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按地下实验室或处置库的不同主岩,简述了以花岗岩,岩盐,粘土岩和凝灰岩等作处置库主岩的核素迁移示踪试验的研究现状,重点介绍了以花岗岩作高效废物处置库主岩的示踪试验方法和进展。  相似文献   

闵茂中 《地球化学》1997,26(6):69-76
对一近地表铀矿体中某些铀系长寿命核素的放射性平衡状态和14种微量元素迁移特征研究得出,自该铀矿床63Ma前生成至今,仅近1Ma来,当上覆花岗岩遭剥蚀使矿体近地表时,矿石中天然放射性核和微量元素才因水-岩反应沿围岩破碎带,裂隙发生迁移;裂隙两侧岩石受水-岩反应影响的范围较小,裂隙面的化学组分以溶失为主,裂隙两侧粘土化花岗岩中则以核素、元素的扩散和吸附为主,最后阐述了本研究结果对高放废物处置库安全评价  相似文献   

某花岗岩型铀矿床中铀天然衰变系长寿命核素和类比微量元素,自该矿床51Ma前生成以来,未向周围花岗岩中发生远距迁移,铀矿体及近矿岩石至今仍处于化学封闭状态。矿石、岩石裂隙处局部出现有核素、元素迁移和沉淀,因裂隙细小且大多充填有粘土矿物等,迁移距离不足25-30m,且仅发生在距今10^4-10^6a及至今时距内。  相似文献   

核素在裂隙介质中的迁移问题是核废物深地质处置中极为关注的问题。为了解裂隙介质中核素的迁移规律,建立了基于双重介质理论的描述核素在裂隙域和基质域中迁移的基本微分方程,利用拉普拉斯变换推导出其解析解;在对西北某核废物处置场预选区地水文地质条件分析的基础上,获取相关参数,利用一维多途径核素迁移模型,选取国内在花岗岩中研究较多的核素Cs-134、Co-57、Tc-99,模拟这几种核素的相对浓度随模拟时间、迁移距离的变化规律。模拟结果表明:在其他条件都相同的情况下,Cs-134的迁移是最快的,而Tc-99迁移是最慢的。  相似文献   

Elements and natural radionuclides in the contact zone of two granites with different ages would migrate from one to the other because of the difference in their chemical contents and later water-rock interactions. This migration could serve as an analogue for the near-field process of radwastes in a high-level radwaste deep geological disposal repository.In the contact between the Indosinian granite (whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron age at 214@3 Ma) and Hercynian granite (zircon U-Pb isochron age at 296@31 Ma) located in Ziyuan County, Guangxi, the O and Pb isotope characteristics and the activity ratios of 234U/238U, 230Th/238U, 230Th/234U and 226Ra/230Th show that, based on the whole-rock chemical contents, both of the two granites have maintained a relatively open chemical system in their evolution processes. However, as there is no obvious open fault, the migration of major elements, trace elements and natural U-series nu-clides takes place within only 1-2 m in the contact zone, and water-rock interaction  相似文献   

Natural analogues are an important source of long-term data and may be viewed as naturally occurring experiments that often include processes, phenomena, and scenarios that are important to nuclear waste disposal safety assessment studies. The Koongarra uranium deposit in the Alligator Rivers region of Australia is one of the best-studied natural analogue sites. The deposit has been subjected to chemical weathering over several million years, during which many climatological, hydrological, and geological changes have taken place, resulting in the mobilization and spreading of uranium. Secondary uranium mineralization and dispersed uranium are present from the surface down to the base of the weathering zone, some 25 m deep. In this work, a simple uranium transport model is presented and sensitivity analyses are conducted for key model parameters. Analyses of field and laboratory data show that three layers can be distinguished in the Koongarra area: (1) a top layer that is fully weathered, (2) an intermediate layer that is partially weathered (the weathering zone), and (3) a lower layer that is unweathered. The weathering zone has been moving downward as the weathering process proceeds. Groundwater velocities are found to be largest in the weathering zone. Transport of uranium is believed to take place primarily in this zone. It appears that changes in the direction of groundwater flow have not had a significant effect on the uranium dispersion pattern. The solid-phase uranium data show that the uranium concentration does not significantly change with depth within the fully weathered zone. This implies that uranium transport has stopped in these layers. A two-dimensional vertically integrated model for transport of uranium in the weathering zone has been developed. Simulations with a velocity field constant in time and space have been carried out, taking into account the downward movement of this zone and the dissolution of uranium in the orebody. The latter has been modelled by a nonequilibrium relationship. In these simulations, pseudo-steady state uranium distributions are computed. The main conclusion drawn from this study is that the movement of the weathering zone and the nonequilibrium dissolution of uranium in the orebody play an important role in the transport of uranium. Despite the fact that the model is a gross simplification of what has actually happened in the past two million years, a reasonable fit of calculated and observed uranium distributions was obtained with acceptable values for the model parameters.  相似文献   

国外地下水热运移软件开发现状与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹立河  李清 《西北地质》2007,40(4):101-104
分析了目前国外流行的地下水热运移模拟,对每个软件的主要功能作了简要的介绍,概述了地下水热运移软件的发展现状,指出与GIS结合,强化软件的前后处理功能是未来地下水热运移模拟软件发展的主要趋势.  相似文献   

双重介质中核素迁移模型的解析解及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出了具有单裂隙的双重介质中,裂隙一端有分时注入源情形下的迁移模型的解析解及一些简化条件下的解析解,并利用解析解研究了核素在双重介质中的迁移问题。  相似文献   

黄骅坳陷新生代沉降中心迁移:数值模拟证据   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在详细调研前人成果的基础上,参考最新的地震解释资料,绘制了黄骅坳陷新生代各期地层古厚度图,并由此重建了黄骅坳陷古地貌形态,认为黄骅坳陷新生代沉降中心具有由南向北再转向东迁移的特点。通过对该区域新生代构造沉降演化进行数值模拟实验,认为造成这一迁移的主要机理在于在欧亚大陆与印度板块碰撞及伊佐奈崎板块和菲律宾板块向西俯冲于欧亚板块之下的综合应力作用下,黄骅坳陷两条控盆边界断层先后开始活动.首先在沧东断层弯曲的应力集中部位产生裂陷,后羊二庄等兰聊断裂延伸端也开始活动,使得沉降中心沿沧东断层向北迁移,由于受到新港潜山构造带影响,古近纪末期开始转向东部海域迁移,新近纪时迁移至现今最大沉降中心歧口凹陷。  相似文献   

物理模拟是阐明油气二次运移的效率、机理及其在圈闭中的聚集过程的一个重要途径。针对三角洲前缘砂体这种最有利于油气藏形成的砂体类型,设计了石油在多层均质砂层构成的指状非均质储层运移物理模拟实验模型,来考查石油二次运移的通道、效率和速率。实验表明,石油二次运移的通道十分有限,石油在砂状体的最凸出部位进入储层后,主要沿指状砂体中央有限的通道(约5cm宽)由油源向圈闭运移,而且运移速度很快,约1.4cm/min,通道上含油饱和度较低,约16%。当到达顶部的封闭层后,石油开始聚集成藏。这就表明了石油二次运移、聚集成藏具有沿着有限通道快速、高效运移、聚集成藏的特征,揭示了石油运移“高速公路”的存在和油藏形成与大量排烃同步这一成藏规律。  相似文献   

花岗岩潜山油气藏在世界范围内并不多见,当前对其表征还未形成系统完善的研究方法;同时,由于储层受风化、构造多种作用改造,导致储层内部孔、缝、洞并存,具有极强的非均质性,对其表征存在一定的难度。为此本文以渤海大型花岗岩潜山A油田为例,提出了一套花岗岩潜山储层建模表征方法。首先从成因分析入手,引入地貌学分析方法,通过地貌演化特征分析,确定裂缝发育主控因素,在此基础上建立不同成因的裂缝分布趋势体。其次,以井点统计的裂缝特征参数为先验信息,以裂缝分布趋势体为平面约束,建立DFN模型,并对其进行“等效”得到裂缝属性模型。最后,采用动静态资料对裂缝属性模型进行优选,严格控制模型质量,最终得到符合地质认识的裂缝模型。  相似文献   

南海东北部海域水深、沉积厚度大、沉积速率高和有机质含量丰富,为马尼拉增生楔中天然气水合物成藏提供了必要的气源,且相应适宜的温压条件以及构造背景也有利于天然气水合物的形成与赋存,其中马尼拉俯冲带俯冲前缘以及增生楔中的断裂系统成为天然气水合物成藏的非常重要的运移通道。通过对地震剖面中断裂系统和三维地貌图的精细解释,分析了马尼拉海沟俯冲带存在的海沟前缘正断层、海沟轴部的盲断层以及增生楔中的盲冲断层或逆冲断层,直到最后发育成隔断叠瓦状岩片的逆冲断层组,这些断裂系统反映出增生楔上天然气水合物的含气流体的形成、运移及聚集过程,成为天然气水合物成藏的运移通道。  相似文献   

郭帅  周训  吴旸  方斌  赵敬波  刘东林 《现代地质》2012,26(3):620-626
自然界中温泉形成的循环机制比较复杂,前人的实验模型研究很少有报导。根据断裂-深循环型温泉的特点可以设计一个简易实验装置,对温泉的形成进行模拟实验。实验采用充满砂的半圆弧形圆管实验装置,开展不同水温下热水循环的模拟实验,以便了解地下热水循环过程温泉流量的影响因素。利用室温实验计算出实验用砂的渗透系数K的范围在50.59~57.94 m/d。实验结果表明,温泉流量除与水头差、介质渗透系数和截面积呈正比例关系外,还随温度增大而增大。温泉形成过程是伴随能量转换的地下水循环过程,地下水从深部热源获得的热量使其温度升高,粘滞性降低,导致其流量增大。利用河北北部和广西东南部温泉的流量、温度数据进行验证,进一步分析了实验结果的合理性。  相似文献   

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