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性别角色的愉悦——性和谐   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人的社会化过程,就是人的生理,心理成熟并学会扮演社会角色、遵循各种角色规范的过程。在社会生活中,每个人都有自己的角色丛。其中,有两个基本角色是每个成年人都要扮演的:性别角色和职业角色。正确的性教育对性别角色确定及性别角色实践极为重  相似文献   

目的:考察摩梭初中生性别角色和心理素质之间的关系。方法:采用性别角色量表和中国中学生心理素质量表对128名摩梭初中生施测,采用SPSS13.0进行信效度分析、描述统计、卡方检验和方差分析。结果:摩梭初中生四种性别角色差异显著,未分化比例占多数。女生女性化比例高于男生,男生男性化比例高于女生,差异显著。不同性别的心理素质差异不显著。四种性别角色类型在心理素质总分、学习能力、社会能力和个性因子、应付挫折能力、进取心、人际沟通、责任感、自信、乐观、注意力、思维要素上差异显著。在心理素质总分、学习能力因子、思维要素上,双性化〉男性化〉女性化〉未分化;在社会能力和个性因子上,在应付挫折能力、进取心、人际沟通、责任感、乐观和注意力要素上,双性化〉女性化〉男性化〉未分化;在自信要素上,女性化〉双性化〉男性化〉未分化。结论:对于摩梭初中生而言,双性化为最优性别角色,未分化为差性别角色,在心理素质的多数因子和要素上,女性化优于男性化。  相似文献   

目的描述患者性别角色和满意度分布现状,探讨不同性别角色与护理服务和满意程度的相关关系。方法采用便利抽样方法,选择武汉某三甲医院172名患者为研究对象。本研究采用问卷调查方法,以现场发放和回收问卷为主,问卷有患者一般资料问卷、贝姆性别角色量表(BSRI)、纽卡斯尔护理满意度量表(NNSS)。采用SPSS23.0软件对相关数据进行统计分析。结果①BSRI:172名患者中,双性化角色占比2.9%,男性化角色占比15.1%,女性化角色占比16.9%,未分化角色占比65.1%。②NNSS:不满意率患者占比在36.1%~44.8%之间,满意率患者占比在55.2%~63.9%之间。③性别角色与NNSS条目2~6、8、11、14、16的相关性均具有统计学意义(均P0.05);双性化与NNSS条目4、8,男性化与NNSS条目2~5、8,女性化与NNSS条目5、16的相关性均具有统计学意义(均P0.05);NNSS条目10、12、14、17与双性化、女性化的相关性均具有统计学意义(均P0.05),NNSS条目5、7、13、17与男性化、未分化的相关性均具有统计学意义(均P0.05)。结论 172名患者中,性别角色分布差异明显,以性别角色未分化最多,性别角色双性化最少;护理服务整体满意率较高,评分2.92~3.17分,以对患者需求了解和回应程度的满足评分最高,倾听烦恼及回应、隐私保护评分最低;性别角色男性化对满意度条目最多,未分化角色最少,双性化与不满意的程度有相关性,女性化/未分化与满意的程度有相关性。因此,护理人员应当避免对患者进行过多刚性化服务,尤其针对未分化者,应当采用柔性间接的管理,进而满足患者需求,提高护理服务满意度。  相似文献   

王炳元 《中国性科学》2008,17(12):18-20
单亲家庭中儿童的性别角色教育是应该引起重视的一个问题,具体应根据不同家庭类型实施有所不同的教育方式。笔者就此提出在母子、父女、同性父母与子女及其他异性单亲家庭等不同类型家庭中不同的教育方式,作为探讨性的意见还需要在现实中加以验证和完善。针对这一问题的观点,目前国内尚缺乏比较系统和科学的研究结果,因此本文可以作为抛砖引玉之作,期望能够得到相关学者的关注和指正。  相似文献   

目的:了解目前我国不同类型青少年性别角色发展及性别刻板印象情况,为更好地开展青少年性别教育提供依据。方法:采用分阶段抽样,对全国六个省、自治区城市和农村地区的5709例不同类型的青少年进行计算机辅助的自填问卷调查。结果:青少年报告家庭中性别分工较刻板。青少年双性化、未分化和单性化(典型的男性化和女性化)各占约1/3,其中男性青少年中双性化的比例较高,达40%,而未分化和单性化的比例较低。在校学生随着年龄的增长双性化的比例升高,未分化和男性化的比例下降。相当比例的青少年持较刻板的性别角色印象,且对家庭事务领域的性别刻板印象要高于社会和两性关系领域。与家庭结构变量相比,父母在家务分配、决策贡献上是否遵从传统的性别分工更能影响青少年的性别刻板印象。结论:性别教育除帮助青少年进行自我调节、倡导双性化和男性化性别角色的发展外,还必须注重其家庭内性别文化建设。  相似文献   

王晴锋 《中国性科学》2013,22(10):102-107
目的:了解男同性恋者性角色与性别角色之间的区别.方法:采取定性研究中的滚雪球式个案访谈与参与观察.结果:通常认为同性恋者的性角色有“攻”和“受”之分,然而性角色并不总是与性别角色相一致,女性气质的男同性恋者在性行为中可能扮演主动的角色,反之亦然.性别角色与性角色之间无法相互推断.性角色和性别角色部分源于生理性别与社会性别之间的划分,但性角色并不是完全由生理因素决定,攻、受行为并没有完全结构化.结论:男同性恋社群中“受”的角色占多数,这与长期的历史-社会塑造、文化心态有关.通过性别角色规范作为中介,文化对同性恋社群性行为的作用得以实现,从中亦可以发现社会/文化是如何建构行为的.  相似文献   

胡珍 《中国性科学》2010,19(7):18-24
本文通过实证调查,揭示了西南少数民族大学生10年来对现实性别喜恶、性别选择愿望的变化,并分析了影响变化的社会因素、家庭文化背景、以及青春期生理变化的求助中亲父或亲母关系的影响;也分析了西南少数民族由于民族文化的多样性,其文化背景对其性别感及性别认同影响的差异很大。研究得出了:西南少数民族大学生的性别感越来越符合现实性别,但男女生性别差异犹存;在影响其性别感的相关因素中,亲父关系的影响非常显著;父母的文化水平越高,大学生喜欢自己现实性别以及对自己现实性别的喜恶无所谓的比率越高。  相似文献   

马达 《中国性科学》2011,20(4):33-38
本文旨在将以往针对美国西班牙裔人群性别角色和观点的研究进行比较分析,尤其是这些西班牙裔男性的性观念和男子气这一原型对他们的影响。本文将西班牙裔移民作为一个种族来研究,并尽量涵盖了复杂种族所具有的种族谱内的所有内容。他们在美国所遇到的经济转型、文化适应、女权运动以及其他变化和机遇正在改变这一人群的性别角色和性别期待。根据美国人口普查的结果(2002),西班牙裔美国人已经成为美国最大的少数民族。因此,只有充分理解了这一人群的生活方式和意识形态的内容,包括他们的政治思想和身心方面的认识,才能够为他们提供心理咨询和性咨询。如果治疗师能够理解男子气这一原型是如何潜在影响其男性角色的形成,并使其性别角色能够适应家庭和社会的需要,那么对该原型的认识将有助于治疗师理解来访者的性别角色。一种利用了该种群社会长处的治疗措施和方法也在文中有所讨论。  相似文献   

目的:比较纳西族和汉族初中生性别角色取向的异同,为纳西族、汉族初中生性别角色教育提供参考。方法:整群抽取云南省丽江市两所中学1000名初中生,采用性别角色量表测评。结果:纳西族和汉族初中生未分化和双性化比例均高于单性化(P0.05)。纳西族和汉族男生男性化比例均高于女生,女生女性化比例均高于男生(P0.01);纳西族女生双性化比例高于男生(P0.05)。纳西族初中生4种性别角色类型年级差异无统计学意义(P0.05),汉族初中生双性化初一初二初三(P0.05)。纳西族独生子女男性化比例高于非独生子女(P0.01);汉族非独生子女双性化比例高于独生子女(P0.05)。结论:纳西族和汉族初中生性别角色总体分布表现出一致性,但不同性别、年级、家庭结构性别角色存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

目的 调查中国男性的生育观念及生育知识认知现状,为国家计划生育宣传和生育健康教育提供参考。方法 采用自行设计的问卷,于2022年6月通过线上无记名方法,调查中国成年男性生育规划及对生育相关知识的认知状况,比较已生育和未生育男性的生育观念是否一致及不同教育背景男性在生育知识认知上的差异。结果 回收有效问卷517份。参与者中,95.94%选择生育≤2个孩子,27.78%选择在35岁以后生育末胎,52.61%选择将经济因素作为推迟生育的主要因素。其中已生育男性相较于未生育男性具有生育更多孩子的意愿,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。参与者的生育知识认知普遍存在不足,相比低学历男性,本科及以上的男性对生育相关知识的认知度更高。结论 中国多数男性计划生育1~2个孩子,且相当一部分选择在35岁以后生育末胎,经济是延迟生育的主要因素。中国男性的生育知识认知存在普遍不足,应更广泛地推进生育健康教育。  相似文献   

目的:运用参与式教学方法在昆明市某小学五年级学生中进行青春前期性健康教育,以提高青春前期性健康知识知晓率。方法:在昆明市某小学五年级264名9-12岁学生中进行参与式性健康教育,教育内容主要包括性别意识、性别多元、性侵害,并运用整群抽样的方法,对五个班学生进行问卷调查。结果:性健康教育后学生对性基本知识判断、青春期相关知识、性骚扰的识别与应对均有明显提高,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。教育后对"月经/遗精会影响健康"正确判断率从45.5%提高到75.7%,对性骚扰采取"不出声,忍受"从33.0%降低到1.2%。结论:小学生性健康知识知晓率较低,学校开展性健康教育有助于小学生性健康知识知晓率的提高,有助于其健康成长。  相似文献   

第三性别现象拟可以分为七种基本形态:一是第三性别,具有生物遗传学存在,总量增多,不成主流的特点;二是中性,具有社会、心理角色改变而生物解剖生理状态未变的特点;三是变性,具有解剖生理学人工改变,社会心理角色亦变的特点;四是装扮性变,具有职业特征明显,表演特征显著,历史地域局限的特点;五是角色惯性变,具有以日常性、习惯性、行为性改变为主的特点;六是同性恋,具有可能有生物、生理学改变,明显心理角色改变伴性社会角色变异的特点;七是误解性别角色,具有社会和行为误解的特点。从生物及心理社会学角度归类,第三性别、变性、同性恋以生物遗传及解剖学改变为主;装扮性变、角色惯性变、误解性别角色以心理社会学改变为主;中性也许二者兼。未来趋势受生物技术、医药技术、计算机技术、纳米技术及生命观、价值观、审美观和心理定位、社会角色、婚姻家庭、环境因素的影响,具有主流和支流、传统和时新、单一和多样、渐变和突变、现实和虚拟、有性和无性、生物和心理(行为)、生物和社会(存在)共存共融的形态。  相似文献   

Background Acne is a very common skin disease that has major impact on the patients’ quality of life. Although the disease has been extensively studied we still need more knowledge of factors influencing the decisions for choice of therapy. Objective To evaluate the relationships between clinical severity, patients’ self‐reported quality of life, treatment choice and the outcome of therapy in a structured out‐patient acne clinic. Methods In total 211 consecutive patients (143 females, 68 males) at a structured acne clinic were included. At the first visit a clinical assessment was conducted, therapy was initiated and the patients answered a quality‐of‐life questionnaire (Dermatology Life Quality Index, DLQI). A follow up was performed after six months, when patients once again answered the DLQI questionnaire and the clinical outcome was assessed by the physician. Results The quality of life was improved after treatment at a group level. At the first visit, the quality of life showed a gender difference (females scoring worse) but did not correlate to the clinical grading nor to the choice of therapy. At six months the DLQI correlated with clinical outcome. Patients with isotretinoin therapy showed a significantly greater improvement in quality of life. There was a tendency to gender difference in the choice of therapy, as in females 32% of the patients were treated with isotretinoin although they were clinically graded as moderate. The corresponding figure for males was 23%. A correlation was found between the initial clinical grading and gender, age and the choice of therapy. Conclusion DLQI can be used to evaluate treatment effects in acne. However, the self‐reported quality of life will depend on several factors including age, gender, psychosocial factors and clinical severity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Information on the understanding of acne in adolescents has only occasionally been reported in the medical literature. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the perceptions of Greek high school students regarding acne causation, exacerbating factors, sources of information, and effect on their daily life and school performance. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three-hundred and forty-seven students (aged 13-18) of four Athenian high schools completed a self-reported questionnaire. RESULTS: Self-reported acne was present in 59.2% (187/316). Popular sources of information were parents (31.6%), dermatologists (26.7%), magazines and television (17.5%), pharmacists (16.2%), friends (5.3%), beauticians (1.6%) and other doctors (1.1%). Fifty-two per cent considered the information received as inadequate. Reported causal or exacerbating acne factors included: diet (62.3%), hormones (55.1%), poor hygiene (42.4%), stress (31.9%), infection (14.9%) and genetics (5.7%). Reported ameliorating factors included frequent washing (80.7%), sunbathing (38.6%) and adequate hours of sleep (32%). These notions did not differ among pupils with and without acne or among pupils receiving information from different sources (P < 0.05 in all comparisons). Smoking habits, school performance, hours of sleep, sleep disturbances and self-assessment of stress status were not statistically significantly different between pupils with and without acne. Among pupils with acne 48.6% believed that acne was compromising interpersonal relations while 64.4% believed that acne was compromising their self-image. Fifteen per cent of adolescents reported pruritus associated with their acne lesions. CONCLUSION: Beliefs of Greek adolescents about acne were shown to be similar to those of pupils in other developed countries.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Psoriasis has a great impact on the quality of life of patients, and the ageing population is an important public health issue. OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether older patients with psoriasis have a different impairment in quality of life compared with younger patients, considering level of severity, duration of disease, gender and psychological distress. METHODS: The study was performed between February 2000 and February 2002 at the inpatient wards of the Dermatological Institute IDI-IRCCS, Rome, Italy, in the framework of a large project on clinical, epidemiological, emotional and quality of life aspects of psoriasis (IMPROVE study). This is a hospital-based cross-sectional study, with measures of quality of life (Skindex-29, Dermatology Life Quality Index and Psoriasis Disability Index) and of psychological distress, generic (12-item General Health Questionnaire) and psoriasis-related (Psoriasis Life Stress Inventory), all self-assessed by patients. We compared the mean scores of each quality of life instrument in patients aged < 65 years and >/= 65 years, in subsets of patients based on clinical and sociodemographic characteristics. RESULTS: We analysed 936 patients hospitalized at IDI-IRCCS with a diagnosis of psoriasis. Quality of life was significantly more impaired in the older group for all the Skindex-29 scales, and psychological distress was higher in older patients. In particular, older women suffering from anxiety or depression had the greatest impairment in quality of life. The results were somewhat different using the other quality of life instruments. CONCLUSIONS: These results should alert dermatologists that similar levels of clinical severity in psoriasis may be associated with different levels of quality of life and psychological distress of patients. Particular attention should be devoted to older patients, and especially to older women.  相似文献   

The evolution of liver diseases to end-stage liver disease or to acute hepatic failure, the evaluation process for liver transplantation, the organ allocation decision-making, as well as the post-transplant outcomes are different between female and male genders. Women’s access to liver transplantation is hampered by the use of model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score, in which creatinine values exert a systematic bias against women due to their lower values even in the presence of variable degrees of renal dysfunction. Furthermore, even when correcting MELD score for gender-appropriate creatinine determination, a quantifiable uneven access to transplant prevails, demonstrating that other factors are also involved. While some of the differences can be explained from the epidemiological point of view, hormonal status plays an important role. Moreover, the pre-menopausal and post-menopausal stages imply profound differences in a woman’s physiology, including not only the passage from the fertile age to the non-fertile stage, but also the loss of estrogens and their potentially protective role in delaying liver fibrosis progression, amongst others. With menopause, the tendency to gain weight may contribute to the development of or worsening of pre-existing metabolic syndrome. As an increasing number of patients are transplanted for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, and as the average age at transplant increases, clinicians must be prepared for the management of this particular condition, especially in post-menopausal women, who are at particular risk of developing metabolic complications after menopause.  相似文献   

建议法律中增加X性别,并将强奸主体与受害客体多元化,考虑男对男、女对男、女对女以及涉及X性别的情况。建议加强对未成年人的保护,将男童列为强奸受害客体加以保护,废除嫖宿幼女罪,并加强性教育,防止未成年人成为强奸主体。建议量刑方面注意创伤后应激障碍等延迟性精神障碍的情况以及考虑网络伤害等社会影响。  相似文献   

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