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目的:比较性病门诊男性患者PCR尿道拭子和首段尿标本对生殖支原体(Mg)的检测。方法:采集非淋菌性尿道炎(NGU)患者及无尿道炎就诊者的泌尿生殖道拭子标本及首段尿液标本,分别运用2对引物的PCR法检测Mg。结果:NGU组和无尿道炎者的拭子标本、首段尿标本Mg检出率分别为8.68%、5.90%;3.92%、3.92%。NGU组两种标本Mg的检出率间有统计学差异,P〈0.05;无尿道炎就诊者的两种标本的Mg检出率间无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。结论:首段尿标本检测生殖支原体可作为泌尿生殖道拭子标本检测的补充,提高临床检出率,还可作为无症状者的筛查手段。  相似文献   

目的:分析男性不育症患者精液标本中支原体检测情况及其对抗生素的耐药性。方法:选取2001年1月-2012年6月的520例男性不孕症患者为研究对象,将所有患者精液标本中支原体感染情况进行检测,并将其耐药性进行统计分析及比较。结果:520例患者中支原体感染76例,感染率为14.62%,其中单纯解脲支原体比例最高,其次为解脲支原体与人型支原体混合感染和单纯人型支原体感染,且不同类型的耐药情况存在明显差异,P均〈0.05,均有显著性差异。结论:男性不育症患者精液标本中支原体检出率较高,且不同分型的对抗生素的耐药性也有差异。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Polymorphic light eruption (PLE) is the most common so-called idiopathic photosensitivity disorder and affects up to 15% of the population in the U.K.; brief courses of systemic steroids have been tried and anecdotally have apparently been dramatically effective in the treatment of acute attacks. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy and safety of a short course of moderate-dose oral prednisolone used from the earliest onset of the eruption in the treatment of PLE. METHODS: The study was double-blind placebo-controlled, all patients being given both prednisolone and placebo, but randomized to take either one or the other from the earliest sign of onset of rash; if within 48 h there was no improvement, they transferred to the other medication. Each participant also applied a broad-spectrum, highly protective sunscreen 2-hourly during sun exposure, continued his or her usual degree of exposure after any development of PLE, and kept a diary noting details of the eruption, amount of exposure, weather conditions and any adverse events. Statistical analysis was performed by means of the non-parametric log rank test based on Kaplan-Meier plots and bootstrapped confidence intervals (CIs) for the means, using the time in days for the itch and rash to clear as the end-points. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients entered the study but only 10 required medication. Eight who took prednisolone first and remained on it or transferred to it from placebo all improved, with the itch settling fully within a mean 2.8 days of starting the prednisolone and the rash clearing by 4.2. In the two who took placebo first and remained on it, the itch took a mean 5.4 days to settle and the rash a mean 7.8. No patient who started with prednisolone changed to placebo. Thus, the prednisolone as randomized was better than placebo at settling both the itch (mean 2. 6 days less, CI 0.7-4.0, P = 0.015) and rash (mean 3.6 days less, CI 0.6-6.1, P = 0.036); only one patient experienced mild adverse effects of transient gastrointestinal upset and depressed mood. CONCLUSIONS: The acute eruption of PLE is likely to respond rapidly to short courses of prednisolone therapy given from the earliest onset of the condition, and the treatment is safe.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Psoriasis is recognized as the most prevalent T-cell-mediated inflammatory disease in humans, with predominantly activated T-helper (Th) 1 cell effectors. Leflunomide exerts its anti-inflammatory activities by preventing the generation of proinflammatory Th1 effectors and promoting Th2 cell differentiation. OBJECTIVES: To determine the safety and efficacy of leflunomide in patients with moderate to severe plaque-type psoriasis. METHODS: In an open-label phase II trial, eight patients with psoriasis received oral leflunomide 20 mg daily for 12 weeks. Patients were evaluated for improvement in psoriasis, quality of life, histological changes and toxicity. RESULTS: Antipsoriatic effects were obtained in all but two patients. A significant decrease was observed in the mean +/- SD Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score, from 20.08 +/- 6.85 before treatment to 12.51 +/- 11.83 after (P = 0.03). The antipsoriatic efficiency was confirmed histologically, with a significant mean +/- SD decrease in epidermal thickness, from 0.73 +/- 0.19 micro m before to 0.31 +/- 0.16 microm after (P = 0.01). The quality of life score showed an improvement, from 8.58 +/- 2.38 (mean +/- SD) before to 5.33 +/- 1.95 after (P = 0.02). The treatment was well tolerated; adverse reactions primarily consisted of transitory gastrointestinal events. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that leflunomide for plaque-type psoriasis is a safe and clinically effective option as monotherapy. However, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies are needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Clinical efficacy of topical corticosteroids in alopecia areata (AA) is still controversial. Positive clinical results have been obtained using ointments with occlusive dressing but this approach has a low patient compliance. Recently, a new topical formulation (thermophobic foam: Versafoam) of clobetasol propionate 0.05% has been introduced on the market (Olux, Mipharm, Milan, Italy) (CF). This formulation is easy to apply. After application to the skin the foam quickly evaporates without residues and it has a good patient compliance. In vitro studies have also shown that this formulation enhances the delivery of the active compound through the skin. AIM: To evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of CF in the treatment of moderate to severe AA. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Thirty-four patients with moderate to severe AA (eight men, mean age 40+/-13 years) were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, right-to-left, placebo-controlled, 24-week trial. Alopecia grading score (AGS) was calculated at baseline and after 12 and 24 weeks of treatment using a 0-5 score (0=no alopecia; 5=alopecia totalis). Clobetasol foam and the corresponding placebo foam (PF) were applied twice a day for 5 days/week for 12 weeks (phase 1) using an intrapatient design (right vs. left). From weeks 13 to 24 each enrolled patient continued only with the treatment (both on the right and left site) that was judged to have a greater efficacy than that on the contralateral side (phase 2). The primary outcome of the trial, evaluated on an intention-to-treat basis, was the hair regrowth rate, which was evaluated using a semiquantitative score (RGS) (from 0: no regrowth, to 4: regrowth of 75%). RESULTS: At baseline the AGS was 4.1 (range: 2-5). Nine (26%) patients prematurely concluded the trial. At the end of phase 1, a greater hair regrowth was observed in 89% of the head sites treated with CF vs. 11% in the sites treated with PF. The RGS was 1.2+/-1.6 in the CF-treated sites and 0.4+/-0.8 in the PF-treated sites (P=0.001). A RGS of 2 (hair regrowth of more than 25%) was observed in 42% CF-treated sites and in 13% of PF-treated sites (P=0.027). In seven subjects (20%) a RGS of 3 to 4 (hair regrowth of 50%) was observed in CF-treated sites. In three subjects (9%) a RGS of 4 (hair regrowth of 75%) was observed in CF-treated sites. In one patient only, in a PF-treated region, a RGS of 3 was observed. The AS was reduced to 3.8 by CF treatment at the end of phase 1 and to 3.3 at the end of phase 2 (P=0.01). From weeks 12 to 24 the treatment with CF induced a further increase in the RGS (from 1.2 to 1.5+/-1.4). Forty-seven per cent of CF-treated patients had a RGS of 2 at the end of the trial. A total of eight patients (25%) at the end of the treatment with CF showed a RGS of 3. Folliculitis occurred in two patients. No significant modifications in cortisol and ACTH blood levels were observed during the trial. CONCLUSION: This new formulation of clobetasol propionate foam is an effective, safe and well-tolerated topical treatment for AA. This formulation has a good cosmetic acceptance and patient compliance profile.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Thyroid hormone receptors are expressed in human skin and are believed to be involved in the regulation of epidermal proliferation and differentiation, i.e. processes which are disturbed in psoriatic skin lesions. Ligands of the thyroid hormone receptors have so far not been tested as antipsoriatic agents. TriAc (3,3',5-triiodo-thyroacetic acid) is a well-known thyroid hormone analogue with much reduced cardiac thyrotoxic activity compared with the classical thyroid hormones. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effectiveness and side-effects of topical TriAc in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis. METHODS: Twelve patients with mild to moderate psoriasis were treated with TriAc (0.1% in hydrophilic ointment) and placebo applied twice daily to either of two (or several) bilaterally symmetrical plaques for 8 weeks. The patients and investigator were blinded as to the content of the tubes. Every 2 weeks the treated plaques were evaluated by the patient (using a balanced visual analogue scale for a right-left comparison) and by the investigator (using a psoriasis severity index and a global assessment of each plaque). RESULTS: After 8 weeks of treatment, more than 33% improvement of the psoriasis index occurred in 10 of 12 TriAc-treated and nine of 12 placebo-treated plaques. There were no statistically significant differences between the treatments in terms of reduction of the scores for erythema, scaling, induration or pruritus during the study. Half of the patients considered TriAc superior to placebo, whereas three of 12 were of the opposite opinion (P > 0.05). The global assessment showed marked improvement or remission in six TriAc-treated and five placebo-treated cases (P > 0.05 for difference). No adverse effects were noted. CONCLUSIONS: TriAc in the dosage and formulation studied was safe but no more effective than placebo in treating plaque psoriasis. However, newer thyroid hormone analogues (agonists or antagonists) might be more active and should be further explored in this context.  相似文献   

目的:观察特比萘芬连续疗法治疗60岁以上甲真菌病患者的疗效、安全性和耐受性。方法:120例老年甲真菌病患者口服特比萘芬250mg,每日1次,指甲真菌病患者连续口服12周,趾甲真菌病患者连续口服16周;指甲真菌病患者在服药后第36周、趾甲真菌病患者在服药后第52周评价最终疗效和不良反应;同时检查血、尿常规,肝、肾功能。结果:在停药时及第36周时,指甲真菌病患者的临床有效率分别为68.8%和96.9%,真菌学治愈率分别为87.5%和96.9%;在停药时及第52周时,趾甲真菌病患者的临床有效率分别为44.2%和87.2%。真菌学治愈率分别为62.8%和96.5%。不良反应发生率为8.3%,主要为胃肠道反应。未发现特比萘芬与其他药物间的相互作用。结论:特比萘芬治疗老年人甲真菌病有效,且安全、耐受性良好。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory disease that can be painful especially in the atrophic and erosive forms. Several therapies have been tried, with varying results. There is one case report in which aloe vera (AV) was used successfully in the treatment of lichen planus. OBJECTIVES: To compare the efficacy of AV and placebo in the topical management of OLP. METHODS: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was designed. Fifty-four patients were randomized into two groups to receive AV gel or placebo for 8 weeks. RESULTS: Fifty-four consecutive patients (34 women and 20 men) participated in the study. We found erosive and ulcerative lesions in 83% and 17%, respectively. The most common site of OLP was the lower lip. Twenty-two of 27 patients treated with AV (81%) had a good response after 8 weeks of treatment, while one of 27 placebo-treated patients (4%) had a similar response (P<0.001). Furthermore, two patients treated with AV (7%) had a complete clinical remission. Burning pain completely disappeared in nine patients treated with AV (33%) and in one treated with placebo (4%) (P=0.005). Symptomatology improved by at least 50% (good response) in 17 patients treated with AV (63%) and in two treated with placebo (7%) (P<0.001). No serious side-effects were found in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: AV gel is statistically significantly more effective than placebo in inducing clinical and symptomatological improvement of OLP. Therefore, AV gel can be considered a safe alternative treatment for patients with OLP.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Melasma is a hyperpigmentation disorder predominantly affecting sun-exposed areas in women, which is often refractory to treatment. Most commercially available treatments incorporate inhibitors of tyrosinase, a key enzyme in melanin production within the melanocyte. In general, however, the efficacy of these therapies is somewhat limited. Recent studies have identified other enzymes that play an important role in melanogenesis, including tyrosinase-related protein-1 (TRP-1), which catalyses the oxidation of the melanogenetic intermediate 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carbolylic acid. Rucinol (4-n-butylresorcinol) has been shown to inhibit the activity of both tyrosinase and TRP-1. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy of rucinol serum 0.3% vs. the corresponding vehicle as a treatment for melasma. Secondary objectives were to evaluate local and general tolerability and to assess the skin acceptability of rucinol serum in the target population. METHODS: In this prospective, single-centre, double-blind, randomized, vehicle-controlled, bilateral (split-face) comparative trial, 32 women with melasma were provided with two identical tubes containing rucinol serum 0.3% or vehicle. The products were each applied to one-half of the face, according to the randomization scheme, twice daily for 12 weeks (phase 1). A broad-spectrum sunscreen (sun protection factor 60) was also applied daily. Assessments at baseline, 4, 8 and 12 weeks included clinical evaluations by a dermatologist, chromametry, ultraviolet and standard photography, and assessments of skin acceptability and tolerability. After 12 weeks, patients were given the option of an additional 3-month treatment period of open full-face rucinol treatment, with reviews at 16, 20 and 24 weeks (phase 2). RESULTS: Twenty-eight patients completed phase 1 and 26 patients completed phase 2. After 12 weeks, the clinical pigmentation score for rucinol-treated skin was significantly lower than for vehicle-treated skin (P = 0.027). During phase 2, rucinol induced a significant reduction in mean pigmentation score on the half of the face previously treated with vehicle. There was also a further, significant improvement on the rucinol-treated side of the face. Chromametry measurements showed that skin was significantly lighter and less yellow, with a strong trend towards reduced redness, following rucinol therapy compared with vehicle. Rucinol serum showed good tolerability and acceptability and was considered to have good or fair efficacy by 78% of the patient population. CONCLUSIONS: Rucinol serum was shown to have significant efficacy compared with vehicle alone in improving melasma after 3 months of treatment, according to clinical and objective assessments of skin colour.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The identification of a highly potent immunosuppressive/antiproliferative agent with an acceptable toxicity profile has long been a goal for the management of severe plaque psoriasis. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the efficacy and safety of sirolimus (Rapamune) for severe psoriasis when given alone or in association with cyclosporin. METHODS: In a randomized, double-blind, eight parallel group, pilot study in 24 out-patient centres in seven European countries, 150 patients, 18 years and older, with severe chronic plaque psoriasis were given sirolimus 0.5, 1.5 and 3.0 mg m(-2) daily for 8 weeks, either alone or in association with a subtherapeutic dose of cyclosporin (1.25 mg kg(-1) daily). Cyclosporin 5 mg kg(-1) daily was the positive control and cyclosporin 1.25 mg kg(-1) daily the negative control. The primary efficacy variable was the mean percentage reduction in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI). Safety assessments included monitoring of adverse events, clinical laboratory parameters and sirolimus/cyclosporin blood concentrations. RESULTS: The greatest mean percentage decreases in PASI were seen with cyclosporin 5.0 mg kg(-1) daily (70.5%) and with sirolimus 3.0 mg m(-2) daily + cyclosporin 1.25 mg kg(-1) daily (63.7%). Both groups demonstrated significantly better results than cyclosporin 1.25 mg kg(-1) daily (mean decrease 33.4%). Serum creatinine levels were significantly lower for groups with sirolimus alone and sirolimus plus reduced-dose cyclosporin when compared with cyclosporin 5.0 mg kg(-1) daily. Adverse events associated with sirolimus included thrombocytopenia (5%), hyperlipidaemia (9%), aphthous stomatitis (9%) and acne (13%), whereas adverse events associated with cyclosporin included hot flushes (12%), hyperlipidaemia (9%) and increased serum creatinine (9%). CONCLUSIONS: The concomitant administration of sirolimus with a subtherapeutic dose of cyclosporin in severe psoriasis may permit a reduction in their respective toxicities, notably cyclosporin-induced nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   

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