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通过建立框架结构-十字交叉条形基础-地基共同作用的三维力学模型,用大型有限元程序ANSYS模拟分析了土层结构和基础断面型式等因素的变化对共同作用的影响。  相似文献   

基础埋置深度的大小,对基底压力、基底附加应力、地基承载力的影响很大。本文探讨了基底压力计算、基底附加应力计算时基础埋深取值计算的原则和方法;分别给出了填方整平区、地下室为箱形基础或筏形基础、地下室为独立基础或条形基础时,地基承载力修正基础埋深取值的计算方法和公式;对主裙楼建筑,推导出主楼地基单侧滑动面宽度临界值,给出了相应的判别式和基础埋深计算公式。计算简单方便,可满足工程要求。  相似文献   

吴艺  房营光 《岩土力学》2006,27(12):2213-2218
采用尖点突变模型理论,对考虑水平力及弯矩影响黏土地基上条形基础的稳定性进行分析,较好地解释了地基失稳时滑动位移突然增大而破坏的现象,讨论了水平力和弯矩、地基土容重和基础埋深、位移高阶效应、位移场随水平力的变化等对地基稳定性及其突变性质的影响。分析结果表明,当参数变化跨越分叉集时,地基滑动将会发生跳跃式突变而导致地基失稳破坏;不计水平力对位移场的影响时,可能会使分析结果不安全。  相似文献   

基于传统的极限平衡条分法,利用临界滑动场法计算了条形基础的加筋地基极限承载力。假定土体处于极限平衡状态时,土体与筋材间存在均匀的摩擦力,通过建立土体条块极限平衡方程,推导了地基承载力的递推关系式。首先,设定计算土体范围,并划分条块和离散状态点;其次,根据递推公式计算各个状态点的参数,并搜索临界滑面;最后,根据搜索出的滑面计算地基承载力。通过实例比较进一步验证了计算结果的可靠性,并分析了首层筋带埋深、铺设层数和长度对地基承载力和滑面位置的影响。研究结果表明:地基承载力随着筋带埋深的增加先增大后减小;随着层数和长度的增加先逐渐增大,最后趋于稳定;滑面位置的变化规律主要是垂直影响深度和水平影响范围增大或减小。该方法原理简单、易于编程,为条形基础加筋地基承载力的计算提供了一种新思路,是临界滑动场法在地基承载力计算中的推广应用。  相似文献   

假定土体为服从Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则的理想刚塑性体,利用滑移线理论求解粗糙条形基础极限承载力。采用有限差分方法并结合边界条件对承载力进行数值计算,进而得到非叠加假定下地基承载力系数N_γ。计算公式表明,N_γ不仅与土的内摩擦角φ有关,还与无量纲系数F有关,当φ和F为定值时,N_γ即为定值。将N_γ的数值与现有学者的解答进行了对比发现,学者采用的不同假定是导致结果与精确解产生误差的主要原因;计算了不同φ和F取值对应的N_γ,并与朱大勇等的计算结果进行了对比分析。最后,根据数值计算结果提出了N_γ的两个拟合公式,分析了拟合公式与数值解之间的误差。计算结果表明,采用拟合公式的计算结果与精确解接近,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

王冬勇  陈曦  于玉贞  吕彦楠 《岩土力学》2019,40(12):4890-4896
地基极限承载力分析是土力学研究中的一个经典课题。基于Hellinger-Reissner混合变分原理和有限元方法,将岩土体弹塑性问题构造成基于有限元框架的二阶锥规划(second-order cone programming,SOCP)问题,进而提出一种基于二阶锥规划理论的增量有限元法,即FEM-SOCP法。将岩土体弹塑性问题构造成二阶锥规划的数学优化问题,可以避免采用传统弹塑性计算中复杂的应力点积分等算法和屈服面棱角的平滑处理。此外,对于二阶锥规划问题,可以采用具有原始?对偶内点求解法的标准数学规划求解器MOSEK进行求解。将增量加载FEM-SOCP法应用于经典的基底粗糙的条形浅基础地基极限承载力分析中,分别考虑了关联和非关联塑性条件下的Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则。数值结果表明:所提出的增量加载FEM-SOCP法获得的地基承载力系数及地基承载力与传统FEM计算结果基本一致,而与常规有限元计算结果相比,基于增量加载的FEM-SOCP法所获得的屈服区更加平滑。  相似文献   

考虑埋置基础侧面和底面地基与基础的相互作用,研究了埋置于横观各向同性饱和地基中刚性圆柱基础的扭转振动问题。假设基础侧壁与地基完全黏结,沿侧面对剪应力积分得到了侧壁地基对基础所产生的反扭矩;通过研究位于横观各向同性饱和地基上刚性圆形基础的扭转振动,求得基础底面地基作用于基础的反扭矩。结合基础底面位移和应力连续等条件,根据基础振动的动力平衡方程,求解了相应的动力响应问题。给出了基础的角位移幅值,地基的等效刚度系数和等效阻尼系数的表达式。通过算例研究了相关参数对基础扭转振动的影响。  相似文献   

水利、铁道、冶金等工业部门,在基坑开挖、隧道掘进,矿山开采等作业中通常用圆柱状条形药包.此外,某些工程如洞库爆炸也可看成条形药包.显然,这类药包在岩体中爆炸时,应力波的传播和动应力的分布均不同于球形药包的爆炸而具有自己的特点.这些特点直接影响爆破破岩机理和对地下工程施加动荷载的特征,以及对它的动态稳定性的评价.  相似文献   

在给出反映土体团结流变性的本构方程基础上.捉出一种土体固结变形的数值计算方法。该方法依据有效应力增量方程式,利用西瓦伦公式计算有效应力值,采用逐步递推迭代方法,实现土体固结变形的计算。  相似文献   

基于考虑中主应力影响的统一强度理论,通过假定复合型滑动面,利用拟静力和极限平衡分析法得到了条形基础地基静、动承载力解答。对比分析研究发现:在条形基础地基静承载力方面,本文提出的基于统一强度理论地基承载力系数有不同程度的提高,说明现有方法中地基承载力系数比较保守;而在动承载力方面,不同地震荷载下条形地基动承载力系数Ncd变化不大在2%~6%之间,但动承载力系数Nqd、Nγd值均有20%~75%的降低,而地基承载力有15%~40%的下降。  相似文献   

The stability of eccentrically loaded strip footings on slopes was investigated using the method of finite element analysis based on the theory of elasto-plasticity. The analysis was done for two different soils involving three levels of slope angle, six footing locations, and two levels of load eccentricity plus central vertical loading. The strip footing analysed was a 3-ft (0.9 m) wide reinforced concrete footing embedded to a depth of 3 ft (0.9 m). The analysis focused on footing settlement, plastic yielding of soil, and ultimate bearing capacity. The results of analysis show that the influence of load eccentricity on footing pressure vs. footing centre settlement is negligibly small. However, the progressive soil yielding and ultimate bearing capacity are greatly affected by load eccentricity. Furthermore, the effect of load eccentricity differs considerably with the load location relative to the footing centre and slope crest. The ultimate bearing capacity for the eccentric load located on the slope side is significantly greater than that for the load located on the other side of the footing centre. For a 2(H): 1(V) slope in silty clay, the effect of slope on footing stability decreases with increasing footing location from slope crest as would be expected, and diminishes when the footing is located from the crest at about 5-times the footing width.  相似文献   

Two advanced Kriging metamodeling techniques were used to compute the failure probability of geotechnical structures involving spatially varying soil properties. These methods are based on a Kriging metamodel combined with a global sensitivity analysis that is called in literature Global Sensitivity Analysis-enhanced Surrogate (GSAS) modeling for reliability analysis. The GSAS methodology may be used in combination with either the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) or importance sampling (IS) method. The resulting Kriging metamodeling techniques are called GSAS-MCS or GSAS-IS. The objective of these techniques is to reduce the number of calls of the mechanical model as compared with the classical Kriging-based metamodeling techniques (called AK-MCS and AK-IS) combining Kriging with MCS or IS. The soil uncertain parameters were assumed as non-Gaussian random fields. EOLE methodology was used to discretize these random fields. The mechanical models were based on numerical simulations. Some probabilistic numerical results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Different phenomena such as soil consolidation, erosion, and scour beneath an embedded footing supported on piles may lead to loss of contact between soil and the pile cap underside. The importance of this separation on the dynamic stiffness and damping of the foundation is assessed in this work. To this end, a numerical parametric analysis in the frequency domain is performed using a rigorous three‐dimensional elastodynamic boundary element–finite element coupling scheme. Dimensionless plots relating dynamic stiffness functions computed with and without separation effects are presented for different pile–soil configurations. Vertical, horizontal and rocking modes of oscillation are analyzed for a wide range of dimensionless frequencies. It is shown that the importance of separation is negligible for frequencies below those for which dynamic pile group effects start to become apparent. Redistribution of stiffness contributions between piles and footing is also addressed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A rigorous lower bound solution, with the usage of the finite elements limit analysis, has been obtained for finding the ultimate bearing capacity of two interfering strip footings placed on a sandy medium. Smooth as well as rough footing–soil interfaces are considered in the analysis. The failure load for an interfering footing becomes always greater than that for a single isolated footing. The effect of the interference on the failure load (i) for rough footings becomes greater than that for smooth footings, (ii) increases with an increase in ?, and (iii) becomes almost negligible beyond S/B > 3. Compared with various theoretical and experimental results reported in literature, the present analysis generally provides the lowest magnitude of the collapse load. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

强夯法加固地基的多重耦合分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宋修广  李英勇  韩军 《岩土力学》2003,24(3):471-474
强夯法加固地基的机理非常复杂,影响因素众多,且涉及到多重耦合现象。笔者综合考虑地基士的流、固、动力耦合和地基与夯锤接触表面的动力耦合情况,给出了基于三维有限单元法的计算方法和迭代格式,并对一具体算例进行了耦合数值分析,总结了地基位移、应力及接触反力等在强夯作用时间内的变化规律和在空间上的分布特征。经与实际工程资料对比,结果令人满意。说明所建立的耦合方法可用于强夯加固法求解,并提出了适宜动力分析的有效方法,可应用于其它同类问题的分析计算中。  相似文献   

波浪作用下某防沙堤的动力固结有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王刚  张建民 《岩土力学》2006,27(4):555-560
基于饱和土动力固结理论,采用SWANDYNE II有限元分析,程序预测一个梯形沉箱防沙堤在某设计波浪作用下的响应。采用Pastor-Zienkiwicz Mark III广义塑性模型模拟了海床土的循环应力-应变行为。通过动三轴试验,确定了主要的模型参数,分析中只考虑了波浪对结构的作用,忽略行波对海床表面的作用。动力固结有限元分析的结果定性上与常规的拟静力极限平衡分析方法一致,有限元分析定量给出了体系的位移、应力、孔隙水压力分布和结构位移随波浪持续时间的累积过程,其研究结果初步展现了动力固结有限元方法在近海和海岸岩土工程领域的广阔应用前景。  相似文献   

非均质地基承载力及破坏模式的FLAC数值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用基于Lagrangian显式差分的FLAC算法,通过数值计算,对黏结力随深度线性增长的非均质地基上条形基础和圆形基础的极限承载力及地基破坏模式进行了对比计算与系统分析。研究表明:(1)随着地基黏结力沿深度非均匀变化系数的增大,地基的破坏范围逐渐集中在地基表层和基础两侧:(2)即使地基的非均质程度较小,当将非均质地基近似地按均质地基考虑时,由此所估算的承载力可能过于保守;(3)地基承载力系数随黏结力沿深度非均匀变化系数的增大而非线性地增大。与数值解相比,skempton与Peck等近似公式均可能高估了非均质地基承载力。  相似文献   

The effectiveness and accuracy of the superposition method in assessing the dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients (impedance functions) of embedded footings supported by vertical piles in homogeneous viscoelastic soil is addressed. To this end, the impedances of piled embedded footings are compared to those obtained by superposing the impedance functions of the corresponding pile groups and embedded footings treated separately, with the magnitude of the relative average differences being around 10–30%. The results are presented in a set of dimensionless graphs and simple expressions that can be used to estimate the dynamic stiffness and damping of piled embedded footings, provided that the impedance functions of the two individual components are known. This is precisely the reason why the superposition approach studied here is appealing, because such impedance functions for both embedded footings and pile groups are available for a wide range of cases. How to estimate the kinematic response functions of the system when those of the individual components are known is also discussed. To address the problem, parametric analyses performed using a 3D frequency‐domain elastodynamic BEM‐FEM formulation are presented for different pile–soil stiffness contrasts, embedment depths, pile‐to‐pile separations and excitation frequencies. Vertical, horizontal, rocking, and cross‐coupled horizontal‐rocking impedance functions, together with translational and rotational kinematic response functions, are discussed. The results suggest that the superposition concept, in conjunction with a correction strategy as that presented herein, can be employed in geotechnical design. For kinematic effects, the response functions of the embedded footing are found to provide reasonable estimates of the system's behaviour. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents the finite volume formulation and numerical solution of finite strain one‐dimensional consolidation equation. The equation used in this study utilises a nonlinear continuum representation of consolidation with varying compressibility and hydraulic conductivity and thus inherits the material and geometric nonlinearity. Time‐marching explicit scheme has been used to achieve transient solutions. The nonlinear terms have been evaluated with the known previous time step value of the independent variable, that is, void ratio. Three‐point quadratic interpolation function of Lagrangian family has been used to evaluate the face values at discrete control volumes. It has been shown that the numerical solution is stable and convergent for the general practical cases of consolidation. Performance of the numerical scheme has been evaluated by comparing the results with an analytical solution and with the piecewise piecewise‐linear finite difference numerical model. The approach seems to work well and offers excellent potential for simulating finite strain consolidation. Further, the parametric study has been performed on soft organic clays, and the influence of various parameters on the time ate consolidation characteristics of the soil is shown. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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