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提出了一种新型的超临界水堆概念设计:混合能谱超临界水堆,它包括慢谱区和快谱区两部分.其慢谱区燃料组件采用双排燃料组件,快谱区采用简单的正方形栅元燃料组件.慢谱区与快谱区的燃料组件都采用同向流动方式来简化堆芯设计.慢谱区的冷却剂出口温度远低于整个堆芯的出口温度,这大大降低了慢谱区包壳的温度峰值.此外,由于快谱区冷却剂密度很小,流速很高,故可采用较大的栅元结构,这有效地降低了包壳周向局部传热不均匀性.所以混合堆在充分继承慢谱、快谱堆芯优点的基础上,弥补两者的不足.  相似文献   

The supercritical-pressure water-cooled fast reactor (SWFR) is a fast spectrum supercritical water-cooled reactor (SCWR) studied by the University of Tokyo. The SWFR is designed as a two-pass core with an outlet temperature 500 °C. The SWFR has fuel channels cooled by downward flow, higher power density, and smaller coolant density reactivity feedback compared with Super LWR. This paper describes the safety analyses of abnormal events for the SWFR. SPRAT-F code is used for the safety analysis at supercritical pressure considering the downward flow cooled seed fuel channel. This code is based on a 1-D node junction model with point kinetics and decay heat calculations. Flow redistribution among parallel paths is calculated by pressure-loss balance and momentum conservation. The initiating events are selected from those of LWRs. For the safety analysis, nine abnormal transients and four accidents are selected with considering types of abnormality. By the numerical analyses, it was found that the loss of flow events can be mitigated by the “water source” effect of the downward flow blanket channels in the abnormal transients and accidents. All the abnormal events satisfy the criteria with margin.  相似文献   

Subchannel analyses have been carried out for supercritical water-cooled fast reactor fuel assembly. Peak cladding surface temperature difference arising from subchannel heterogeneities have been calculated by using the improved subchannel analysis code STARS and was evaluated to be about 18.5 °C. Several suggestions have been also made for reducing the PCST difference arising from channel heterogeneity. Influences of local power peaking on deflection of cladding surface temperature are explained with pin power distribution taken from core depletion calculation in this paper. Maximum cladding surface temperature at nominal condition is evaluated to be 645.3 °C over the cycle. Statistical thermal design uncertainty associated with PCST calculation is evaluated by Monte-Carlo sampling technique combined with subchannel analysis code. Maximum statistical design uncertainty of PCST is calculated to be 31 °C and is in a good agreement with that from RTDP method. Influence of downward flow in seed region on system sensitivity is investigated by improved Monte-Carlo thermal design procedure. Limiting thermal condition of MCST is 681 °C (650 °C of nominal + 31 °C) within 95/95 limit for SWFR.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2006,33(11-12):945-956
Fuel rod design for high power density supercritical water-cooled fast reactor was conducted with mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel and stainless steel (SUS304) cladding under the limiting cladding surface temperature of 650 °C. Fuel and cladding integrities, and flow-induced vibration were taken into account as design criteria. Designed fuel rod has the diameter of 7.6 mm and is arranged in the fuel assembly with pitch-to-diameter ratio of 1.14. New core arrangement for negative void reactivity is proposed by three-dimensional tri-z core calculation fully coupled with thermal hydraulic calculation, where ZrH layer concept is used for negative void reactivity. The core has high power density of 156 W/cm3 and its equivalent diameter is only 2.7 m for 1000 MWe class reactor core. High average core outlet temperature of 500 °C is achieved by introducing radial fuel enrichment zoning and downward flow in seed assembly. Small pressure vessel size and simplified direct steam cycle with higher thermal efficiency give an economical potential in aspect of capital and operating cost.  相似文献   

The commercial CFD code STAR-CD v4.02 is used as the numerical simulation tool for the supercritical water-cooled nuclear reactor (SCWR). The numerical simulation is based on the real full 3D rod bundles’ geometry of the nuclear reactors. For satisfying the near-wall resolution of y+ ≤ 1, the structure mesh with the stretched fine mesh near wall is employed. The validation of the numerical simulation for mesh generation strategy and the turbulence model for the heat transfer of supercritical water is carried out to compare with 3D tube experiments. After the validation, the same mesh generation strategy and the turbulence model are employed to study three types of the geometry frame of the real rod bundles. Through the numerical investigations, it is found that the different arrangement of the rod bundles will induce the different temperature distribution at the rods’ walls. The wall temperature distributions are non-uniform along the wall and the values depend on the geometry frame. At the same flow conditions, downward flow gets higher wall temperature than upward flow. The hexagon geometry frame has the smallest wall temperature difference comparing with the others. The heat transfer is controlled by P/D ratio of the bundles.  相似文献   

The commercial CFD code STAR-CD 4.02 is used as a numerical simulation tool for flows in the supercritical water-cooled nuclear reactor (SCWR). The basic heat transfer element in the reactor core can be considered as round tubes and tube bundles. Reactors with vertical or horizontal flow in the core can be found. In a vertically oriented core, symmetric characters of flow and heat transfer can be found and two-dimensional analyses are often performed. However, in a horizontally oriented core the flow and heat transfer are fully three-dimensional due to the buoyancy effect. In this paper, horizontal tubes and tube bundles at SCWR conditions are studied. Special STAR-CD subroutines were developed by the authors to correctly represent the dramatic change in physical properties of the supercritical water with temperature. From the study of single round tubes, the Speziale quadratic non-linear high-Re k-? turbulence model with the two-layer model for near wall treatment is found to produce the best results in comparison with experimental data. In tube bundle simulations, it is found that the temperature is higher in the top half of the bundle and the highest tube wall temperature is located at the outside tubes where the flow rate is the lowest. The secondary flows across the bundle are highly complex. Their main effect is to even out the temperature over the area within each individual recirculation region. Similar analysis could be useful in design and safety studies to obtain optimum fuel rod arrangement in a SCWR.  相似文献   

The commercial CFD code STAR-CD v4.02 is used as a numerical simulation tool for flows in the supercritical water-cooled nuclear reactor (SCWR). The basic heat transfer element in the reactor core can be considered as round rods and rod bundles. Reactors with vertical or horizontal flow in the core can be found. In vertically oriented core, symmetric characters of flow and heat transfer can be found and two-dimensional analyses are often performed. However, in horizontally oriented core the flow and heat transfer are fully three-dimensional due to the buoyancy effect. In this paper, horizontal rods and rod bundles at SCWR conditions are studied. Special STAR-CD subroutines were developed by the authors to correctly represent the dramatic change in physical properties of the supercritical water with temperature. In the rod bundle simulations, it is found that the geometry and orientation of the rod bundle have strong effects on the wall temperature distributions and heat transfers. In one orientation the square bundle has a higher wall temperature difference than other bundles. However, when the bundles are rotated by 90° the highest wall temperature difference is found in the hexagon bundle. Similar analysis could be useful in design and safety studies to obtain optimum fuel rod arrangement in a SCWR.  相似文献   

Supercritical water-cooled reactor (SCWR) is the only water-cooled reactor among six Generation IV reactor concepts. Safety analysis is one of the most important tasks for SCWR design. A typical thermal spectrum SCWR with passive safety system during design-basis accident (DBA) and beyond design-basis accident (BDBA) is performed. For DBA, reactor system is modeled based on a revised code ATHLET-SC. Loss of coolant accident is chosen to perform safety analysis and sensitive analysis. The results achieved demonstrate the feasibility of proposed passive cooling system to provide sufficient cooling. However, it should be noted that if one of safety systems fails to actuate during loss of coolant accident, although the likelihood is fairly low, there is potential risk of cladding failure. Consequently, the DBA will develop into the BDBA. For BDBA, a postulated severe accident is analyzed after melt pool is formed in the lower plenum. Heat transfer behavior in the melt pool as well as two-dimensional heat transfer effect in the lower head wall is discussed. Then, key parameters are chosen to perform parametric analysis. Results show that the safety margin to critical heat flux is significant. After considering two-dimensional heat conduction effect in the lower head, the safety margin could be further increased.  相似文献   

This paper describes study on the procedure of raising the reactor thermal power and the reactor coolant flow rate during the power-raising phase of plant startup for the supercritical water-cooled fast reactor (SWFR), which is selected as one of the Generation IV reactor concepts. Since part of the seed fuel assemblies and all the blanket fuel assemblies of the SWFR are cooled by downward flow, the feedwater from the reactor vessel inlet nozzle to the mixing plenum located below the core is distributed among these fuel assemblies and the downcomer. The flow rate distribution as the function of both the reactor thermal power and the feedwater flow rate, which are the design parameters for the power-raising phase, is obtained by the thermal hydraulic calculations. Based on the flow rate distribution, thermal analyses and thermal-hydraulic stability analyses are carried out in order to obtain the available region of the reactor thermal power and the feedwater flow rate for the power-raising phase. The criteria for the “available” region are the maximum cladding surface temperature (MCST) and the decay ratio of thermal-hydraulic stability in three “hot” channels; two seed assemblies with upward/downward flow and a blanket assembly. The effects of various heat transfer correlations and axial power distributions are also studied.  相似文献   

Nuclear power plants exhibit non-linear and time-variable dynamics. Therefore, designing a control system that sets the reactor power and forces it to follow the desired load is complicated. A supercritical water reactor(SCWR) is a fourthgeneration conceptual reactor. In an SCWR, the non-linear dynamics of the reactor require a controller capable of controlling the nonlinearities. In this study, a pressure-tube-type SCWR was controlled during reactor power maneuvering with a higher order sliding...  相似文献   

Thermo-mechanical behaviors of supercritical pressure light water cooled fast reactor (SWFR) fuel rod and cladding have been investigated by FEMAXI-6 (Ver.1) code with high enriched MOX fuel at elevated operating condition of high coolant system pressure (25 MPa) and high temperature (500 °C in core average outlet temperature). Fuel rod failure modes and associated fuel rod design criteria that is expected to be limiting in SWFR operating condition have been investigated in this fuel rod design study. Fuel centerline temperature is evaluated to be 1853 °C and fission gas release fraction is about 45% including helium production. Cumulative damage fraction is evaluated by linear life fraction rule with time-to-rupture correlation of advanced austenitic stainless steel. In a viewpoint of mechanical strength of fuel cladding against creep rupture and cladding collapse at high operation temperature, currently available stainless steels or being developed has a potential for application to SWFR. Admissible design range in terms of initial gas plenum pressure and its volume ratio are suggested for fuel rod design The stress ranges suggested by this study could be used as a preliminary target value of cladding material development for SWFR application.  相似文献   

Scientists at the German AVR pebble bed nuclear reactor discovered that the surface temperature of some of the pebbles in the AVR core were at least 200 K higher than previously predicted by reactor core analysis calculations. The goal of this research paper is to determine whether a similar unexpected fuel temperature increase of 200 K can be attributed solely or mostly to elevated power production resulting from exceptional configurations of pebbles. If it were caused by excessive pebble-to-pebble local power peaking, there could be implications for the need for core physics monitoring which is not now being considered for pebble bed reactors. The PBMR-400 core design was used as the basis for evaluating pebble bed reactor safety. Through exhaustive Monte Carlo modeling of a PBMR-400 pebble environment, no simple pebble-to-pebble burn-up conditions were found to cause a sufficiently high local power peaking to lead to a 200 K temperature increase. Simple thermal hydraulics analysis was performed which showed that a significant core coolant flow anomalies such as higher than expected core bypass flows, local pebble flow variation or even local flow blockage would be needed to account for such an increase in fuel temperature. The identified worst case scenarios are presented and discussed in detail. The conclusion of this work is that the stochastic nature of the pebble bed cannot lead to highly elevated fuel temperatures but rather local or core-wide coolant flow reductions are the likely cause.  相似文献   

The performance of the super-critical water-cooled fast reactor (Super FR) for the transmutation treatment of long-lived fission products (LLFPs) was evaluated. Two regions with the soft neutron spectrum, which is of great benefit to the LLFPs transmutation, can be utilized in the Super FR. First region is in the blanket assembly due to the ZrH1.7 layer which was utilized to slow down the fast neutrons to achieve a negative void reactivity. Second region is in the reflector region of core like other metal-cooled fast reactors. The LLFPs selected in the transmutation analysis include 99Tc, 129I and 135Cs discharged from LWR or fast reactor. Their isotopes, such as 127I, 133Cs, 134Cs and 137Cs were also considered to avoid the separation. By loading the isotopes (99Tc or 127I and 129I) in the blanket assembly and the reflector region simultaneously, the transmutation rates of 5.36%/GWe year and 2.79%/GWe year can be obtained for 99Tc and 129I, respectively. The transmuted amounts of 99Tc and 129I are equal to the yields from 11.8 and 6.2 1000 MWe-class PWRs. Because of the very low capture cross section of 135Cs and the effect of other cesium isotopes, 135Cs was loaded with three rings of assemblies in the reflector region to make the transmuted amount be larger than the yields of two 1000 MWe-class PWRs.Based on these results, 99Tc and 129I can be transmuted conveniently and higher transmutation performance can be obtained in the Super FR. However, the transmutation of 135Cs is very difficult and the transmuted amount is less than that produced by the Super FR. It turns out that the transmutation of 135Cs is a challenge not only for the Super FR but also for other commercial fast reactors.  相似文献   

The increase of steam parameters to supercritical conditions could reduce the power generating costs of light water reactors significantly [Proceedings of SCR-2000 (2000) 1]. Core assemblies, however, will differ from current BWR or PWR design. In this context, this paper summarizes the main results related to a thermal-hydraulic design analysis of applicable fuel assemblies. Starting from a thorough literature survey on heat transfer of supercritical fluids, the current status indicates a large deficiency in the prediction of the heat transfer coefficient under reactor prototypical conditions. For the thermal-hydraulic design of such fuel assemblies the sub-channel analysis code Sub-channel Thermal-hydraulic Analysis in Fuel Assemblies under Supercritical conditions (STAFAS) has been developed, which will have a higher numerical efficiency compared to the conventional sub-channel analysis codes. The effect of several design parameters on the thermal-hydraulic behaviour in sub-channels has been investigated. Based on the results achieved so far, two fuel assembly configurations are recommended for further design analysis, i.e. a tight square lattice and a semi-tight hexagonal lattice.  相似文献   

超临界水氧化技术是处理废树脂的途径之一,能够快速、有效处理核电站产生的含放射性核素的废离子交换树脂。本文提出了一种新型的超临界水氧化反应器,并采用计算流体动力学方法,建立了以多孔介质模型为基础的树脂颗粒非均相反应与均相反应耦合的反应器模型,对其中的流动、换热及化学反应过程进行了数值模拟研究。结果表明,各工况下有机物均完全转化为二氧化碳,各工况均能满足生产要求;随加热功率增加,反应物料出口温度、流域最高温度、压降与出口速度均逐渐增加。  相似文献   

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