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Velocity Distribution of Turbulent Open-Channel Flow with Bed Suction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates theoretically and experimentally the velocity distributions of turbulent open channel flow with bed suction. A velocity profile with a slip velocity at the bed surface and an origin displacement under the bed surface is proposed and discussed. Based on this assumption, a modified logarithmic law is derived. The measured experimental velocity distribution verifies the accuracy of the theoretically derived profile. The data show a significant increase in the near bed velocity and a velocity reduction near the water surface, resulting in the formation of a more uniform velocity distribution. The values of the origin displacement, slip velocity and shear velocity are found to increase with increasing relative suction. The measured data show the occurrence of two flow regions in the suction zone: a transitional region in which the velocity readjusts rapidly; and an “equilibrium” region.  相似文献   

The experimental study shows how an open-channel flow would respond to a sudden change (from smooth to rough) in bed roughness. Using a two-dimensional acoustic Doppler velocimeter and a laser Doppler velocimeter, the velocity, turbulent intensities, and Reynolds stress profiles at different locations along a laboratory flume were measured. Additionally, the water surface profile was also measured using a capacitance-type wave height meter. The experimental data show the formation of an internal boundary layer as a result of the step change in bed roughness. The data show that this boundary layer grows much more rapidly than that formed in close-conduit flows. The results also show that the equivalent bed roughness, bed-shear stress, turbulent intensities, and Reynolds stress change gradually over a transitional region, although the bed roughness changes abruptly. The behavior is different from that observed in close-conduit flows, where an overshooting property—which describes the ability of the bed-shear stress to attain a high-peak value over the section with the larger roughness, was reported. A possible reason for the difference is the variation of the water surface profile when an open-channel flow is subjected to a sudden change in bed roughness.  相似文献   

Expressions for the Reynolds stress and bed shear stress are developed for nonuniform unsteady flow in open channels with streamwise sloping beds, assuming universal (logarithmic) velocity distribution law and using the Reynolds and continuity equations of two-dimensional open-channel flow. The computed Reynolds stress distributions are in agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the underlying mechanism of flow resistance in an alluvial channel: The effects of sidewall and bed form on flow resistance, Einstein’s divided hydraulic radius approach and Engelund’s energy slope division approach are reexamined. These two approaches assume that the shear stress on a mobile bed is the summation of shear stresses caused by skin friction and bed form. Using a different approach, this paper presents a theoretical relationship between the total bed shear stress with grain and bed-form shear stresses. The contribution of sidewall on the total bed shear stress is also discussed. The writers found that the size of bed form plays a significant role for the flow resistance, and developed relevant expressions for the length of the separation zone behind the bed forms. In addition, a systematical approach has been developed to compute the flow velocity in an alluvial channel. This approach is tested and verified against 5,989 flume and field measurements. The computed and measured discharge/velocity are in good agreement and 83.0% of all data sets fall within the ±20% error band.  相似文献   

This study investigates flows in a square and a rectangular embayment located on the side bank of an open channel. It is found that the main flow of the open channel induces a circulatory flow in the square and rectangular embayment and the center of the circulatory flow is shifted downstream in comparison with the center of the embayment. A solution of the shallow water equations solved using the method of variation yields results of the 95% confidence intervals within 10% of mean errors between the observed and computed nondimensional velocities.  相似文献   

Similarity analysis is performed for hydraulically rough open channel flow over a gravel bed to provide mixed outer scaling of the mean-velocity profile. The analysis is based on equilibrium turbulent boundary-layer theory derived using the asymptotic invariance principle. Outer scaling based on the similarity theory is validated with velocity measurements from the laboratory and field, having a Reynolds number range that includes 1×104, 1×105, and 1×106 and a Froude number range from 0.26 to 0.83. The results show that the free-stream velocity is an appropriate outer scale for gravel-bed river flows at moderate and bankfull stage. The results agree well with the velocity measurements and collapse laboratory and field data, which allow an important connection between open channel research in the laboratory and the applications for which the research is performed in the field. The results show that the R/aD84 roughness parameter is consistent with the mixed scale used in boundary-layer velocity scaling. This is in agreement with the consistent turbulent structure of the flow for both flat plate boundary-layer and open channel flow scenarios. While R/D84 has been used empirically with depth-averaged velocity and roughness laws for many years, this roughness parameter is shown in a theoretical context due to its influence on the turbulent structure of the flow. The results are applicable to modeling the velocity distribution under fundamental gravel-bed flow cases that span to the bankfull flow regime, which provides a contribution to stream engineering.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an experimental study characterizing turbulence and turbulence anisotropy in smooth and rough shallow open-channel flows. The rough bed consists of a train of two-dimensional transverse square ribs with a ratio of the roughness height (k) to the total depth of flow (d) equal to 0.10. Three rib separations (p/k) of 4.5, 9, and 18 were examined. Here, p is the pitch between consecutive roughness elements and was varied to reproduce the classical condition of d- and k-type roughness. For each case, two-component velocity measurements were obtained using a laser Doppler velocimetry system at two locations for p/k = 4.5 and 9: on the top of the rib and above the cavity, and an additional location for p/k = 18. The measurements allow examination of the local variations of the higher-order turbulent moments, stress ratios as well as turbulence anisotropy. Large variations of the turbulence intensities, Reynolds shear stress, turbulent kinetic energy and turbulence production are found for y1<3k. In this region, the flow is more directly influenced by the shear layers from the preceding ribs. The higher-order moments appear to be similar for all rough surfaces beyond y1 ≈ 7k. In the outer layer (y1>3k), all higher-order turbulent moments for the k-type roughness show a substantial increase due to the complex interactions between the roughness and the remnants overlying shear layers shed from succeeding ribs. Analysis of the components of the Reynolds stress anisotropy tensor shows that at p/k = 18, the flow at y1<5k tends to be more isotropic which implies that for this particular case, the effect of the roughness density could also be important. On the smooth bed, at the shallower depths, the correlation coefficient near the free surface increases and turbulence tends to become less anisotropic.  相似文献   

This paper presents a large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent open channel flow over two-dimensional periodic dunes. The Reynolds number R based on the bulk velocity U(bulk) and the maximum flow depth h, is approximately 25,000. The instantaneous flow field is investigated with special emphasis on the occurrence of coherent structures. Instantaneous vortices were visualized and it is shown that separated vortices are formed downstream of the dune crest due to Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities. Near the point of reattachment the so-called kolk-boil vortex evolves in form of a hairpin vortex. Also present are previously separated vortices, which are convected along the stoss side of the downstream dune and elevated toward the water surface. The existence of near wall streaks which reform shortly after reattachment is also shown. The spacing between two low-speed streaks is very similar to that observed previously over smooth and rough walls. For validation, profiles of the time-averaged velocities, streamwise, and wall-normal turbulent intensities and the Reynolds shear stress calculated by the LES are presented and compared with available laser Doppler velocimetry measurements and overall good agreement is found.  相似文献   

Maximum Velocity and Regularities in Open-Channel Flow   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Maximum velocity in a channel section often occurs below the water surface. Its location is linked to the ratio of the mean and maximum velocities, velocity distribution parameter, location of mean velocity, energy and momentum coefficients, and probability density function underpinning a velocity distribution equation derived by applying the probability and entropy concepts. The mean value of the ratio of the mean and maximum velocities at a given channel section is stable and constant, and invariant with time and discharge. Its relationship with the others in turn leads to formation of a network of related constants that represent regularities in open-channel flows and can be used to ease discharge measurements and other tasks in hydraulic engineering. Under the probability concept, the ratio of mean and maximum velocities being constant means that the probability distribution underpinning the velocity distribution and other related variables is resilient, and that the same probability distribution is governing various phenomena observable at a channel section and explains the regularities in open-channel flows.  相似文献   

Unsteady depth-varying open-channel flows are really observed in flood rivers. Owing to highly accurate laser Doppler anemometers (LDA), some valuable experimental databases of depth-varying unsteady open-channel flows are now available. However, these LDA measurements are more difficult to conduct in open-channel flows at higher unsteadiness, in comparison with unsteady wall-bounded flows such as oscillatory boundary layers and duct flows. Therefore, in this study, a low-Reynolds-number k–ε model involved with a function of unsteadiness effect was developed and some numerical calculations were conducted using the volume of fluid method as a free-surface condition. The present calculated values were in good agreement with the existing LDA data in the whole flow depth from the wall to the time-dependent free surface. These values were also compared with those of unsteady wall-bounded flows. The present calculations were able to predict the distributions of turbulence generation and its dissipation, and consequently the unsteadiness effect on turbulence structure was discussed on the basis of the outer-variable unsteadiness parameter α, which is correlated with the inner-variable unsteadiness parameter ω+ in unsteady wall-bounded flows.  相似文献   

The influence of seepage (lateral flow) on the turbulence characteristics in free-surface flows over an immobile rough boundary is investigated. Steady flows having zero-pressure gradient over an immobile rough boundary created by uniform gravels of 4.1 mm in size were simulated experimentally with injection (upward seepage) and suction (downward seepage) applied through the boundary. A Vectrino (acoustic Doppler velocimeter) was used to measure the instantaneous velocities, which are analyzed to explore second- and third-order correlations, turbulent kinetic energy, turbulent energy budget, and conditional Reynolds shear stresses. It is observed that the second-order correlations decrease in presence of injection and increase in suction. The turbulent diffusivity and mixing length increase in presence of injection and decrease in suction. The third-order correlations suggest that the ejections are prevalent over the entire flow depth. The near-boundary flow is significantly influenced by the existence of upward seepage, which is manifested by a reduction in streamwise flux and the vertical advection of streamwise Reynolds normal stress. In addition, the upward flux and the streamwise advection of vertical Reynolds normal stress are also affected. The streamwise flux of turbulent kinetic is found to migrate upstream, while the vertical flux of turbulent kinetic energy is transported upward. The fluxes increase in presence of injection and decrease in suction. Energy budget evidences a lag between the turbulent dissipation and production and an opposing trend in the turbulent and pressure energy diffusions. A quadrant analysis for the conditional Reynolds shear stresses reveals that the ejection and sweep events are the primary contributions toward the total Reynolds shear stress production, with ejections dominating over the entire flow depth. The effect of seepage is shown to affect the magnitude of such events. However, in case of sweeps, this phenomenon is the opposite. The mean-time of occurrence of ejections and that of sweeps in suction are more persistent than those in no-seepage and injection.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to examine the effect of surface roughness on the higher-order velocity moments in a turbulent open-channel flow. The wall roughness is large and the ratio of the roughness size to the depth of flow ranges from 0.1 to 0.15. Flow over two types of roughness conditions (ribs and dunes) are examined and compared with that over a smooth open channel. In the case of the rib roughness, three different spacings are used: p/k = 4.5, 9, and 18; here, p=distance between the leading edges of two consecutive ribs and k=height of a rib with square cross section. The shape of the smooth wall dunes was geometrically similar to that commonly used in previous studies. In an effort to understand the influence of local wall roughness, rough-wall dunes are also used in the present study. The variables of interest include higher-order moments, conditional statistics based on a quadrant analysis, relationship of higher-order moments to the Reynolds stress and energy production. Although there are some similarities between open-channel flows and turbulent boundary layers, there are important differences as indicated by the third-order moments. The triple products and the second quadrant events are sensitive to the wall condition. Ejection events are found to be prevalent throughout the depth. It is also clear from the study that one needs to explicitly account for the surface condition in any model development to be able to predict transport characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper reports particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements of the instantaneous velocity fields in a smooth open-channel flow. The Reynolds number of the flow based on the water depth was 21,000. The instantaneous velocity fields were analyzed using proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to expose the vortical structures. The velocity fields were reconstructed using different combination of modes; the first 12 modes to expose the energetic structures, and from Modes 13 to 100 to expose the less energetic structures. The first set recovered about 50% of the turbulent kinetic energy while the second group of modes recovered about 33% of the energy. The POD results were further combined with the results from the momentum analysis as well as with the conditional quadrant analysis performed at three different threshold levels. The POD results revealed the existence of hairpin vortices of different sizes and energy levels. Most of the large eddies are elongated and inclined toward the boundaries in the streamwise direction. The results also revealed patterns of strong ejection and sweep events which are common features in wall-bounded flows. Closer to the free surface (y/d>0.6), it was observed that the existence of hairpin vortices with legs possibly extended upward toward the free surface. As well, the distribution of the uniform momentum zones was consistent with the location of the vortices and their induced flow. While POD exposes the large- and small-scale structures based on the amount of turbulent kinetic energy, the quadrant analysis performed on the PIV maps shows the spatial distribution of the events related to the momentum transport.  相似文献   

Depth-Averaged Shear Stress and Velocity in Open-Channel Flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Turbulent momentum and velocity always have the greatest gradient along wall-normal direction in straight channel flows; this has led to the hypothesis that surplus energy within any control volume in a three-dimensional flow will be transferred toward its nearest boundary to dissipate. Starting from this, the boundary shear stress, the Reynolds shear stress, and the velocity profiles along normal lines of smooth boundary may be determined. This paper is a continuous effort to investigate depth-average shear stress and velocity in rough channels. Equations of the depth-averaged shear stress in typical open channels have been derived based on a theoretical relation between the depth-averaged shear stress and boundary shear stress. Equation of depth mean velocity in a rough channel is also obtained and the effects of water surface (or dip phenomenon) and roughness are included. Experimental data available in the literature have been used for verification that shows that the model reasonably agrees with the measured data.  相似文献   

Eulerian equations for the vertical flux and momentum of suspended particles in dilute sediment-laden open-channel flow in equilibrium have been derived using the two-fluid approach. Reynolds averaging has been applied in order to allow validation of individual terms with experimental data. Consideration of the various terms of the vertical momentum balance with experimental flume data indicates that the drag force has to be separated into a mean and a turbulent contribution with different timescales, respectively, the (gravitational) particle timescale and the integral turbulence timescale. The resulting formulation further provides a new theoretical closure for the turbulent Schmidt number.  相似文献   

A model is developed to account for the vertical distribution of velocity and nonhydrostatic pressure in one-dimensional open-channel flows. The model is based on both classical multilayer models and depth-averaged and moment equations. The establishment of its governing equations and the flow simulation are performed over a number of flow layers as in classical multilayer models. However, the model also allows for vertical distributions within a flow layer by including both Boussinesq terms and effective stress terms due to depth-averaging operations. These terms are evaluated on the basis of vertically linearly approximated profiles of velocity and pressure. The resulting additional coefficients can be solved by the moment equations for the relevant layers. Three verifications demonstrate satisfactory simulations for water surface profile, as well as vertical distributions for horizontal velocity, vertical velocity, and nonhydrostatic pressure. Sensitivity analysis shows that the model can be applied with fewer flow layers, more flexibility of layer division, and less computational cost than classical multilayer models, without a remarkable compromise in accuracy.  相似文献   

Double-Averaged Open-Channel Flows with Small Relative Submergence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the turbulent structure of shallow open channel flows where the flow depth is too small (compared with the roughness height) to form a logarithmic layer but large enough to develop an outer layer where the flow is not directly influenced by the roughness elements. Since the log layer is not present, the displacement height d, which defines the position of the zero plane, and the shear velocity u* cannot be found by fitting the velocity data to the log law. However, these parameters are still very important because they are used for scaling flow statistics for the outer and roughness layers. In this paper we propose an alternative procedure for evaluating d in laboratory conditions, where d is found from additional experiments with the fully developed log layer. We also point out the appropriate procedure for evaluating the shear velocity u* for flows with low submergence. These procedures are applied to our own laboratory flume experiments with uniform sphere roughness, where velocities were measured using Particle Image Velocimetry. Results were interpreted within the framework of the double-averaged Navier–Stokes equations and include mean velocities, turbulence intensities, Reynolds stresses, and form-induced normal and shear stresses. The data collapse well and show that in flows without a developed log layer the structure of turbulence in the outer layer remains similar to that of flows with a log layer. This means that even though the roughness layer in the experiments reported herein was sufficiently high to prevent the development of the log layer, influence of the bed roughness did not spread further up into the outer layer. Furthermore, the results show that flow statistics do not depend on relative submergence except for the form-induced stresses which increase when relative submergence decreases.  相似文献   

Shear Stress in Smooth Rectangular Open-Channel Flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The average bed and sidewall shear stresses in smooth rectangular open-channel flows are determined after solving the continuity and momentum equations. The analysis shows that the shear stresses are function of three components: (1) gravitational; (2) secondary flows; and (3) interfacial shear stress. An analytical solution in terms of series expansion is obtained for the case of constant eddy viscosity without secondary currents. In comparison with laboratory measurements, it slightly overestimates the average bed shear stress measurements but underestimates the average sidewall shear stress by 17% when the width–depth ratio becomes large. A second approximation is formulated after introducing two empirical correction factors. The second approximation agrees very well (R2>0.99 and average relative error less than 6%) with experimental measurements over a wide range of width–depth ratios.  相似文献   

When investigating sediment transport in laboratory open-channel flows, it is often necessary to remove sidewall effects for computing effective bed shear stress. Previous sidewall correction methods are subject to some assumptions that have not been completely verified, and different values of the bed shear stress may be obtained depending on the approach used in making sidewall corrections. This study provides a quantitative assessment of the existing correction procedures by comparing them to a new sidewall correction model proposed in this study. The latter was derived based on the shear stress function and equivalent roughness size for both rigid and mobile bed conditions, which were obtained directly from experimental measurements. The comparisons show that the Einstein correction formula and the Vanoni and Brooks method generally predict relatively lower and higher bed shear stresses, respectively, while the Williams’ empirical function leads to more scatter. This study also demonstrates that the widely used Vanoni and Brooks approach can be well approximated by a simple formula derived based on the Blasius resistance function. The sidewall effects, when removed in the different ways, would consequently affect the presentation of the bedload function. Experimental results of bedload transport, when plotted as the dimensionless transport rate against the dimensionless shear stress with the latter being corrected using the present model, exhibit less scatter than those associated with the previous procedures.  相似文献   

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