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The Brazilian Cerrado biome comprises a vertically structured mosaic of grassland, shrubland, and woodland physiognomies with distinct phenology patterns. In this study, we investigated the utility of spectral vegetation indices in differentiating these physiognomies and in monitoring their seasonal dynamics. We obtained high spectral resolution reflectances, during the 2000 wet and dry seasons, over the major Cerrado types at Brasilia National Park (BNP) using the light aircraft-based Modland Quick Airborne Looks (MQUALS) package, consisting of a spectroradiometer and digital camera. Site-intensive biophysical and canopy structural measurements were made simultaneously at each of the Cerrado types including Cerrado grassland, shrub Cerrado, wooded Cerrado, Cerrado woodland, and gallery forest. We analyzed the spectral reflectance signatures, their first derivative analogs, and convolved spectral vegetation indices (VI) over all the Cerrado physiognomies. The high spectral resolution data were convolved to the MODIS, AVHRR, and ETM+ bandpasses and converted to the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) to simulate their respective sensors. Dry and wet season comparisons of the measured biophysical attributes were made with the reflectance and VI data for the different Cerrado physiognomies. We found that three major domains of Cerrado could be distinguished with the dry and wet season spectral signatures and vegetation indices. The EVI showed a higher sensitivity to seasonality than the NDVI; however, both indices displayed seasonal variations that were approximately one-half that found with the measured landscape green cover dynamics. Inter-sensor comparisons of seasonal dynamics, based on spectral bandpass properties, revealed the ETM+-simulated VIs had the best seasonal discrimination capability, followed by MODIS and AVHRR. Differences between sensor bandpass-derived VI values, however, varied with Cerrado type and between dry and wet seasons, indicating the need for inter-sensor VI translation equations for effective multi-sensor applications.  相似文献   

Secondary forests may become increasingly important as temporary reservoirs of genetic diversity, stocks of carbon and nutrients, and moderators of hydrologic cycles in the Amazon Basin as agricultural lands are abandoned and often later cleared again for agriculture. We studied a municipality in northeastern Pará, Brazil, that has been settled for over a century and where numerous cycles of slash and burn agriculture have occurred. The forests were grouped into young (3-6 years), intermediate (10-20 years), advanced (40-70 years), and mature successional stages using 1999 Landsat 7 ETM imagery. Supervised classification of the imagery showed that these forest classes occupied 22%, 13%, 9%, and 6% of the area, respectively. Although this area underwent widespread deforestation many decades ago, forest of some type covers about 50% of the area. Row crops, tree crops, and pastures cover 8%, 20%, and 22%, respectively. The best separation among land covers appeared in a plot of NDVI versus band 5 reflectance. The same groupings of successional forests were derived independently from indices of similarity among tree species composition. Measured distributions of tree height and diameter also covaried with these successional classes, with the young forests having nearly uniform distributions, whereas multiple height and diameter classes were present in the advanced successional forests. Biomass accumulated more slowly in this secondary forest chronosequence than has been reported for other areas, which explains why the 70-year-old forests here were still distinguishable from mature forests using spectral properties. Rates of forest regrowth may vary across regions due to differences in edaphic, climatic, and historical land-use factors, thus rendering most relationships among spectral properties and forest age site-specific. Successional status, as characterized by species composition, biomass, and distributions of heights and diameters, may be superior to stand age as a means of stratifying these forests for characterization of spectral properties.  相似文献   

As cropland and pasture have replaced forest and cerrado in Brazilian Amazônia, concern has mounted over the effects of changing the biogeochemical and hydrological properties of one of the world's great storehouses of biomass and biodiversity. Although much recent effort has focused on the location, effects, and causes of deforestation and cerrado conversion, much less is known about the basin-wide spatial distribution and density of the land use following conversion for crops or pasture.In this paper, we use census and satellite records to develop maps of the distribution and abundance of major agricultural land uses across 4.5×108 ha of Brazilian Amazônia in 1980 and 1995. Results indicate an overall expansion of 7.0×106 ha in total agricultural area in Brazilian Amazônia between 1980 and 1995. The net change during this period is estimated for three different land-use types: croplands (an increase of 0.8×106 ha), natural pastures (a decrease of 8.4×106 ha), and planted pastures (an increase of 14.7×106 ha). These estimates, the first spatially explicit quantifications of agricultural land-use activities in 1980 and 1995 across Brazilian Amazônia, are shown to be consistent with the results of applying a land use change and secondary regrowth model to published deforestation rates for the period.The resulting time slices, presented for each land-use category at 5-min (∼9 km) spatial resolution, allow for the quantification of land-use changes in this region for biogeochemical, demographic and economic models. Several foci of agricultural change existed within Brazilian Amazônia during this period: in the state of Pará, cropland was lost and planted pasture increased markedly; in Mato Grosso, both cropland and planted pasture increased; in Rondônia, planted pasture replacing forest was the primary route to agricultural expansion.  相似文献   

Amazônia is one of the most important ecosystems of the planet, containing the largest extent of contiguous tropical rain forest on earth, over 5 million square kilometers. While most of the region remains forested, rapid development has led, over the past two decades, to the destruction of over 589,000 km2 of forests in Brazil alone. Forest clearing can alter the transport of sediments, organic matter and associated nutrients to the rivers. In this article, we present the results of an integrated analysis of the landscape characteristics, including soil properties, river network, topography, and land use/cover of a tropical meso-scale river. This physical template was developed as a comprehensive tool, based on Remote Sensing and GIS, to support the understanding of the biogeochemistry of surface waters of the Ji-Paraná river basin, State of Rondônia, Western Amazônia. Our primary objective was to demonstrate how this tool can help the understanding of complex environmental questions, such as the effects of land-use changes in the biogeochemistry of riverine systems. River sites and basin characteristics were calculated using the data sets compiled as layers in Arc-Info GIS. A land-use/cover map for 1999 was produced from a digital classification of Landsat 7-ETM+ images. To test the effects of the landscape characteristics on river water chemistry, we performed a multiple linear regression analysis. Average slope, river network density, effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC), and proportion of pasture were treated as independent variables. River water electrical conductivity (EC) and Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Cl and PO43− concentrations were the dependent variables. Spatially, higher values of all ions were associated with areas dominated by pasture, with the highest concentrations found in the central part of the basin, where pasture areas are at a maximum. As the river enters the lower reaches, forests dominate the landscape, and the concentrations drop. The percentage of the basin area covered by pasture was consistently the best predictor of EC (r2=0.872), PO43− (r2=0.794), Na+ (r2=0.754), Cl (r2=0.692) and K+ (r2=0.626). For Ca2+, both ECEC (r2=0.538) and pasture (r2=0.502) explained most of the observed variability. The same pattern was found for Mg2+ (r2=0.498 and 0.502, respectively).  相似文献   

In the Central Amazônia (Brazil), the Solimões River and the Negro River (“Rio Negro”) merge to form the Amazonas, the largest river in the world. Analysis of a digital elevation model produced by the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) in that region reveals the relicts of a large ancient drainage system hidden by the tropical rain forest. Interpretation of this unreported terrain feature in the context of the regional geological framework indicates that the present lower course of the Rio Negro results from a mega fluvial capture driven by an active tectonic regime prevailing in the Amazonian basin. The diversion of the Rio Negro was controlled by pre-existing NW-SE structural features, in which the arrangement of fault blocks compelled the river to funnel down into a strait. Partially blocked by this natural barrier, the Rio Negro widens upstream, assuming a lake-like appearance (up to 20 km-wide). Free space availability and low energy favored the deposition of sediments to form the Anavilhanas Archipelago, the largest group of freshwater islands on the world, refuge of a diversified fauna and flora.  相似文献   

The Cerrados of central Brazil have undergone profound landscape transformation in recent decades due to agricultural expansion, and this remains poorly assessed. The present research investigates the spatial-temporal rates and patterns of land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes in one of the main areas of agricultural production in Mato Grosso State (Brazil), the region of Primavera do Leste. To quantify the different aspects of LULC changes (e.g. rates, types, and spatial patterns) in this region, we applied a post-classification change detection method, complemented with landscape metrics, for three dates (1985, 1995, and 2005). LULC maps were obtained from an object-based classification approach, using the nearest neighbour (NN) classifier and a multi-source data set for image object classification (e.g. seasonal Thematic Mapper (TM) bands, digital elevation model (DEM), and a Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-derived index), strategically chosen to increase class separability. The results provided an improved mapping of the Cerrados natural vegetation conversion into crops and pasture once auxiliary data were incorporated into the classification data set. Moreover, image segmentation was crucial for LULC map quality, in particular because of crop size and shape. The changes detected point towards increasing loss and fragmentation of natural vegetation and high rates of crop expansion. Between 1985 and 2005, approximately 42% (6491 km2) of Cerrados in the study area were converted to agricultural land uses. In addition, it was verified that cultivated areas are encroaching into fragile environments such as wetlands, which indicates the intense pressure of agricultural expansion on the environment.  相似文献   

This work presents a procedure for classifying land-use and land-cover (LULC) types in the Brazilian Amazon. Fraction imagery representing proportions of green vegetation, soil, and shade was estimated using all six reflective bands of the Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM1 to TM5 and TM7) through the linear spectral mixing model (LSMM). The fraction information registered at pixel level was then related to different types of land classes following three principal procedures: (1) selecting an image or image group as input for segmentation; (2) application of sequences of masking techniques to address the segmentation of preselected areas in order to obtain better image partitioning; and (3) application of an unsupervised classifier by region, named Isoseg, to group the segmented regions. Isoseg is a clustering algorithm that calculates the centre of each class using the covariance matrix and the average vector of the regions. An assessment of the classification was performed visually and by error matrix, relating reference data points to classification results. The results showed that fraction images were effective in highlighting the different types of LULC. Several tests were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of the masking technique in the process for extracting information. The results showed that the use of masks significantly improves the segmentation results. However, in the Isoseg classification process, the masking technique was not able to avoid omission and commission errors between classes of similar structures. On comparing the results obtained in this work with a Maximum Likelihood classification, it was found that adopting the procedures described resulted in increases of 10% in average and global accuracy, and 18% in average reliability. Furthermore, a reduction was observed in the variability of errors created in the classification.  相似文献   

Spatial variation of land-surface properties is a major challenge to ecological and biogeochemical studies in the Amazon basin. The scale dependence of biophysical variation (e.g., mixtures of vegetation cover types), as depicted in Landsat observations, was assessed for the common land-cover types bordering the Tapajós National Forest, Central Brazilian Amazon. We first collected hyperspectral signatures of vegetation and soils contributing to the optical reflectance of landscapes in a 600-km2 region. We then employed a spectral mixture model AutoMCU that utilizes bundles of the field spectra with Monte Carlo analysis to estimate sub-pixel cover of green plants, senescent vegetation and soils in Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) pixels. The method proved useful for quantifying biophysical variability within and between individual land parcels (e.g., across different pasture conditions). Image textural analysis was then performed to assess surface variability at the inter-pixel scale. We compared the results from the textural analysis (inter-pixel scale) to spectral mixture analysis (sub-pixel scale). We tested the hypothesis that very high resolution, sub-pixel estimates of surface constituents are needed to detect important differences in the biophysical structure of deforested lands. Across a range of deforestation categories common to the region, there was strong correlation between the fractional green and senescent vegetation cover values derived from spectral unmixing and texture analysis variance results (r2>0.85, p<0.05). These results support the argument that, in deforested areas, biophysical heterogeneity at the scale of individual field plots (sub-pixel) is similar to that of whole clearings when viewed from the Landsat vantage point.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimation of fractional cover of photosynthetic vegetation (fPV), non-photosynthetic vegetation (fNPV) and bare soil (fBS) is critical for natural resource management and for modeling carbon dynamics. Accurate estimation of fractional cover is especially important for monitoring and modeling savanna systems, subject to highly seasonal rainfall and drought, grazing by domestic and native animals, and frequent burning. This paper describes a method for resolving fPV, fNPV and fBS across the ~ 2 million km2 Australian tropical savanna zone with hyperspectral and multispectral imagery. A spectral library compiled from field campaigns in 2005 and 2006, together with three EO-1 Hyperion scenes acquired during the 2005 growing season were used to explore the spectral response space for fPV, fNPV and fBS. A linear unmixing approach was developed using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Cellulose Absorption Index (CAI). Translation of this approach to MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) scale was assessed by comparing multiple linear regression models of NDVI and CAI with a range of indices based on the seven MODIS bands in the visible and shortwave infrared region (SWIR) using synthesized MODIS surface reflectance data on the same dates as the Hyperion acquisitions. The best resulting model, which used NDVI and the simple ratio of MODIS bands 7 and 6 (SWIR3/SWIR2), was used to generate a time series of fractional cover from 16 day MODIS nadir bidirectional reflectance distribution function-adjusted reflectance (NBAR) data from 2000-2006. The results obtained with MODIS NBAR were validated against grass curing measurement at ten sites with good agreement at six sites, but some underestimation of fNPV proportions at four other sites due to substantial sub-pixel heterogeneity. The model was also compared with remote sensing measurements of fire scars and showed a good matching in the spatio-temporal patterns of grass senescence and posterior burning. The fractional cover profiles for major grassland cover types showed significant differences in relative proportions of fPV, fNPV and fBS, as well as large intra-annual seasonal variation in response to monsoonal rainfall gradients and soil type. The methodology proposed here can be applied to other mixed tree-grass ecosystems across the world.  相似文献   

Abstract— A novel technique for cathodoluminescent screen fabrication using a new method of film phosphor doping has been developed. The crystalline structure and morphology of the films were investigated. Cathodoluminescence spectra were measured at different excitation levels and temperatures (300 and 77 K). The luminance is 200 cd/m2 for ZnS:Cu, Ga and 1100 cd/m2 for ZnO:Cu, Ga films at a temperature of 300 K and 3700 cd/m2 for ZnO:Cu, Ga film at a temperature of 77 K. The films show more saturated green color than commercial phosphors.  相似文献   

ERS-1/2 tandem coherence was reported to have high potential for the mapping of boreal forest stem volume (e.g. Santoro et al., 2002, 2007a; Wagner et al., 2003; Askne & Santoro, 2005). Large-scale application of the data for forest stem volume mapping, however, is hindered by the variability of coherence with meteorological and environmental acquisition conditions. The traditional way of stem volume retrieval is based on the training of models, relating coherence to stem volume, with the aid of forest inventory data which is generally available for a few small test sites but not for large areas. In this paper a new approach is presented that allows model training using the MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields canopy cover product (Hansen et al., 2003) without further need for ground data. A comparison of the new approach with the traditional regression-based and ground-data dependent model training is presented in this paper for a multi-seasonal ERS-1/2 tandem dataset covering several well known Central Siberian forest sites. As a test scenario for large-area application, the approach was applied to a multi-seasonal ERS-1/2 tandem dataset of 223 ERS-1 and ERS-2 image pairs covering Northeast China (~ 1.5 million km2) to map four stem volume classes (0-20, 20-50, 50-80, and > 80 m3/ha).  相似文献   

Rapid changes of land use and land cover (LULC) in urban areas have become a major environmental concern due to environmental impacts, such as the reduction of green spaces and development of urban heat islands (UHI). Monitoring and management plans are required to solve this problem effectively. The Tabriz metropolitan area in Iran, selected as a case study for this research, is an example of a fast growing city. Multi-temporal images acquired by Landsat 4, 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM+ sensors on 30 June 1989, 18 August 1998, and 2 August 2001 respectively, were corrected for radiometric and geometric errors, and processed to extract LULC classes and land surface temperature (LST). The relationship between temporal dynamics of LST and LULC was then examined. The temperature vegetation index (TVX) space was constructed in order to study the temporal variability of thermal data and vegetation cover. Temporal trajectory of pixels in the TVX space showed that most changes due to urbanization were observable as the pixels migrated from the low temperature-dense vegetation condition to the high temperature-sparse vegetation condition in the TVX space. The uncertainty analysis revealed that the trajectory analysis in the TVX space involved a class-dependant noise component. This emphasized the need for multiple LULC control points in the TVX space. In addition, this research suggests that the use of multi-temporal satellite data together with the examination of changes in the TVX space is effective and useful in urban LULC change monitoring and analysis of urban surface temperature conditions as long as the uncertainty is addressed.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic data for pure gold were critically assessed using an extended Einstein model from 0 K for the crystalline FCC_A1 phase and a two state model for the liquid phase. During the assessment, careful critical evaluation of the experimental data on thermodynamic properties of solid (FCC_A1) and liquid phases was carried out. Due to the fact that there is a large scatter in the experimental data for crystalline gold in the temperature range between 200 K and the melting point, we carried out additional ab initio calculations of the thermodynamic properties. In order to fulfil the need for a precise evaluation of So298.15 we needed to use an additional technique using multiple Einstein functions, which allows the experimental heat capacity and enthalpy data for the solid phase to be approximated accurately from 0 K up to the melting point. It was found during the data analysis that there is a large scatter in experimental data for the enthalpy of fusion and the liquid phase.  相似文献   

在人类历史所有的阶段,总是以不同的旋律回荡着具象观念与抽象观念的争论。在具象艺术家看来,艺术创作应该真实地模仿自然的美,艺术是自然的延伸;而在抽象艺术家那里,自然是一回事,而作为人类创造物的艺术则是另外一回事。纵观美术史,无论是具象艺术还是抽象艺术,都是人类美术史上长久存在的艺术形式,是人类创造的精神财富。在大型艺术(历史画、全景画)创作中要把具象因素和抽象因素有机地结合起来,使两者更好地为大型艺术创作服务,并在创作实践中不断地创新。  相似文献   

The ‘will, skill, tool’ model is a well-established theoretical framework that elucidates the conditions under which teachers are most likely to employ information and communication technologies (ICT) in the classroom. Past studies have shown that these three factors explain a very high degree of variance in the frequency of classroom ICT use. The present study replicates past findings using a different set of measures and hones in on possible subfactors. Furthermore, the study examines teacher affiliation for constructivist-style teaching, which is often considered to facilitate the pedagogical use of digital media. The study’s survey of 357 Swiss secondary school teachers reveals significant positive correlations between will, skill, and tool variables and the combined frequency and diversity of technology use in teaching. A multiple linear regression model was used to identify relevant subfactors. Five factors account for a total of 60% of the explained variance in the intensity of classroom ICT use. Computer and Internet applications are more often used by teachers in the classroom when: (1) teachers consider themselves to be more competent in using ICT for teaching; (2) more computers are readily available; (3) the teacher is a form teacher and responsible for the class; (4) the teacher is more convinced that computers improve student learning; and (5) the teacher more often employs constructivist forms of teaching and learning. The impact of constructivist teaching was small, however.  相似文献   

2,6-二甲基萘是合成聚2,6-萘二甲酸乙二酯的重要起始原料。本文讨论了以大宗化工原料甲苯与异戊二烯为起始原料合成2,6-二甲基萘的可能性,并对各种可能化学反应的热力学过程进行了分析,通过分析发现以甲苯与异戊二烯为起始原料经过烷基化、环化及异构化反应可以合成2,6-二甲基萘。同时指出了只有控制异戊二烯合适位置上的碳原子参与烷基化反应才能最终得到目标产物。  相似文献   

Rudolf   《Applied Soft Computing》2008,8(3):1232-1242
This contribution deals with developments in the history of philosophy, logic, and mathematics during the time before and up to the beginning of fuzzy logic. Even though the term “fuzzy” was introduced by Lotfi A. Zadeh in 1964/1965, it should be noted that older concepts of “vagueness” and “haziness” had previously been discussed in philosophy, logic, mathematics, applied sciences, and medicine. This paper delineates some specific paths through the history of the use of these “loose concepts”. Vagueness was avidly discussed in the fields of logic and philosophy during the first decades of the 20th century—particularly in Vienna, at Cambridge and in Warsaw and Lvov. An interesting sequel to these developments can be seen in the work of the Polish physician and medical philosopher Ludwik Fleck.Haziness and fuzziness were concepts of interest in mathematics and engineering during the second half of the 1900s. The logico-philosophical history presented here covers the work of Bertrand Russell, Max Black, and others. The mathematical–technical history deals with the theories founded by Karl Menger and Lotfi Zadeh. Menger's concepts of probabilistic metrics, hazy sets (ensembles flous) and micro-geometry as well as Zadeh's theory of fuzzy sets paved the way for the establishment of soft computing methods using vague concepts that connote the nonexistence of sharp boundaries.  相似文献   

This note corrects two errors that occurred during the typesetting of our paper “Axiomatisations of functional dependencies in the presence of records, lists, sets and multisets”, which appeared in Hartmann et al. [Axiomatisations of functional dependencies in the presence of records, lists, sets and multisets, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 353(2) (2006) 167–196].  相似文献   

Lean is widely applied in hospitals, but the impact tends to be limited. This paper investigates three possible explanations: 1) maturity, 2) complexity, and 3) the value concept and analyses the bearing of these in a case study of lean application in a large Danish university hospital. The results indicate that lean tends to be applied in secondary and support functions with a logistic character and therefore has had a limited impact on the overall healthcare performance. The case study shows that there are constraints related to low lean maturity, the complexity of processes and operations as well as differences in value perceptions among the different professions (e.g., doctors, nurses, and managers) within the hospital. The conclusion is that lean is useful for hospitals, but the lean concept as well as its implementation methods need to be fitted to the organizational complexity and diverging values in hospitals in order to bring about a larger impact. It is therefore necessary to develop new models for the lean concept as well as the implementation of lean adapted to the particular context of hospitals with a stronger focus on patient experiences and on coordination of social relations.  相似文献   

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