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干酪成熟过程发酵剂的作用及快速成熟的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
干酪的成熟过程,是在添加酶及各种微生物的协同作用下完成的.干酪中的微生物作用也包括人为添加发酵剂的作用.本文综述了干酪生产过程中发酵剂的使用和成熟过程所起的作用,主要有酸化、改善质构、形成风味物质.此外,本文也讨论了干酪的成熟机制,综述了目前用于促进干酪成熟所使用的一些方法和技术以及对它们的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

Changes during production and ripening in the microbial flora of 11 batches of Arzúa, a soft cheese made from raw cow's milk, were investigated. The following microbial groups were counted on the surface and interior of the cheese: total viable count (TVC), lactic acid bacteria (LAB), halotolerant flora, enterococci, proteolytic enterococci, staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae, faecal coliforms, molds, yeasts, Listeria spp. and (in milk) Brucella spp. pH and water activity were also determined. TVC and LAB were, generally, more than 9 log (cfu/g). Enterococci counts increased gradually, reaching values in excess of 6 log units. Halotolerant flora and staphylococci remained practically constant throughout ripening, at 6–8 and 5–7 log units, respectively. Maximum Enterobacteriaceae and faecal coliform counts exceeded 7 and 6 log units, respectively. Brucella spp. were not detected in any of the milk samples. Listeria spp. were detected in four batches, and Listeria monocytogenes in two.  相似文献   

The pH change kinetics during Kashar cheese production from raw and pasteurized milk with addition of thermophilic, mesophilic and mixed thermophilic-mesophilic lactic acid bacteria were evaluated. The kinetics of pH change were determined during milk ripening, cooking/holding and pressing/fermentation phases of Kashar cheese. The pH decreased logarithmically, nonlinearly, with time in the milk ripening period, and reduced linearly with time in the cooking/holding and pressing/fermentation stages. Pasteurization of milk retarded the rate of change in pH during the three periods. The highest rate of pH change was determined in the addition of thermophilic culture, followed by mixed thermophilic-mesophilic and then mesophilic ones during milk ripening. The pH change characteristics of cheese made with thermophilic starter were similar to the cheese made with mixed thermophilic-mesophilic culture, but different from mesophilic lactic acid bacteria during cooking/holding and pressing/fermentation stages.


One of the important factors in the control of cheese quality is the extent of acid production in the vat. Acid development at a desired rate is important during cheese making. The progress of acidification is monitored by pH change in the industrial Kashar cheese production. Three main stages have been recognized with respect to pH change: milk ripening, cooking/holding and pressing/fermentation. This study evaluated and compared the pH change kinetics during various stages of Kashar cheese making using raw, pasteurized milk with the addition of thermophilic, mesophilic and mixed thermophilic culture. This work may help in the comparison of raw and pasteurized milk, and in the selection of appropriate starter culture for Kashar cheese production.  相似文献   

Green 'Cavendish' bananas were exposed to ethylene for 16 h and the subsequent development of ripening at 20°C was followed in terms of skin color, respiration and ethylene production. At six stages of ripeness, as determined by skin color, pulp tissue was analysed for firmness and for water, protein, fat, individual sugars, starch, dietary fibre, organic acids, ash, soluble solids, pH, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, carotenes, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc; energy content and edible weight were calculated.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the pH change kinetics during Kashar cheese production from bovine, ovine and caprine milk. Kinetics of pH change were determined during milk ripening, cooking/holding and pressing/fermentation phases of Kashar cheese. The pH decreased logarithmically, nonlinearly, with time in the milk ripening period and was reduced linearly with time in the cooking/holding and pressing/fermentation stages. The time of pH decrease in cow's, ewe's and goat's milk was significantly different, except cooking/holding time, for three stages. There was no difference between bovine and caprine milk in cooking/holding time; however, ovine milk was significantly different from the other two kinds of milk. The shortest and the longest overall times were determined for caprine and ovine milk cheeses, respectively. The rate of change in milk pH of the three species was significantly different for three stages. The rate followed the pattern caprine  >  bovine  >  ovine milk.


Optimum acid development is essential to creating the desired cheese mass. For each major cheese type, lactic acid must develop in the appropriate time, usually not too rapidly or too slowly, and in a specific concentration. The progress of acidification is monitored by pH change in the industrial Kashar cheese production. The final pH of cheese is determined not only by the amount of lactic acid but also by the buffering capacity (BC) of the milk and curd. However, the BC is different between milk species. This study evaluates and compares the pH change kinetics during various stages of Kashar cheese making using cow's, ewe's and goat's milk. This work may help to compare milk and cheese curds made from bovine, ovine and caprine milk.  相似文献   

The effect of the freezing, frozen storage and thawing on textural parameters and αsl-casein breakdown during the ripening of Port Salut Argentino cheese was studied. Moisture content, salt concentration, casein profiles and asymptotic equilibrium modulus were monitored in control cheeses ripened at 5C and in cheeses, stored at -22C for 30 days, thawed and ripened at 5C, for different ripening times (1, 6, 13, 27 and 56 days) and two sampling zones (central and external). The freezing process significantly increased the rate of αsl-casein and αsl-I-casein hydrolysis. This process may affect the susceptibility of αsl-casein to chymosin attack and also the availability of hydrolytic enzymes released by damaged microorganisms, which may contribute to the faster hydrolysis of αsl-I-casein. The freezing process did not significantly affect the decay rates of asymptotic equilibrium modulus. First order kinetics constants for decay of the asymptotic equilibrium modulus were 3.71 10-2day-1 (control cheeses, central zone), 8.48 10-2 day-1 (control cheeses, external zone), 4.52 10-2 day-1 (frozen cheeses, central zone), and 11.43 10-2 day-1 (frozen cheeses, external zone). Significant differences in the decay rates of asymptotic equilibrium modulus were found between central and external zones in control and frozen cheeses primarily due to differences in moisture contents of the sampling zones.  相似文献   



Levels of Pb, Cd, Fe, Cu and Zn in milk, curd, pressed curd, fresh cheese, whey, rennet and scalding water taken from two different Ka?ar cheese plants (A and B) in Ankara, Turkey were investigated. The milk used in plant A contained higher amount of Pb, Fe and Zn than the milk used in plant B. Pb level during processing in both dairy plants showed a significant increase from milk to curd (626.2–912.3 µg/kg for plant A and 265.2–371.8 µg/kg, dry weight, for plant B) (P < 0.01). Similarly, Fe, Cu and Zn contents of the curds in plant A and B showed an important increase with respect to the milk (P < 0.01). During transition of the curd to pressed curd and of pressed curd to fresh cheese, almost all metals tested showed a decrease because of the loss of these metals into whey and scalding water. The results showed that curdling the milk was the most important contamination step.


Heavy metals may enter the human body through food, water, air or absorption through the skin, and can cause metabolic anormalies. Heavy metals may reach our foods from a number of sources. The more important of these are: soil; the chemicals applied to agricultural land; the water used in food processing or cooking; and the equipment, containers and utensils used for food processing, storage or cooking. Milk and milk products are the basic components of the human diet, and among milk products cheese holds an important place. Ka?ar cheese ranks second with respect to consumption, significantly contributing to the Turkish diet. In order to prevent the health risk of consuming contaminated cheeses, it is very important to determine the effect of equipment and process variation on the heavy‐metal content of Ka?ar cheese. The results of this study would help the regulatory authorities to establish a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan and to identify important contamination sources for Ka?ar and similar kind of cheeses.



Influence of water activity (Aw), pH and heat treatment on the chemical changes such as Maillard browning, oxidation and lipolysis in canned paneer has been studied by response surface methodology. Browning in canned paneer in terms of hydroxymethylfurfural content increased during storage; however, it was pH dependent. At pH above 5.0, the rate of browning decreased as Aw increased from 0.90 to 0.98. At pH below 5.0, the rate increased with increased Aw from 0.90 to 0.98. Maximum browning rates were observed at pH 5.2–5.6, low Aw values (0.90–0.92) and high heat treatment levels (up to F value 0.8). At all pH levels, increased Aw increased the oxidation rate, more so at low pH levels. Up to an F value of 0.3, heat treatment seemed to have aided the oxidation rate, but higher F values retarded the oxidation rate, more so at low Aw. Lipolysis occurred during storage, but pH had little effect on the rate of lipolysis. High Aw supported high lipolysis rates.


Raw paneer (Indian cottage cheese), popular with people in Indian subcontinent and with Indian diasporas scattered in several countries, has a shelf life of less than a day at ambient temperatures. Several attempts are being made by workers to improve the shelf life of paneer by canning process so that its market within the country and abroad improves. However, canning at usual canning time–temperatures is leading to intense chemical changes in paneer, which is not being accepted by consumers. Authors have tried to obviate such unacceptable chemical changes by reducing the intensity of canning process by adjusting so called “hurdles” of the product by hurdle technology. The present paper is a part of that attempt describing the chemical changes in paneer subjected to low heat intensity canning process with altered “hurdles.” Because the chemical changes occurring in a food product are a function of various parameters called “hurdles” like pH, water activity, heat treatment, etc., the present work attempted to identify the combination of the “hurdles” at which chemical changes are the slowest, which may find better acceptance with consumers.  相似文献   



The chemical composition of two traditional varieties of Spanish peppers, “Fresno de la Vega” and “Benavente‐Los Valles” harvested in the provinces of León and Zamora, respectively, at different ripening stages (green mature, breaker and red) were evaluated. Herein we report the global composition, mineral and trace element contents, and the most relevant physicochemical parameters of each variety of pepper collected in 2 consecutive years. Both pepper varieties showed a similar chemical composition, except in vitamin C content, which resulted to be about 70% higher in Fresno de la Vega peppers. Red ripe fruits were high in total carbohydrates, fructose, glucose, sucrose, fat (64.5, 29.14, 25.57, 2.94, 1.79/100 g dry weight, respectively) and total soluble solids (6.83°Brix). Ascorbic acid content also increased progressively during ripening, reaching a mean value of 1.81 mg/100 g dry weight for Fresno de la Vega peppers. Potassium was the most abundant of the analyzed elements in the all samples, followed by phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and sodium. The order of the levels of the trace elements was iron > manganese > zinc > copper.


This report underscores the potential value of two traditional varieties of Spanish peppers and provides information on their composition during ripening to decide the proper harvesting time, which can be useful in the food industry.  相似文献   



The effects that ripening stage have on the apparent viscosity and ascorbic acid retention in squash pulp exposed at cooking process were analyzed. Total soluble solids contents were taken as indicative of ripening degree. In the raw material, water contents ranged from 79 to 96%, but no significant differences were observed among samples grouped as unripe, ripe and overripe. The ascorbic acid contents of pulp increase with increases in soluble solids contents. Pulp from unripe and ripe squash had similar apparent viscosity values; however, lower viscosity values were obtained in pulp from overripe squash. During heat treatment, significant changes in the apparent viscosity values of pulp from unripe and ripe squash were observed. Heat penetration properties of squash pulp indicate correlation between the inverse slope of the straight portion in the heat penetration curves on a semilog plot (fh) and thermal diffusivity values (α) with dry matter content, but no correlation was found with squash maturity degree. High ascorbic acid retention (82%) in pulp held for 30 min at 95C was found independently of squash maturation degree.


Knowing the rheological behaviour and the ascorbic acid retention of butternut squash pulp during cooking process could be used as a valuable information previously to make decisions for use this crop as a food supply.

Wheat gluten (10 g) was crosslinked (XL) using 10 units of transglutaminase (TG) in 2 L 0.1 M TRIS‐HCl, pH 7.5. The suspension was stirred for 24 h at 40C and freeze‐dried as‐is or dialyzed and then freeze‐dried. The XL material was tested using modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC), where 25–30 mg was placed in a stainless steel pan and heated from 20 to 200C at 7C/min. The samples were subjected to three heating and cooling cycles. The MDSC data of the undialyzed sample showed two endothermic transitions during the first cycle and an exothermic followed by an endothermic transition on the second cycle. Further analysis showed that the two transitions of the first cycle are the melting of the TRIS. The first cycle of the dialyzed sample displayed two glass transitions at 46.0C with 0.11 J/g/C and 130.0C with 0.29 J/g/C, followed by an exothermic transition at 120.7C onset, 150.6C peak with 14.8 J/g ΔH. The second cycle of the dialyzed material showed one broad glass transition at 97.3C and 0.495 J/g/C. Fourier transform infrared spectra showed differences between crosslinked and uncrosslinked gluten and provided spectral evidence of molecular interaction between gluten and TRIS.  相似文献   

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