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Electrical heating of food products provides rapid and uniform heating, resulting in less thermal damage to the product. The objective of this research was to examine the effects of ohmic heating on the stability of orange juice with comparison to conventional pasteurization. During storage at 4 degrees C, degradation curves of ascorbic acid followed a linear decrease pattern in both ohmic-heated and conventionally pasteurized orange juices. For five representative flavor compounds (decanal, octana, limonene, pinene, and myrcene), higher concentrations were measured during storage in the ohmic-heated orange juice than in conventionally pasteurized juice. Although residual pectin esterase activity remained negligible in both types of juices, particle size was lower in the ohmic-heated orange juice. The sensory shelf life was determined by using the Weibull-Hazard method. Although both thermal treatments prevented the growth of microorganisms for 105 days, the sensory shelf life of ohmic-treated orange juice was >100 days and was almost 2 times longer than that of conventionally pasteurized juice.  相似文献   

豆浆连续通电加热中电源频率对极板黏附的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为解决豆浆通电加热过程中的极板污染问题,该文研究了在豆浆的连续通电加热过程中,电源频率对于电源极板污染的影响。试验表明,相比于100Hz的低频交流电,频率超过1000Hz的高频交流电能有效抑制电源极板污染。研究结果对于通电加热在豆浆加工的应用提供了依据,并对富含蛋白质液体食品连续通电加热中极板污染的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

高压二氧化碳处理对橙汁货架期的影响(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨高压CO2加工技术对橙汁货架期的影响,将新鲜的橙汁在温度为37℃,压力60 MPa的高压CO2中处理9 min后,分别在4、15、25和37℃下贮藏,测定果胶甲基酯酶残存相对活性、浑浊度、维生素C残留量和颜色变化。结果表明:在4和15℃下贮藏,橙汁的货架期分别在84和56 d以上;浑浊稳定性比较好;维生素C含量保持在80%以上;在4、15和25℃下贮藏颜色基本上没变化。因此,高压CO2处理橙汁可有效延长产品的货架期,此技术值得在果汁企业中广泛推广。  相似文献   

连续通电加热条件下豆浆的电导率(简报)   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用连续式通电加热装置研究了固形物含量为6.01%的豆浆在流动状态下(流量为(75±0.5)kg/h)电导率随温度的变化规律,并与静态通电加热进行对比。试验结果表明:在流动状态下豆浆的电导率与温度也呈线性关系,但相同温度下,利用连续通电加热装置测得的流动豆浆的电导率低于利用静态通电加热装置测得的豆浆的电导率。经观察发现,其主要原因是连续通电加热过程中,豆浆在电极板上形成了污垢层,增加了通电加热的电阻,但豆浆在电极板上形成污垢层的原因有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

欧姆加热技术利用物料的电导特性进行加热,升温迅速且均匀,营养损失少,将其应用于对流体食品的杀菌具有非常重要的意义。采用自行设计的欧姆加热杀菌试验电源装置进行单因素试验分析,初步的试验结果表明,欧姆加热杀菌方法对豆浆的总细菌具有明显的杀灭作用,而且保温时间、处理电压和处理频率对该杀菌方法的效果有显著影响。  相似文献   

超高压处理对鲜榨橙汁中主要香气成分的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为了了解超高压处理对鲜橙汁香气的影响,分析超高压处理后橙汁香气变化的原因。采用固相微萃取(Solid Phase Microextraction,SPME)方法对不同压力(100~500 MPa)超高压处理的鲜榨橙汁中的香气成分进行富集,并经气相色谱-质谱联用仪(Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry,GC-MS)检测分析,橙汁中的主要香气成分有:3种烯(柠檬烯、月桂烯、α-蒎烯);2种醇(芳樟醇、α-松油醇);3种醛(柠檬醛、辛醛、癸醛);1种酮(香芹酮);2种酯(丁酸乙酯、3-OH-己酸乙酯),它们是构成橙汁的主要特征致香成分。通过定量检测分析发现:超高压处理对橙汁中的柠檬烯成分影响很显著,经500 MPa的压力处理15 min后其含量下降了75%,而月桂烯和α-蒎烯受高压影响较小;α-松油醇、香芹酮含量经高压处理后迅速增加;醛类特征香气成分基本不受高压影响;酯类成分在高压下会发生变化,但总体变化不显著。超高压处理橙汁使其中柠檬烯在高压下发生水合、氧化反应分别生成α-松油醇和香芹酮。超高压处理橙汁一般压力要大于300 MPa,而该文研究发现500 MPa处理会造成较多的香气损失,故橙汁超高压处理时的压力最好选择 400 MPa左右。  相似文献   

超高压对鲜榨西瓜汁杀菌效果和风味的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了研究超高压(HHP)处理对鲜榨西瓜汁的杀菌效果及风味的影响,采用HHP技术对鲜榨西瓜汁进行处理。以95℃,1 min热处理作为对照,重点考察了600 MPa,60 min HHP处理对西瓜汁中菌落总数、霉菌和酵母菌数及典型风味化合物含量的影响;并探讨了2种处理西瓜汁在4℃,30 d贮藏过程中上述指标的变化情况。结果表明:95℃,1 min热处理和600 MPa,60 min HHP处理后西瓜汁中的微生物指标均符合《果、蔬汁饮料卫生标准》的要求;并且25 d的保质期满足鲜榨西瓜汁的消费要求(保质期≥7 d)。600 MPa,60 min HHP处理对西瓜汁的典型风味化合物含量影响较小;4℃,30 d贮藏过程中典型风味物质含量不发生变化(P>0.05)。总体看来,HHP处理更适合于鲜榨西瓜汁的加工。  相似文献   

Pectinesterase (PE) was extracted from orange juice and pulp with 1 M NaCl, desalted, and separated using capillary electrophoresis (CE) gel procedures (CE-SDS-CGE) and isoelectric focusing (CE-IEF). PE resolved as a single peak using noncoated fused silica columns with CE-SDS-CGE. CE-IEF separation of PE required acryloylaminoethoxyethanol-coated columns, which had limited stability. Thermal stability of PE extracts before and after heating at 75 degrees C for 30 min and at 95 degrees C for 5 min established heat labile and heat stabile fractions with identical PE migration times by CE-SDS-CGE or CE-IEF. Peak magnitude decreased to a constant value as heating time increased at 75 degrees C. Regression analysis of CE-SDS-CGE peak migration times of molecular weight (MW) standards estimated both heat labile and heat stable PE at MW approximately 36 900. Traditional SDS-PAGE gel separation of MW standards and active PE isolated by IEF allowed estimation of MW approximately 36 000. CE-SDS-CGE allowed presumptive, but not quantitative, detection of active PE in fresh juice.  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds, vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid and L-dehydroascorbic acid), and antioxidant capacity were evaluated in orange juices manufactured by different techniques. Five processes at industrial scale (squeezing, mild pasteurization, standard pasteurization, concentration, and freezing) used in commercial orange juice manufacturing were studied. In addition, domestic squeezing (a hand processing technique) was compared with commercial squeezing (an industrial FMC single-strength extraction) to evaluate their influences on health components of orange juice. Whole orange juice was divided into soluble and cloud fractions after centrifugation. Total and individual phenolics were analyzed in both fractions by HPLC. Commercial squeezing extracted 22% more phenolics than hand squeezing. The freezing process caused a dramatic decrease in phenolics, whereas the concentration process caused a mild precipitation of these compounds to the juice cloud. In pulp, pasteurization led to degradation of several phenolic compounds, that is, caffeic acid derivatives, vicenin 2 (apigenin 6,8-di-C-glucoside), and narirutin (5,7,4'-trihydroxyflavanone-7-rutinoside) with losses of 34.5, 30.7, and 28%, respectively. Regarding vitamin C, orange juice produced by commercial squeezing contained 25% more of this compound than domestic squeezing. Mild and standard pasteurization slightly increased the total vitamin C content as the contribution from the orange solids parts, whereas concentration and freezing did not show significant changes. The content of L-ascorbic acid provided 77-96% of the total antioxidant capacity of orange juice. Mild pasteurization, standard pasteurization, concentration, and freezing did not affect the total antioxidant capacity of juice, but they did, however, in pulp, where it was reduced by 47%.  相似文献   

橙汁冷冻浓缩动力学模型的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为了降低果汁在冷冻浓缩过程中由于冰晶夹带造成的的损失并提高浓缩速度,需要获得冷冻浓缩过程中冰晶的增长规律。以橙汁为原料,采用二级冷冻浓缩方法,利用冰与水溶液之间的固液相平衡的原理,将水分从液态转变为固态的冰,使橙汁的浓度从13°Bx浓缩到34°Bx。该试验中,测定了橙汁的浓度及其对应的冻结点温度的关系,结果表明:在试验范围内,冻结点与浓度呈线性关系并随浓度的升高而降低。该文还研究了在冰晶中所夹带的可溶性固形物与橙汁浓度的关系,所获得分配系数K表明,冰晶中所夹带的可溶性固形物随浓度的提高而增加。根据Fick扩散方程式建立了冰晶增长动力学模型,模型显示冰晶增长速率与冰晶质量成正比,同时也受到最大冰晶量的抑制,采用Powell法,对试验数据回归模型参数、采用龙格—库塔法进行数值积分求得模型解,计算结果与试验结果吻合,该模型有助于为建立冰晶增长的质量、热量传递之间的平衡提供一定的理论依据和试验参考,加深对橙汁冷冻浓缩过程的认识。  相似文献   

通电加热技术在食品工业中的应用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通电加热技术是食品工程中的一门新兴技术,食品物料的电导率是影响通电加热的主要参数之一。该文介绍了通电加热技术的基本原理和特点,分析了影响食品物料电导率的因素及其对通电加热的影响;讨论了通电加热在杀菌、肉制品加工、淀粉糊化中的应用,指出了通电加热研究中存在的问题,并对通电加热的应用前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

Effects of sonication on the kinetics of orange juice quality parameters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of sonication on pH, degrees Brix, titratable acidity (TA), cloud, browning index, and color parameters ( L*, a*, and b*) of freshly squeezed orange juice samples were studied. Ultrasonic intensity (UI) levels of 8.61, 9.24, 10.16, 17.17, and 22.79 W/cm2 and treatment times of 0 (control), 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 min were investigated. No significant changes in pH, degrees Brix, and TA ( p < 0.05) were found. Cloud value, browning index, and color parameters were significantly affected by ultrasonic intensity and treatment time. Changes in cloud value followed first-order kinetics, whereas browning index, L*, a*, and b* values followed zero-order kinetics. Reaction rate constants were linearly correlated ( R2 > 0.90) to ultrasonic intensity.  相似文献   

含颗粒液态食品通电加热研究动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过对国内外含颗粒液态食品通电加热研究分析,介绍了含颗粒液态食品通电加热的原理和加工特性,总结出影响通电加热食品品质的因素,概述了通电加热技术在含颗粒食品中的研究动态,阐述了含颗粒食品通电加热中数学模型的应用现状,指出含颗粒液态食品通电加热研究中存在的问题,为今后研究及发展趋势提出了建议.对进一步深入研究含颗粒液态食品通电加热的加工特性、影响因子及其应用具有参考价值和指导意义.  相似文献   

Single-strength orange juice was irradiated with 0, 0.89, 2.24, 4.23, and 8.71 gGy of gamma radiation at 5 degrees C and then stored at 7 degrees C for 21 days. Volatile compounds, isolated by solid-phase microextraction, were separated and identified using a gas chromatograph equipped with a mass selective detector. The majority of the volatile compounds were terpenes, and the most abundant volatile compounds were ethanol and limonene. Most volatile compounds were stable during the 21-day storage period except geranial and neral which decreased over time. Irradiation reduced the concentration of acyclic monoterpenes, such as geranial, neral, myrcene, and linalool 1 and 7 days after irradiation, but did not affect other monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, or other volatile compounds. The reduction of acyclic monterpenes increased linearly with radiation dose, and correlated with an increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive substrates (TBARS) content. Reduction in the concentration of monoterpenes induced by irradiation was not significant 21 days after irradiation. Our results indicate that acyclic monoterpenes are sensitive to irradiation whereas most other volatile compounds are resistant.  相似文献   

Liquid chromatographic methodology for the characterization of orange juice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liquid chromatographic (LC) methodology potentially useful for the characterization of orange juice, with particular regard to detecting adulteration of orange juice by computer pattern recognition analysis, has been developed. After dilution with methanol the juice is extracted with hexane to remove the carotenoids, which are chromatographed on a C18 column with an acetonitrile-methanol-methylene chloride mobile phase and detection at 450 nm. Further extraction of the juice with methylene chloride isolates the methoxylated flavones, which are chromatographed by reverse phase LC with an acetonitrile-methanol-water mobile phase and detection at 280 nm. The flavanone glycosides remaining in solution are chromatographed on a C18 column with an acetonitrile-water mobile phase and detection at 280 nm. The precisions of the heights of the 32 LC peaks selected for pattern recognition analysis were determined from 5 replicate analyses of a single juice. Coefficients of variation of the replicates ranged from 0.3 to 4.5%, with an average of 2.1%. Adulteration of products with sodium benzoate-fortified pulpwash or grapefruit juice can be detected by this method. Pattern recognition analysis of the data obtained for 80 authentic and 19 adulterated orange juices showed that the method is potentially useful for distinguishing between authentic and adulterated products.  相似文献   

The main goal of the present study is to develop an immunoanalytical method for the quality control of orange juice products. Peptides from various parts (juice, albedo, and flavedo) of citrus fruits (orange, mandarin, grapefruit, and lemon) were analyzed and isolated by SDS-PAGE. Antisera were developed in mice against the protein pool of orange juice and peel and tested by Western blot analysis. Using these antisera, some juice- and peel-specific peptides were detected. One of the antibodies in the antiserum developed against peel proteins recognized a single peel-specific peptide with a molecular mass of 28 kDa in 10000-fold dilution. It did not give any positive reactions against the sample prepared from the juice. The 24 and 27 kDa juice-specific peptides were isolated in electrophoretically pure form, and polyclonal antibodies were developed against them in mice. The anti-27 kDa antibody reacted with a 29 kDa protein in the peel sample, and it gave a positive reaction against the 27 kDa peptide of the juice. The antibodies developed in the course of the present work seem to be useful for determining the juice content in commercial citrus beverages and for evaluating the peel contamination in them.  相似文献   

Identification and aroma impact of norisoprenoids in orange juice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four norisoprenoids, alpha-ionone, beta-ionone, beta-cyclocitral, and beta-damascenone, along with their putative carotenoid precursors, were identified in Valencia orange juice using time-intensity GC-O, GC-MS, and photodiode array HPLC. alpha-Ionone and beta-cyclocitral are reported in orange juice for the first time. GC-O aroma peaks were categorized into seven groups with similar sensory qualities: citrus/minty, metallic/mushroom/geranium, roasted/cooked/meaty/spice, fatty/soapy/green, sulfury/solventy/medicine, floral, and sweet fruity. The four norisoprenoids contributed approximately 8% of the total aroma intensity and 78% of the total floral aroma category. The putative carotenoid norisoprenoid precursors, alpha- and beta-carotene, alpha- and beta-cryptoxanthin, and neoxanthin, were identified in the same orange juice using photodiode array HPLC retention times and spectral characteristics.  相似文献   

Freshly squeezed orange juice aroma is due to a complex mixture of volatile compounds as it lacks a specific character impact compound. Fresh hand-extracted juice is unstable, and thermal processing is required to reduce enzyme and microbial activity. Heating protocols range from the lightly heated not from concentrate, NFC, to the twice heated, reconstituted from concentrate, RFC, juices. Thermal processing profoundly effects aroma composition. Aroma volatiles are further altered by subsequent time-temperature storage conditions. Heating reduces levels of reactive aroma impact compounds such as neral and geranial, and creates off-flavors or their precursors from Maillard, Strecker, and acid catalyzed hydration reactions. Off-flavors such as 4-vinylguaiacol, p-cymene, and carvone are the products of chemical reactions. Other off-flavors such as butane-2,3-dione, guaiacol, and 2,6-dichlorophenol are indicators of microbial contaminations. Since most orange juice consumed worldwide is processed, the goal of this review is to summarize the widely scattered reports on orange juice aroma differences in the three major juice products and subsequent aroma changes due to packaging, storage, and microbial contamination with special emphasis on results from GC-O studies.  相似文献   

生物化学复合防腐剂在橙汁防腐保鲜中的协同增效作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文以天然生物防腐剂乳酸链球菌素(Nisin)、化学防腐剂山梨酸钾、乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)以及食品抗氧化剂异Vc钠为原料,对通过复配后得到的各组复合型防腐剂在橙汁保鲜中的协同增效作用进行研究,并且与单一的防腐剂保鲜效果进行比较,得出一组适合在橙汁中使用的高效复合型防腐剂。结果表明,上述各种抑菌剂单独使用时均不能完全抑制橙汁中微生物的生长;正交试验结果表明,当选择0.05 g/kg Nisin、0.1 g/kg山梨酸钾、0.01 g/kg异Vc钠、0.03 g/kg EDTA作为复配型抑菌剂的最佳添加配比时,能显著地抑制橙汁中微生物的生长,第14、17、21 d对菌落总数的抑制率分别达到99.9%、99.9%和99.6%,其抑菌效果显著优于单一防腐剂的抑菌效果。因此,Nisin与三者复合使用时具有协同增效性,该复合防腐剂添加至橙汁中可起到良好的防腐保鲜效果。  相似文献   

Apple juice from eight different varieties of apples was heated at high-temperature (60-90 degrees C) and short-time (20-100 s) (HTST) combinations. To determine the effect of heating conditions on enzymatic browning and cloud stability in apple juices, the activity of polyphenol oxidase and pectinesterase was analyzed and correlated with the thermal treatment conditions and the quality of the juice. Additional investigations included the measurement of pH value, soluble solid content, titratable acidity, color, and turbidity after 3 and 6 months. The results showed that HTST treatment at 80 degrees C already inactivated polyphenol oxidase, whereas pectinesterase activity was reduced to half and could even at 90 degrees C not be inactivated completely. In fact, highest residual pectinesterase activity was found at 60 degrees C. Heating at 70 degrees C caused stable pectinesterase activity and even a slight increase for 50 and 100 s heating times. Turbidity and lightness increased after HTST treatment. In particular, differences in cloud stability between the varieties were measured. HTST parameters did not correlate with the residual cloud stability after 6 months. The sensory evaluation revealed that only a few combinations were distinguishable. The best stability of cloud and color in relation to heat impact was achieved by HTST treatment between 70 degrees C/100 s and 80 degrees C/20 s.  相似文献   

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