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The Arzular mineralization is one of the best examples of epithermal gold deposits in the eastern Pontides orogenic belt.The mineralization is hosted by the subduction-related basaltic andesites and is mainly controlled by E-W and NE-SW trending fracture zones.The main ore minerals are galena, sphalerite,pyrite.chalcopyrite.tetrahedrite and gold.Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions are between 130 and 295℃ for quartz and between 90 and 133℃ for sphalerite.Sulphur isotope values obtained from pyrite,galena and sphalerite vary between 1.2‰ and 3‰.indicating that sulphur belongs to magmatic origin and was derived from the Lutetian non-adakitic granitic intrusions in the region.Oxygen isotope values are between 15.0‰ and 16.7‰ and hydrogen isotope values are between -87‰ and -91‰ The sulphur isotope thermometer yielded temperatures in the range of 244-291℃ for the ore formation.Our results support the hypothesis that the Arzular mineralization is a low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposit associated with non-adakitic subduction- related granitic magmas that were generated by slab window-related processes in a south-dipping subduction zone during the Lutetian.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112001478   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
REE composition of the carbonates of the auriferous quartz carbonate veins (QCVs) of the Neoarchean Ajjanahalli gold deposit, Chitradurga schist belt, Dharwar Craton, is characterized by U-shaped chondrite normalized REE patterns with both LREE and HREE enrichment and a distinct positive Eu anomaly. As positive Eu anomaly is associated with low oxygen fugacity, we propose that the auriferous fluids responsible for gold mineralization at Ajjanahalli could be from an oxygen depleted fluid. The observed positive Eu anomaly is interpreted to suggest the derivation of the auriferous fluids from a mantle reservoir. The location of Ajjanahalli gold deposit in a crustal scale shear zone is consistent with this interpretation.  相似文献   

The well SK-I in the Songliao Basin is the first scientific borehole targeting the continental Cretaceous strata in China.Oval concretions,thin laminae and beds of dolostone are found intercalated within mudstone and organic-rich black shale in the Nenjiang Formation of Campanian age.Low ordered ferruginous dolomite is composed of euhedral-subhedral rhombs with cloudy nucleus and light rims formed during the diagenesis.which are typical features of replacement.The heavy carbon isotopes (δ13CPDB-1.16-16.0) are results of both the fermentation of organic matter by microbes and degassing of carbon dioxide during the period of diagenesis,and the presence of light oxygen isotopes(δ18OPdb- 18.53~-5.1) is a characteristic feature of fresh water influence which means the carbonate may have been altered by ground water or rainwater in the late diagenesis.Marine water incursions into the normally lacustrine basin have been proved by both the salinity of Z value and the occurrence of foraminifera in the same strata where dolomite occurs.Pyrite framboids observed by SEM are usually enclosed in the dolomite crystals or in the mudstones,supporting the sulfate reducing bacteria(SRB).The formation of both dolomite and pyrite are associated with marine water incursions,which not only supply magnesium ion for dolomite,but also result in limited carbonate precipitation in the basin.The presence of pyrite tramboids indicates the development of an anoxic environment associated with salinity stratification in the lake.The dolomite in the Nenjiang Formation is the results of marine water incursions,diagenetic replacement of calcareous carbonate and sulfate reducing bacteria(SRB).  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000430   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mineral assemblages formed during hydrothermal alteration reflect the geochemical composition of ore-forming fluids. Gold is mainly transported in solution as AueCl and AueS complexes. The change of physicochemical conditions such as temperature, pressure, oxygen fugacity, and sulfur fugacity are effective mechanisms for gold precipitation. Gold tends to be concentrated in the vapor phase of fluids at high temperatures and pressures. AueAs and AueSb associations are common in gold deposit. Native antimony and/or arsenic e native gold assemblages may precipitate from hydrothermal fluids with low sulfur fugacity. Hydrothermal fluids forming epithermal gold deposits are Au-saturated in most cases, whereas fluids of Carlin-type are Au-undersaturated. Quasi-steady As-bearing pyrite extracts solid solution Au from hydrothermal fluids through absorption. The capability of As-bearing pyrite to absorb Au from under-saturated fluid is the key to the formation of large-scale Carlin-type deposits. With increasing new data, studies on the geochemistry of gold deposits can be used to trace the origin of ore-forming fluids, the source of gold, and the transporting form of Au and other ore-forming elements, such as Si, S, F, Cl, As and Ag.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113001072   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
The late Permian Emeishan large igneous province(ELIP) covers ~0.3 x 106 km2 of the western margin of the Yangtze Block and Tibetan Plateau with displaced,correlative units in northern Vietnam(Song Da zone).The ELIP is of particular interest because it contains numerous world-class base metal deposits and is contemporaneous with the late Capitanian(~260 Ma) mass extinction.The flood basalts are the signature feature of the ELIP but there are also ultramafic and silicic volcanic rocks and layered maficultramafic and silicic plutonic rocks exposed.The ELIP is divided into three nearly concentric zones(i.e.inner,middle and outer) which correspond to progressively thicker crust from the inner to the outer zone.The eruptive age of the ELIP is constrained by geological,paleomagnetic and geochronological evidence to an interval of 3 Ma.The presence of picritic rocks and thick piles of flood basalts testifies to high temperature thermal regime however there is uncertainty as to whether these magmas were derived from the subcontinental lithospheric mantle or sub-lithospheric mantle(i.e.asthenosphere or mantle plume) sources or both.The range of Sr(I_(Sr) = 0.7040-0.7132),Nd(ε_(Nd)(t) ≈-14 to +8),Pb(~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb_1≈ 17.9-20.6) and Os(γ_(Os) =-5 to +11) isotope values of the ultramafic and mafic rocks does not permit a conclusive answer to ultimate source origin of the primitive rocks but it is clear that some rocks were affected by crustal contamination and the presence of near-depleted isotope compositions suggests that there is a sub-lithospheric mantle component in the system.The silicic rocks are derived by basaltic magmas/rocks through fractional crystallization or partial melting,crustal melting or by interactions between mafic and crustal melts.The formation of the Fe-Ti-V oxide-ore deposits is probably due to a combination of fractional crystallization of Ti-rich basalt and fluxing of C02-rich fluids whereas the Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits are related to crystallization and crustal contamination of mafic or ultramafic magmas with subsequent segregation of a sulphide-rich portion.The ELIP is considered to be a mantle plume-derived LIP however the primary evidence for such a model is less convincing(e.g.uplift and geochemistry) and is far more complicated than previously suggested but is likely to be derived from a relatively short-lived,plume-like upwelling of mantle-derived magmas.The emplacement of the ELIP may have adversely affected the short-term environmental conditions and contributed to the decline in biota during the late Capitanian.  相似文献   

Zoned tourmaline(schorl-dravite) in the matrix of hydrothermal explosive breccia and ore veins in gold deposits,Chita region.Eastern Transbaikalia.Russia,are associated with Na- and K-rich porphyry-type subvolcanic intrusives.δ18O values of tourmaline from three gold deposits(Darasun. Talatui,Teremkinskoye) are +8.3‰,+7.6‰,and +6.0‰and calculatedδ18O values of fluids responsible for the tourmalinization are +7.3‰,+7.7‰,and +4.2‰,respectively.These data imply an igneous fluid source,except at the Teremkin deposit where mixing with meteoric water is indicated.Wide ranges of Fe3+/Fetot,and the presence of vacancies characterize the Darasun deposit tourmaline indicating wide ranges of f(O2) and pH of mineralizing fluids.Initial stage tourmalines from the gold deposits of the Darasun ore district are dravite or high mg schorl.Second stage tourmaline is characterized by oscillatory zoning but with Fe generally increasing towards crystal rims indicating decreasing temperature.Third stage tourmaline formed unzoned crystals with xMg(mole fraction of Mg) close to that of the hrst stage tourmaline,due to a close association with pyrite and arsenopyrite.From Fe3+/Fetot values,chemical composition and crystallization temperatures.logf(O2) of mineralizing fluids ranged from ca.—25 to—20. much higher than for the gold-bearing beresite—listvenite association,indicating that tourmalinization was not related to gold mineralization.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113000352   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Yidun Group extends from the Shangri-La region to the south and the Changtai region to the north,and is an important component of the Triassic Yidun arc in the eastern Tibetan plateau.It is composed of the Lieyi,Qugasi,Tumugou and Lanashan Formations from the base upward.Both the Lieyi and Lanashan Formations consist dominantly of black or gray slate and sandstone,whereas the Qugasi and Tumugou Formations have variable amounts of mafic to felsic volcanic rocks and turfs accompanied with gray slate and sandstone.Sandstone from the Yidun Group has variable CIA values from 55 to 76,indicative of mild to moderate weathering condition for the source rocks.All the sandstones define a general weathering trend nearly parallel to the A-CN boundary in the A-CN-K triangular diagram,implying limited effect of diagenetic and post-depositional K-metasomatism.Dominant detrital quartz and feldspar grains of the sandstones suggest predominantly felsic sources.Relatively high Y/Ni and low Cr/V ratios of sandstones from the Yidun Group indicate more contribution from felsic than mafic sources.Similarly,the Yidun sandstones have Co/Th and La/Sc ratios generally similar to upper continental crust (UCC) and cluster between UCC and felsic sources,indicating felsic rocks as primary sources.Granodiorite represents the average chemical composition of sources as evaluated by extending the predicted weathering trend back to the feldspar join in A-CN-K diagram.Prominently high Zr/Sc ratio or Hf concentration and Paleoproterozoic Nd modal ages (1.94-2.21 Ga)point to input of recycling components derived from old sedimentary source in a relatively stable tectonic setting.  相似文献   

The Central Asian metallogenic domain (CAMD) is a multi-core metallogenic system controlled by boundary strike-slip fault systems. The Balkhash metallogenic belt in Kazakhstan, in which occur many large and super-large porphyritic Cu–Mo deposits and some quartz vein- and greisen-type W–Mo deposits, is a well-known porphyritic Cu–Mo metallogenic belt in the CAMD. In this paper 11 molybdenite samples from the western segment of the Balkhash metallogenic belt are selected for Re–Os compositional analyses and Re–Os isotopic dating. Molybdenites from the Borly porphyry Cu deposit and the three quartz vein-greisen W–Mo deposits—East Kounrad, Akshatau and Zhanet—all have relatively high Re contents (2712–2772 μg/g for Borly and 2.267–31.50 μg/g for the other three W–Mo deposits), and lower common Os contents (0.670–2.696 ng/g for Borly and 0.0051–0.056 ng/g for the other three). The molybdenites from the Borly porphyry Cu–Mo deposit and the East Kounrad, Zhanet, and Akshatau quartz vein- and greisen-type W–Mo deposits give average model Re–Os ages of 315.9 Ma, 298.0 Ma, 295.0 Ma, and 289.3 Ma respectively. Meanwhile, molybdenites from the East Kounrad, Zhanet, and Akshatau W–Mo deposits give a Re–Os isochron age of 297.9 Ma, with an MSWD value of 0.97. Re–Os dating of the molybdenites indicates that Cu–W–Mo metallogenesis in the western Balkhash metallogenic belt occurred during Late Carboniferous to Early Permian (315.9–289.3 Ma), while the porphyry Cu–Mo deposits formed at 316 Ma, and the quartz vein-greisen W–Mo deposits formed at 298 Ma. The Re–Os model and isochron ages thus suggest that Late Carboniferous porphyry granitoid and pegmatite magmatism took place during the late Hercynian movement. Compared to the Junggar-East Tianshan porphyry Cu metallogenic belt in northwestern China, the formation of the Cu–Mo metallogenesis in the Balkhash metallogenic belt occurred between that of the Tuwu-Yandong in East Tianshan and the Baogutu porphyry Cu deposits in West Junggar. Collectively, the large-scale Late Carboniferous porphyry Cu–Mo metallogenesis in the Central Asian metallogenic domain is related to Hercynian tectono-magmatic activities.  相似文献   

The Ordos Basin of North China is not only an important uranium mineralization province, but also a major producer of oil,gas and coal in China.The genetic relationship between uranium mineralization and hydrocarbons has been recognized by a number of previous studies,but it has not been well understood in terms of the hydrodynamics of basin fluid flow.We have demonstrated in a previous study that the preferential localization of Cretaceous uranium mineralization in the upper part of the Ordos Jurassic section may have been related to the interface between an upward flowing,reducing fluid and a downward flowing,oxidizing fluid.This interface may have been controlled by the interplay between fluid overpressure related to disequilibrium sediment compaction and which drove the upward flow,and topographic relief,which drove the downward flow.In this study,we carried out numerical modeling for the contribution of oil and gas generation to the development of fluid overpressure,in addition to sediment compaction and heating.Our results indicate that when hydrocarbon generation is taken into account,fluid overpressure during the Cretaceous was more than doubled in comparison with the simulation when hydrocarbon generation was not considered.Furthermore,fluid overpressure dissipation at the end of sedimentation slowed down relative to the no-hydrocarbon generation case.These results suggest that hydrocarbon generation may have played an important role in uranium mineralization,not only in providing reducing agents required for the mineralization,but also in contributing to the driving force to maintain the upward flow.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000569   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A study of deep penetrating geochemistry-the surface exploration techniques for finding concealed mineral deposits-was carried out over the Spence porphyry copper deposit in Chile by Australian,Canadian and Chinese laboratories using selective weak leach methods and is briefly reviewed here.Erratic and weak copper anomalies were obtained above the Spence deposit,which is concealed below a thick piedmont gravel cover.In the literature,such patterns are common in most of the weak selective leach studies carried out over known buried deposits.During exploration in unknown area,such weak leach techniques lead to some success and many dry holes.In this paper,stronger selective leaching methods are developed for oxides and sulfides,which may be the stable end products transformed and accumulated by a mobile precursor phase carried upward through the overburden by gas or water through long spans of geological time.The data obtained by the methods developed in this paper produced more significant and consistent anomalous data than previous efforts.Consequently,the leach approaches described here may increase the effectiveness of deep penetrating geochemistry in exploration for concealed ore deposits.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000235   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
In this paper we present a review of mineral systems in northern Xinjiang,NW China,focussing on the Tianshan,West and East Junggar and Altay orogenic belts,all of which are part of the greater Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB).The CAOB is a complex collage of ancient microcontinents,island arcs,oceanic plateaux and oceanic plates,which were amalgamated and accreted in Early Palaeozoic to Early Permian times.The establishment of the CAOB collage was followed by strike-slip movements and affected by intrap...  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000357   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field and remote sensing studies reveal that Au-bearing quartz±carbonate lodes in Romite deposit,in the extreme South Eastern Desert of Egypt,are controlled by NNE-striking shear zones that splay from the ca.660—550 Ma Hamisana Zone.Quartz in releasing bends with sinistral shear geometry and abundant boudinaged quartz-carbonate lodes with serrate ribboned fabrics suggest vein formation throughout a transpressive wrench system.Ubiquitous hydrothermal quartz,carbonate,and subordinate chlorite and sericite within the shear zones and as slivers in veins,indicate that gold deposition and hydrothermal alteration occurred under greenschist fades conditions.The Al(Ⅳ) in chlorite indicates a formation temperature of~300℃.comparable with temperatures estimated from arsenopyrite composition for grains intimately associated with gold in quartz veins. The new geological and geochemical data indicate that splays off the Hamisana Zone are potential gold exploration targets.Quartz veins along the high order(2nd or 3rd) structures of this crustal-scale shear zone are favorable targets.In the Romite deposit and in surrounding areas,a Au-As-Cu-Sb-Co-Zn geochemical signature characterizes mineralized zones,and particularly rock chips with>1000 ppm As and high contents of Cu,Zn,and Co target the better mineralized areas. The carbonateδ13Cpdb andδ18OSmow isotope signatures preclude an organic source of the ore fluid,but metamorphic and magmatic sources are still valid candidates.The intense deformation and lack of magmatism in the deposit area argue for metamorphic dewatering of greenstone rocks as the most likely fluid source.The narrow ranges ofδ13C(-4.6‰to -3.1‰) andδ18O(11.9‰-13.7‰) in carbonate minerals in lodes imply a corresponding uniformity to the ambient temperature andδ13CCO213C∑C) of the ore fluids. The calculatedδ18Oh2o values of 6.9‰—7.9‰for ore fluids,based onδ18O values of vein quartz further suggest a likely metamorphic origin.  相似文献   

Tourmaline occurs as a minor but important mineral in the alteration zc,ne of the Archean orogenic gold deposit of Guddadarangavanahalli (G.R.Halli) in the Chitradurga greenst~ne belt of the western Dharwar craton, southern India. It occurs in the distal alteration halo of the G.R.Halli golcl deposit as (a) clusters of very fine grained aggregates which form a minor constituent in the natrix of the altered metabasalt (AMB tourmaline) and (b) in quartz-carbonate veins (vein tourmaline). ~['he vein tourmaline, based upon the association of specific carbonate minerals, is further grouped as (i) albite-tourmaline-ankerite-quartz veins (vein-1 tourmaline) and (ii) albite-tourmaline-calcite-quartz veins (vein-2 tourmaline). Both the AMB tourmaline and the vein tourmalines (vein-I and vein-2) belong to the alkali group and are clas- sified under schorl-dravite series. Tourmalines occurring in the veins are zoned while the AMB tour- malines are unzoned. Mineral chemistry and discrimination diagrams 1eveal that cores and rims of the vein tourmalines are distinctly different. Core composition of the ve:n tourmalines is similar to the composition of the AMB tourmaline. The formation of the AMB tourmaline and cores of the vein tour- malines are proposed to be related to the regional D1 deformational event associated with the emplacement of the adjoining ca. 2.61 Ga Chitradurga granite whilst rims of the vein tourmalines vis-a- vis gold mineralization is spatially linked to the juvenile magmatic accretion (2.56-2.50 Ga) east of the studied area in the western part of the eastern Dharwar craton.  相似文献   

Discovery rates for all metals,including gold,are declining,the cost per significant discovery is increasing sharply,and the economic situation of the industry is one of low base rate.The current hierarchical structure of the exploration and mining industry makes this situation difficult to redress.Economic geologists can do little to influence the required changes to the overall structure and philosophy of an industry driven by business rather than geological principles.However,it should be possible to follow the lead of the oil industry and improve the success rate of greenfield exploration,necessary for the next group of lower-exploration-spend significant mineral deposit discoveries.Here we promote the concept that mineral explorers need to carefully consider the scale at which their exploration targets are viewed.It is necessary to carefully assess the potential of drill targets in terms of terrane to province to district scale,rather than deposit scale,where most current economic geology research and conceptual thinking is concentrated.If otogenic,IRGD,Carlin-style and 10 CG gold-rich systems are viewed at the deposit scale,they appear quite different in terms of conventionally adopted research parameters.However,recent models for these deposit styles show increasingly similar source-region parameters when viewed at the lithosphere scale,suggesting common tectonic settings.It is only by assessing individual targets in their tectonic context that they can be more reliably ranked in terms of potential to provide a significant drill discovery.Targets adjacent to craton margins,other lithosphere boundaries,and suture zones are clearly favoured for all of these gold deposit styles,and such exploration could lead to incidental discovery of major deposits of other metals sited along the same tectonic boundaries.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987115001322   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Zircon U-Pb geochronology has become a keystone tool across Earth science,arguably providing the gold standard in resolving deep geological time.The development of rapid in situ analysis of zircon(via laser ablation and secondary ionization mass spectrometry) has allowed for large amounts of data to be generated in a relatively short amount of time and such large volume datasets offer the ability to address a range of geological questions that would otherwise remain intractable(e.g.detrital zircons as a sediment fingerprinting method).The ease of acquisition,while bringing benefit to the Earth science community,has also led to diverse interpretations of geochronological data.In this work we seek to refocus U-Pb zircon geochronology toward best practice by providing a robust statistically coherent workflow.We discuss a range of data filtering approaches and their inherent limitations(e.g.discordance and the reduced chi-squared;MSWD).We evaluate appropriate mechanisms to calculate the most geologically appropriate age from both 238U/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ratios and demonstrate the cross over position when chronometric power swaps between these ratios.As our in situ analytical techniques become progressively more precise,appropriate statistical handing of U-Pb datasets will become increasingly pertinent.  相似文献   

The nature of crustal and lithospheric mantle evolution of the Archean shields as well as their subsequent deformation due to recent plate motions and sustained intraplate geodynamic activity, has been a subject of considerable interest. In view of this, about three decades ago, a new idea was put forward suggesting that out of all shield terrains, the Indian shield has an extremely thin lithosphere(w100 km,compared to 250e350 km, elsewhere), apart from being warm, non-rigid, sheared and deformed. As expected, it met with scepticism by heat flow and the emerging seismic tomographic study groups, who on the contrary suggested that the Indian shield has a cool crust, besides a coherent and thick lithosphere(as much as 300e400 km) like any other shield. However, recently obtained integrated geological and geophysical findings from deep scientific drillings in 1993 Killari(M w: 6.3) and 1967 Koyna(M w: 6.3)earthquake zones, as well as newly acquired geophysical data over other parts of Indian shield terrain,have provided a totally new insight to this debate. Beneath Killari, the basement was found consisting of high density, high velocity mid crustal amphibolite to granulite facies rocks due to exhumation of the deeper crustal layers and sustained granitic upper crustal erosion. Similar type of basement appears to be present in Koyna region too, which is characterized by considerably high upper crustal temperatures.Since, such type of crust is depleted in radiogenic elements, it resulted into lowering of heat flow at the surface, increase in heat flow contribution from the mantle, and upwarping of the lithosphereasthenosphere boundary. Consequently, the Indian shield lithosphere has become unusually thin and warm. This study highlights the need of an integrated geological, geochemical and geophysical approach in order to accurately determine deep crust-mantle thermal regime in continental areas.  相似文献   

This article adopts three artificial intelligence techniques, Gaussian Process Regression(GPR), Least Square Support Vector Machine(LSSVM) and Extreme Learning Machine(ELM), for prediction of rock depth(d) at any point in Chennai. GPR, ELM and LSSVM have been used as regression techniques.Latitude and longitude are also adopted as inputs of the GPR, ELM and LSSVM models. The performance of the ELM, GPR and LSSVM models has been compared. The developed ELM, GPR and LSSVM models produce spatial variability of rock depth and offer robust models for the prediction of rock depth.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987115000821   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Learning incorporates a broad range of complex procedures. Machine learning(ML) is a subdivision of artificial intelligence based on the biological learning process. The ML approach deals with the design of algorithms to learn from machine readable data. ML covers main domains such as data mining, difficultto-program applications, and software applications. It is a collection of a variety of algorithms(e.g. neural networks, support vector machines, self-organizing map, decision trees, random forests, case-based reasoning, genetic programming, etc.) that can provide multivariate, nonlinear, nonparametric regression or classification. The modeling capabilities of the ML-based methods have resulted in their extensive applications in science and engineering. Herein, the role of ML as an effective approach for solving problems in geosciences and remote sensing will be highlighted. The unique features of some of the ML techniques will be outlined with a specific attention to genetic programming paradigm. Furthermore,nonparametric regression and classification illustrative examples are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of ML for tackling the geosciences and remote sensing problems.  相似文献   

正The 2015 Geoscience Frontiers Annual Convention was held in Beijing,China during October 29,2015 hosted by China University of Geosciences,Beijing(Fig.1).This convention assembled earth scientists from 5 countries,including Australia(Prof.Franco Pirajno),China(several delegates),Germany(Prof.Daniel Harlov),Italy(Prof.Carlo Doglioni),Norway(Dr.Mathew Domeier),South Korea(Prof.S.Kwon)and United States(Prof.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution patterns of surficial sediment samples from different sedimentary domains(shallow to deep-sea regions) of the eastern Arabian Sea were studied using sediment proxies viz.environmental magnetism,geochemistry,particle size and clay mineralogy.Higher concentrations of magnetic minerals(high x_(lf)) were recorded in the deep-water sediments when compared with the shallow water sediments.The magnetic mineralogy of one of the shallow water samples is influenced by the presence of bacterial magnetite as evidenced from the x_(ARM)/x_(lf)~(vs).x_(arm_/x_(fd)biplot.However,the other samples are catchment-derived.The high correlation documented for x_(lf).anhysteretic remanent magnetisation(x_(arm)) and isothermal remanent magnetisation(IRM) with Al indicates that the deep-sea surficial sediments are influenced by terrigenous fluxes which have been probably derived from the southern Indian rivers,the Sindhu(the Indus) and the Narmada-Tapti rivers.A lower Mn concentration is recorded in the upper slope sediments from the oxygen minimum zone(OMZ) but a higher Mn/Al ratio is documented in the lower slope and deep-sea sediments.Clay minerals such as illite(24-48.5%),chlorite(14.1-34.9%),smectite(10.6-28.7%) and kaolinite(11.9-27.5%) dominate the sediments of shallow and deep-sea regions and may have been derived from different sources and transported by fluvial and aeolian agents.Organic carbon(OC) data indicate a low concentration in the shallow/shelf region(well oxygenated water conditions) and deeper basins(increased bottom-water oxygen concentration and low sedimentation rate).High OC concentrations were documented in the OMZ(very low bottom-water oxygen concentration with high sedimentation rate).The calcium carbonate concentration of the surface sediments from the continental shelf and slope regions( 1800 m) up to the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge show higher concentrations(average = 58%) when compared to deep basin sediments(average = 44%).Our study demonstrates that particle size as well as magnetic grain size,magnetic minerals and elemental variations are good indicators to distinguish terrigenous from biogenic sediments and to identify sediment provenance.  相似文献   

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