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Xenopus r-protein mRNAs are known to be coordinately regulated at the translational level. To find out if RNA/protein interactions are involved in this control mechanism, we have characterized the particles containing the translationally repressed rp-mRNA and we have investigated the proteins that specifically bind to this type of mRNA. By sedimentation analysis and isopycnic centrifugation we have found that the repressed rp-mRNAs are assembled in slow sedimenting complexes where the RNA is prevalent over the protein mass (2.3 to 1). This composition is maintained also after in vitro reconstitution of the particle. We carried out also a detailed analysis of in vitro RNA/protein complex formation by focusing our attention on the 5'UTR, very similar in different rp-mRNAs and important in the translational regulation. We describe specific interactions of L1 mRNA with four proteins. The binding site of two of them, 57 kD and 47 kD, is in the typical pyrimidine sequence at the 5' end and is position dependent. Proteins of the same size interact also with the analogous region of r-protein S1 and L14 mRNA, not with unrelated RNAs. Binding of two other proteins, 31 kD and 24 kD, in the downstream region of the 5'UTR was also observed. The most evident 57 kD protein has been partially purified. Although the binding of these proteins to the r-protein mRNA 5'UTR is specific, their involvement in the translation regulation remains to be proved.  相似文献   

LY171883, a peroxisome proliferator and leukotriene D4-antagonist, induced a statistically significant increase in the number of hepatic lesions in B6C3F1 female mice in a 2 year oncogenicity study at dietary doses of 0.0225% and 0.075%. The mutation frequency and spectrum of the 61st codon of H-ras was determined for 64 independent, archived lesions from the LY171883 2 year oncogenicity study using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), allele specific oligo hybridization (ASO) and DNA sequencing. Results showed 41 (64%) of these lesions had mutations at the 61st codon (16/21 hepatocellular carcinomas, 4/10 hepatocellular adenomas, 19/26 focal hepatocellular hyperplasias and 2/7 focal hepatocellular atypia). These mutations consisted of 18 C-A transversions, 16 A-G transitions and seven A-T transversions. Compared to the mutation frequency for spontaneously occurring archival B6C3F1 hepatic lesions (41%), the frequency of LY171883 lesions (64%) was significantly higher (P < 0.01). The frequencies of H-ras 61st codon mutations among the LY171883 lesion types (hepatocellular carcinomas 76%, hepatocellular adenomas 40%, focal hepatocellular hyperplasias 73% and hepatocellular atypia 29%) were also significantly different (P = 0.035). In contrast, spontaneous lesions showed no statistical difference in the frequencies of mutation among lesion types (P > 0.5). The mutation spectrum of the LY171883 lesions was not significantly different from the spontaneous spectra. It may be concluded that based on the similarity in mutation spectrum and the increase in mutation frequency, LY171883 may selectively promote spontaneous hepatic lesions containing H-ras 61st codon mutations. In addition, the difference in mutation frequency among lesion types does not support a linear progression of all LY171883 lesions through focal atypia, focal hepatocellular hyperplasias, hepatocellular adenomas and hepatocellular carcinomas.  相似文献   

In a variety of systems, histone mRNA has been shown to lack poly(A) (Adesnik and Darnell, 1972; Grunstein et al., 1973). We have found, however, that in Xenopus laevis oocytes, poly (A)-containing mRNA codes for histones, in a wheat germ cell-free system, based on the following criteria: first, co-migration with authentic X. laevis oocyte histones on polyacrylamide gels; second, no detectable incorporation of tryptophan; third, differential incorporation of lysine and methionine into histone fraction H2A; fourth, resistance of histone fraction H2A to cleavage with cyanogen bromide; and fifth, correspondence of tryptic peptide maps of partially purified cell-free products with authentic X. laevis oocyte histone. RNA which directs the synthesis of histones in the cell-free system is retained on oligo(dT)-cellulose, even after denaturation in 80% DMSO at 70 degrees C, thereby demonstrating the covalent attachment of polyadenylic acid sequences to the mRNA. Poly (A)- RNA (7S-14S fraction) was also found to code for histones using the same criteria. We discuss the significance of the finding that X. laevis oocytes contain two classes of histone mRNA as well as the potential developmental implications of this observation.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis oocytes have been used to determine the intracellular localization of components of Ro ribonucleoprotein particles (Ro RNPs) and to study the assembly of these RNA-protein complexes. Microinjection of the protein components of human Ro RNPs, i.e., La, Ro60, and Ro52, in X. laevis oocytes showed that all three proteins are able to enter the nucleus, albeit with different efficiencies. In contrast, the RNA components of human Ro RNPs (the Y RNAs) accumulate in the X. laevis cytoplasm upon injection. Localization studies performed at low temperatures indicated that both nuclear import of Ro RNP proteins and nuclear export of Y RNAs are mediated by active transport mechanisms. Immunoprecipitation experiments using monospecific anti-La and anti-Ro60 antibodies showed that the X. laevis La and Ro60 homologues were cross-reactive with the respective antibodies and that both X. laevis proteins were able to interact with human Y1 RNA. Further analyses indicated that: (a) association of X. laevis La and Ro60 with Y RNAs most likely takes place in the nucleus; (b) once formed, Ro RNPs are rapidly exported out of the nucleus; and (c) the association with La is lost during or shortly after nuclear export.  相似文献   

Anti-SS-A/Ro and anti-SS-B/La autoantibodies are diagnostically important in Sj?gren's syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus. However, the relationship between generation of these autoantibodies and the pathogenesis of the diseases remains to be solved. Several lines of autoepitope mapping of the target molecules revealed that multiple epitopes on the molecules were recognized by sera from patients with the diseases. This indicates that these autoantigens themselves drive the autoimmunity, that is, the molecules specific autoreactive T cells are activated. Further studies to elucidate how the autoreactive T cells become activated would be of help in understanding the pathogenesis of the diseases.  相似文献   

Ovalbumin messenger RNA (mRNAov) purified from hen oviduct was injected into Xenopus laevis oocytes. The oocytes were incubated in culture medium containing [3H]leucine. Analysis of the oocyte cytosol on Sephadex G-15O columns demonstrated a peak of radioactivity which cochromatographed with authentic ovalbumin. Radioactive protein contained in this peak was precipitated by ovalbumin antiserum, coelectrophoresed with ovalbumin on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and urea gels at pH 8.7, and eluted with the protein at the same pH (4.8) on CM-cellulose chromatography. Injection of increasing amounts of mRNAov was found to elicit a linear response in terms of ovalbumin synthesis. Moreover, there was linear incorporation of radioactivity into microinjected oocytes over a minimum period of 91 h. Less than 1 ng mRNAov was detected in this system. Ovalbumin mRNA activity was present in RNA preparations from chicks treated with estrogen but was undetectable in animals withdrawn from the hormone. This study constitutes an initial demonstration of a steroid hormone-induced alteration in mRNA population as assayed in intact viable heterologous cells.  相似文献   

AC914 mRNA, a pre-spore-specific mRNA that accumulates only in the post-aggregation stage of development, is transcribed constitutively as shown by nuclear run-off experiments and by fusing its promoter to the luciferase reporter gene. The same mRNA disappears quickly from disaggregated cells. If the 5'-untranslated region (5'UTR) of the constitutively expressed Actin 15 mRNA is substituted for the 5'UTR of AC914 mRNA, this can no longer be destabilized and accumulates both in growing and disaggregated cells. If the 5'UTR of AC914 mRNA is substituted for the 5'UTR of Actin 15 mRNA, the latter accumulates only in aggregated cells. Pactamycin, but not other inhibitors of protein synthesis, prevents AC914 mRNA from being destabilized in disaggregated cells, suggesting a role of 40 S subunits in the destabilization. This has been confirmed by using an in vitro system in which the in vivo stability of different mRNAs is reproduced. A protein kinase A-dependent phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 determines whether 40 S subunits are capable or not of destabilizing AC914 mRNA in the in vitro system.  相似文献   

Rabphilin3 and rabaptin5 are downstream target molecules of the Rab3 and -5 subfamily small G proteins that are implicated in exocytosis and endocytosis, respectively. We examined here the physical and functional relationship between the Rab3-rabphilin3 and Rab5-rabaptin5 systems. Rabphilin3 interacted with rabaptin5 at the N-terminal region (amino acids 1-280), which GTP-Rab3A interacted with. The interaction of rabphilin3 with rabaptin5 was inhibited by guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate-Rab3A. Overexpression of the N-terminal fragment of rabphilin3 (amino acids 1-280) inhibited the receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin, and this inhibition was overcome by co-transfection with a dominant active mutant of Rab3A or rabaptin5 in PC12 and HeLa cells. These results suggest that rabphilin3, free of GTP-Rab3A, regulates endocytosis through interaction with rabaptin5 after rabphilin3 complexed with GTP-Rab3A regulates exocytosis.  相似文献   

Amphibian oocytes accumulate a large pool of mRNA molecules for future embryonic development. Due to their association with specific proteins the stored maternal RNAs are translationally repressed. The identification of these RNA-binding proteins and the characterization of their functional domains may contribute to the understanding of the translational repression mechanisms and the subsequent activation processes during early embryogenesis. Here we present the complete Pleurodeles cDNA sequence of a cytoplasmic protein which is present in oocytes, eggs, and very early cleavage stage embryos but undetectable in postcleavage embryo and adult tissues. The predicted molecular mass of the protein is 55 kDa and the apparent molecular mass as determined by SDS-PAGE, 68 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence reveals proline- and serine-rich domains in the aminoterminal part as well as two RGG boxes which represent characteristic motifs of several RNA-binding proteins. No distinct homologies to the consensus RNA recognition motif were found. The 55-kDa protein was recovered in cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles containing poly(A)+ RNA. It was therefore termed RAP55 for mRNA-associated protein of 55 kDa. However, a direct interaction of RAP55 with mRNA could not be demonstrated by UV-crosslinking experiments, indicating that it is bound to mRNP complexes via protein-protein interactions. RAP55 is evolutionarily conserved since antibodies raised against a recombinant Pleurodeles RAP55 fragment recognize the protein from Pleurodeles and Xenopus. The expression pattern and intracellular distribution of RAP55 suggest that it is part of those mRNP particles which are translationally repressed during oogenesis and become activated upon progesterone-induced oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

We describe a plasmid, pXen, designed for the optimized expression of proteins fused to glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in Xenopus laevis oocytes and embryos. The Xenopus model system permits the biochemical analysis of signaling pathways and analysis of embryo phenotype in response to manipulation of proto-oncogene expression. pXen is a modified pSP64T vector which contains an SP6 RNA polymerase promoter followed by the translational initiation sequence of Xenopus beta-globin and the glutathione binding domain of GST. The Xenopus 3' beta-globin untranslated region and polyadenylation site immediately follow the multiple cloning site to permit the efficient translation of in vitro transcribed RNA in oocytes and embryos. The utility of pXen is demonstrated by cloning the catalytic domain of the serine/threonine kinase proto-oncogene Raf-1 into this vector and injecting the corresponding in vitro transcribed RNA into oocytes. Catalytically active GST-vRaf fusion protein was expressed in the injected oocytes and induced oocyte maturation. Moreover, the GST-vRaf fusion protein could be readily purified from Xenopus extracts using glutathione Sepharose. We demonstrate that the Raf-1 catalytic domain retains activity when fused with the N-terminal GST moiety and is subject to negative regulation by the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). The pXen vector will be useful for an in vivo analysis of the physiological role and regulation of a wide variety of signaling molecules when expressed in Xenopus oocytes and embryos.  相似文献   

The use of FNA cytology to diagnose pathologic conditions of the thyroid has increased considerably in recent years, particularly since it has reduced by half the number of patients undergoing surgery. On the one hand, this diagnostic technique has attracted a certain amount of well justified criticism, but on the other, recent cytohistologic correlations and new scientific knowledge are continually improving its application. We shall discuss the latter aspect in more detail and deal with some simple but informative points which the pathologist may find useful in daily practice.  相似文献   

For clarification of the mechanism of hormonally and spatially regulated larval-to-adult conversion of skeletal muscle, changes in the expression of muscle contractile proteins were examined during metamorphosis of Xenopus laevis. Analysis by electrophoresis revealed that isoforms of myosin heavy chain (MHC) switched from larval to adult type and adult-specific beta-tropomyosin (TM) appeared during metamorphosis in addition to preexisting alpha-TM. Distinct regional differences in isoform transition were apparent. Isoform changes started at stage 54 in the hindlimb and at stage 57 in the body. However, no change in the tail occurred. Immunohistochemical examination was performed to analyze isoform transition in dorsal body muscle. Before metamorphosis (stage 53), only a small number of muscle fibers at the dorsomedial part of dorsal muscle expressed "adult-type" muscle proteins. During metamorphosis the adult-type area gradually expanded from dorsal to ventral slides with an anteroposterior gradient with increase in adult-type (adult-type MHC and beta-TM-positive) muscle fibers. Thus, there is a gradient in isoform transition. In addition, adult-type fibers showed smaller diameter than larval-type fibers and DNA synthesis occurred in dorsal muscle with an anteroposterior gradient before the isoform transition, suggesting that new myogenesis of adult-type fibers proceeds with a gradient during metamorphosis. Also, degenerating fibers were observed only in the larval-type area. These results suggest that isoform transition is achieved by new proliferation of adult-type myoblasts and death of preexisting larval-type fibers, not by change in gene expression within the same cell.  相似文献   

Previous work has implicated poly(A) polymerase I (PAP I), encoded by the pcnB gene, in the decay of a number of RNAs from Escherichia coli. We show here that PAP I does not promote the initiation of decay of the rpsT mRNA encoding ribosomal protein S20 in vivo; however, it does facilitate the degradation of highly folded degradative intermediates by polynucleotide phosphorylase. As expected, purified degradosomes, a multi-protein complex containing, among others, RNase E, PNPase, and RhlB, generate an authentic 147-residue RNase E cleavage product from the rpsT mRNA in vitro. However, degradosomes are unable to degrade the 147-residue fragment in the presence of ATP even when it is oligoadenylated. Rather, both continuous cycles of polyadenylation and PNPase activity are necessary and sufficient for the complete decay of the 147-residue fragment in a process which can be antagonized by the action of RNase II. Moreover, both ATP and a non-hydrolyzable analog, ATPgammaS, support the PAP I and PNPase-dependent degradation of the 147-residue intermediate implying that ATPase activity, such as that which may reside in RhlB, a putative RNA helicase, is not necessarily required. Alternatively, the rpsT mRNA can be degraded in vitro by a second 3'-decay pathway which is dependent on PAP I, PNPase and ATP alone. Our results demonstrate that a hierarchy of RNA secondary structures controls access to exonucleolytic attack on 3' termini. Moreover, decay of a model mRNA can be reconstituted in vitro by a small number of purified components in a process which is more dynamic and ATP-dependent than previously imagined.  相似文献   

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