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应用多年的实测资料 ,分析了曹娥江河口高水位成因 ,结果表明 ,曹娥江河口洪水位具有山溪性和可冲性的特点 ,人类活动对高水位有较大影响。应用统计分析法和成因分析法推求 1 %设计高水位 ,讨论了成因分析法中上、下边界条件的选取 ,其选取原则对其他潮汐河口确定设计高水位具有借鉴意义  相似文献   

钱塘江河口是举世闻名的强潮河口,水动力强,有涌潮作用,河床滩地冲淤剧烈,因此给海塘基础防冲工程设计和施工造成较大难度,并成为长期来有待攻克的技术难题。本文就近期海塘建设防冲试验工程采用的板桩防冲墙、小沉井防冲墙、土工布模袋砼和丁坝群等防冲技术措施及其运行情况进行分析讨论。  相似文献   

钱塘江河口属于强潮河口,具有潮差大、流急、地形复杂和局地潮汐变化大等特点,对潮位控制设计与实施造成较大困难。为解决钱塘江河口水下地形测量潮位控制难题,针对强潮河口的水下地形和潮汐特征进行分析,提出了该区域潮位控制的潮位站布设方案与作业时间要求。实测数据表明,只要合理布设潮位站、选择合适的时间段作业,强潮河口水下地形测量的潮位控制可以达到规范精度要求。  相似文献   

为明确强潮河口设计条件下涌潮压力特征,以嘉绍大桥工程为背景进行了涌潮压力的动态测试和分析。选取主墩围堰和施工栈桥进行现场观测,分析了涌潮压力分布及其变化的特点。利用经验模态分解法,研究了涌潮压力的时均和脉动特性,建立了涌潮压力及其脉动分量极值与涌潮高度的拟合关系。研究结果表明:涌潮压力变化脉动性强,经验模态分解法能较好地处理这种非平稳时变信号;时均分量反映了局部水位的平均变化趋势,脉动分量反映了涌潮与结构物相互作用时自由水面的紊动情况;从垂向分布上看,压力极值在潮前低水位附近最大,并随着传感器安装高程的增加而减小;从平面分布上看,主墩围堰的迎潮面压力极值最大,背潮面最小;涌潮压力及其脉动分量的极值与涌潮高度满足指数分布规律。  相似文献   

强潮河口三维无结构网格盐度数学模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用平面无结构网格和垂向直接分层,建立了强潮河口盐度三维斜压力数学模型。无结构网格使模型能够适应河口复杂的边界,并可以根据需要进行局部加密。Casulli的半隐式法离散模型水位梯度和垂项紊动扩散项,克服了水位梯度和垂项紊动扩散对模型稳定性的影响,Semi-Lagrangian法用于模型对流项的离散,使模型具有"无条件"稳定性。采用水池风生流和盐度异重流算例检验了模型,并应用模型模拟了强潮河口(瓯江口)的潮流盐度运动,计算和实测结果进行比较,表明该模型是准确、可靠的。  相似文献   

近海湾口潮汐沉积特征通常以地质资料进行描述,而很少以地球物理资料进行描述。或仅利用某种地球物理资料进行分析。本文通过利用多波束、侧扫声呐、单道地震、多道高分辨率地震和磁法等多种地球物理勘探方法和技术,针对胶州湾近海湾口潮汐沉积的地球物理特征进行了初步研究,获得了近海湾口潮汐沉积典型的地球物理特征。  相似文献   

强潮河口围海工程对水动力环境的影响   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
针对强潮河口边界地形复杂、岛屿众多、悬沙分布在口门以上、河段存在高含沙量浑浊带以及底沙级配分布宽的特点,给出了贴体正交曲线坐标系下非均匀悬沙、底沙数学模型的基本方程、初始条件、边界条件及动边界处理技术,对计算中经常遇到的几个关键问题提出了解决方法。计算的18个潮位站潮位过程与原型吻合良好,8个断面的46条垂线同步流速、流向过程计算值与实测值吻合较好。在此基础上,探讨了多连通域复杂边界条件下非均匀不平衡悬沙与底沙的长时期的底床变形模拟问题。以瓯江口温州浅滩围海工程为例,应用二维潮流泥沙数学模型,研究了强潮河口围海工程对水动力环境的影响问题,包括该工程引起的潮量变化、各水道流速变化及长时期的底床变形。  相似文献   

对珠江口淇澳岛附近2个站(QA-2、QA-5)柱状沉积物中酸可挥发性硫化物(AVS)和同步提取重金属(SEM)的垂直分布规律进行了研究。研究表明,AVS在2个站沉积物中的质量摩尔浓度分别为3.44~13.13μmol/g和11.67~15.39μmol/g。QA-2站沉积物中AVS的质量摩尔浓度随深度增加,QA-5站AVS的质量摩尔浓度垂直剖面上没有明显的变化趋势,反映了不同沉积环境对AVS质量摩尔浓度分布特征的影响。2个站的SEM的质量摩尔浓度在沉积物垂直剖面上都随深度增加逐渐减小,这是因为珠江三角洲工业和城市的发展、污染物排放增加导致了重金属在沉积物中的累积。QA-2站表层沉积物(0~5 cm)SEM/AVS>1,表明可能存在重金属的生物毒效应;同时,SEM中Cu和Cd的质量摩尔浓度超过了它们的重金属浓度阈值(TEL),有可能产生重金属毒性作用;QA-2站5 cm以下和QA-5站沉积柱中SEM/AVS<1,不存在重金属的生物毒效性。  相似文献   

生物可利用性有机氮(BDON)在海洋生态系统氮循环中起着关键作用, 氨基酸是BDON的重要组成部分, 也是DON生物可利用性的重要指示物。本研究阐述2021年春、夏季南黄海水体中总溶解氨基酸(THAA)组成和时空分布特征, 并对南黄海DON生物可利用性进行分析。南黄海DON物质的量的浓度(下文简称浓度)分布呈现近岸高、远岸低的特征, 夏季THAA水平分布上呈现北高南低的特征。夏季南黄海THAA的平均浓度(1.11±0.34μmol/L)略高于春季(0.98±0.28 μmol/L) 而DON平均浓度春季(8.17±5.06 μmol/L)明显高于夏季(5.72±2.82 μmol/L)。南黄海氨基酸主要由丝氨酸、甘氨酸+苏氨酸、谷氨酸、精氨酸、丙氨酸等构成, 其占总氨基酸的比例春季(61.51%)略低于夏季(65.69%)。南黄海以硅藻为主的浮游植物群落是水体氨基酸的重要来源, 浒苔绿潮暴发显著影响了水体氨基酸的组成。夏初浒苔绿潮进入消亡和降解阶段, 这可能是南黄海35°N以北海域DON具有很高的生物可利用性的重要原因。  相似文献   

珠江河口潮能通量与耗散   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
珠江河口三角洲是我国一个极其复杂的大尺度河口系统,具有独特的河网体系和河口湾.为探讨珠江河口三角洲的潮能通量和潮能耗散机制,基于SELFE模型,建立了珠江河网-河口湾的三维数值模型,计算了河网-河口湾区的潮能通量和潮能耗散.研究表明:珠江河口的潮能通量平面上表现出主槽大,滩地较小;在总能耗中,底摩擦能耗最大,其次是垂向扩散耗散能耗,水平扩散能耗最小;存在‘门’、分汊汇流区和弯曲河道区等典型的高能耗区,高能耗区的单位面积能耗比附近水域的高数倍甚至1~2个数量级.  相似文献   

A modelling study of residence time in a macro-tidal estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper outlines a numerical modelling study to predict the average residence time of a conservative tracer in a macro-tidal estuary, namely the Mersey Estuary, UK. An integrated hydrodynamic-dispersion model was used to predict the average residence time in the estuary for various tidal level and freshwater discharge conditions. The numerical model was verified against six sets of field measured hydrodynamic data, with the model-predicted water elevations and salinity levels generally agreeing well with the field measurements. The numerical model results show that in the Mersey Estuary both the tidal level and river discharge affect significantly the predicted average residence time. The value of the average residence time is also shown to be closely linked to the intensity of the residual tidal current. This is due to the fact that a large proportion of the Upper and Inner Estuary dries out during low tides, thus a significant amount of the tracer material is transported through the deep channels. An increase in the freshwater discharge causes a considerable increase in the intensity of the residual current along the main channels and thus a reduction in the average residence time. The predicted overall tracer residence time for the whole estuary is relatively short for a relatively large estuary, ranging from less than 1 day to 4 days for various tidal level and freshwater flow combinations. When the tidal range and freshwater discharge are both small, then the local tracer residence time in the upper part of the estuary can be significantly longer than the values predicted for the middle and lower reaches of the estuary.  相似文献   

长江口九段沙上沙潮滩沉积物短期时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据 2006 年 6 月至 2007 年 6 月在长江口九段沙上沙潮滩两断面 9 个固定观测点逐月采集的 108 个表层沉积物样品的粒度测定,结合动力地貌过程分析了潮滩沉积物短期时空变化.结果表明:①潮滩沉积物在时间上具有明显的洪枯季变化:丰水期潮滩淤积,沉积物粒度较细;枯水期潮滩冲刷,沉积物粒度较粗.②流域来水来沙和风浪是沉积物年周期变化的主导因子,而台风浪是沉积物短期突变的决定性因子.③潮滩沉积物在空间上表现出明显的纵向差异和横向分异特征,这是由于人工抛石筑堤改变了潮滩泥沙来源及水动力条件.该研究结果可为河口湿地的保护和建设提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Tidal marsh exchange studies are relatively simple tools to investigate the interaction between tidal marshes and estuaries. They have mostly been confined to only a few elements and to saltwater or brackish systems. This study presents mass-balance results of an integrated one year campaign in a freshwater tidal marsh along the Scheldt estuary (Belgium), covering oxygen, nutrients (N, P and Si), carbon, chlorophyll, suspended matter, chloride and sulfate. The role of seepage from the marsh was also investigated. A ranking between the parameters revealed that oxygenation was the strongest effect of the marsh on the estuarine water. Particulate parameters showed overall import. Export of dissolved silica (DSi) was more important than exchange of any other nutrient form. Export of DSi and import of total dissolved nitrogen (DIN) nevertheless contributed about equally to the increase of the Si:N ratio in the seepage water. The marsh had a counteracting effect on the long term trend of nutrient ratios in the estuary.  相似文献   

Tidal flow characteristics in the Hudson-Raritan Estuary are studied with a two-dimensional, depth-averaged finite difference model. Rivers are modeled as one-dimensional channels with variable width and depth and are calculated as part of the two-dimensional calculations at no extra computational cost. An extensive comparison of numerical, tidal calculations with observational data than has previously appeared in the literature is presented. Computed velocity and tidal elevation fields compare well with observations. Comparison with observations at the Sandy Hook-Rockaway Point transect indicates that the barotropic tidal residual current contributes significantly to the overall steady circulation in the harbor. The residual current is mainly induced by the coastal geometry and bottom topography through the nonlinear inertia effects.  相似文献   

The relative impacts of tidal (neap, spring) and river discharge (including a flood event) forcing upon water and sediment circulation have been examined at the rock-bound Guadiana estuary. Near-bed and vertical profiles of current, salinity, turbidity, plus surface suspended sediment concentrations (SSC, at some stations only), were collected at the lower and central/upper estuary during tidal and fortnightly cycles. In addition, vertical salinity and turbidity profiles were collected around high and low water along the estuary. Tidal asymmetry produced faster currents on the ebb than on the flood, especially at the mouth. This pattern of seaward current dominance was enhanced with increasing river flow, due to horizontal advection that was confined within the narrow estuarine channel. The freshwater inputs and, at a degree less, the tidal range controlled the vertical mixing and stratification importance. Well-mixed (spring) and partially stratified (neap) conditions alternated during periods of low river flows, with significant intratidal variations induced by tidal straining (especially at the partially stratified estuary). Highly stratified conditions developed with increasing river discharge. Intratidal variability in the pycnocline depth and thickness resulted from current shear during the ebb. A salt wedge with tidal motion was observed at the lower estuary during the flood event. Depending on the intensity of turbulent mixing, the residual water circulation was dominantly controlled either by tidal asymmetry or gravitational circulation. The SSC was governed by cyclical local processes (resuspension, deposition, mixing, advection) driven by the neap-spring fluctuations in tidal current velocities. More, intratidal variability in stratification indicated the significance of tidal pumping at the partially and highly stratified estuary. The estuary turbidity maximum (ETM) was enhanced with increasing current velocities, and displaced downstream during periods of high river discharge. During the flood event, the ETM was expelled out of the estuary, and the SSC along the estuary was controlled by the sediment load from the drainage basin. Under these highly variable river flow conditions, our observations suggest that sand is exported to the nearshore over the long-term (>years).  相似文献   

This study was designed to relate fauna characteristics and sediment accumulation processes in the James River, VA and was conducted during June 1981. Physical sedimentary and benthic biological parameters, as well as sediment structure and radionuclide profiles, were evaluated for 11 stations. Faunal distribution patterns reflected species' response to salinity changes along the estuarine gradient, but not to differences in sediment accumulation rates. Levels of bioturbation could not be predicted easily on the basis of faunal characteristics alone. Results suggest that the physical processes of erosion and deposition strongly influence the ability of macrobenthos to bioturbate sediments in this estuary. Areas of rapid deposition (>3 cm y−1) exhibit little evidence of bioturbation, as do areas where erosion, or relatively constant physical reworking of sediments, dominate. Areas with low sediment accumulation rates (0·5-3 cm y−1) exhibit the highest levels of mixing as evidenced in X-radiographs. Estuarine organisms inhabiting soft bottoms are typically ‘opportunistic’, shallow-living and short-lived species, and the composition of their communities is not strongly influenced by rates of deposition. Physical reworking of sediments is most likely to occur near to the sediment-water interface where reworking by shallow-living organisms is most intense. Sediment-mixing processes should be characterized using a range of approaches. The phasing of interactions among erosion, physical transport, deposition and biological mixing must be resolved on the appropriate time scales if the mechanics of processes governing the formation of the sedimentary record are to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Even though the Quequén Grande River Estuary has economic and strategic importance from an oceanographic point of view, it has been ignored until recently. Nevertheless, many anthropogenic modifications (i.e., dredging, jetty and harbour construction, etc.) have taken place in the last 100 years which, most of them, have resulted in significative economic expenses to the harbour and city authorities due to the lack of adequate prior studies. The purpose of this article is to provide a review of the present status of the geomorphology and main physical characteristics of the estuary and describe the effects of these man-made modifications upon the estuary. Data were gathered in several field cruises from 1994 to 2000 plus from continuous recording devices installed at or near the estuary directed to define the present geomorphologic and oceanographic conditions of the estuary and to establish a monitoring program. The ultimate goal is to provide some practical solutions in diminishing the maintenance of the harbour and to provide pollution-control devices.The estuary is classified as a microtidal, primary, coastal-plain system. It can be considered as a partly-mixed system 2 km from the mouth up to its head (15 km inland). Artificial dredging to accommodate the Quequén harbour in the last 2 km of the estuary has induced a highly stratified water column where the upper 2–3 m concentrates low salinity water and the lower layer is filled by water of the same or slightly higher salinity than the inner shelf waters. Due to the presence of a step at the head of the harbour, water circulation is very reduced and in some cases nonexistent, producing strong reductive and even anoxic conditions. The foot of the step is a sediment and organic matter trap that must be dredged periodically to insure adequate navigability.  相似文献   

The geochemical characteristics and potential controlling factors of colloidal Zn,Cd,and Pb in Huanghe(Yellow) River estuary(HRE),China were investigated.The three metals were highly variable over a range of spatiotemporal scales,comprehensively forced by various physical and biological processes.Total dissolved Zn,Cd,and Pb varied from 200.1 to 321.7,2.6 to 4.1,and 0.5 to 1.0 nmol/L,respectively.Only one near-estuarine station of Zn had contamination factor values>1,which indicate the lower ...  相似文献   

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