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Microbiology - Analysis of the taxonomic structure of prokaryotic microbial complexes of the saline soils in the Lake Elton area and their comparative characteristics were carried out for a soil...  相似文献   

Limnology - The rise of salinity of inland waters in many regions of the world highlights the necessity of investigations of ecosystems with a naturally high level of salinity to be able to predict...  相似文献   

为了研究长江口丰水季邻近海域大型底栖动物群落特征, 我们根据2012年6、8和10月长江口邻近海域大型底栖动物的调查资料, 应用双因素方差分析(Two-Way ANOVA)、聚类分析(Cluster)、非参数多维标度排序(Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling, NMDS)以及丰度生物量比较曲线(Abundance-Biomass Comparison Curves, ABC Curves)对数据资料进行分析。本研究共记录大型底栖动物181种, 其中多毛类动物82种, 甲壳动物46种, 软体动物31种, 棘皮动物11种, 其他类群11种。大型底栖动物丰度、生物量、种类丰富度和多样性指数月份间差异和空间差异均不显著。均匀度指数月份间差异不显著, 而空间上远海显著高于近海。6、8和10月大型底栖动物在20%的相似性水平上划分为3-4个群聚, 不同站位相似性水平较低。ABC曲线表明远海大型底栖动物群落受扰动的程度小于近海。受人类活动的持续影响, 长江口邻近海域大型底栖动物种类变化剧烈, 空间分布不均匀。  相似文献   

Entomological Review - The study presents the results of long-term (2006-2014) research on the non-biting midges (Diptera, Chironomidae) in macrozoobenthic communities of five saline rivers (the...  相似文献   

The Victoria-Land Transect project onboard the Italian research vessel “Italica” in February 2004, was a large-scale attempt to obtain benthic samples of smaller macrozoobenthic specimens systematically along a latitudinal and a depth transect along the Victoria-Land coast. Data presented from this survey are based on Rauschert dredge samples, which were taken at four areas at depth ranging from 84 to 515 m. A cluster analysis based on relative numbers of abundance was performed and demonstrated a change in community structure depending on the location along the latitudinal transect. A change in community structure with depth was not recorded. Dominant taxa of the Ross Sea fauna along the Victoria-Land coast were the Arthropoda (65.7%), followed by Annelida (20.7%), Mollusca (9.6%) and Echinodermata (2.5%). Total number of abundance decreased with depth with an exception at Cape Russell, whereas a trend in biomass was not documented. Abundance and biomass proportions of major taxa changed gradually along the latitudinal transect.  相似文献   

The diversity of microbial communities associated with the intestinal mucosa and the intestinal contents of fish with different nutritional profiles have been investigated. Differences in the intestinal microbiota of fish with different dietary preferences have been revealed using group-specific primers for the main large taxa of bacteria. Representatives of the phyla Planctomycetes, Vernicomicrobia, and Cyanobacteria have been detected in the intestinal contents of all investigated nonpredatory (crucian carp, roach, and dace) and predatory (pikeperch, pike, and perch) fish. Representatives of the phylum Firmicutes were detected in the intestinal mucosa and intestinal contents of predatory fish species, but not in those of the nonpredatory fish.  相似文献   

Investigations have been carried out in the area adjacent to Teletskoe Lake in the Altai Nature Reserve. Checklists of species for the studied habitats and their comparative analysis are given. Previous data on the fauna of spiders in the Altai Nature Reserve have been supplemented by 39 species. Three species have been recorded for the first time in the fauna of the Altai Mountains. The complexes of dominant species have been revealed. Peculiarities of the seasonal dynamics of the population for order as a whole and for separate herpetobiont spiders groups have been considered.  相似文献   

【目的】探究尕斯库勒盐湖生态系统中邻近水体对湖泊微生物的贡献。【方法】采集尕斯库勒盐湖区湖水、沉积物以及邻近的泉水、河水和盐田的水样,对其进行地球化学分析;通过16S rRNA基因的Illumina MiSeq高通量测序分析样品的微生物群落组成。【结果】尕斯库勒盐湖区水体和沉积物中的优势门是变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和广古菌门(Euryarchaeota)。盐度和pH是影响尕斯库勒盐湖区群落组成的最主要环境因素。邻近水体对湖泊水体和沉积物的贡献分别为12.94%和7.53%。【结论】邻近水体对尕斯库勒盐湖微生物群落的贡献有限。  相似文献   

Diversity was studied in 10 communities, including the understory of native oak woodland, planted woodlands (pine and eucalypt), and shrublands in the strict sense (heathlands, broom shrublands, gorse shrublands).In each community, species richness, diversity, dominance and evenness were analysed. Differences were observed among communities with regard to species composition, richness in annual herbs, perennial herbs and shrubs, dominant plant families (Ericaceae, Papilionaceae) and diversification of shrub species.The possible relations between environmental stress and/or human influences on differences in diversity are discussed.  相似文献   

Time series data of key environmental variables (water temperature, global radiation, vertical light attenuation, internal P load) and biomass of four colour classes of photosynthetically active algae were collected during 2003 and 2004 with daily resolution. Using these data, seasonal patterns of phytoplankton were analyzed as a function of the dynamic environment. Abstraction of the environmental state as a point in multi-dimensional space was used to identify habitat templates of bloom-forming groups and derive an indicator of environmental stability/physical disturbance. These templates were synthesized into a simple threshold model that sufficiently simulated development and collapse of various blooms. Blooms were, however, rare events related to specific environments with strong, unidirectional forcing. Tentative quantification of disturbance and compositional stability/community change allowed discriminating disturbance-driven changes and autogenic succession with reasonable success. The two processes were found to be equally important in shaping the composition and biomass of phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The distribution patterns of macrozoobenthic communities as shown by the biomass of the higher taxa were investigated in Admiralty Bay. Material was collected at depths ranging from 4 to 500 m (102 quantitative samples), representing the full depth range of this basin and including areas characterized by the different levels of glacial influence. Five community groups were distinguished by multivariate analysis (clustering, MDS) based on the Bray--Curtis similarity index. In the Ezcurra Inlet, the area characterized by intensive glacial processes resulting in a high sedimentation rate, the distribution of biomass was not depth related, but was associated with the intensity of glacial disturbance along the axis of the fjord. The innermost part of this fjord, which receives strong outflows from glaciers, had a low biomass value (2.9 g/0.1 m2) and was dominated by polychaetes. The middle part of the fjord which is not so heavily disturbed had higher biomass values (46.1 g/0.1 m2) due to the dominance of bivalves. A clear depth gradient of biomass distribution was observed in bottom areas located far from glaciers, in the central basin of the bay, with three zones within the depth ranges 4–30, 40–380, and 400–500 m. The highest mean biomass values (92.5 g/0.1 m2) were found in the middle sublittoral (40–380 m) dominated by ascidians. In the shallow and deep assemblages, the biomass was lower (33.8 g/0.1 and 30.9 g/0.1 m2 respectively), most probably associated with the ice disturbance in the shallows and lower food supply in the deepest part of the shelf.  相似文献   

The Tajan River was investigated for one year in seven stations, analyzing the relationships between physical properties, water chemistry and aquatic macroinvertebrates. Biotic and diversity indices were compared with canonical unconstrained (CA) and constrained (CCA) ordination to test different methods able to estimate river ecology status. An upstream-downstream gradient was emphasized, in presence of anthropogenic stressors, coming from trout farms, paper factory, agriculture, urbanization, river regulation; the first CCA axis emphasized a natural gradient, bound to altitude, source distance, water temperature, the second CCA axis a pollution gradient. Biotic and diversity indices detected three polluted stations: S3, downstream the Korcha tributary, S6 downstream a paper factory and S7 situated after the Sari town. S4 showed high macroinvertebrates densities, which were attributed to the presence of a dam. Both multimetric and multivariate methods emphasized the need to separate the influence of natural variables from anthropogenic stressors in the Tajan River. To separate the influence of longitudinal gradient from the influence of pollution, it was suggested to evaluate the anthropogenic impact as deviation from a regression line, considering a multimetric index as dependent variable and source distance as predictor variable. The definition of reference sites was problematic in this poorly investigated area and a progress in taxonomic resolution is in any case recommended to better define the ecological status of these waters.  相似文献   

A study of epiphytic gastropods associated with two submerged macrophytes (Myriophyllum spicatum and Vallisneria americana) was conducted at a soft and at a hard water site in the St. Lawrence River during two non-consecutive years in order to compare effects of macrophyte species and biomass, site and year in gastropod community structure. There was no effect of macrophyte species on total gastropod abundance nor on gastropod diversity, and few gastropod species showed a marked preference for either macrophyte species. Inter-site and inter-annual variations in diversity, total gastropod abundance and gastropod community structure were greater than variations among macrophytes. However, analysis of variations of epiphytic gastropod communities in one of the two sites shows that abiotic factors are important in explaining epiphytic gastropod distribution. Our results and results of other studies on gastropod population dynamics in the St. Lawrence River indicate that intra- and interspecific competition between gastropods is important on macrophytes and that they must be carefully considered in order to understand epiphytic community structure and population dynamics.  相似文献   

The rates of microbial processes and phylogenetic diversity of the microorganisms responsible for organic matter production and decomposition in the benthic communities and bottom sediments of the rivers Solyanka, Lantsug, Khara, Chernavka, and Bol’shaya Smorogda (Lake Elton area, Volgograd oblast, Russia) were studied. The biomass and primary production of cyano–bacterial communities varied significantly within the ranges of 20–903 mg Chl a/m2 and 0.2–21 mg C/(m2 h), respectively. Depending on the season, the share of anoxygenic CO2 fixation varied from 20% to the values comparable to the rate of oxygenic photosynthesis. The total heterotrophic activity of microbial communities determined as the rate of dark CO2 assimilation varied from 31 to 750 μmol/(dm3 day) in the mats and from 3 to 137 μmol/(dm3 day) in the sediments. The rates of sulfate reduction and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis varied from 10 to 2621 μmol S/dm3 day) and from 1.5 to 323 nmol CH4/(dm3 day), respectively. High-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA genes in cyano–bacterial mats revealed microorganisms belonging to 20 phyla, with the sequences of Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes being the most numerous.  相似文献   

上海市潮滩湿地大型底栖动物的空间分布格局   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
通过对上海市6个典型潮滩湿地(崇明东滩、崇明北滩、九段沙、青草沙、南汇边滩和杭州湾北岸)的调查,共记录到大型底栖动物112种,甲壳动物、软体动物和环节动物分别占总物种数的51.8%、22.3%和18.8%。6个潮滩湿地中大型底栖动物生物量的空间分布呈现一致的规律,即高潮区〉中潮区〉低潮区;在生物量构成中,甲壳动物是最为重要的类群,其总体平均相对贡献率在51%~97%之间,软体动物的总体平均相对贡献率在2%~48%之间。大型底栖动物密度的空间分布在地点间存在较大差异,在崇明东滩、九段沙和杭州湾北岸湿地中,软体动物在数量上占优势;而在崇明北滩、青草沙和南汇边滩,甲壳动物却是优势类群。与20世纪80和90年代的调查资料相比,近20多年来上海市潮滩湿地中大型底栖动物生物量明显增加,但群落结构发生了根本改变,优势类群由个体较小的软体动物转变为平均体重较大的甲壳动物,这主要与人类活动(过度采捕、环境污染和生物促淤等因素)的强度干扰有关,也反映上海市潮滩湿地的环境质量和生态功能正在逐步下降。  相似文献   

As a step towards setting conservation priorities for declining moist forests in southeast Kenya, we assessed for small mammal diversity and distribution. These habitats are under severe pressure due to increased demand an forests products and arable land, yet there is a dearth of information an impacts an biodiversity. Over an eight-month period, we used a combination of box and pitfall traps with drift fences to study 13 forest fragments in five geographic areas ranging between 3°28′−4°10′ S and 38°28′−39°2b′ E. We recorded 12 species including 10 soricids and two macroscelids in 31440 trap nights. Diversity estimates using rarefaction method indicate a species richness of 12, consistent with our collection. There were six unique species, each limited in distribution to one forest fragment. Our record of Crocidura cf. selina in Kyulu Hills is the first outside Mabira forest in Uganda where it is considered endemic and endangered. We also report the first record of C. fuscomurina in Kenya, white those of C. Luna and Suncus megalura are first in the southeast of the country. By providing new ranges to four species, our study is of significance to the biogeography and conservation of forest small mammals in the region.  相似文献   

Species introduced outside their native range to serve anthropogenic purposes may have unintended consequences on native organisms. Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis and Gambusia holbrooki) have been introduced throughout the world to control larval mosquito populations in aquatic environments, but they have also been implicated in the decline of native fish, amphibian, and aquatic invertebrate populations. We investigated the roles of introduced western mosquitofish (G. affinis), and two naturally colonizing predators (crayfish and dragonfly naiads) in inflicting tail injuries observed on ranid frog tadpoles in experimental constructed wetlands. We also examined the influence of vegetation in reducing tail injury severity. We found that mosquitofish significantly increased the prevalence and severity of tail injuries, but crayfish and dragonfly naiads contributed much less to increased injury levels. Furthermore, increased vegetation cover did not significantly attenuate tail injuries. However, after chemical removal of Gambusia, injury prevalence and severity was significantly reduced. Although previous investigations have concluded that mosquitofish prey upon the eggs and larvae of some amphibians, our results illustrate that these fish can cause substantial but apparently sub-lethal injuries to large numbers of larval amphibians in a wetland. Further investigations are needed to determine if these injuries impede the fitness of victims and lead to population reductions.  相似文献   

The data on seasonal and interannual changes in the taxonomic, structural, and quantitative characteristics of macrozoobenthos communities in rivers with a high salinity gradient are given. A total of 91 benthic invertebrate taxa have been revealed, which were dominated by Cricotopus salinophilus, Chironomus salinarius, C. aprilinus, Tanytarsus kharaensis, Microchironomus deribae, Glyptotendipes salinus (Diptera: Chironomidae), Culicoides (M.) riethi, Palpomyia schmidti (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), Paranais simplex (Oligochaeta), and Ephydra sp. (Ephydridae) in different years. The fauna of benthic communities is mainly represented by eurybiontic halotolerant species with different ranges of resistance to salinity. The taxonomic composition and diversity of macrozoobenthos communities are closely correlated with water salinity in the range from 4 to 41 g/L; the complex of hydrological and hydrophysical factors (depth, overgrowing, water temperature, pH, etc.) control the distribution and abundance of species.  相似文献   

The physicochemical properties, species composition, and vertical distribution of microorganisms in the water column, shoreline microbial mat, and small shoreline mud volcanoes of the stratified soda Lake Doroninskoe were investigated in September 2007. The lake is located in the Transbaikal region, in the permafrost zone (51°25′N; 112°28′E). The maximal depth of the contemporary lake is about 6 m, the pH value of the water is 9.72, and the water mineralization in the near-bottom horizon is 32.3 g l−1. In summer, the surface oxygen-containing horizon of the water column becomes demineralized to 26.5 g l−1; at a depth of 3.5–4.0 m, an abrupt transition occurs to the aerobic zone containing hydrosulfide (up to 12.56 g l−1). Hydrosulfide was also detected in trace quantities in the upper water horizons. The density stratification of the water column usually ensures stable anaerobic conditions until the freezing period (November and December). The primary production of oxygenic phototrophs reached 176–230 μg l−1. High rates of dark CO2 assimilation (61–240 μg l−1) were detected in the chemocline. Within this zone, an alkaliphilic species of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria of the genus Thioalkalivibrio was detected (104 cells ml−1). Lithoheterotrophic bacteria Halomonas spp., as well as bacteriochlorophyll a-containing aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (AAP) Roseinatronobacter sp. capable of thiosulfate oxidation, were isolated from samples collected from the aerobic zone (0–3 m). The water transparency in September was extremely low; therefore, no visible clusters of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (APBs) were detected at the boundary of the hydrosulfide layer. However, purple sulfur bacteria which, according to the results of the 16S rRNA gene analysis, belong to the species Thioalkalicoccus limnaeus, Ectothiorhodospira variabilis, “Ect. magna,” and Ect. shaposhnikovii, were isolated from samples of deep silt sediments. Ect. variabilis and Ect. shaposhnikovii were the major APB species in the shoreline algo-bacterial mat. The halotolerant bacterium Ect. shaposhnikovii, purple nonsulfur bacteria of the genus Rhodobacter, and AAP of Roseococcus sp. were isolated from the samples collected from mud volcanoes. All these species are alkaliphiles, moderate halophiles, or halotolerant microorganisms.  相似文献   

A comprehensive assessment of bacterial diversity and community composition in arctic and antarctic pack ice was conducted through cultivation and cultivation-independent molecular techniques. We sequenced 16S rRNA genes from 115 and 87 pure cultures of bacteria isolated from arctic and antarctic pack ice, respectively. Most of the 33 arctic phylotypes were >97% identical to previously described antarctic species or to our own antarctic isolates. At both poles, the alpha- and gamma-proteobacteria and the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group were the dominant taxonomic bacterial groups identified by cultivation as well as by molecular methods. The analysis of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from multiple arctic and antarctic pack ice samples revealed a high incidence of closely overlapping 16S rRNA gene clone and isolate sequences. Simultaneous analysis of environmental samples with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that approximately 95% of 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained cells hybridized with the general bacterial probe EUB338. More than 90% of those were further assignable. Approximately 50 and 36% were identified as gamma-proteobacteria in arctic and antarctic samples,respectively. Approximately 25% were identified as alpha-proteobacteria, and 25% were identified as belonging to the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group. For the quantification of specific members of the sea ice community, new oligonucleotide probes were developed which target the genera Octadecabacter, Glaciecola, Psychrobacter, Marinobacter, Shewanella, and Polaribacter: High FISH detection rates of these groups as well as high viable counts corroborated the overlap of clone and isolate sequences. A terrestrial influence on the arctic pack ice community was suggested by the presence of limnic phylotypes.  相似文献   

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