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粉末注射成形钛铝烧结工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Ti-47.5Al-2.5V-1.0Cr(%)气雾化预合金粉末为原料, 采用注射成形工艺制备了TiAl合金材料, 研究了TiAl合金烧结工艺以及烧结工艺对烧结体显微组织、密度和性能的影响. 结果表明: 烧结体在超固相线液相区烧结得到密度最高. 在1450 ℃保温30 min, 烧结体的相对密度达到95%, 抗压强度为2105 Mpa, 压缩率达到30.9%, 接近铸态合金力学性能. 烧结体在α γ相区和α相区保温1 h, 相对密度分别为73%和85%. 在1300~1400 ℃, 随着片层团的增加, 烧结体组织由双态组织逐渐变为全片层组织. 在超固相液相区, 随着γ相的减少, 烧结体组织由近片层组织逐渐转变为全片层组织.  相似文献   

粉末注射成形是制造复杂形状钛及钛合金零件的合适工艺。本文利用氢化脱氢(HDH)钛粉制备注射成形纯钛材料,研究了溶剂脱粘、热脱粘和真空烧结工艺对粘结剂脱除率、烧结显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:溶剂脱粘的适宜温度为50~60℃,4h后可以脱除97%以上的可溶性粘结剂;在随后的真空热脱粘过程中,在200-450℃高温阶段降低升温速率、延长保温时间,有利于脱除剩余聚合物粘结剂;真空烧结温度为1250℃时,烧结致密度可高达98%,但表层易形成硬质TiC相和微量TiO2相;在该温度下烧结1.5h,制品抗拉强度和伸长率分别提高到349MPa和6.4%,继续延长烧结时间会导致拉伸性能下降。  相似文献   

本文以低成本的TiH2粉末为原料,采用粉末注射成形技术(MIM)制备纯Ti材料,研究了烧结温度、烧结时间和烧结气氛对样品的致密度、显微组织的影响;探究了烧结气氛对烧结试样中碳、氧含量的影响,并测定了真空烧结试样的力学性能。结果表明:TiH2粉末通过MIM工艺可以获得接近全致密的烧结Ti制品;随烧结温度提高和烧结时间延长,制品孔隙度减小,致密度提高;在1 150℃烧结3h,致密度为93.88%,烧结温度提高到1 300℃,致密度可达98.52%;在1 300℃的烧结温度下,烧结时间从2h延长到3h,致密度可从96.69%增加到98.52%;在其它工艺相同的条件下,烧结气氛对制品的性能有显著影响,真空条件下致密度最高,晶粒尺寸最大,碳、氧含量最低;在真空度为5×10-3 Pa下,于1 300℃烧结3h制品的显微硬度为388HV,抗拉强度为325MPa,延伸率为4.43%。  相似文献   

就固-液-孔隙系统的流变学特性而言,粉末注射成形与液相烧结具有同样特点.粉末注射成形起始于1930年代,而金属粉末的液相烧结大体上也可溯源于同一时代.这2种工艺都对粘度和固体含量与温度的关系高度敏感,但都有所不同.因此,提出了一个包括应变速率、颗粒大小、固体含量等因素及颗粒结合程度的模型.在液相烧结中.固体在液体中的溶解度通过颗粒结合影响与时间相关的粘度.同样,在粉末注射成形中,长聚合物的缠结影响与时间相关的粘度.粉末注射成形与液相烧结二者的相似之处,在于都能够将流变学特性模型用于计算机模拟.  相似文献   

为解决常规定温超固相线液相烧结出现的烧结温度窗口狭窄和产品力学性能对烧结温度波动敏感的问题,采用变温超固相线液相烧结工艺制备了粉末冶金高铬铸铁,研究了变温超固相线液相烧结的高温阶段工艺参数对15Cr系高铬铸铁显微组织和力学性能的影响,并与定温超固相线液相烧结制备的合金进行了对比.研究发现,变温超固相线液相烧结制备的合金...  相似文献   

采用粉末注射成形方法制备一种军工用钨合金球,通过调节注射参数来消除其注射缺陷,通过调节烧结工艺来提高其综合性能.结果表明:钨合金球在注射过程中成形坯内的融合线随注射速率、注射压力、注射温度的升高而减少,且调节注射速率、注射温度的效果较调节注射压力更为显著;产品的密度、压溃压力、压缩率在1530℃前都随烧结温度的升高而增加,超过1530℃后都随烧结温度的升高而减小,产品的球直径变化量随温度的升高而变大;在1510℃下烧结的钨合金球综合性能较好,其密度为18.17 g/cm3,球直径变化量为0.12 mm,压溃压力为54 kN,压缩率为30.6%.  相似文献   

钛及钛合金具有高比强度、低弹性模量、优良的耐蚀性和绝佳的生物相容性,但较差的加工性能大大限制了其应用范围。钛及钛合金金属粉末注射成形工艺克服了机加工、模压等传统加工工艺的缺点,结合传统粉末冶金和注塑成型的优势,实现了结构复杂的钛及钛合金产品低成本、大批量近净成形,提高了材料利用率。本文利用水溶性黏结剂和粉末粒度为16 μm和22 μm的商用球形Ti6Al4V合金粉制备了注射料和相应的试样,通过实验确定了气氛热脱黏结合真空烧结的最佳工艺,基于该工艺制备得到了两种注射料的烧结试样。结果表明:粉末粒度为16 μm注射料烧结件杂质含量未能满足外科植入用金属注射成形Ti6Al4V组件标准;粉末粒度为22 μm注射料烧结件物理化学性能如下,极限拉伸强度880 MPa,屈服强度830 MPa,延伸率13.2%,相对密度96.8%,氧质量分数为0.195%,氮质量分数为0.020%,碳质量分数为0.022%,该试样整体性能满足外科植入用金属注射成形Ti6Al4V组件标准。  相似文献   

研究了纯钼注射成形工艺过程,包括钼粉的预处理、混料、脱脂和烧结工艺.研究表明,球磨后的粉末装载量可以达到50%,经适当的注射工艺、直接热脱脂和烧结工艺,得到了无缺陷的烧结坯,烧结坯的密度随烧结温度的升高而增大,在烧结温度为1850℃,烧结时间为120min时,达到最大值9.70g/m3,抗拉强度为200MPa,硬度为193HV10.  相似文献   

注射成形制备碳化硅异形件的工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过注射成形工艺可以成功制备碳化硅陶瓷异形件,其关键在于碳化硅微粉粒度的大小、分布和粉体形状的选取,烧结助剂的粒度组成和添加量,合理的脱脂和烧结工艺等.研究发现,选取平均粒度为0.58μm、球形和不规则形状混合的碳化硅微粉,添加10%的5μm Al2O3,4μm Y2O3粒度组成的烧结助剂,可以制备出合格的坯体,再经10h溶脱和热脱工艺后,将坯体埋于填料中,于1900℃保温30min进行液相烧结,就可以得到相对密度为98.2%的碳化硅陶瓷异形件.  相似文献   

采用超固相线液相烧结方法制备了GH4049粉末合金,研究了合金的致密化机理、热处理对合金组织和力学性能的影响以及Y2O3对合金的强化作用.结果表明:在1 350 ℃真空烧结120 min可以制备出相对密度为99.2%的GH4049粉末合金,合金的烧结致密化机理为颗粒重排与粘性流动.经热处理后,GH4049粉末合金的抗拉强度、屈服强度和伸长率分别为1 113 MPa、760 MPa和13%,接近变形GH4049合金;晶内析出了约200 nm的方形大γ'相和40 nm左右的球形γ'相,平均晶粒大小在80 μm以下.加入质量分数为0.05%的纳米级Y2O3后,改善了合金的抗应力松弛性能.  相似文献   

Models for liquid flow into isolated pores during liquid phase sintering are described qualitatively. The grains are assumed to maintain an equilibrium shape determined by a balance between their tendency to become spherical and a negative capillary pressure in the liquid due to menisci at the specimen surface and the pore. With an increase of grain size, the grain sphering force decreases while the radius of liquid menisci increases to maintain the force equilibrium. When grain growth reaches a critical point, the liquid menisci around a pore become spherical and the driving force for filling the pore rapidly increases as liquid flows into it. The critical grain size required for filling a pore increases linearly with pore size. Experimentally, filling of isolated pores has been investigated in Fe-Cu powder mixture after liquid phase sintering treatment and after dipping into a molten matrix alloy. The observed pore filling behaviors agree with the qualitative predictions based on the models. In Fe-Cu alloy, pore filling is terminated by gas bubbles formed in liquid pockets. This paper is based on a presentation delivered at the symposium “Activated and Liquid Phase Sintering of Refractory Metals and Their Compounds” held at the annual meeting of the AIME in Atlanta, Georgia on March 9, 1983, under the sponsorship of the TMS Refractory Metals Committee of AIME.  相似文献   


Calculated multicomponent phase diagrams were used to identify high speed steel (HSS) type alloys having the potential to exhibit enhanced sinter ability. The requirement was for an extensive austenite + carbide + liquid phase field. Of the six tungsten and molybdenum based systems studied, Fe–14Mo–C + 4Cr–8Co systems were potentially the most promising. Appropriate compositions were water atomised and additional alloys prepared by blending annealed powders with graphite powders. Powders were compacted to green densities of about 70% theoretical and then vacuum sintered. Sinterability was assessed in terms of sintered densities and microstructures. Alloys containing Fe–13Mo–1·3C, Fe–14Mo–4Cr–1·3C, and Fe–14Mo– 8Co–4Cr–1·4C were sintered to full density at temperatures as low as 1170°C, 70–150 K lower than for existing HSSs. Sintering windows were 20– 30 K, a significant improvement on existing HSSs. As sintered microstructures consisted of angular M6 C carbides dispersed in martensitic matrixes, which is typical for correctly sintered HSS. Heat treatment response and cutting performance for the sinterable grades were assessed and found to be comparable to existing HSS. The cutting performance of Fe–14Mo– 8Co–4Cr–1·4C tools at 45 and 52·5 m min-1 was superior to both cast wrought M2 and T1 tools of identical geometry. Lower carbon contents resulted in an increase in sintering temperature and a reduction in the width of the sintering window. Higher carbon contents destroyed sinterability, since they led to the formation of M2 C eutectic structures in the undersintered condition. Alloy sinterability was correlated to differential thermal analysis data obtained during heating of powders. The variations in sinterability with alloy composition are discussed with reference to phase diagrams; the degradation in sinterability observed at carbon contents above 1·4% is attributed to the presence of ternary eutectic phase fields. The commercial implications of the relationship between sinterability and alloy composition are discussed.  相似文献   

Supersolidus liquid-phase sintering of prealloyed powders   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A model is derived for the sintering densification of prealloyed particles that form internal liquids when heated over the solidus temperature. The model considers the powder size, composition, and microstructure, as well as the processing conditions of green density, heating rate, maximum temperature, hold time, and atmosphere. Internal liquid forms and spreads to create an interparticle capillary bond that induces densification during sintering. Densification is delayed until the particles achieve a mushy state due to grain boundary wetting by the internal liquid. This loss of rigidity and concomitant densification of the semisolid particles depends on the grain size and liquid quantity. Viscous flow is the assumed densification mechanism, where both viscosity and yield strength vary with the liquid content and particle microstructure. Densification predictions are compared to experimental data, giving agreement with previously reported rapid changes in sintered density over narrow temperature ranges. The model is tested using data from steels and tool steels of varying carbon contents, as well as boron-doped stainless steel, bronze, and two nickel-based alloys.  相似文献   

Sintering process was performed on cylindrical consolidates in dry nitrogen atmosphere at various temperatures ranging from the solidus-to-liquidus temperatures for 30?min at a heating rate of 10°C?min?1. Beam bending technique has been used to measure the macroscopic apparent viscosity of Al-Cu-Mg pre-alloyed powder (2024 Al alloy). Slumping test has been used to measure the yield strength at temperatures above solidus temperature. Wetting angle and capillary stress were calculated. Results showed that the rheological behaviour of this system follows as Bingham model. The yield stress varies from 0.37?kPa at 580°C to 0.3?kPa at 610°C on air atomised Al-Cu-Mg having 0.1% Sn. The correlation between variations of viscosity as function of temperature has been derived. The activation energy of viscous flow was estimated to 15.164?kJ?mol?1. Capillary and yield stress decrease by increasing temperature. Maximum densification with minimum distortion is obtained at 600–610°C.  相似文献   

采用粉末注射成形技术制备碳化硼陶瓷微结构零件,用SiC-Al2O3-Y2O3和SiC-ZrO2两种助烧体系进行烧结。分析助烧体系(SiC-Al2O3-Y2O3和SiC-ZrO2)对零件的致密度、相组成、微观组织和断裂机制的影响。结果表明:添加助烧剂可有效提高碳化硼制品的烧结性能。采用SiC-Al2O3-Y2O3助烧体系烧结的零件由B4C、SiC、B2YC2和YAG等4种相组成,随烧结温度升高,其致密度先增加后减小,在1 950℃烧结时达到最大值,为97.1%。而采用SiC-ZrO2助烧体系时致密度随烧结温度升高而增加,在2 240℃达到最大值,为95.1%,相组成为B4C、SiC和ZrB2相。零件的断裂形式都以穿晶断裂为主,含有一定的沿晶断裂。  相似文献   

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