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Effects of ethanol (22 mM) on the modulation of synaptic transmission and long-term potentiation (LTP) by the neurosteroid dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS; 10 microM) was examined in the in vitro rat hippocampal slice preparation. The synaptic responses were elicited by Schaffer collateral stimulation and recorded extracellularly in the somatic and dendritic regions of CA1 pyramidal neurons. LTP induction produced an increase (approximately 55% to 75%) in the amplitude of synaptic responses in ethanol and ethanol plus DHEAS (ethanol/DHEAS) treated slices. These increases were significantly smaller than the approximately 130% increase observed previously in slices treated with DHEAS, but were not significantly different from the approximately 82% increase observed in control slices. These results indicate that an ethanol/DHEAS interaction prevents the enhancement of LTP normally observed with DHEAS treatment of hippocampal slices. An ethanol/DHEAS interaction also altered DHEAS's effects on individual synaptic components of the synaptic response to Schaffer collateral stimulation. Ethanol applied before but not after DHEAS prevented DHEAS's enhancement of the NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic component. DHEAS's depression of the GABAA receptor-mediated synaptic component was also blocked by ethanol. Ethanol or DHEAS individually had no effect on the AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic component, but application of ethanol after DHEAS resulted in a small enhancement of this synaptic component, an effect that was not observed if ethanol was applied before DHEAS. These results show that ethanol and DHEAS interact, altering DHEAS's effects on synaptic transmission and LTP in the hippocampus. Such an interaction may be involved in ethanol's actions on the CNS and raises the possibility that ethanol and DHEAS may act via a common site or pathway.  相似文献   

Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) was used to quantify the translational diffusion of microinjected FITC-dextrans and Ficolls in the cytoplasm and nucleus of MDCK epithelial cells and Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. Absolute diffusion coefficients (D) were measured using a microsecond-resolution FRAP apparatus and solution standards. In aqueous media (viscosity 1 cP), D for the FITC-dextrans decreased from 75 to 8.4 x 10(-7) cm2/s with increasing dextran size (4-2,000 kD). D in cytoplasm relative to that in water (D/Do) was 0.26 +/- 0.01 (MDCK) and 0.27 +/- 0.01 (fibroblasts), and independent of FITC-dextran and Ficoll size (gyration radii [RG] 40-300 A). The fraction of mobile FITC-dextran molecules (fmob), determined by the extent of fluorescence recovery after spot photobleaching, was >0.75 for RG < 200 A, but decreased to <0.5 for RG > 300 A. The independence of D/Do on FITC-dextran and Ficoll size does not support the concept of solute "sieving" (size-dependent diffusion) in cytoplasm. Photobleaching measurements using different spot diameters (1.5-4 micron) gave similar D/Do, indicating that microcompartments, if present, are of submicron size. Measurements of D/Do and fmob in concentrated dextran solutions, as well as in swollen and shrunken cells, suggested that the low fmob for very large macromolecules might be related to restrictions imposed by immobile obstacles (such as microcompartments) or to anomalous diffusion (such as percolation). In nucleus, D/Do was 0.25 +/- 0.02 (MDCK) and 0.27 +/- 0.03 (fibroblasts), and independent of solute size (RG 40-300 A). Our results indicate relatively free and rapid diffusion of macromolecule-sized solutes up to approximately 500 kD in cytoplasm and nucleus.  相似文献   

We review our works on the pharmacological modulation of long-term potentiation (LTP) at guinea pig hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 synapses in vitro. The magnitude of tetanus-induced LTP at the mossy fiber synapse was augmented by perfusion of slices with several cognitive enhancers, such as bifemelane (1 microM). The mossy fiber LTP was enhanced by somatostatin (0.32 microM) and inhibited in somatostatin-depleted slices from cysteamine-treated guinea pigs. An involvement of the 5-HT3 receptor also showed that granisetron (0.1 microM) enhanced the mossy fiber LTP. The above-mentioned enhancements by perfused agents were commonly reversed, at least in part, by muscarinic antagonists. However, the magnitude of mossy fiber LTP was bidirectionally modulated by muscarinic stimulations of slices with physostigmine or carbachol at different concentrations. The enhancing effects of high-concentration carbachol was antagonized by pirenzepine, and in contrast, the inhibition by low-concentration carbachol was antagonized in the presence of AF-DX116. When guinea pigs were preinjected with the cholinotoxin AF64A, the magnitude of LTP was decreased in the slices prepared from AF64A-treated animals. These results suggest that endogenous acetylcholine dominantly plays facilitatory roles through muscarinic M1 receptors in the induction of mossy fiber LTP. The pharmacological characterization of mossy fiber LTP may be of help to the evaluation of cognitive enhancers at a neuronal circuit level.  相似文献   

Hippocampal place fields were recorded as rats explored a four-arm radial maze surrounded by curtains holding distal stimuli and with distinct local tactile, olfactory, and visual cues covering each arm. Systematic manipulations of the individual cues and their interrelationships showed that different hippocampal neurons encoded individual local and distal cues, relationships among cues within a stimulus set, and the relationship between the local and distal cues. Double rotation trials, which maintained stimulus relationships within distal and local cue sets, but altered the relationship between them, often changed the responses of the sampled neural population and produced new representations. After repeated double rotation trials, the incidence of new representations increased, and the likelihood of a simple rotation with one of the cue sets diminished. Cue scrambling trials, which altered the topological relationship within the local or distal stimulus set, showed that the cells that followed one set of controlled stimuli responded as often to a single cue as to the constellation. These cells followed the single cue when the stimulus constellation was scrambled, but often continued firing in the same place when the stimulus was removed or switched to respond to other cues. When the maze was surrounded by a new stimulus configuration, all of the cells either developed new place fields or stopped firing, showing that the controlled stimuli had persistent and profound influence over hippocampal neurons. Together, the results show that hippocampal neurons encode a hierarchical representation of environmental information.  相似文献   

Notes that there are neurons in the hippocampus that become active only when an animal is near a particular location in a specific environment. The activity of some of these units is governed by the configuration of a small set of discrete landmarks. To respond in this fashion, these neurons must, in effect, be able to recognize particular locations. A model of this recognition process is described that is able to make quantitative predictions about how the response of these place-field units varies as properties of the environmental landmarks are manipulated. Computer simulations of the model show that it is consistent with the available quantitative data. These simulations also predict large, characteristic changes in place-field location and size with manipulations of the environmental landmarks. Experiments to test the validity of the model are described. (6 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Theories of sequence learning based on temporally asymmetric, Hebbian long-term potentiation predict that during route learning the spatial firing distributions of hippocampal neurons should enlarge in a direction opposite to the animal's movement. On a route AB, increased synaptic drive from cells representing A would cause cells representing B to fire earlier and more robustly. These effects appeared within a few laps in rats running on closed tracks. This provides indirect evidence for Hebbian synaptic plasticity and a functional explanation for why place cells become directionally selective during route following, namely, to preserve the synaptic asymmetry necessary to encode the sequence direction.  相似文献   

One important aspect of synaptic plasticity is that transient stimulation of neuronal cell surface receptors can lead to long-lasting biochemical and physiological effects in neurons. In long-term potentiation (LTP), generation of autonomously active protein kinase C (PKC) is one biochemical effect persisting beyond the NMDA receptor activation that triggers plasticity. We previously observed that the expression of early LTP is associated with a phosphatase-reversible alteration in PKC immunoreactivity, suggesting that autophosphorylation of PKC might be elevated in LTP. In the present studies we tested the hypothesis that PKC phosphorylation is persistently increased in the early maintenance of LTP. We generated an antiserum that selectively recognizes the alpha and betaII isoforms of PKC autophosphorylated in the C-terminal domain. Using western blotting with this antiserum we observed an NMDA receptor-mediated increase in phosphorylation of PKC 1 h after LTP was induced. How is the increased phosphorylation maintained in the cell in the face of ongoing phosphatase activity? We observed that dephosphorylation of PKC in vitro requires the presence of cofactors normally serving to activate PKC, i.e., Ca2+, phosphatidylserine, and diacylglycerol. Based on these observations and computer modeling of the three-dimensional structure of the PKC catalytic core, we propose a "protected site" model of PKC autophosphorylation, whereby the conformation of PKC regulates accessibility of the phosphates to phosphatase. Although we have proposed the protected site model based on our studies of PKC phosphorylation in LTP, phosphorylation of protected sites might be a general biochemical mechanism for the generation of stable, long-lasting physiologic changes.  相似文献   

Protease nexin-1 (PN-1), a member of the serpin superfamily, controls the activity of extracellular serine proteases and is expressed in the brain. Mutant mice overexpressing PN-1 in brain under the control of the Thy-1 promoter (Thy 1/PN-1) or lacking PN-1 (PN-1-/-) were found to develop epileptic activity in vivo and in vitro. Theta burst-induced long-term potentiation (LTP) and NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in the CA1 field of hippocampal slices were augmented in Thy 1/PN-1 mice and reduced in PN-1-/- mice. Compensatory changes in GABA-mediated inhibition in Thy 1/PN-1 mice suggest that altered brain PN-1 levels lead to an imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Telencephalin (TLCN) is a cell adhesion molecule belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily whose expression is restricted to neurons within the most highly developed brain segment, telencephalon. Immunoelectronmicroscopic study revealed that in the hippocampal CA1 region, TLCN was localized at the surface membrane of postsynaptic spines of pyramidal cell dendrites but not at that of axonal terminals. Blocking of TLCN function using anti-TLCN antibody or recombinant soluble TLCN protein caused a striking suppression of the long-term potentiation (LTP) at the Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses. The suppression was observed even when the blocking was initiated immediately after the tetanic stimuli. These observations suggest a role for TLCN-mediated cell-cell interactions as a key step in the development of LTP.  相似文献   

Physical variables such as the orientation of a line in the visual field or the location of the body in space are coded as activity levels in populations of neurons. Reconstruction or decoding is an inverse problem in which the physical variables are estimated from observed neural activity. Reconstruction is useful first in quantifying how much information about the physical variables is present in the population and, second, in providing insight into how the brain might use distributed representations in solving related computational problems such as visual object recognition and spatial navigation. Two classes of reconstruction methods, namely, probabilistic or Bayesian methods and basis function methods, are discussed. They include important existing methods as special cases, such as population vector coding, optimal linear estimation, and template matching. As a representative example for the reconstruction problem, different methods were applied to multi-electrode spike train data from hippocampal place cells in freely moving rats. The reconstruction accuracy of the trajectories of the rats was compared for the different methods. Bayesian methods were especially accurate when a continuity constraint was enforced, and the best errors were within a factor of two of the information-theoretic limit on how accurate any reconstruction can be and were comparable with the intrinsic experimental errors in position tracking. In addition, the reconstruction analysis uncovered some interesting aspects of place cell activity, such as the tendency for erratic jumps of the reconstructed trajectory when the animal stopped running. In general, the theoretical values of the minimal achievable reconstruction errors quantify how accurately a physical variable is encoded in the neuronal population in the sense of mean square error, regardless of the method used for reading out the information. One related result is that the theoretical accuracy is independent of the width of the Gaussian tuning function only in two dimensions. Finally, all the reconstruction methods considered in this paper can be implemented by a unified neural network architecture, which the brain feasibly could use to solve related problems.  相似文献   

In this report we describe a model that applies Marr's theory of hippocampal function to the problem of map-based navigation. Like many others we attribute a spatial memory function to the hippocampus, but we suggest that the additional functional components required for map-based navigation are located elsewhere in the brain. One of the key functional components in this model is an egocentric map of space, located in the neocortex, that is continuously updated using ideothetic (self-motion) information. The hippocampus stores snapshots of this egocentric map. The modeled activity pattern of head direction cells is used to set the best egocentric map rotation to match the snapshots stored in the hippocampus, resulting in place cells with a nondirectional firing pattern. We describe an evaluation of this model using a mobile robot and demonstrate that with this model the robot can recognize an environment and find a hidden goal. This model is discussed in the context of prior experiments that were designed to discover the map-based spatial processing of animals. We also predict the results of further experiments.  相似文献   

Place cells, navigational accuracy, and the human hippocampus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hippocampal formation in both rats and humans is involved in spatial navigation. In the rat, cells coding for places, directions, and speed of movement have been recorded from the hippocampus proper and/or the neighbouring subicular complex. Place fields of a group of the hippocampal pyramidal cells cover the surface of an environment but do not appear to do so in any systematic fashion. That is, there is no topographical relation between the anatomical location of the cells within the hippocampus and the place fields of these cells in an environment. Recent work shows that place cells are responding to the summation of two or more Gaussian curves, each of which is fixed at a given distance to two or more walls in the environment. The walls themselves are probably identified by their allocentric direction relative to the rat and this information may be provided by the head direction cells. The right human hippocampus retains its role in spatial mapping as demonstrated by its activation during accurate navigation in imagined and virtual reality environments. In addition, it may have taken on wider memory functions, perhaps by the incorporation of a linear time tag which allows for the storage of the times of visits to particular locations. This extended system would serve as the basis for a spatio-temporal event or episodic memory system.  相似文献   

A novel property of hippocampal LTP, 'variable persistence', has recently been described that is, we argue, relevant to the role of LTP in information storage. Specifically, new results indicate that a particular pattern of synaptic activation can give rise, either to a relatively short-lasting LTP, or to a longer-lasting LTP as a function of the history of activation of the neuron. This has led to the idea that the induction of LTP is associated with the setting of a'synaptic tag' at activated synapses, whose role is to sequester plasticity-related proteins that then serve to stabilize temporary synaptic changes and so extend their persistence. In this article, we outline the synaptic tag hypothesis, compare predictions it makes with those of other theories about the persistence of LTP, and speculate about the cellular identity of the tag. In addition, we outline the requirement for aminergic activation to induce late LTP and consider the functional implications of the synaptic tag hypothesis with respect to long-term memory.  相似文献   

1. Temporary suppression of glycolysis by 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG)-long enough to abolish CA1 population spikes (PSs) and reduce field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) by two-thirds-is followed by a sustained rebound of EPSPs and PSs (both up by 70-150%). 2. Post 2-DG long-term potentiation (2-DG-LTP) is prevented by block of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors (NMDARs). Though 2-DG-LTP is normally expressed by other receptors, in presence of picrotoxin 2-DG causes similar LTP of NMDAR-mediated EPSPs. 3. Stimulation at 1 s-1 fully depotentiates 2-DG-LTP. 4. Unlike tetanic LTP, 2-DG-LTP is not pathway-specific, is not occluded by a preceding tetanic LTP (or vice versa) and is insensitive to block of NO synthesis. 5. Hypoglycemic states may have long-lasting after-effects on cerebral synaptic function.  相似文献   

We have discovered two substituted 4-aminopiperidine compounds having high in vitro affinity and selectivity for the human dopamine D1 receptor. Both compounds, 3-ethoxy-N-methyl-N-[1-(phenylmethyl)-4-piperidinyl]-2-pyridinylamine (U-99363E), and its 3-isopropoxy analog (U-101958), were found through a routine receptor binding screen. The determined affinities (Ki) of these compounds for the cloned human dopamine D4 receptor were 2.2 and 1.4 nM, respectively. They exhibited at least 100-fold lower affinities for dopamine D2 and for other dopaminergic, serotonergic and adrenergic receptors. Both compounds were found to antagonize quinpirole-induced mitogenesis in Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the human dopamine D4 receptor. In spite of their poor metabolic stability and low bioavailability. U-99363E and U-101958 appear to be among the first high-affinity, highly selective dopamine D4 receptor antagonists reported, and may have utility in in vitro investigations requiring selective tagging or blockade of dopamine D4 sites.  相似文献   

The assumption that hippocampal place cells (PCs) form the neural substrate of cognitive maps can be experimentally tested by comparing the effect of experimental interventions on PC activity and place navigation. Conditions that interfere with place navigation (darkness, cholinergic blockade) but leave PC activity unaffected obviously disrupt spatial memory at a post-PC level. Situations creating a conflict between egocentric and allocentric orientation (place navigation in the Morris water maze filled with slowly rotating water) slow down spatial learning. PC recording in rats searching food pellets in a rotating arena makes it possible to determine which firing fields are stable relative to the room (allocentrically dependent on sighted extramaze landmarks), to the surface of the arena (dependent on egocentric path integration mechanisms and intra-arena cues), or disappear during rotation. Such comparison is made possible by the computerized tracking system simultaneously displaying a rat's locomotion and the respective firing rate maps both in the room reference and arena reference frames. More severe conflict between allocentric and egocentric inputs is produced in the field clamp situation when the rat searching food in a ring-shaped arena is always returned by rotation of the arena to the same allocentric position. Ten-minute exposure to this condition caused subsequent disintegration or remapping of 70% PCs (n = 100). Simultaneous examination of PC activity and navigation is possible in the place avoidance task. A rat searching food in a stationary or rotating arena learns to avoid an allocentrically or egocentrically defined location where it receives mild electric footshock. In the place preference task the rat releases pellet delivery by entering an unmarked goal area and staying in it for a criterion time. Both tasks allow direct comparison of the spatial reference frames used by the PCs and by the behaving animal.  相似文献   

In the hippocampus there are two distinct forms of long-term depression (LTD) of excitatory synaptic transmission. In the CA1 region, prolonged low-frequency stimulation induces LTD by activating postsynaptic NMDA receptors, which causes a moderate rise in Ca2+ concentrations. In mossy fiber synapses of the CA3 region, similar low-frequency stimulation also gives rise to LTD. However, this form of LTD (mossy fiber LTD) does not require activation of NMDA receptors, but is mediated by activation of presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptors. Induction of mossy fiber LTD is not dependent on postsynaptic depolarization or activation of postsynaptic ionotropic glutamate receptors, thus it is likely to be mediated by purely presynaptic mechanisms. This conclusion is confirmed by the analysis of mutant mice lacking presynaptic mGluR2, in which mossy fiber LTD is almost absent. Since long-term potentiation at mossy fiber synapses is also induced presynaptically, the synaptic efficacy may be regulated through common mechanisms bidirectionally, which may contribute to neural information processing in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

We examined the role of hippocampal galanin in an animal model of status epilepticus (SE). Control rats showed abundant galanin-immunoreactive (Gal-IR) fibers in the dentate hilus, whereas no Gal-IR neurons were observed. Three hours after the onset of self-sustaining SE (SSSE), induced either by intermittent stimulation of the perforant path for 30 min (PPS) or by injection of lithium and pilocarpine, Gal-IR fibers disappeared in the hilus and remained absent for up to 1 week afterward. Twelve hours after the induction of SE by PPS or 3 hr after pilocarpine administration, Gal-IR neurons appeared in the hilus; these neurons increased in number after 1 d and gradually declined 3 and 7 d later. Galanin concentration in the hippocampus, measured by ELISA, significantly decreased on the plateau of SSSE and increased 24 hr after PPS. Galanin (0.05 nmol) injected into the hilus prevented the induction of SSSE, and 0.5 nmol of galanin stopped established SSSE. These effects were attenuated by galanin receptor antagonists (M35 > M40 >/= M15). 2-Ala-galanin (5 nmol), a putative agonist of galanin type 2 receptors, prevented but was unable to stop SSSE. M35 facilitated the development of SSSE when given before PPS. We suggest that hippocampal galanin acts as an endogenous anticonvulsant via galanin receptors. SE-induced galanin depletion in the hippocampus may contribute to the maintenance of seizure activity, whereas the increase of galanin concentration and the appearance of galanin-immunoreactive neurons may favor the cessation of SSSE. The seizure-protecting action of galanin SSSE opens new perspectives in the treatment of SE.  相似文献   

Although classically studied as regulators of cell proliferation and differentiation, mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are highly expressed in post-mitotic neurons of the adult nervous system. We have begun investigating the potential role of MAPKs in the regulation of synaptic plasticity in mature neurons. In particular, we have studied the regulation of two MAPK isoforms, p44 and p42 MAPK, in hippocampal long term potentiation (LTP), a system widely studied as a model for the cellular basis of learning and memory. We have found that p42 MAPK, but not p44 MAPK, is activated in area CA1 following direct stimulation of two required components of the LTP induction cascades: protein kinase C and the N-methyl--aspartate (NMDA) subtype of glutamate receptor. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that p42 MAPK, but not p44 MAPK, is activated in area CA1 in response to LTP-inducing high frequency stimulation and that this activation requires NMDA receptor stimulation. These data demonstrate that p42 MAPK can be regulated in an activity-dependent manner in the hippocampus and identify it as a potential component of the LTP induction cascades in area CA1. Such observations suggest that p42 MAPK might be an important regulator of synaptic plasticity in post-mitotic neurons.  相似文献   

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