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PURPOSE: To determine prospectively the feasibility and accuracy of combined gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) angiography, MR urography, and MR nephrography in the presurgical evaluation of potential renal transplant donors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-two potential donors for renal transplantation were evaluated with 1.5-T MR imaging. MR angiograms were evaluated for the number of renal arteries, presence of early arterial branches, and renal artery stenoses. The renal collecting system and ureters were evaluated on the MR urograms. Renal parenchyma was assessed on the MR nephrogram. Prospective interpretation of MR images was compared with that of conventional angiograms and excretory urograms and with surgical findings. RESULTS: Gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography enabled correct identification of the arterial supply to all 44 native kidneys (44 single or dominant renal arteries and nine accessory renal arteries), four of five early arterial branches arising in the proximal 2 cm of the renal artery, a mild truncal stenosis in one renal artery, and two anomalies of the draining renal veins. The MR urogram accurately depicted a duplicated collecting system and mild unilateral pelvicalicectasis. The MR nephrogram showed renal size and a solitary cyst in one kidney, confirmed with sonography. CONCLUSION: Combined gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography, MR urography, and MR nephrography can accurately depict the arterial supply, collecting system, and renal parenchyma of donor kidneys.  相似文献   

The physiological relevance of cholecystokinin (CCK) in gastric pepsin secretion is unclear, although CCK has been reported to stimulate pepsin secretion in intact animals and in dispersed chief cell. To clarify the physiological role played by this peptide in pepsin secretion, we determined the effects of intravenous infusions of CCK on gastric pepsin release, and investigated the effect of endogenous CCK released by small amounts of trypsin inhibitor on pepsin secretion in conscious rats. The infusion of CCK-8 at 1 nmol/kg per h resulted in a plasma CCK concentration of 204 pM and a 2.5-fold increase in pepsin secretion compared to the baseline rate. The infusion of CCK-8 at 0.3 nmol/kg per h resulted in a plasma CCK concentration of 41.8 pM and also caused a significant increase in pepsin secretion compared to the baseline rate. However, the infusion of CCK-8 at 0.1 nmol/kg per h (plasma CCK level, 19.9 pM), which is still far beyond the physiological plasma levels of CCK, did not significantly affect pepsin secretion. In addition, the intraduodenal infusion of soybean trypsin inhibitor increased the plasma CCK concentration to 4.4 pM, a value comparable to that observed after feeding (3.3 pM), but again, this had no effect on gastric pepsin secretion. We conclude that CCK is not a physiological regulator of gastric pepsin secretion in rats.  相似文献   

Mammalian aging is characterized by a decline in the content and release of pituitary growth hormone (GH). However, few studies on the age-related changes in the population of GH-producing cells (somatotropes) have been carried out. We have investigated whether changes in number, ultrastructure and GH gene expression in subpopulations of somatotropes could explain the reduced GH release in aged rats. Three representative ages were studied: adult (5-month-old), old (19-month-old), and senescent (26-month-old) male rats. The total number of immunoreactive-GH cells per pituitary gland remained invariable to age. The separation of dispersed pituitary cells on a density gradient yielded two somatotrope subpopulations, of low density (LD) and high density (HD). Both subpopulations were equally represented in adults, whereas in old and senescent rats a predominance of LD-somatotropes was observed. Morphometric analysis showed that subpopulations exhibited storage and biosynthetic features inversely related. In LD-somatotropes, rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) was more prominent but secretory granules (SG) were less abundant than in HD somatotropes. Concurrently, in situ hybridization for GH mRNA showed that GH gene expression was higher in LD-cells. Differences between subpopulations were essentially retained through the animals' lifespan, but small-sized SG, reduced RER, and low GH mRNA levels were inherent to aging both in LD- and in HD-somatotropes. The present findings demonstrate that the reduced content of pituitary GH in aged male rats is not due to a diminished number of GH-producing cells, but to the numerical predominance of scarcely granulated LD-somatotropes, combined with the decline in GH biosynthetic capacity observed in both subpopulations. In addition, age-related changes in ultrastructure and GH gene expression suggest a chronic inhibition of GH release and/or a weak stimulation of GH biosynthesis affecting both subpopulations.  相似文献   

Regulation of GH secretion from phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated lymphocytes was investigated in six normal subjects. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were incubated with PHA (10 micrograms/mL) in the presence of various amounts of recombinant human GH (0-100 ng/L) and/or recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I (0-1000 micrograms/L), and the secreted GH was measured by a highly sensitive enzyme immunoassay. PHA-stimulated lymphocytes secreted immunoreactive GH in all subjects (13.6 +/- 2.4 ng/L). Exogenous GH up-regulated the GH secretion in a dose-dependent manner, while IGF-I did not affect either basal GH secretion or the up-regulation by exogenous GH. These findings suggest a difference in the regulation of GH secretion between endocrine and immune systems.  相似文献   

Weight loss in humans is associated with elevated hypothalamic-pituitary growth hormone (GH) secretion. This study evaluates the effects of weight loss on the hypothalamic-pituitary (GH-releasing hormone [GHRH]-GH) axis in 14 normal-weight (body mass index [BMI], 25+/-1 Kg/m2) subjects, of whom half had undergone a diet-induced weight loss of 14%+/-2% (mean+/-SEM). Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), insulin, oral glucose tolerance, leptin, and GH pulse patterns were determined in both groups after weight maintenance for 1 week. Of note, we tested the effects of recent weight loss (3 months) and not a recent dietary intake, since both groups ingested a normal calorie diet for 2 days in the Clinical Research Center (CRC) prestudy. Serum insulin (3.8+/-0.7 v 9.0+/-0.9 microU/mL, P < .01) and C-peptide (0.44+/-0.06 v 0.59+/-0.04 ng/mL, P < .05) were significantly lower in the weight loss group. Serum leptin was not different. Endogenous GH pulse height (11.9+/-4.8 v 1.3+/-0.1 microg/L, P < .05), area per GH pulse ([AUC] 57+/-28 v 6+/-1 microg/L, P < .05), and mean GH (3.91+/-0.76 v 0.85+/-0.16 microg/L, P < .01) were increased in the weight loss group. The serum insulin level was inversely associated with the mean GH concentration (r=-.678, P < .01) and GH pulse height (r=-.733, P < .01). In addition to spontaneous GH secretion, the GHRH-stimulated GH pulse height (41.8+/-18.1 v7.1+/-1.6 microg/L, P < .05) and AUC (161+/-35 v46+/-13 microg/L/min, P < .05) were also increased in the weight loss group. The insulin concentration was also inversely correlated with the GHRH-stimulated GH pulse height (r=-.718, P < .01). The leptin concentration was correlated with the BMI (r=.554, P < .05) and body fat (r=.744, P < .01), but not with GH secretion. In summary, even though these patients were on a normal calorie diet, a history of recent weight loss in young men and women of normal weight and health can be associated with a significant increase in spontaneous GH pulse height and GHRH-stimulated pulse height. Weight loss was also associated with a reduced serum insulin level. The observed increase in GH secretion may be secondary to the reduction in insulin or alterations of other factors acting at the site of the pituitary.  相似文献   

In the present study, we use the anatomically well defined septohippocampal projection to study the molecular events involved in the reaction of neurons to axotomy. The expression of three immediate early genes (c-fos, c-jun, and jun B) was investigated in rat septohippocampal neurons after axotomy by bilateral fimbria-fornix transection (FFT). Moreover, the extent of retrograde degeneration in the septal complex was assessed by analyzing DNA fragmentation. In a postoperative time course analysis, a strong increase of c-jun immunoreactivity (IR) was observed in the nuclei of neurons in the medial septum/diagonal band complex (MSDB) 2 and 6 d postaxotomy, which was followed by a decline after 12 d and 3 weeks, respectively. Nine weeks after FFT, c-jun IR had disappeared. The c-jun-positive MS neurons were identified as former septohippocampal projection cells by double-labeling with the retrogradely transported tracer Fluoro-Gold injected into the hippocampus before axotomy. In line with the immunocytochemical data, there was a massive induction of c-jun mRNA in the axotomized MS neurons as visualized by in situ hybridization histochemistry. c-fos mRNA and c-fos or jun B IR were not detectable in either unoperated or lesioned medial septal neurons. Experiments using the TdT-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick-end-labeling technique, designed to detect nuclear DNA fragmentation in degenerating neurons, complemented this study. During the postoperative time range studied, MS neurons did not exhibit DNA fragmentation. We conclude that MSDB neurons survive axotomy by FFT and display characteristic changes in gene expression.  相似文献   

This study quantified the orthotropic elastic changes in cortical bone due to aging as well as determined any elastic changes after acute treatments of growth hormone (GH). Three groups of twenty rats represented three age groups of young adult (9 months), middle age (20 months), and old (31 months) rats. During a ten day period, half of the rats in each age group were given twice-daily doses of recombinant human GH while the remaining half were injected with a vehicle control (saline). The effects of aging and GH on the elastic characteristics of cortical bone were quantified via ultrasonic wave propagation. Propagation velocities of longitudinal and shear waves were measured through cubic cortical specimens from the posterior femoral diaphysis. Density was measured by Archimedes' technique. The normalized, orthotropic elastic properties of Young's moduli (Eii), shear moduli (Gij), and Poisson's ratios (Vij) were calculated and used to compare the groups (where i and j = 1, 2, or 3 reference the radial, circumferential, and longitudinal axes, respectively). Cortical elastic moduli consistently increased with age with the strongest effects demonstrated in radial dependent properties such as E11 (+ 25.3% from 9 to 31 months, p = 0.0004) and G12 (+ 12.6% from 20 to 31 months, p = 0.0419). The ratio of transverse to axial displacement (Poisson's ratio) typically decreased with age (9 to 31 months) as seen in V31 (-24.95%, p = 0.0134) and V32 (-20.7%, p = 0.0015). Overall, a ten day treatment with GH produced no global statistical change in elastic properties (p > 0.05). However, GH did minimize the age related differences that were measured for E22, E33, and V32 between the 9 and 31 month old groups essentially returning old bone to its youthful elastic state. These finding add orthotropic detail to the current understanding of changing cortical elastic properties during aging as well as providing a reference for further studies of GH.  相似文献   

Degradation and utilization of protein by Prevotella ruminicola B1(4), a proteolytic bacterium that is prominent in the rumen, was examined. In preliminary experiments, proteinaceous N sources produced faster growth rates than did NH4Cl, based on changes in optical density over time. However, ammonium chloride produced a greater maximum cell density than did proteinaceous N sources. Of the proteinaceous N sources, an enzymatic hydrolysate of soybean protein with a relative peptide size of 3 AA residues produced a greater growth rate and maximum cell density compared with the other proteinaceous N sources. Further experiments revealed that P. ruminicola B1(4) grew faster and to a greater final dry weight with soybean protein than with casein. Degradation of both proteins was low as was indicated by the slow disappearance of soluble protein, low concentrations of free AA and peptides, and the decrease in ammonia concentrations over time. Patterns of degradation did differ between the two proteins, however. Accumulation of peptides and free AA from soybean protein peaked 2 h earlier than those from casein, and concentrations of free AA and peptides from soybean protein were lower on average than those from casein. Prevotella ruminicola B1(4) preferentially utilized Asp, Ile, Leu, Lys, and Arg from soybean protein compared with casein. The relative size of peptides that accumulated from both proteins, as determined by the ratio of ninhydrin reaction after HCl hydrolysis to ninhydrin reaction before HCl hydrolysis, suggested that part of the proteolytic activity of P. ruminicola B1(4) is a dipeptidase. Our findings suggest that P. ruminicola may have a greater impact on peptide degradation than on protein degradation in the rumen.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Leukocyte migration into the peritoneal cavity is a diagnostic feature of peritonitis in patients treated with peritoneal dialysis (PD). While neutrophil (PMN) influx is characteristic of the acute phase of peritoneal infection, significant mononuclear cell (MNC) infiltration, occurs throughout the whole period of infection. Recent data suggests that human peritoneal mesothelial cell (HPMC) adhesion molecule expression and the synthesis of chemotactic cytokines may be important in the process. METHODS: In the present study we have examined, the regulation and directed secretion of chemokines (IL-8, MCP-1 and RANTES) and the basolateral to apical migration of unstimulated leukocytes across mesothelial cell monolayers using an in vitro model where HPMC were grown on the porous membrane of tissue culture inserts. Separate experiments have defined the importance of chemokine synthesis and ICAM-1 expression in the transmigration process. RESULTS: Apical stimulation of HPMC with IL-1 beta or TNF alpha resulted in a time and dose dependent up-regulation of IL-8, MCP-1 and RANTES mRNA expression and synthesis. This secretion was predominately into the apical compartment (> 85%) with all chemokines. Apical pre-stimulation of HPMC resulted in a dose- and time-dependent migration of both PMN and MNC across HPMC. Neutrophil migration was significantly reduced in the presence of appropriate concentrations of polyclonal IL-8 antibody (IL-1 beta (100 pg/ml) 153 +/- 12 versus anti-IL-8 (100 ng/ml) 71 +/- 7 (X 10(3)) PMN, N = 6, P < 0.02) and in the presence of anti-ICAM-1 F(ab)'2 fragments or soluble ICAM-1. Constitutive and cytokine stimulated mononuclear cell migration was significantly reduced in the simultaneous presence of polyclonal MCP-1 or RANTES antibody. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that HPMC synthesize IL-8, MCP-1 and RANTES in response to inflammatory cytokines. HPMC-derived C-x-C and C-C chemokines might contribute to the intra-peritoneal recruitment of leukocytes during peritoneal inflammation.  相似文献   

The effects of high-energy phosphate contents in muscles on glucose tolerance and glucose uptake into tissues were studied in rats and mice. Enhanced glucose tolerance associated with depleted high-energy phosphates and elevated glycogen content in muscles and liver was observed in animals fed creatine analogue beta-guanidinopropionic acid (beta-GPA). Distribution of infused 2-[1-14C]deoxy-D-glucose in tissues especially in the soleus muscle, kidney, and brain was greater in mice fed beta-GPA than controls. The glucose uptake was decreased when the contents of ATP and glycogen were normalized following creatine supplementation. Plasma insulin in animals at rest was lower and its concentration after intraperitoneal glucose infusion tended to be less in animals fed beta-GPA than controls (p > 0.05), although the pattern of insulin response to glucose loading was similar to the control. The daily voluntary activity in beta-GPA fed mice was also less than controls. These results suggest that improved glucose tolerance is not related to elevated insulin concentration and/or decreased glycogen following exercise. Such improvement may be due to an increased mitochondrial energy metabolism caused by depletion of high-energy phosphates.  相似文献   

Rats pretreated by daily depot injections of pentagastric for 24 days, responded with a significant increase of gastric secretion volume, and HC1 concentration and output, when infused intravenously with bethanechol chloride. In these rats, the total weight of the stomach and the height of the fundic mucosa were also increased. Pretreatment with histamine had no effect on rat gastric tissue or gastric secretion, under identical conditions of stimulation.  相似文献   

The human hepatoblastoma cell line Hep G2 releases the enzyme hepatic lipase during incubation with heparin. In this study, hepatic lipase activity was released by low concentrations of heparin, and the release was linear with time for up to about 10 hours. Preincubations of cells with LDL or compactin induced marked but differential changes in hepatic lipase secretion, cellular cholesterol content and low density lipoprotein receptor activity, suggesting that the secretion of hepatic lipase is regulated independently of cholesterol homeostasis.  相似文献   

The mechanism(s) of radiation-induced salivary gland dysfunction is poorly understood. In the present study, we have assessed the secretory function (muscarinic agonist-stimulated saliva flow, intracellular calcium mobilization, Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransport activity) in rat submandibular glands 12 months postirradiation (single dose, 10 Gy). The morphological status of glands from control and irradiated rats was also determined. Pilocarpine-stimulated salivary flow was decreased by 67% at 12 months (but not at 3 months) after irradiation. This was associated with a 47% decrease in the wet weight of the irradiated glands. Histological and morphometric analysis demonstrated that acinar cells were smaller and occupied relatively less volume and convoluted granular tubules were smaller but occupied the same relative volume, while intercalated and striated ducts maintained their size but occupied a greater relative volume in submandibular glands from irradiated compared to control animals. In addition, no inflammation or fibrosis was observed in the irradiated tissues. Carbachol- or thapsigargin-stimulated mobilization of Ca2+ was similar in dispersed submandibular gland cells from control and irradiated animals. Further, [Ca2+]i imaging of individual ducts and acini from control and irradiated groups showed, for the first time, that mobilization of Ca2+ in either cell type was not altered by the radiation treatment. The carbachol-stimulated, bumetanide-sensitive component of the Na+/K+/ 2Cl- cotransport activity was also similar in submandibular gland cells from control and irradiated animals. These data demonstrate that a single dose of gamma radiation induces a progressive loss of submandibular gland tissue and function. This loss of salivary flow is not due to chronic inflammation or fibrosis of the gland or an alteration in the neurotransmitter signaling mechanism in the acinar or ductal cells. The radiation-induced decrease in fluid secretion appears to be related to a change in either the water-handling capacity of the acini or the number of acinar cells in the gland.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine factors predicting the practice of breast self-examination behaviour among Chinese women in Hong Kong using a cross-sectional survey research design. The Health Belief Model was used as the theoretical framework for the study to examine differences between breast self-examination practicers and non-practicers and among breast self-examination frequency groups. Data were collected from a convenience sample of 124 women using self-administrated questionnaires. Less than half of the sample practised breast self-examination and only 16% of the practicers performing breast self-examination monthly. There were differences between practicers vs. non-practicers and among breast self-examination frequency groups and some support of the predictive power of the Health Belief Model was found. Logistic regression showed that practicers perceived health as important, having fewer barriers and higher susceptibility to breast cancer. Discriminant function analysis revealed that barriers and children status were strong predictors of frequency of breast self-examination practice explaining 21.1% of the total variance in breast self-examination practice.  相似文献   

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