme on Modelling and Mapping Critical Loads and Levels and Air Pollution Effects, Risks and Trends (ICP M&M) generates European critical loads datasets to enable this work. Developing dynamic nitrogen flux models and using them for a prognosis and assessment of nitrogen effects remains a challenge. Further research is needed on links between nitrogen deposition effects, climate change, and biodiversity.  相似文献   

The impact of ozone on forest ecosystems in Italy is monitored within the CONECOFOR programme. Ozone levels are measured in 30 plots using passive samplers. Response parameters used are: crown condition (transparency), BAI (basal area increment), and visible symptoms on spontaneous vegetation. Levels of AOT40 are above the concentration-based critical level of 5 ppmh in all sites, but the evidence of impact on forest vegetation remains limited. Ozone is a predictor of crown transparency residuals in beech sites over two consecutive years, but the variance explained amounts to less than 10%. The relation between BAI reduction and ozone is even less certain. Transparency and BAI are more readily explainable in terms of ecological conditions of the site and climate fluctuations. The interpretation of visible symptoms is doubtful, and is conditioned by the prevailing ecological factors in the areas.  相似文献   

The role of vegetation in mitigating the effects of PM10 pollution has been highlighted as one potential benefit of urban greenspace. An integrated modelling approach is presented which utilises air dispersion (ADMS-Urban) and particulate interception (UFORE) to predict the PM10 concentrations both before and after greenspace establishment, using a 10 × 10 km area of East London Green Grid (ELGG) as a case study. The corresponding health benefits, in terms of premature mortality and respiratory hospital admissions, as a result of the reduced exposure of the local population are also modelled. PM10 capture from the scenario comprising 75% grassland, 20% sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and 5% Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) was estimated to be 90.41 t yr−1, equating to 0.009 t ha−1 yr−1 over the whole study area. The human health modelling estimated that 2 deaths and 2 hospital admissions would be averted per year.  相似文献   

Alpine valleys are sensitive to anthropogenic emissions. Local atmospheric dynamics are a key factor that may lead to an accumulation of pollutants in the bottom of the Chamonix and Maurienne valleys. Assessment of 2010 pollutant concentrations variability needs to take these specificities into account. A meteorological data classification is combined with different emission scenarios in order to run an air quality model. Using simulations of representative scenarios rather than complete years allows for a fine spatial and temporal representation of local atmospheric dynamics and gives access to detailed chemical breakdowns. Results demonstrate the variability of primary and secondary species due to emissions and the predominance of local effects on pollutant concentrations.  相似文献   

For the past few years, a strong and intensive combined study by analytical scientists and biologists on bioindication and biomonitoring has developed. To achieve a more public-related prophylactic healthcare feature derived from these biotechniques in the future, the collaboration between analytical scientists, ecotoxicologists and especially human toxicologists has to be strongly intensified and promoted. For this purpose, different forms of education and teaching of students on an international level combined with common research projects encompassing the different scientific fields and philosophies are important keys for common success.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study aims to estimate anthropogenic sources of pollutants such as heavy metals that pollute or poison the commercial marine finfish and...  相似文献   

This article reviews interactions and health impacts of physical, chemical, and biological weather. Interactions and synergistic effects between the three types of weather call for integrated assessment, forecasting, and communication of air quality. Today’s air quality legislation falls short of addressing air quality degradation by biological weather, despite increasing evidence for the feasibility of both mitigation and adaptation policy options. In comparison with the existing capabilities for physical and chemical weather, the monitoring of biological weather is lacking stable operational agreements and resources. Furthermore, integrated effects of physical, chemical, and biological weather suggest a critical review of air quality management practices. Additional research is required to improve the coupled modeling of physical, chemical, and biological weather as well as the assessment and communication of integrated air quality. Findings from several recent COST Actions underline the importance of an increased dialog between scientists from the fields of meteorology, air quality, aerobiology, health, and policy makers.  相似文献   

The study aimed to explore if changes in crown defoliation and stem growth of Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) could be related to changes in ambient ozone (O3) concentration in central Europe. To meet this objective the study was performed in 3 Lithuanian national parks, close to the ICP integrated monitoring stations from which data on meteorology and pollution were provided. Contribution of peak O3 concentrations to the integrated impact of acidifying compounds and meteorological parameters on pine stem growth was found to be more significant than its contribution to the integrated impact of acidifying compounds and meteorological parameters on pine defoliation. Findings of the study provide statistical evidence that peak concentrations of ambient O3 can have a negative impact on pine tree crown defoliation and stem growth reduction under field conditions in central and northeastern Europe where the AOT40 values for forests are commonly below their phytotoxic levels.  相似文献   

We investigated lichen diversity in temperate oak forests using standardized protocols. Forty-eight sites were sampled in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The effects of natural environmental predictors and human influences on lichen diversity (lichen diversity value, species richness) were analysed by means of correlation tests. We found that lichen diversity responded differently to environmental predictors between two regions with different human impact. In the industrial region, air pollution was the strongest factor. In the agricultural to highly forested regions, lichen diversity was strongly influenced by forest age and forest fragmentation. We found that several natural factors can in some cases obscure the effect of human influences. Thus, factors of naturality gradient must be considered (both statistically and interpretively) when studying human impact on lichen diversity.  相似文献   

于2012年的7月在舟山群岛新区的海域采集贝类样本,测定了其中的有机氯农药残留量,并进行了人体健康风险评估和安全食用量推算。结果表明,采集的5种贝类样本中,六六六(BHCs)的各组分均未被检出,而滴滴涕(DDTs)在各种样本中均有检出,其中僧帽牡蛎和部分縊蛏样本中DDTs总量超过《海洋生物质量标准》(GB 18421—2001)一类标准(10μg/kg);健康风险评估结果显示,贝类样本中α-BHC、β-BHC、γ-BHC、p,p’-滴滴伊(p,p’-DDE)、p,p’-滴滴滴(p,p’-DDD)、p,p’-DDT的总致癌风险指数均低于10-4,致癌风险均在可接受的安全范围,α-BHC、β-BHC、γ-BHC、p,p’-DDE的总接触风险指数均小于1,接触风险指数未超过危害剂量参考值,人体食用舟山近岸海域的贝类是安全的;按可接受的致癌风险指数进行评估,人体的贝类安全消费量为9.8~138.0g/(kg·d)(按体重计,下同),而按可接受的接触风险指数进行评估,人体的贝类安全消费量在24.6~235.0g/(kg·d)。  相似文献   

Substance Flow Analysis (SFA) is an important instrument that allows for the undertaking of environmental management for a specific contaminant. 'Control Analysis' is a tool that assesses the effect on a target flow of changes in flows forming part of a control basis set. The purpose of the present study was to perform a modeling of the annual PCDD/F flows in Tarragona Province and to apply the model for human health risk assessment. The validation of the model has been evaluated by comparing estimated fluxes with experimental values. Eleven subsystems, as well as a set of 88 flows of the system in Tarragona Province were considered. The total PCDD/F accumulation in Tarragona Province was between 62.6 and 159.5 g I-TEQ/y. Accumulation in sediments (27.9-74.6 g I-TEQ/y) and soils (35.0-80.8 g I-TEQ/y) are the two principal modes of deposition. Estimated flow in human adipose tissue means a mean intake of PCDD/F (via ingestion and inhalation) of 243 pg I-TEQ/person/day. The food chain pathway accounts for 99% of the total daily intake. As a result of the simulation, a 100% decrease in industrial emissions would cause a 1.7% reduction in the PCDD/F accumulation in humans. In turn, a 100% reduction of PCDD/Fs in the industrial waste waters would cause only an insignificant 0.1% decrease in the accumulation of PCDD/Fs in humans.  相似文献   

Although fish is a healthy alternative for meat, it can be a vehicle for mercury (Hg), including in its most toxic organic form, methylmercury (MeHg). The objective of the present study was to estimate the risk to human health caused by the consumption of sushi and sashimi as commercialized by Japanese food restaurants in the city of Campinas (SP, Brazil). The total Hg content was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry with thermal decomposition and amalgamation, and the MeHg content calculated considering that 90% of the total Hg is in the organic form. The health risk was estimated from the values for the provisional tolerable weekly ingestion (PTWI) by both adults and children. The mean concentrations for total Hg were: 147.99, 6.13, and 3.42 µg kg?1 in the tuna, kani, and salmon sushi samples, respectively, and 589.09, 85.09, and 11.38 µg kg?1 in the tuna, octopus and salmon sashimi samples, respectively. The tuna samples showed the highest Hg concentrations. One portion of tuna sashimi exceeded the PTWI value for MeHg established for children and adults. The estimate of risk for human health indicated that the level of toxicity depended on the type of fish and size of the portion consumed.  相似文献   

Concerns over the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in farmland have prompted the development of agri-environment policy measures aimed at reducing farming pressure and maintaining semi-natural habitats in farmed landscapes. However, further knowledge is needed to guarantee successful agri-environment measures implementation. The current study assessed the quantity and the quality of semi-natural habitats in farms across a gradient of farming intensities in two contrasting regions in Ireland. Policy protection seemed fundamental for semi-natural habitats preservation. Habitats not protected by agricultural policy relied on extensive farming and are in danger of disappearing if they are intensified or abandoned. Due to the lack of policy incentives for habitat quality, no correlations were found between farming intensity and share of semi-natural habitats with habitat quality. Therefore, extensive farming and retention of habitats alone may not reverse the decline of farmland quality and biodiverisity and, thus, measures incentivising the environmental quality may be more successful.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01344-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The concentration and loading distribution of trace metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Co, Ni, Cr, and Mn) and major elements (Al, Ca, Fe, and Mg) in different particle size fractions (2000-280, 280-100, 100-50, 50-10, 10-2, and <2 μm) of surface soils from highly urbanized areas in Hong Kong were studied. The enrichment of Pb, Cu, and Zn in the urban soils was strongly influenced by anthropogenic activities, and Pb accumulated in fine particles was mainly derived from past vehicular emissions as shown by Pb isotopic signatures. Trace metals primarily accumulated in clay, fine silt, and very fine sand fractions, and might pose potential health risks via the inhalation of resuspended soil particles in the air (PM10 or PM2.5), and ingestion of adhered soils through the hand-to-mouth pathway. The mobility, bioavailability, and human bioaccessibility of Pb and Zn in bulk soils correlated significantly with metal concentrations in fine silt and/or very fine sand fractions.  相似文献   


Organochlorine (OCP) pesticides were determined in samples of sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis), whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri), and mullet (Mugil liza) from Guanabara Bay (state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). OCP concentrations and fish consumption were linked with acceptable daily intake values in order to assess the human health risk for the Brazilian population. The total concentrations of OCPs (Σ OCP) was 6.6?ng/g f.w., 7.5?ng/g f.w., and 2.8?ng/g f.w. for sardines, corvina, and mullet, respectively. There was a significant difference (P?<?0.05) among the species related to o,p’-DDD and o,p’-DDT concentrations. Both DDT-related compounds were 5 and 76 times more abundant in sardines than in whitemouth croaker and mullet. Newly discovered DDT metabolite, o-Cl-DDMU, was frequently detected in the fish. None of the samples exceeded the maximum limits for acceptable levels of OCP residues. According to the data of average intake of Brazilian population, none of three species exceeded toxicological parameter. The investigated fishes are considered as safe for human consumption in regard to exposure of the studied OCPs. However, fish may be a intake source of OCP metabolites such as o-Cl-DDMU whose toxicity is still unknown.  相似文献   

Acid rain and acidification research are indeed a multidisciplinary field. This field evolved from the first attempts to mitigate acid freshwater in the 1920s, then linking acid rain to the acidification in late 1950s, to the broad project-concepts on cause and effect from the late 1960s. Three papers from 1974, 1976 and 1988 demonstrate a broad approach and comprise scientific areas from analytical chemistry, biochemistry, limnology, ecology, physiology and genetics. Few, if any, environmental problems have led to a public awareness, political decisions and binding limitations as the story of acid rain. Acid precipitation and acidification problems still exist, but at a lower pressure, and liming has been reduced accordingly. However, the biological responses in the process of recovery are slow and delayed. The need for basic science, multidisciplinary studies, long time series of high-quality data, is a legacy from the acid rain era, and must form the platform for all future environmental projects.  相似文献   

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