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采用Landsat TM遥感影像,辅以MODIS数据产品,应用像元的分类方法,选用水体指数AWEI(Automated Water Extraction Index)提取水体,估算了2011年南美洲陆表水域总面积。同时,在南美洲各大气候带内监测其典型水域的年内季节性面积及其变化。研究表明,南美洲陆表水域总面积为30.5×104 km2,水域率为1.69%,主要集中分布在亚马逊河流域、巴拉那河流域,以及南部巴塔哥尼亚高原。南美洲共计有湖泊9579个,总面积为14.2×104 km2,占水域总面积的46.42%;河渠总面积达15.7×104 km2,占水域总面积的51.56%;水库坑塘总面积达6144.8 km2,占南美洲地表水域总面积的2.01%。从各大气候区看,热带地区的水域面积明显受到旱雨季的影响,其中,热带沙漠气候带内水域的干湿季变化最为明显;温带地区的水域面积变化相对较小,但有明显的四季之分;高原山地气候区由于其独特的气候特征,水域面积变化较小;亚热带季风性湿润气候和地中海气候区内的水域面积季节性波动很小,但是冬夏2个季节变化明显。从南美洲各国家看,水域面积最大的国家为巴西(14.7×104 km2),占南美洲水域总面积的48.17%,水域率为1.72%;其次为阿根廷(3.4×104 km2),占南美洲水域总面积的11.24%,水域率为1.23%;委内瑞拉的水域率最大(3.08%)。  相似文献   

通过对章丘区浅层地温能赋存条件的研究,结合现场热响应试验、岩土样品测试等数据,采用层次分析法和指标法对研究区进行了地埋管地源热泵系统开发利用适宜性分区,并概算了浅层地温能资源量、评价了开发利用资源潜力、进行了经济和社会效益分析。结果表明:适宜性区面积76.38km2,占研究区面积的95.48%;适宜区内120m以浅浅层地温能热容量21.3228×1012kJ/℃。研究区全部利用地埋管地源热泵系统,夏季可制冷面积5353.1278×104m2,冬季可供暖面积6504.6662×104m2。浅层地温能开发利用潜力巨大,经济和社会效益明显。  相似文献   

中国北方典型农牧交错区的土壤风蚀危险度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤风蚀及其引发的土地退化、沙化和沙尘暴是中国北方严重的环境问题之一。通过定量评估中国北方典型农牧交错地区土壤风蚀危险程度,可以为区域生态环境的保护和生态修复提供科学支撑。本文基于文献调研、兼顾数据的可获得性,建立了包括风场强度、植被覆盖率、地形起伏度、土壤干燥度等因子在内的风蚀危险程度评价指标体系。同时,依据遥感参数反演和地面气象观测数据,在地理信息系统技术支持下,形成了上述因子的空间分布数据。另外,利用层次分析方法,构建土壤风蚀危险度评价模型,得到研究区土壤风蚀危险度的空间分布。最后,结合研究区土地利用数据,探讨了风蚀危险度空间分布格局的自然环境和土地利用背景。研究表明:研究区土壤风蚀极险型区域面积为1.47×104km2,强险型区域面积为6.09×104km2,危险型区域面积为3.47×104km2,轻险型区域面积为3.45×104km2,无险型区域面积为2.19×104km2。本区土壤风蚀危险度呈现出从东南到西北逐渐增强的趋势,这与区域的植被、气候,以及土地利用的空间格局具有内在的有机联系。  相似文献   

冰湖溃决灾害是指冰湖坝体突然破坏引发溃决洪水或溃决泥石流的现象,对下游人类活动和自然环境造成严重影响。近年来,藏东南地区冰川快速退缩,冰湖数量和规模显著增加,冰湖溃决事件广泛发生。基于1995-2021年多时相Landsat系列遥感影像、Sentinel-2A遥感影像,结合RAMMS水文动力学模型方法,对藏东南地区多依弄巴流域内冰湖、冰川进行动态变化分析,模拟冰崩危险体触发冰湖溃决和冰湖溃决泥石流的演进过程,根据泥石流模拟中的流速和流深对冰湖溃决可能影响的区域进行危险性分区。结果表明:流域内冰川面积由1995年的14.05 km2退缩为2021年的9.43 km2,年均退缩率约为0.15 km2/a。流域内共发育3处冰崩危险体,均可能触发冰湖溃决。潜在危险冰湖在全溃情况下,溃决泥石流会冲出沟口堵塞然乌湖湖口和帕隆藏布主河道,对下游居民和道路造成影响,影响范围约4.05 km2,其中高危险性区域约2.55 km2。危险性评价结果可为多依弄巴流域未来土地利用规划和防灾减灾提供依据,也能为藏东南地区冰湖溃决型泥石流危险评估提供参考。   相似文献   

水体是支撑西北地区生态环境健康与社会经济持续发展重要的地表环境要素。在气候变化与人类活动的综合影响下,西北地区水体的时空分布发生着显著的变化,并反过来影响着区域内社会经济的发展和生态环境的保护与建设。为深入认识气候变化背景下西北地区水体的时空变化规律,本文基于高分辨率全球地表水数据集(JRC Monthly History v1.3),分析了2000—2020年西北地区水体面积及其空间分布的变化规律。从年内变化看,西北地区水体面积在6月和9月有较显著的扩张,而10月起随着区内水分来源的减少水体面积开始缩减。从年际变化看,自2000—2020年,西北地区水体面积从3.48×104 km2增加到4.82×104 km2,年变化率达到682.64 km2/a。其中,塔里木河沿线区域及青海省西部水体面积扩张较为显著。塔里木河、和田河、台吉乃尔湖、达布逊湖和青海湖等常年水体周围,水体面积持续增加。本文同时利用高分辨率气候再分析数据(CMFD)分析了西北地区气候变化对水体面积及其分布的影响...  相似文献   

为了弥补滑坡灾害危险性区划研究中影响因子和等级划分的不确定性,结合前人研究成果,依据斜坡几何形态、岩性、地质构造、河流侵蚀、土地利用类型、人类工程活动、降水条件等影响因子与研究区实际已发生的滑坡灾害数之间的关系,编制重庆市万州区滑坡灾害危险性评价标准,并基于GIS技术和信息量模型法,计算滑坡评价因子的信息量,就万州区滑坡危险性进行区划,最后基于乡镇行政区对该区滑坡危险性区划进行细化。结果表明:建设用地、坡高为90~200 m的地形、1 024~1 060 mm的年降雨量以及侏罗系中统上沙溪庙组岩层等因素对万州区滑坡发生影响较大;根据滑坡灾害危险性评价标准,万州区滑坡灾害被划分为高、中、低、极低等4个危险区;应用信息量模型法得到的万州区滑坡危险性区划与实际情况比较吻合;高危险区和中危险区面积分别为564.4 km2和848.6 km2,分别占万州区总面积的16.3%和24.5%,主要分布于长江干流及支流两岸的居民相对集中区以及公路干线地段;高危险和中危险乡镇主要分布在万州区经济较为发达的长江干流两岸,尤其是左岸的黄柏乡、太龙镇、天城镇、李河镇等以及万州主城区。  相似文献   

敦煌西湖自然保护区湿地演化及驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西湖国家级自然保护区位于河西走廊西端,是敦煌盆地人工绿洲的天然屏障。近几十年来,由于气候变化和人类水土资源过度开发,保护区生态环境持续恶化,湿地退化和沙漠化趋势日趋严重。本文运用多时相资源卫星遥感影像,解译分析了保护区湿地演化规律。结果表明:1980-2013年间有23个年份湿地处于快速退化状态,保护区湿地面积由1.72×104 hm2减少到0.99×104 hm2,减少了42.4%;保护区湿地的斑块数从32个增加到51个,平均斑块面积由537 hm2减少为213 hm2,湿地演化呈破碎化趋势。湿地分布质心向西南方向移动了11.59 km,湿地呈整体向西南缓慢移动的趋势。运用因子分析法对湿地演化的驱动因子进行了分类,并利用投影寻踪模型分析各驱动因子对湿地演化的贡献率,结果表明:下游湿地退化的根本原因是大规模引地表水和开采地下水灌溉,其次是气候变化引起的冰川退缩、径流量衰减。20世纪90年代,西湖保护区湿地处于相对稳定状态,建议敦煌地区耕地维持在20世纪90年代初的2.7×104 hm2水平,或通过节水、调整作物结构和跨流域调水等措施,压缩引地表水和开采地下水水量,灌溉用水需控制在20世纪90年代初的用水水平。该研究成果可为自然保护区湿地保护和流域综合开发提供依据。  相似文献   

<正>中国地形地貌类型复杂,山丘区面积约占全国陆地总面积的2/3,是世界上山洪/泥石流灾害最严重的国家之一。随着地理信息系统、高分辨率遥感、无人机遥感、移动互联、物联网、大数据等技术的出现、发展和广泛应用,山洪/泥石流灾害领域面临新的发展机遇和挑战,将给山洪/泥石流监测、风险评价与数值模拟的理论、方法、技术研究创造了便利条件。以地图为载体的传统山洪/泥石流风险评价方式很难适应多维度灾害信息的获取、管理、计算、表达和应用的需求,主要体现在:(1)小流域山洪/泥石流灾害成因困境:由于小流域降水等资料不足,降水与下垫面作用过程复杂且差异较大,对山洪/泥石流成因机理认识不清;(2)中国  相似文献   

全国山洪灾害调查评价成果及规律初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山洪灾害调查评价是1949年来水利行业最大的非工程措施项目,是规模最大的全国性防灾减灾基础信息普查工程,历时4年,涉及全国30个省305个市2138个防治县(区),国土面积755万km2,人口近9亿。运用普查、详查、外业测量、分析计算等多种手段,掌握了中国山洪灾害防治区范围、人员分布、下垫面条件、社会经济、历史山洪灾害等基本情况,科学分析了山丘区小流域的暴雨洪水特性,评价了现状防洪能力,计算了预警指标,划定了危险区,为山洪灾害预警预报和应急救援决策提供了基础信息支撑。本文系统介绍了全国山洪灾害调查评价的核心要点,综述了调查评价成果,归纳了调查评价成果要素类型,揭示了全国山洪灾害防治区、人口、历史山洪灾害事件与预警能力的空间分布一致性,即山洪灾害各要素集中分布于青藏高原-四川盆地过渡带、川滇交界地区、黄土高原区、东部沿海地区及华北等地区,最后初步探讨了该成果的应用前景。全国山洪灾害调查评价成果将为中国山洪灾害监测预警预报体系建设及防灾减灾能力提升提供丰富的基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

浙江省由短时强降雨诱发的泥石流灾害频发,严重威胁当地居民的生命财产安全,因此对此类泥石流进行危险性评价对浙江省“灾害智治”工作具有十分重要的理论与实际应用价值。为研究浙江短时强降雨诱发小型泥石流的危险性,选取武山坑泥石流为对象,通过现场调查、三维倾斜摄影与数值模拟等手段,查明了武山坑泥石流的地质环境与发育特征,揭示了由短时强降雨诱发的泥石流灾害链生过程特征,选用RAMMS软件对不同降雨频率下泥石流运动特征进行了模拟,获取了泥石流深度、流速、堆积范围等特征参数,并基于特征参数进行了泥石流危险性评价。研究结果表明:陡坡处松散岩土体在短时强降雨作用下发生浅层滑坡,随后在坡面与沟道地形控制下向沟口运移,运动过程中通过侵蚀作用扩大泥石流规模,最终在宽缓堆积区沉积。随着研究区降雨强度增大至50 a一遇及100 a一遇,泥石流冲出规模扩大,但受限于堆积区宽缓的地形条件,未能于沟口形成有效冲出;但堆积扇上游居民区泥石流深度、流速等强度指标显著增大,堆积区内高强度区域面积大小由7 276 m2增大至12 660 m2。结合泥石流活跃性分析结果,采取形成区雨量监...  相似文献   

A debris flow forecast model based on a water-soil coupling mechanism that takes the debrisflow watershed as a basic forecast unit was established here for the prediction of disasters at the watershed scale.This was achieved through advances in our understanding of the formation mechanism of debris flow.To expand the applicable spatial scale of this forecasting model,a method of identifying potential debris flow watersheds was used to locate areas vulnerable to debris flow within a forecast region.Using these watersheds as forecasting units and a prediction method based on the water-soil coupling mechanism,a new forecasting method of debris flow at the regional scale was established.In order to test the prediction ability of this new forecasting method,the Sichuan province,China was selected as a study zone and the large-scale debris flow disasters attributable to heavy rainfall in this region on July 9,2013 were taken as the study case.According to debris flow disaster data on July 9,2013 which were provided by the geo-environmental monitoring station of Sichuan province,there were 252 watersheds in which debris flow events actually occurred.The current model predicted that 265 watersheds were likely to experience a debris flow event.Among these,43 towns including 204 debrisflow watersheds were successfully forecasted and 24 towns including 48 watersheds failed.The false prediction rate and failure prediction rate of thisforecast model were 23% and 19%,respectively.The results show that this method is more accurate and more applicable than traditional methods.  相似文献   

本文采用信息量模型法研究湖南省山丘区小流域山洪灾害的危险性程度。信息量模型的最大意义是能从影响山洪灾害发生的众多因素中找到“最佳因素组合”。基于湖南省1955-2015年近60年的历史山洪灾害数据,结合地形、下垫面以及降雨条件,利用信息量模型按危险性程度高低划分出湖南省山丘区山洪灾害危险性的分布情况。研究结果表明,湖南省山丘区山洪灾害容易发生在坡度小于10°,高程小于100 m,起伏度小于30 m,土地覆被为人工表面,土壤类型为粘土以及降雨量在1584.3~1662.0 mm之间的区域。湖南省山丘区危险等级较高的地级市有永州市、郴州市、株洲市、岳阳市、娄底市以及长沙东部山区,经过混淆矩阵验证后,通过信息量方法建立的山洪灾害危险性评价模型准确率为75.36%,基本可信。  相似文献   

Assessment of debris flow hazards is important for developing measures to mitigate the loss of life and property and to minimize environmental damage. Two modified uncertainty models, Set Pair Analysis (SPA) and modified Set Pair Analysis (mSPA), were suggested to assess the regional debris flow hazard. A ease study was conducted in seven towns of the Beichuan county, Sichuan Province, China, to test and compare the application of these two models in debris flow hazard assessment. The results showed that mSPA only can fit for value-variables, but not for non value-variable assessment indexes, Furthermore, as for a given assessment index xi, mSPA only considers two cases, namely, when grade value increases with xi and when grade value decreases with xi. Thus, mSPA can not be used for debris flow hazard assessment but SPA is credible for the assessment because there are no limitations when using SPA model to assess the debris flow hazard. Therefore, in this study SPA is proposed for assessing debris flow hazard.  相似文献   

四川省滑坡灾害严重,特别是2008年之后,灾情显著加剧,如何预防滑坡灾害是保护人民生命财产安全的有效途径。滑坡灾害的预警模型研究是滑坡灾害预防领域的核心课题。本文对四川省滑坡灾害危险性进行了评价,并开展了滑坡灾害气象风险预警模型研究。①以确定性系数的方法量化坡度、地形起伏度、水文地质岩性、植被覆盖度、地震烈度和年均降雨量因子,建立逻辑回归模型,定量地进行四川省滑坡灾害危险性区划,并对结果进行验证。结果表明,四川省滑坡灾害高危险性区域成“Y”字型分布,此外川中、川东北地区滑坡灾害危险性也非常高,这与四川省滑坡灾害的空间分布情况相符。②在前期滑坡灾害与降雨量统计分析、滑坡灾害危险性评价的基础上,以滑坡灾害危险性评价为静态因子,日降雨量数据为动态因子,通过逻辑回归模型的结果,确定以当日降雨量概率化值、滑坡灾害危险性值、前一日降雨概率化值、前两日降雨概率化值、前三日降雨概率化值为临灾模型影响因子,各因子对预警结果影响程度按上述顺序递减,建立了地质-气象耦合的临灾气象预警模型。通过检验区数据对模型的检验表明,该预警模型能成功预警80%以上的滑坡灾害;通过滑坡灾害群发个例检验发现,该预警模型与四川省现用模型相比,预警区域明显减小,空报率和漏报率显著降低。  相似文献   

Debris flow is a common natural hazard in the mountain areas of Western China due to favorable natural conditions,and also exacerbated by mountainous exploitation activities.This paper concentrated on the characteristics,causes and mitigation of a catastrophic mine debris flow hazard at Longda Watershed in Songpan County,Sichuan Province,on 21 July 2011.This debris flow deposited in the front of the No.1 dam,silted the drainage channel for flood and then rushed into tailing sediment reservoir in the main channel and made the No.2 dam breached.The outburst debris flow blocked Fu River,formed dammed lake and generated outburst flood,which delivered heavy metals into the lower reaches of Fu River,polluted the drink water source of the population of over 1 million.The debris flow was characterized with a density of 1.87~2.15 t/m 3 and a clay content of less than 1.63%.The peak velocity and flux at Longda Gully was over 10.0~10.9 m/s and 429.0~446.0 m 3 /s,respectively,and the flux was about 700 m 3 /s in main channel,equaling to the flux of the probability of 1%.About 330,000m 3 solid materials was transported by debris flow and deposited in the drainage tunnel(120,000~130,000 m 3),the front of No.1 dam(100,000 m 3) and the mouth of the watershed(100,000~110,000 m 3),respectively.When the peak flux and magnitude of debris flow was more than 462 m 3 /s and 7,423 m 3,respectively,it would block Fu River and produce a hazard chain which was composed of debris flow,dammed lake and outburst flood.Furthermore,the 21 July large-scale debris flow was triggered by rainstorm with an intensity of 21.2 mm/0.5 h and the solid materials of debris flow were provided by landslides,slope deposits,mining wastes and tailing sediments.The property losses were mainly originated from the silting of the drainage tunnel for flash flood but not for debris flow and the irrational location of tailing sediment reservoir.Therefore,the mitigation measures for mine debris flows were presented:(1) The disastrous debris flow watershed should be identified in planning period and prohibited from being taken as the site of mining factories;(2) The mining facilities are constructed at the safe areas or watersheds;(3) Scoria plots,concentrator factory and tailing sediment reservoir are constructed in safe areas where the protection measures be easily made against debris flows;(4) The appropriate system and plan of debris flow mitigation including monitoring,remote monitoring and early-warning and emergency plan is established;(5) The stability of waste dump and tailing sediment reservoir are monitored continuously to prevent mining debris flows.  相似文献   

小流域山洪灾害危险性分析之降雨指标选取的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
降雨是诱发山洪灾害的直接动力和激发条件,是山洪灾害危险性分析中不可或缺的重要指标。对于不同的研究区,不同频次和历时的降雨对山洪灾害的影响不同,危险性分析所选取的降雨指标也可能不同。本文基于1:5万小流域数据、历史山洪灾害空间分布数据和暴雨图集资料,以江西省婺源县小流域为例,采用相关分析法对初步选取的24个降雨指标进行相关性分析,筛选出相关性不强的降雨指标;利用GIS技术和基于局部Getis-Ord Gi*算法的优化热点分析工具对历史山洪灾害点进行空间聚类分析,获得研究区每个小流域山洪灾害危险度的估值,该值能够较好地反映小流域山洪灾害危险性的空间分布;通过地理探测器模型中的因子探测器和交互探测器对已筛选出的降雨指标和小流域山洪灾害危险度进行综合探测分析,从而获取对该研究区小流域山洪灾害危险性影响较大的降雨指标,即100年一遇最大6 h降雨和100年一遇最大24 h降雨。本文研究对小流域山洪灾害危险性分析降雨指标的定量选取具有参考和指导意义。  相似文献   

山洪灾害时空分布规律及其影响因素,是灾害时空数据挖掘领域所关注的重点问题。本研究采用1950-2015年四川省历史山洪灾害事件数据,结合地统计、地理探测器、空间分析等方法,系统地分析了四川省1950-2015年历史山洪灾害的时空分布规律及其影响因素。结果表明:① 1950-2015年四川省山洪灾害数量整体呈先稳定后增长的趋势;山洪灾害主要集中在5-9月,7月覆盖率100%。② 县域灾害频次在南-北方向呈递减分布趋势;平均降雨量(历史山洪灾害过程降雨的平均值)在东-西方向呈指数型增长趋势,南-北方向由中部向南北递减。③ 1950s-2010s和5-9月历史累计山洪灾害重心及各标准差椭圆中心集中在四川中部地区,向东北方向移动,累计灾害点空间分布呈西南—东北格局。④ 县域山洪灾害数量及平均降雨量呈空间正自相关。⑤ 地理探测器分析表明自然因素、降雨、人类活动等因素对山洪灾害时空分布影响较大,其中不同降雨指标、高程标准差、坡度是山洪灾害时空分布规律的主要驱动因素。研究结果对查清四川省山洪灾害时空分布特征及小流域山洪监测预警、风险评价、防治区划等提供坚实的理论基础和科技支撑。  相似文献   

Taking TM images, ETM images, SPOT images, aerial photos and other remote sensing data as fundamental sources, this research makes a thorough investigation on landslides and debris flows in Sichuan Province, China, using the method of manual interpretation and taking topography maps as references after the processes of terrain correction, spectral matching, and image mosaic. And then, the spatial characteristics of landslides and debris flows in the year of 2005 are assessed and made into figures. The environmental factors which induce landslides and debris flows such as slope, vegetation coverage, lithology, rainfall and so on are obtained by GIS spatial analysis method. Finally, the relationships of landslides or debris flows with some environmental factors are analyzed based on the grade of each environmental factor. The results indicate: 1) The landslides and debris flows are mainly in the eastern and southern area of Sichuan Province, however, there are few landslides and debris flows in the western particularly the northwestern Sichuan. 2) The landslides and debris flows of Sichuan Province are mostly located in the regions with small slope degree. The occurring rate of debris flow reduces with the increase of the vegetation coverage degree, but the vegetation coverage degree has little to do with the occurrence of landslide. The more rainfall a place has, the easier the landslides and debris flows take place.  相似文献   

The Wulipo landslide, triggered by heavy rainfall on July 10, 2013, transformed into debris flow,resulted in the destruction of 12 houses, 44 deaths, and 117 missing. Our systematic investigation has led to the following results and to a new understanding about the formation and evolution process of this hazard. The fundamental factors of the formation of the landslide are a high-steep free surface at the front of the slide mass and the sandstone-mudstone mixed stratum structure of the slope. The inducing factor of the landslide is hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressure change caused by heavy continuous rainfall. The geological mechanical model of the landslide can be summarized as "instability-translational slide-tension fracture-collapse" and the formation mechanism as "translational landslide induced by heavy rainfall". The total volume of the landslide is 124.6×104 m3, and 16.3% of the sliding mass was dropped down from the cliff and transformed into debris flow during the sliding process, which enlarged 46.7% of the original sliding deposit area. The final accumulation area is found to be 9.2×104 m2. The hazard is a typical example of a disaster chain involving landslide and its induced debris flow. The concealment and disaster chain effect is the main reason for the heavy damage. In future risk assessment, it is suggested to enhance the research onpotential landslide identification for weakly intercalated slopes. By considering the influence of the behaviors of landslide-induced debris flow, the disaster area could be determined more reasonably.  相似文献   

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