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为了有效利用协作频谱感知中的上传时隙以改善感知性能,该文设计一种新的协作频谱感知(CSS)架构。其核心思想是:当一个次用户上传信息时,后面的次用户继续执行本地感知直至轮到其上传时才停止,该方法合理地将一半的空闲上传时隙用于感知,因而更为高效。同时,该文基于Neyman-Pearson准则,研究了AND准则和OR准则下的最优调度策略问题,并讨论了该架构带来的感知性能增益。仿真结果表明:所提架构可以有效改善协作频谱感知性能,而不带来额外的感知时延。  相似文献   

Journal of Signal Processing Systems - New programming models have been developed to embrace contemporary heterogeneous machines, each of which may contain several types of processors, e.g., CPUs,...  相似文献   

The incremental efforts needed to manage low-level radio access network decisions from a business-perspective have received little attention so far. This paper considers the influence of business-level indicators on network management decisions related to low-level network control mechanisms. It provides a formal understanding of all involved aspects, the representation of the adjustable parameters, and the network control mechanisms that enable the reconfiguration of access network entities from a business perspective (i.e., users?? information, operator??s goals). The effectiveness of our approach is validated through a simulation environment that we developed on OPNET.  相似文献   

摘要:传统的航空无线电协作频谱感知算法无法区分节点的性质(普通/恶意),而新的加权序贯检测(weighted sequential probability ratio test,WSPRT)算法虽然解决了这个问题,但在具有频谱感知数据篡改(spectrum sensing data falsification,SSDF)攻击节点的环境中,无法保持高的感知正确率。提出了一种改进型WSPRT 算法,在传统的 WSPRT 算法基础上改进了信誉度奖惩方案,增加了临近时间内感知稳定度的量化。从实验仿真结果看,改进后的算法不仅时间复杂度更低,而且能够有效地识别恶意节点,对于恶意用户的判定更准确。  相似文献   

频谱感知数据融合算法对认知无线网络性能起到重要作用,目前各频谱感知算法在检测恶意节点及适应认知用户环境变化上的性能有待加强,为此,提出了一种基于认知用户过往判决记录的改进加权序贯概率比检测算法。该方法通过融合中心记录认知用户过往判决结果的符合次数,改变其信誉度,从而得到该认知用户判决结果在融合结果中所占有的加权,最终得到更为理想的判决结果。  相似文献   

Mobile Networks and Applications - Participatory sensing has become an effective way of sensing urban dynamics due to the widespread availability of smartphones among citizens. Traditionally,...  相似文献   

移动自组网是一种有特殊用途的对等式网络,具有无中心、自组织、可快速展开、可移动等特点,这些特点使得它在战场、救灾等特殊场合的应用日渐受到人们的重视.由于在移动自组网络中每节点既是主机又是路由器,所以容易遭受基于路由信息的攻击,而现今的路由协议基本没有考虑到该问题.本文在分析移动自组网络安全特性的基础上,综述了该方面的研究工作,建立了基于声誉机制评价体系,并给出了具体的评价方法和计算模型.在此基础上,提出了基于声誉机制的安全路由协议S-DSR.仿真结果表明在存在攻击节点的情况下S-DSR协议比DSR协议具有更好的包传输率、包丢失率等属性.  相似文献   

可移动系统安全模型统一框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王立斌  陈克非 《电子学报》2002,30(Z1):2108-2110
本文的主要工作是利用可移动进程的形式化模型π演算为工具,考虑系统的移动性(Mobility),将系统安全属性的刻画归结为特定系统进程等价的验证,提出一种新的安全模型框架.在此框架下,可以方便表示不同的不干涉安全属性,并对其进行强弱对比;针对不同安全需求,可定义新的安全属性.并且,该框架建立一个新的安全属性研究的平台,可广泛地适用于具有移动进程的分布式系统的安全分析.  相似文献   

认为物联网(IoT)和参与式感知是通过无线传感器和移动传感器,从环境和智能传感应用中获取数据的技术。在欧洲国家,物联网和参与式感知已应用在很多领域,市场发展迅猛。在瑞典,以智慧城市为目标,并注重节能的绿色物联网工程正在实施。在该工程中,提出了一个结合绿色网络、智慧感知和云计算技术的绿色物联网解决方案,以解决更具有交互性和响应性的城市管理问题。通过对两款针对医疗和安全驾驶参与式感知应用的介绍,认为智慧城市应用需要结合从不同的来源得到的感知数据,以正确地提取特征并预测未来。  相似文献   

认知无线电网络中基于信任的合作频谱感知框架   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文中提出了一种基于信任的合作频谱感知框架.通过本地感知差异、感知位置因素、控制信道条件为参与频谱感知的用户建立信任,准确地权重决策中心的单用户感知信息.仿真结果表明,在一定虚警概率的约束条件下,该框架应用于具体模型时具有较低的漏检概率.  相似文献   

Spectrum sensing feature of cognitive radio devices represents a cornerstone characteristic facilitating real-time and accurate spectrum occupancy measurements in cognitive radio networks. It practically enables the cognitive radio devices to detect vacant spectrum holes and use them for their communication purposes. There are numerous spectrum sensing methods proposed in the literature ranging from local based ones to cooperative strategies among several devices increasing the confidence level of the detected spectrum. This paper gives a general spectrum sensing framework for cognitive radio networks, classifies and explores different spectrum sensing techniques and approaches and shows practical examples, from authors’ own experience, of realized spectrum sensing engines and strategies along with some obtained results.  相似文献   

An implementation of an implantable sensing biosystem composes of a readout circuit, a power management block, an embedded microcontroller unit (MCU), an implantable drug delivery section and a wireless uplink transceiver system. This paper describes a bi-directional wireless transceiver system for implantable sensing systems. The transceiver system is composed of an external and implantable transceiver, communicating through an inductive link. Half duplex communication between transceivers at a 10 Kbps data rate was achieved at a maximum distance of 4 cm. Command and data will be supplied to the implantable module by radio frequency (RF) telemetry utilizing an amplitude shift keying (ASK) modulated 2 MHz carrier frequency. A capacitor-less amplitude demodulation receiver architecture was produced in the research with implantable receiver core area measuring at 113.2 μm by 171.8 μm with average power dissipation at 815.1 μW at a 3.3 V single rail power supply. An active uplink transceiver utilizing load shift keying (LSK) as backward data telemetry was designed. Implantable transmitter core area measures 251.7 μm by 139.3 μm, consuming 103.62 mW while driving an RF ferrite core antenna at maximum reading range. Integrating both circuits, implantable transceiver, measuring 355.3 μm by 171.8 μm, was designed and implemented using TSMC 0.35 μm mixed-signal 2P4M 3.3 V standard CMOS process. The integrated circuit solution addressed solutions for many of the problems associated with implanted devices and introduces circuits which improve in several ways over previously published designs, in functionality and integration level. In addition to being fully integrated in plain CMOS technology, not relying at least partly on available specialized elements and expensive technologies, these building blocks improve on previous designs in performance and/or power consumption. This work succeeded in implementing building blocks for an implantable transceiver, which depends only on the absolute minimum off-chip components. A complete implantable chip is presented, which highlight the design tradeoffs and optimizations applied to the design of CMOS implantable system chips.  相似文献   

In earlier works on transmitter power control in cellular radio systems, the problem of whether a signal‐to‐interference ratio (SIR) threshold is achievable is determined by apparently different rules for homogeneous and heterogeneous SIR systems. In this paper, we present a unified and more universal framework for both cases. We also highlight the conditions under which a given SIR threshold vector for the heterogeneous SIR system is achievable, although so far there is no general solution to this problem.  相似文献   

This paper presents the principles, the main propertiesand some applications of a pulsed communication system adaptedto the needs of the analog VLSI implementation of perceptivesystems. The system takes advantage of the fact that activitiesin perception tasks are often sparsely distributed over a largenumber of elementary processing units (cells) and facilitatesaccess to the communication channel for the more active cells.The resulting architecture can be advantageously used to setup connections between distant cells on the same chip or point-to-pointconnections between cells on different chips when direct wiringis prohibitive. Cells communicate in an asynchronous fashionwhich conserves the fine time relationships of events. The systemalso lends itself to the simple circuit implementation of typicalbiologically inspired connectivity patterns such as projectionof the activity of one cell on a region (its projective field)of the next neural processing layer, which can be on a differentchip in an actual implementation, as is the case for one of theapplications presented: an oriented-edges enhancement system.  相似文献   

In this letter, we analyze the problems with the existing telematics service systems that have been dependently developed and provided on a specific mobile network infrastructure. Then, we suggest methods to solve the problems and propose an architecture of the gateway and framework to implement our methods. We also verify the effectiveness of the suggested architecture through a comparison with an existing telematics system. With this architecture, it is possible to develop service applications without knowledge of the underlying mobile network technology and the system integration methods.  相似文献   

频谱感知技术在短波通信中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高短波通信的频谱利用率,需要对短波频谱进行实时准确的频谱感知.针对短波信道特点,对几种频谱感知方法能否适用于短波通信系统进行了分析.结合国内外军用认知无线电的发展,并充分利用能量检测速度快、循环谱特征检测精度高的优点,提出了一种能量和循环谱特征联合检测的方法,并给出了基于感知技术的短波电台的基本架构,为缓解短波信道资源紧张提供了一条途径.  相似文献   

自适应滤波框架中,滤波器的抽头系数可以利用特定的自适应算法达到近似维纳解,从而使滤波器的输出误差达到最小.将这个框架应用到压缩感知重构信号中,信号的稀疏系数等效为滤波器系数权值向量,从而可获得最佳的稀疏系数,以高概率重构信号.本文介绍了已有学者研究出的一种L0最小均方算法(L0-LMS),该算法中引入零引力项加快了权矢量向稀疏解收敛的速度,保证解的稀疏性.通过仿真可知,基于自适应滤波算法重构稀疏信号的性能较好,甚至优于压缩感知中常用的OMP算法.  相似文献   

随着当前移动终端设备的发展和5G技术的普及,移动群智感知的需求越来越大。但是目前感知任务的分发方法依然存在着传输效率低下、代价高且不稳定等问题,极大地限制了感知终端任务的完成。为此,该文利用城市轨道交通对于各大城区良好的覆盖性和轨道交通的可预测性,提出了面向激励成本的任务分发模型(ICTDM)和面向用户数量的任务分发模型(UNTDM)。通过轨道交通对聚集式人流的疏导性,实现感知任务在城市不同区域的选择性分发。并以任务所需人数和移动距离的最小化作为手段,完成降低系统总激励成本的目的。实验结果表明,该算法与同类算法相比,可以在完成相同任务集合的前提下,通过优化任务分发过程实现更少的任务参与者分发方案,以达到降低感知任务成本的目的。  相似文献   

Collaborative Cyclostationary Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper proposes an energy efficient collaborative cyclostationary spectrum sensing approach for cognitive radio systems. An existing statistical hypothesis test for the presence of cyclostationarity is extended to multiple cyclic frequencies and its asymptotic distributions are established. Collaborative test statistics are proposed for the fusion of local test statistics of the secondary users, and a censoring technique in which only informative test statistics are transmitted to the fusion center (FC) during the collaborative detection is further proposed for improving energy efficiency in mobile applications. Moreover, a technique for numerical approximation of the asymptotic distribution of the censored FC test statistic is proposed. The proposed tests are nonparametric in the sense that no assumptions on data or noise distributions are required. In addition, the tests allow dichotomizing between the desired signal and interference. Simulation experiments are provided that show the benefits of the proposed cyclostationary approach compared to energy detection, the importance of collaboration among spatially displaced secondary users for overcoming shadowing and fading effects, as well as the reliable performance of the proposed algorithms even in very low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regimes and under strict communication rate constraints for collaboration overhead.  相似文献   

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