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We have demonstrated that mutations induced in Drosophila melanogaster by the microinjections of adenovirus Sa7 DNA in early embryos are of insertional nature. The role of insertional elements is played by the Drosophila transposons, but not by the virus DNA. The ability of oncoviral DNA to induce transpositions of mobile elements in recipient genome is the molecular basis of this system of genetic instability.  相似文献   

We have studied the spectrum and nature of mutations induced by oncogenic virus DNA injections into wsn, T-007 line of embryos, and those of the first generation hybrids obtained after crossing the T-007 line males with the Oregon R wild line females (hybrid disgenesis). Each line is shown to have a special group of "hot" sites mutating with high frequency under the effect of the oncovirus DNA injected.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that the mutagenic effect of oncovirus DNA injected into Drosophila embryos is of two-type locus specificity: the spectrum of mutations induced by the retroviral cDNA (RSV) changed in different recipient stocks and those induced by the adenoviral DNA (Sa7) did not differ in the stocks studied. The Sa7 DNA and the cDNA of RSV induce mutations in different groups of loci. Transpositions of the copia element were found in mutant lines obtained in both cases.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that the ability to induce benign neoplasms We have dominant mode of inheritance in Drosophila melanogaster is the specific feature of oncoviral DNAs. It is supposed that development of this type of neoplasms in Drosophila is connected with the changes in expression of protooncogenes in mutant genome: firstly, the genetic factors directing the development of neoplasms and Drosophila protooncogenes which shared the homology with v-src are localised in the same regions; secondly, there are structural rearrangements in c-src/fps (29A) protooncogene in mutant stocks which display the ability for neoplastic growth.  相似文献   

DNA of simian adenovirus Sa7 injected into polar plasma of early Drosophila melanogaster y1snw*; bw; st stock embryos induced one to three unstable visible X-linked mutations in the absence of intact P-element. Numerous mutational events (reversions, new mutations) occur only in four precisely destabilized by the Sa7 DNA loci of X-chromosome and take place during 4-5 generations; in the next generations the level of instability decreased. At the same time, Sa7 DNA induced reversions and new allelic mutations in the snw mutant locus, without exogenous intact P-element.  相似文献   

RNA-containing Raus sarcoma virus, recombinant plasmid pBR322 inserted by kDNA RSV (pPrC11) and Sa7 adenovirus DNA were injected into the polar region of Drosophila melanogaster early embryons. The exogenic genetic material injected was shown to induce mutations, many of them unstable. In a number of cases, virus-specific sequences were found in DNA isolated from mutant flies. It is hypothesized that mutations induced by DNA of oncogenic viruses are of the insertion type.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that larval tissues of mutant stocks induced by injections of oncogene virus DNA (Sa7 and RSV) show the neoplastic mode of growth after transplantation into the body cavity of wild-type flies. Neoplasms tested were shown to be ordinary benign insect neoplasms, and at the same time they show the dominant mode of heredity typical of the neoplasms of vertebrates. Genetic factors responsible for the neoplastic growth are localised in the 3rd chromosome in the stocks obtained after injections of the adenoviral Sa7 DNA, and in the 2nd and 3rd chromosomes in the mutant stocks induced by the retroviral DNA.  相似文献   

Summary When RSV DNA cloned in pBR 322 or DNA of simian adenovirus Sa7 (C8) is injected into the pole plasm of embryos of various Drosophila stocks, the progeny of 1–70% of the surviving flies display visible mutations. The mutagenesis is partially directed: the loci mutating due to retrovirus and adenovirus DNA do not everlap. The majority of resulting mutants are characterised by high instability: reversions and new mutations occur in them, which sometimes spread over the whole population(explosive instability). The injected sequences are revealed by dot-hybridization in the DNA of many mutant strains, but only rarely by Southern blotting procedures. The results show that the microinjection of oncovirus DNA into embryos is an approach for obtaining highly unstable strains even from wildtype stable Drosophila stocks without crosses with MR lines or the introduction of P elements. The sets of unstable mutations induced by oncovirus DNA is different from those in hybrid dysgenesis.  相似文献   

The properties of super-unstable systems of the white, singed and ocetilless loci obtained as a result of P-M dysgenesis induction in the strains with a mobilized Stalker were described earlier. In the studies of super-instability in ocetilless locus, six super-unstable mutations in the yellow locus were obtained. Detailed genetic analysis was performed resulting in isolation of 80 alleles with different phenotype expression. In general, super-instability in the yellow locus reminds that in the white and ocetilless loci. Most of alleles are highly unstable possessing a characteristic pattern of mutation changes. Also, sub-systems were found in the yellow super-unstable system. Each consists of several mutually inter-converting alleles which possess a characteristic phenotype, mode and rate of mutation changes.  相似文献   

DNA map of mutations at the scute locus of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The achaete-scute gene complex (AS-C) of Drosophila melanogaster is involved in the differentiation of innervated elements in the adult (chaetes) and in the embryo (central nervous system). Genetically, the AS-C is subdivided into four regions: achaete, scute α, lethal of scute, and scute β. Using a previously cloned fragment of scute DNA, we have now cloned 62 kb of wild-type DNA from the scute region. No repetitive sequences have been detected in this stretch of DNA. Of 16 scute mutants with chromosomal rearrangements studied (inversions, deletions, and translocations), nine, included genetically in scute β, have breakpoints in the cloned region. The remaining rearrangements, which genetically correspond to scute α, map outside and to the left of the cloned region. Of nine scute `point mutants' studied, eight have large DNA alterations within the cloned region. These alterations include insertions (five) and deletions (three). The DNA alterations found in both `point mutants' and rearrangements are interspersed and scattered over 40 kb. The relationship between the sites of the DNA alterations and the mutant phenotypes are discussed.  相似文献   

The genetic instability of Drosophila melanogaster genes induced by the mobile genetic elements is reviewed. The main attention is paid to genetic instability depended on types of crossing. Data on the possibility of genetic instability induction by the chemical and physical (X-rays, heat-shock) agents and their complex effect are cited. It was shown that a number of agents which cause mutagenic effect realize their action by involving of mobile genetic elements.  相似文献   

N-Ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) was used to induce mutations in the Drosophila melanogaster, alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene. Flies were treated with ENU and mated to homozygous intragenic Adh null mutants; Adh null mutations were selected by exposure of the F1 generation to 1-penten-3-ol. Fourteen Adh null mutations were recovered which included 11 from spermatozoa, 2 from oocytes and 1 from a premeiotic spermatocyte. 2 mutations from spermatozoa and 1 of the mutations from oocytes were multilocus deficiencies which included the Adh locus as determined by complementation tests. The remaining 11 intragenic Adh null mutations were sequenced using the Sanger dideoxy method. One Adh null mutation induced in an oocyte was an AT to TA transversion and the mutation induced in a premeiotic spermatocyte was a GC to AT transition, both of which resulted in a single amino acid substitution. The 11 null mutations induced in spermatozoa were a data set in which both the dose of ENU and the treated germ-cell stage were held constant; therefore, only these 11 mutations were used to calculate the mutation frequency and compare the mutations at the Adh locus with those recovered in other studies. The dose of ENU induced a sex-linked recessive lethal frequency approximately 300 times that of the spontaneous frequency; therefore, these mutations were assumed to have been induced by ENU. 2 of the 11 mutations induced in spermatozoa were multilocus deficiencies and 9 were intragenic mutations. 7 of the 9 intragenic mutations were GC to AT transitions which resulted in 5 single amino acid substitutions, 1 premature translation termination codon, and 1 splice site mutation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Individuals expressing recessive mutations in the Deformed (Dfd) locus of Drosophila melanogaster were examined for embryonic and adult defects. Mutant embryos were examined in both scanning electron microscope and light microscope preparations. The adult Dfd recessive mutant phenotype was assessed in somatic clones and in survivors homozygous for hypomorphic alleles of the gene. The time of Dfd+ action was determined by studying a temperature conditional allele. Dfd+ is required in three embryonic cephalic segments to form a normal head. Mutant embryos of Dfd display defects in derivatives of the maxillary segment, of the mandibular segment, and of some more anterior segments. In the adult fly, defects are seen in the posterior aspect of the head when the gene is mutant. A transformation from head to thoracic-like tissue is seen dorsally and a deletion of structures is seen ventrally. Shift studies utilizing a temperature conditional allele have shown that the gene product is necessary during at least two periods of development, during embryonic segmentation and head involution and during the late larval and pupal stages. From these studies we conclude that Dfd is a homeotic gene necessary for proper specification of both the embryonic and the adult head.  相似文献   

X-Ray- and neutron-induced mutations at the white locus of Drosophila melanogaster were used to study the nature of radiation-induced genetic damage. Genetic analysis showed the presence of multi-locus deficiencies in 15 out of 31 X-ray mutants and in 26 out of 35 mutants induced by neutrons. The DNA from 11 X-ray and 4 neutron mutants, which were not multi-locus deficiencies, was analyzed by Southern blot-hybridization. Deletions were observed in 2 X-ray and 1 neutron mutant. In combination with cytogenetic techniques, chromosomal rearrangements affecting the white locus (translocations, inversions, etc.) were identified in 3 X-ray and in 2 neutron mutants. A hot-spot for translocation breakpoints was identified in the left arm of the third chromosome. 5 X-ray mutants, which apparently did not contain large deletions, were subjected to further analysis by the nuclease S1 protection method, after cloning of the white gene. In 4 mutants a small deletion could indeed be detected in this way. Thus it seems that by far the main part of X-ray- and neutron-induced white mutants have arisen through large changes in the white gene, especially deletions.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of 36 mutations induced by N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) at the white locus of Drosophila melanogaster was analyzed. Blot-hybridization showed that only two of them are rearrangements. One is a 200-bp deletion and the second mutant is an insertion of about 10 kb. The latter might be of spontaneous origin. 34 mutants did not show a detectable alteration of the normal restriction enzyme profile. 21 mutants were also analyzed by Northern blot-hybridization. Normal or nearly normal levels of white mRNA were observed in 8 pigmented and 7 non-pigmented mutants. In 5 other non-pigmented mutants a strong reduction of the amount of mature white mRNA was seen. In one of the pigmented mutants, hybridization occurred with 2 RNAs. When taken together, these results strongly indicate that most of the ENU-induced mutations are caused by base-pair changes or rearrangements smaller than 50-100 bp.  相似文献   

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