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IntroductionThe hypocentral location parameters (the longitude and latitude of epicenter and the focal depth) are important fundamental data for the study of seismology and the earth interior physics. To locate the seismic source precisely is the basis for the study of seismicity patterns, relation between earthquake and active structures, engineering seismology, etc (WANG, et al, 1995). Among these parameters, the precise measurement of focal depth is closely related to the correct understa…  相似文献   

The tectonic characteristics and research problems of five earthquakes with M≥7.0 on the North China Plain over the last 300 years are addressed in the paper, including the cognition that there were no ground fractures in the 1966 Xingtai earthquake, the question caused by the thrust activity of the seismic fault of the Tangshan Earthquake and the discussion of the seismotectonic environment of the 1830 Cixian earthquake and the 1937 Heze earthquake. The author thinks that the main reason for the problems in research of strong earthquake tectonics in the region is that the status of activity of the main tectonics during the Late Quaternary are unknown. This affects the founding of discrimination criteria for seismotectonics of strong earthquakes on the North China Plain. Discriminating the Holocene active faults from the large number of faults is the most effective method for seismic hazard assessment in the area in future.  相似文献   

CrustaldeformationofseismogenicfaultanditssuroundingareaaftertheTangshanearthquakeJUEMINXIE(谢觉民)RUOBAIWANG(王若柏)WANGJUBO(...  相似文献   

Study of geothermal field data,terrestrial heat flow values,and other geophysical data from the Xingtai-Shulu area of Hebei Province made us more understanding of the distribution of geothermal fields and deep structures and their interrelation.The study illustrates that the geothermal field has an apparent lateral inhomogeneity and is evidently correlated by the structure of the crust and upper mantle in the area.The relation of the geothermal field distribution to the structure indicates that in comparison with the depression zone,the uplift zone has a higher heat flow value and a larger geothermal gradient.The analysis of the relation between distribution of earthquake epicenters and geothermal field and mathematical simulation of thermal stress in the area suggests that thermal stress plays an important role in the process of earthquake generation.  相似文献   

CharacteristicsoffaultrocksandpaleoearthquakesourcealongtheKoktokayErtaifaultzone,Xinjiang,ChinaLANBINSHI1)(史兰斌)CHUANYON...  相似文献   

Regional differences and determinants of built-up area expansion in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Based on remote sensing data on land use provided by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and socio-economic data collected by the authors,this paper analyzes the trends and regional differences in built-up area(BUA) expansion in China from the late 1980s to 2000,and empirically estimates the major determinants of BUA expansion in different regions in 1996―2000.In 1989―2000,although China's overall BUA expansion accelerated,the trends differed significantly among regions.BUA expansion in the central and western regions accelerated significantly,but it slowed down considerably in the east-ern region.The estimation results from our econometric analysis reveal that BUA expansion in the eastern region reached a period when economic growth had no further significant impact on per capita BUA,the land utilization in this region has become more intensive with further expansion of the economy.In the central and western regions,the BUA has expanded remarkably due to the relatively more flexible land development policies and the relatively cheap land prices.Therefore,as the econ-omy continues to grow rapidly,policies relating to BUA expansion and cultivated land reductions may face more serious challenges in the central and western regions.  相似文献   

DeterminationofthedirectionandmagnitudeofrecenttectonicstressintheXianshuihefaultzoneusingfaultslipdata谢富仁,李宏Fu-RenXIEandHong...  相似文献   

Sediments contain abundant lipid compounds in general, which are used as biomarker compounds to study organic matter sources and reconstruct the pa-laeoenvironments[1—7]. However, lipid compounds in sediments are generally a mixture of various genetic components so that it is difficult to correctly decouple their biological sources only by the results of bio-chemical researches. Carbon isotopic studies of indi-vidual sedimentary lipid compounds can discover their genetic information, which pr…  相似文献   

The profile crossing the west Kunlun region cov-ers the area between the Tarim Basin and the Kara-korum Fault, which is the highest (~5000 m a.s.l.) andthe most narrow part (400—500 km from north tosouth) of the Tibetan Plateau, thus attracting great at-tention of the geological community because of itsunique tectonic features. The Geological Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Auton-omous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) carried out mineral exploration and geologicalmapping in th…  相似文献   

Based on the geomagnetic data at 135 stations and 35 observatories in China in 2003, the Taylor polynomial model and the spherical cap harmonic model in China and its adjacent area for 2003 were established. In the model calculation, the truncation order of the model and the influences of the boundary restriction on the model calculation were carefully analyzed. The results show that the geomagnetic data used are precise and reliable, and the selection of the truncation order is reasonable. The Taylor polynomial model and the spherical cap harmonic model in China and its adjacent area established in this paper are consistent very well.  相似文献   

Structure and composition of the continental crust in East China   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Crustal structures of nine broad tectonic units in China, except the Tarim craton, are derived from 18 seismic refraction profiles including 12 geoscience transects. Abundances of 63 major, trace and rare earth elements in the upper crust in East China are estimated. The estimates are based on sampling of 11 451 individual rock samples over an area of 950 000 km2, from which 905 large composite samples are prepared and analyzed by 13 methods. The middle, lower and total crust compositions of East China are also estimated from studies of exposed crustal cross sections and granulite xenoliths and by correlation of seismic data with lithologies. All the tectonic units except the Tarim craton and the Qinling orogen show a four-layered crustal structure, consisting of the upper, middle, upper lower, and lowermost crusts. P-wave velocities of the bulk lower crust and total crust are 6.8–7.0 and 6:4–6.5 km/s, respectively. They are slower by 0.2–0.4 km/s than the global averages. The bulk lower crust is suggested to be intermediate with 58% SiO2 in East China. The results contrast with generally accepted global models of mafic lower crusi. The proposed total crust composition in East China is also more evolved than previous estimates and characterized by SiO2=64%, a significant negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.80), deficits in Sr and transition metals, a near-arc magma La/Nd ratio (3.0), and a calculatedμ(238U/204Pb) value of 5. In addition, it has the following ratios of element pairs exhibiting similar compatibility, which are identical or close to the primitive mantle values: Zr/Hf=37, Nb/Ta=17.5, Ba/Th=87, K/Pb=0.12x104, Rb/Cs=25, Ba/Rb=8.94, Sn/Sm=0.31, Se/Cd=1.64, La/ As=10.3, Ce/Sb=271, Pb/Bi=57, Rb/TI=177, Er/Ag=52, Cu/Au=3.2×104, Sm/Mo=7.5, Nd/W=40, CI/Li=10.8, F/Nd=21.9, and La/B=1.8. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49625305, 49573183, 49673184, 49794043), the State Comission of Education, the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China (Grant No. 850514), the Open Laboratory of Constitution, Interaction and Dynamics of the Crust-Mantle System, and the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation of Germany.  相似文献   

The geological relationship between the Okcheon and Taebaeksan basins of the Okcheon belt on the Korean peninsula is a key issue in reconstructing the tectonic evolution of the peninsula. The boundary between the two basin sequences has been variously interpreted as a conformable, unconformable, or thrust contact, without clear evidence being provided for any of these hypotheses. Detailed examination of structures and microfabrics of deformed rocks adjacent to the contact in the Bonghwajae area suggests that the boundary between the two basin sequences is a thrust. Based on the U–Pb ages of detrital zircons from metasedimentary rocks and pre‐existing geologic data from the Okcheon belt, the thrust is a relay structure between two segments of a continental transform fault along which the Okcheon Basin was juxtaposed against the Taebaeksan Basin during the Permian–Triassic suturing of the North and South China Cratons.  相似文献   

Phanerozoic chronostratigraphic units can only be defined through their lower boundary stratotypes.The lowermost stage of the Paleocene of China,which mainly consists of terrestrial deposits,can only be defined through its lower boundary stratotype,i.e.the continental Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary stratotype.There is no section yet found which contains continuous terrestrial deposits and biostratigraphic records of the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition in Nanxiong,Guangdong and Jiayin,Heilongjiang,there is no evidence for establishing the continental stratotype of the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary in either area.Therefore,both the"Shanghuan stage"and"Furaoan stage"are not good candidates for the lowermost stage of the Paleocene of China.From the viewpoint of charophytes,the outcrop section of the Dangyang,Hubei Province(Central China)contains the most continuous,abundant and diverse terrestrial biostratigraphic records of the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition,in particular the early Paleocene,known so far in the world.The biostratigraphic records of ostracods in the transition are also continuous,rich,and diverse.The Dangyang outcrop section is the only section known so far in China that is a possible candidate for a continental stratotype of the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary in China and the section is the only potential section identified to date for establishing the regional lowermost stage of the Paleocene,Paleogene and Cenozoic in China or stratotype section for the stage.  相似文献   

Records of shallow aseismic slip (fault creep) obtained along parts of the San Andreas and Calaveras faults in central California demonstrate that significant changes in creep rates often have been associated with local moderate earthquakes. An immediate postearthquake increase followed by gradual, long-term decay back to a previous background rate is generally the most obvious earthquake effect on fault creep. This phenomenon, identified as aseismic afterslip, usually is characterized by above-average creep rates for several months to a few years. In several cases, minor step-like movements, called coseismic slip events, have occurred at or near the times of mainshocks. One extreme case of coseismic slip, recorded at Cienega Winery on the San Andreas fault 17.5 km southeast of San Juan Bautista, consisted of 11 mm of sudden displacement coincident with earthquakes ofM L =5.3 andM L =5.2 that occurred 2.5 minutes apart on 9 April 1961. At least one of these shocks originated on the main fault beneath the winery. Creep activity subsequently stopped at the winery for 19 months, then gradually returned to a nearly steady rate slightly below the previous long-term average.The phenomena mentioned above can be explained in terms of simple models consisting of relatively weak material along shallow reaches of the fault responding to changes in load imposed by sudden slip within the underlying seismogenic zone. In addition to coseismic slip and afterslip phenomena, however, pre-earthquakeretardations in creep rates also have been observed. Onsets of significant, persistent decreases in creep rates have occurred at several sites 12 months or more before the times of moderate earthquakes. A 44-month retardation before the 1979M L =5.9 Coyote Lake earthquake on the Calaveras fault was recorded at the Shore Road creepmeter site 10 km northwest of Hollister. Creep retardation on the San Andreas fault near San Juan Bautista has been evident in records from one creepmeter site for the past 5 years. Retardations with durations of 21 and 19 months also occurred at Shore Road before the 1974 and 1984 earthquakes ofM L =5.2 andM L =6.2, respectively.Although creep retardation remains poorly understood, several possible explanations have been discussed previously. (1) Certain onsets of apparent creep retardation may be explained as abrupt terminations of afterslip generated from previous moderate-mainshock sequences. (2) Retardations may be related to significant decreases in the rate of seismic and/or aseismic slip occurring within or beneath the underlying seismogenic zone. Such decreases may be caused by changes in local conditions related to growth of asperities, strain hardening, or dilatancy, or perhaps by passage of stress-waves or other fluctuations in driving stresses. (3) Finally, creep rates may be lowered (or increased) by stresses imposed on the fault by seismic or aseismic slip on neighboring faults. In addition to causing creep-rate increases or retardations, such fault interactions occasionally may trigger earthquakes.Regardless of the actual mechanisms involved and the current lack of understanding of creep retardation, it appears that shallow fault creep is sensitive to local and regional effects that promote or accompany intermediate-term preparation stages leading to moderate earthquakes. A strategy for more complete monitoring of fault creep, wherever it is known to occur, therefore should be assigned a higher priority in our continuing efforts to test various hypotheses concerning the mechanical relations between seismic and aseismic slip.  相似文献   

南海共轭大陆边缘构造属性的综合地球物理研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用南海最新的重磁资料,在岩石物性分析和全海域分带变倾角化极磁异常反演磁性基底分布的基础上,选择6条典型剖面拟合反演其密度与磁性结构,在此基础上进行了深部结构的对比分析.反演中尽可能以海底地震仪探测数据(OBS)、多道地震等结果作为约束,其中FF'剖面层速度分析是利用“南海大陆边缘动力学及油气资源潜力”973项目200...  相似文献   

华南陆缘是我国重要的矿产、地热资源区.晚中生代以来,在太平洋板块西向俯冲,地幔热对流活动共同作用下,该区出现多期岩浆-热事件和大规模爆发式成矿作用.在前人研究基础上,本文利用地表热流观测资料、地震剪切波资料、重力位球谐系数,计算了壳-幔温度结构,分析了动力学背景.计算结果表明:华南陆缘东南沿海地带,地壳10 km以浅温度达200℃以上,居里点温度475℃,莫霍面平均温度550℃.地壳浅层较热,花岗岩中放射性元素衰变放热是地壳浅层地下水热活动的重要热源,但地壳总体温度不高,为"冷壳热幔"型热结构.地幔中,90 km深度,温度950~1250℃;120 km深度,温度1050~1400℃;150 km深度,温度1200~1450℃;220 km深度,温度1500~1700℃."热"岩石圈底界深度在110~150 km之间,西深东浅.岩石圈内,地幔应力场为挤压-伸展相间格局;岩石圈之下,地幔应力场为一个以南昌为中心、长轴NE-SW向的椭圆.分析认为,晚中生代以来,太平洋板块的西向俯冲,导致华南陆缘在区域性SE向地幔对流背景上叠加局域性不稳定热扰动,在175~85Ma期间,上地幔物质向上流动,形成不同的岩浆活动高峰期.同时,岩石圈地幔受俯冲洋壳流体的影响,含水量高,黏度小,在地幔流切向应力场作用下,岩石圈底界由西向东"波浪"状减薄.现今岩石圈之下仍具备地幔小尺度热对流温度条件,但除地表浅层外,地壳整体温度不高,岩石圈构造稳定.  相似文献   

Based on velocity data of 933 GPS sites and using the methods of Ordinary Kriging interpolation and shape function derivation, this study has obtained the strain rate field of continental China in the spherical coordinates. In comparison with previous research results, it is found that such a strain rate field can be described by both the continuous deformation and block motions in the continent. The Tibetan Plateau and Tianshan region are characterized by continuous deformation which is distributed across the whole area. Within the blocks of South China, Tarim, Ordos, and Northeast China, little crustal deformation and deformation occurs primarily on the faults along their boundaries, which can be explained by the model of block motion. In other regions, such as the Yinshan-Yanshan block, North China block, and East Shandong-Yellow Sea, deformation patterns can be explained by both models. Besides, from southwest to northeast of continental China, there are three remarkable extensional zones of NW trending. These results imply that the NNE directed push of the India plate is the primary driving force accounting for the internal deformation of continental China. It produces the uplift, hori-zontal shortening and vertical thickening of the Tibetan Plateau as well as radiation-like material extru-sion. Of these extruded materials, one part accommodates the eastward "escape" of other blocks, generating convergence and compression of western China and widespread extension and local com-plicated deformation in eastern China under the joint action of the surrounding settings. The other part opens a corridor between the South China block and Tibetan Plateau, flowing toward southeast to the Myanmar range arc and filling the gap there which is produced by back-arc extension due to plate subduction.  相似文献   

运用数值模拟的方法对在冲绳海槽产生9.0级地震,并引发海啸的过程和海啸波在东海浅水大陆架地形上的传播过程进行研究.模拟的结果表明,数值模拟产生的波浪符合海啸波的特点,东海浅水大陆架适合海啸波的传播.  相似文献   

日本海沟大震与华东地区地震的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章纯  林命周  蒋淳 《华南地震》2000,20(3):57-63
应用模糊相关方法,研究了日本海沟与我国华东地区地震活动的相关性.计算结果表明:日本海沟地区(35~45°N,140~150°E)MS6.8级以上地震和华东地区(29~34°N,119~124°E)MS4.8级以上地震有较好的相关对应关系;用相关分析方法对华东地区尤其是上海附近地区未来发震的可能性进行了分析,并估算了两地区延迟相关的平均概率.  相似文献   

无井条件下建立碎屑岩储层地震地质模型研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
常规的储层建模以井数据为基础,建立孔隙度、渗透率和含油饱和度等储层属性参数模型,并通过油田开发生产数据进行拟合,得到最佳地质模型.在南海西北部深水区无井控制的情况下,针对中央峡谷浊积水道储层,采用确定性建模与连续型随机建模相结合的方法,建立碎屑岩储层地震地质模型,应用地震正演模拟和相似性分析方法,确定浊积水道砂体最佳模拟参数.文章首先分析了碎屑岩储层特征,应用连续型随机建模的方法模拟储层空间分布.然后分析实际地震、地质资料,应用层序地层学思想,对研究区划分沉积体系域,建立层序地层格架;基于波阻抗和多种地震属性,采用人机交互的方法对浊积水道储层框架结构进行精细解释,建立储层结构模型;将储层结构模型与砂泥互层随机介质进行"交"、"并"运算,利用连续型随机模拟方法对储层内部介质进行精细刻画,建立中央峡谷浊积水道随机介质储层模型;通过对模型正演模拟、常规处理和相似性分析等建立最佳储层模型.文章研究了在无井条件下建立储层地震地质模型的方法,揭示南海西北部深水区中央峡谷浊积水道储层的空间展布和内部结构特征.  相似文献   

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