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基于微机电系统技术的近红外光谱探测系统已成为了近红外光谱仪研究的一个新方向。文章提出了一种基于光栅光调制器的新型近红外光谱探测系统。该系统采用微加工技术制造的光栅光调制器阵列与单点近红外探测器相结合使用的方法进行光谱探测。设计了该光谱探测系统的光学结构, 论述了系统光谱探测原理, 并使用经表面微加工工艺得到的光栅光调制器器件进行了系统分辨本领、波长准确性、系统稳定性、器件响应频率等特征参数测试实验。结果表明,该探测系统在1 320到1 400 nm波长范围内,分辨本领小于10 nm, 波长准确性小于1 nm, 系统稳定性小于0.5%, 光栅光调制器的响应频率为5kHz。实验结果证明了该近红外光谱探测系统的可行性, 为研制基于微机电系统光栅光调制器的微型化近红外光谱仪提供了理论基础及实验指导。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于Ronchi光栅Talbot效应的相位恢复方法。将CCD相机置于Ronchi光栅的Talbot距离处,记录Ronchi光栅的自成像强度分布。通过随机并行梯度下降(SPGD)算法优化Zernike多项式系数,恢复入射相位。数值模拟实验结果表明,所提出的方法能够快速实现高精度的相位恢复,具有收敛速度快、精度高、抗噪声等优点。  相似文献   

李叶芳  潘洁 《物理实验》2000,20(6):42-42
介绍了制作9cmX 24cm光栅的两种方法.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于光纤Bragg光栅的温度传感器,阐述了光纤Bragg光栅的温度传感机理,用2个相同的光纤Bragg光栅构成折叠式Mach Zehnder(M Z)干涉仪,其中一个光栅作为参考臂,另一个作为传感臂:采用外差探测技术来测量外界的温度物理量。当温度发生变化,Bragg光栅的波长也随之改变。外差探测用来探测传感臂和参考臂由于温度变化引起的输出信号的频率差异。对其动态测量范围和灵敏度也进行了分析。  相似文献   

用交叉Ronchi光栅作图像的微分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍一种二元(0,1)微分滤波器。它是由两Ronchi光栅交叉迭加而成,因此称之为交叉光栅。它具有制作简便,微分效果好等优点。  相似文献   

<正> 光纤和轴承的滚珠可以作为测试工具。光纤很容易做成清晰明亮的光源。滚珠抛光后可成为完美的球体,并且在一些测试中,在几乎无法进入的焦点处可用它作为自动反射光学装置。最后我们介绍Ronchi试验并讨论它作为实验装置在许多不同条件下的适用情况。一、光纤经常出现这种情况,需要把一个点光源放在测试装置的中间,测试凹椭球面就是这种情况,见图1。大多数普通光源在这种测试中都产生一个大的模糊斑。可行的改善方法是使用分光镜或折光反射镜,即使这样也不会令人满意。  相似文献   

刘立人 《物理学报》1989,38(1):35-43
本文用部份相干的观点提出并研究了三个独立光栅串联排列系统的干涉效应。用模糊函数导出了干涉条纹光强分布为三个光栅等效函数的联合卷积-相关积分。给出了条纹存在的光栅间距离和周期比条件。随光源光栅狭缝宽度的变化相应产生相干的Talbot效应、部份相干效应和非相干的Lau效应。部份相干条纹的波形随光栅的平移而变化。最后给出了实验验证。 关键词:  相似文献   

张洁  黄尚廉  张智海  孙吉勇  史玲娜 《光子学报》2007,36(12):2314-2318
依据傅里叶光学理论,采用在频谱面上放置两种空间滤波器的方法进行信号处理,分析了光栅平动式光调制器在成像面上的强度分布情况,实现了对光能量的调制.分析表明:当滤出±1级谱时,像面上可以得到完全均匀的暗场;但是由于边框和悬臂梁的影响,得不到完全均匀的亮场;当滤出零频谱时,由于边框和悬臂梁的影响,得不到完全均匀的暗场和亮场.设计时,为了要在像面上得到更高的亮度均匀性,需要满足可动光栅栅条宽度为光栅周期的一半,同时应尽量减少悬臂梁和边框的宽度.  相似文献   

蒋奇  高芳芳 《光子学报》2014,43(2):228001
为了克服传统单个光纤布喇格光栅传感器对温度交叉敏感的问题,设计制作了一种基于双光纤布喇格光栅的以阻流件和弹性体为换能元件的流量传感器.该流量传感器采用弹性伞状结构体作为流量传感器的换能元件,用硅胶树脂封装双光纤光栅的弹性伞状结构体,起到了温度补偿的作用且提高了应变测量灵敏度.用有限元优化传感器结构,在1~20m/s的流速下利用ANSYS对传感器结构和传感器周围的流体场进行模拟分析,并计算了传感器的灵敏度,实验证明了硅胶树脂作为封装材料的优越性.进行了砝码干校法模拟实验,完成传感器封装前后的性能测试,通过提取该传感器的反射谱信号特征值,得到封装前后传感器的载荷响应灵敏度分别为:1.71nm/kg,0.103nm/kg.表明该流量传感器结构简单、安装方便、具有较好的线性度和灵敏度.  相似文献   

蔡靖慧  吕迺光 《光子学报》1990,19(4):399-406
本文从编码栅对光源、物函数、谱函数的调制原理出发,从三个方面分析了编码栅在光信息处理中的作用及应用实例。  相似文献   

Real-time non-destructive testing of phase and transparent objects using degenerate four-wave mixing with photorefractive BGO crystals is described. Some quantitative results of thickness variations of phase objects such as a thin optical wedge and a thin BGO crystal are also given.  相似文献   

This report describes a Ronchi-grating shearing interferometric collimation method for determining the refractive index of a lens. A new formula has been deduced for the refractive index of the lens, which is independent of lens parameters. This newly developed device has two lenses. One of them collimates the light from a point source while the other acts as a decollimator. The point source acting as a test target is situated in the front focal plane of the collimator. The test lens is placed inside a glass cell in the back focal plane of the collimator. The Ronchi grating is exactly placed in the back focal plane of the decollimator, and a fringe-free space is observed in the common region. When the test lens is immersed in a liquid cell, it disturbs the focal point and hence interference fringes are observed. The combined system consisting of the test lens and the decollimator is moved to bring the focal point on the Ronchi grating. Thus, the difference between the two settings gives the amount of defocusing.  相似文献   

由于复合材料在工业上得到了广泛的应用,使工业界对复合材料的超声无损检测与评价技术提出了更高的要求,在复合材料超声检测与评价中遇到了一些新问题,因而也就有新发现,本文介绍了纤维增强复合材料超声检测与评价技术的某些进展。  相似文献   

S. Nagai  K. Iizuka 《Ultrasonics》1982,20(6):265-270
A practical water-coupled ultrasound axicon has been developed, which is realized by a combination of an annular PZT and a conical plexiglass wedge bonded to it. The acoustic beam from the PZT is refracted by the wedge and focused over a certain range in the axial direction. Two kinds of axicon are prepared for flaw examination of metals or ceramics. Suppression of the surface echo and sidelobes is discussed. Some examples which show the abilities of the axicons are also presented.  相似文献   

Real-time laser speckle shearography coupled with vibration stressing is shown to be an effective means of vibration analysis and non-destructive testing. The shearograms are modulated by a system of live fringes. These fringes are shown to be described by the zeroth-order Bessel function of the first kind and their visibility decreases with increasing fringe order. In vibration analysis, the instantaneous fringe pattern depicts the out-of-plane surface displacement gradient of the object surface at various resonance modes. In non-destructive testing, the flaw depth in a component can be determined without having to determine fringe orders. There is good agreement between the results obtained using the method and those from theory and time-average holography. A major advantage of real-time shearography is its facility for continuous assessment of a vibrating object without the need for secondary shearogram reconstruction.  相似文献   

本文制备了硅基和光刻胶两种材料的纳米光栅,利用自研制的新型广义椭偏仪对该纳米结构的光栅进行了测量,随后利用建立的拟合模型对其测量数据进行了拟合,结果证明了运用该仪器进行纳米光栅结构无损检测的可行性,在入射角60°,方位角75°的测量条件下,纳米结构关键尺寸、侧壁角等三维形貌参数的测量精度最大可达99.97%,最大误差小于1%,该技术对于无损检测有着一定的推动意义. 关键词: 纳米压印 光栅 无损检测 拟合  相似文献   

自适应光学系统要求波前传感器能实现动态实时测量,曲率波前传感技术符合这一发展要求。一种新型的基于扭曲衍射光栅的曲率波前传感器在探测装置的实现方法方面具有较大优势,其波前重构已应用于光学度量。根据衍射光学理论,对其探测信号进行数值模拟,并利用Neumann边界条件的Green函数法对其波前重构进行数值模拟。结果表明:Green函数法归结为2矩阵相乘,计算速度快,达到实时重构要求; Green函数法对阶数不高的Zernike多项式重构效果较好;影响重构误差的主要因素是光强梯度的边界噪声。  相似文献   

A novel QNDT (quantitative non-destructive testing) method is developed that is combined with a phase-shifting shearing speckle and thermograph, and, it aims at the detection of faults such as cracks, voids, delamination and weak areas. The technique is immune to ambient noise and is suitable for measuring the in situ environment. Some different depth defects that would produce deformation differing from other positions could be found with shearing speckle when the sample is loaded, however, a thermograph based on the thermal resistance effect of a defect can detect only those varisized defects embedded deeply in the composite structure by measuring the surface temperature distribution. The resolution is examined for artificial delaminated defects in carbon-fiber composite structures using a phase-shifting shearing speckle and thermograph. The experimental results have demonstrated that the technique is effective for revealing defects in composite structures.  相似文献   

A novel technique for collimation testing with a circular Dammann grating is proposed. When the beam under test is incident on a one-order circular Dammann grating with limited aperture, double-humped radial rings will be generated at the back focal plane of a focusing lens. If the beam is collimated, the separation between the two rings will reach its minimal, otherwise the two rings will be apart from each other. Therefore, the degree of collimation of the tested beam can be estimated from the separation. The principle and experimental results of the method are presented. Owing to the simplicity and low cost of the method, it is a promising method for quickly checking the collimation of a laser beam.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and construction of 10 MHz compressional wave ultrasonic ndt probes for use in situations where operation with the shortest possible pulse length (and hence greatest bandwidth) is of prime importance. Tungsten-loaded epoxy backing blocks are manufactured separately before incorporation into probes, the manufacturing technique allowing lossy, high impedance backings to be constructed both with ease and with the use of very little manufacturing equipment. After preparation, transducers and backings are assembled into probes using simple construction jigs.Results are given showing that the 10 MHz probes thus constructed operate satisfactorily both in contact and in immersion testing. Probes of other centre frequencies can be manufactured using the same technique.  相似文献   

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