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The intrinsicuvby and HΒ indices of member stars of α-Persei, Pleiades and Scorpio-Centaurus association have been analysed in detail for rotation effects. These stars range in spectral type from B0 to F0 and the observed effects of rotation are found to be in agreement with photometric effects calculated by Collins & Sonneborn (1977) for rigidly rotating B0 to F0 stars On leave of absence from Assumption College, Changanacherry, Kerala.  相似文献   

Analysis of the available observational data for the α-Persei cluster members shows that rotation effects on the intermediate-band indices c1 and (u-b) are considerable. In c1, rotation produces a reddening of 0.040 magnitudes per 100 km s-1 In (u-b) the effect for B stars is found to be 0.06 magnitudes per 100 km s-1 ofV sin i. The binaries and peculiar stars are found to behave differently in the colour excess (due to rotation) versusV sin i diagrams. These empirical effects can be utilised to recalibrate these colour indices and also to separate members that are either chemically peculiar or in binary systems.  相似文献   

The effect of rotation on the observed colours of stars has been considered as a possible cause for the blue straggler phenomenon in clusters listed by Mermilliod (1982). It appears that this phenomenon is definitely not real in the case of the late B and early A spectral type blue stragglers that are intrinsic slow rotators. Among clusters containing the early B type blue stragglers it is found that the anomalous position of the stragglers in NGC 6633, NGC 6475 and NGC 2516 cannot be accounted for by rotation effects alone. on leave from Assumption College, Changanacherry, Kerala.  相似文献   

We have analysed the broad-bandUBV colours and the intermediate banduvby colours of Persei, Pleiades, and the Scorpio-Centaurus association for rotation effects. An attempt was made to see if we can discriminate normal single stars from that of binary and peculiar stars after taking the observed rotation effects into account. It is found that the spread in the observed colours does not allow in general such a discrimination except that the objects with large reddening are double-lined binaries, peculiar stars or emission-lined objects. The few normal stars in these three clusters with such large reddening are listed as they are likely to belong to one of the above classes.On leave of absence from Assumption College, Changanacherry, Kerala.  相似文献   

We report on the results of a time-series photometric survey of M50 (NGC 2323), a  ∼130 Myr  open cluster, carried out using the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) 4-m Blanco telescope and Mosaic-II detector as part of the Monitor project. Rotation periods were derived for 812 candidate cluster members over the mass range  0.2 ≲ M /M≲ 1.1  . The rotation period distributions show a clear mass-dependent morphology, statistically indistinguishable from those in NGC 2516 and M35 taken from the literature. Due to the availability of data from three observing runs separated by ∼10 and 1 month time-scales, we are able to demonstrate clear evidence for evolution of the photometric amplitudes, and hence spot patterns, over the 10 month gap. We are not able to constrain the time-scales for these effects in detail due to limitations imposed by the large gaps in our sampling, which also prevent the use of the phase information.  相似文献   

We report on the results of a time-series photometric survey of NGC 2362, carried out using the CTIO 4-m Blanco telescope and Mosaic-II detector as part of the Monitor project. Rotation periods were derived for 271 candidate cluster members over the mass range  0.1 ≲ M /M≲ 1.2  . The rotation period distributions show a clear mass-dependent morphology, qualitatively similar to that in NGC 2264, as would be expected from the age of this cluster. Using models of angular momentum evolution, we show that angular momentum losses over the ∼1–5 Myr age range appear to be needed in order to reproduce the evolution of the slowest rotators in the sample from the ONC to NGC 2362, as found by many previous studies. By incorporating Spitzer IRAC mid-infrared (mid-IR) measurements, we found that three to four objects showing mid-IR excesses indicative of the presence of circumstellar discs were all slow rotators, as would be expected in the disc regulation paradigm for early pre-main-sequence angular momentum evolution, but this result is not statistically significant at present, given the extremely limited sample size.  相似文献   

We report on the results of an I -band time-series photometric survey of NGC 2547 using the MPG/ESO 2.2-m telescope with Wide Field Imager, achieving better than 1 per cent photometric precision per data point over  14 ≲ I ≲ 18  . Candidate cluster members were selected from a V versus V − I colour–magnitude diagram over  12.5 < V < 24  (covering masses from  0.9 M  down to below the brown dwarf limit), finding 800 candidates, of which we expect ∼330 to be real cluster members, taking into account contamination from the field (which is most severe at the extremes of our mass range). Searching for periodic variations in these gave 176 detections over the mass range  0.1 ≲ M /M≲ 0.9  . The rotation period distributions were found to show a clear mass-dependent morphology, qualitatively intermediate between the distributions obtained from similar surveys in NGC 2362 and 2516, as would be expected from the age of this cluster. Models of the rotational evolution were investigated, finding that the evolution from NGC 2362 to 2547 was qualitatively reproduced (given the uncertainty in the age of NGC 2547) by solid body and core-envelope decoupled models from our earlier NGC 2516 study without need for significant modification.  相似文献   

A model for the angular momentum transfer within the convection zone of a rapidly rotating star is introduced and applied to the analysis of recent observations of temporal fluctuations of the differential rotation on the young late-type stars AB Doradus (AB Dor) and LQ Hydrae (LQ Hya). Under the hypothesis that the mean magnetic field produced by the stellar dynamo rules the angular momentum exchanges and that the angular velocity depends only on the distance s from the rotation axis and the time, the minimum azimuthal Maxwell stress  | BsB φ|  , averaged over the convection zone, is found to range from ∼0.04 to  ∼0.14 T2  . If the poloidal mean magnetic field   B s   is of the order of 0.01 T, as indicated by the Zeeman–Doppler imaging maps of those stars, then the azimuthal mean field   B φ  can reach an intensity of several teslas, which significantly exceeds equipartition with the turbulent kinetic energy. Such strong fields can account also for the orbital period modulation observed in cataclysmic variables and RS Canum Venaticorum systems with a main-sequence secondary component. Moreover, the model allows us to compute the kinetic energy dissipation rate during the maintenance of the differential rotation. Only in the case of the largest surface shear observed on LQ Hya may the dissipated power exceed the stellar luminosity, but the lack of a sufficient statistic on the occurrence of such episodes of large shear does not allow us to estimate their impact on the energy budget of the convection zone.  相似文献   

We model stellar differential rotation based on the mean-field theory of fluid dynamics. DR is mainly driven by Reynolds stress, which is anisotropic and has a non-diffusive component because the Coriolis force affects the convection pattern. Likewise, the convective heat transport is not strictly radial but slightly tilted towards the rotation axis, causing the polar caps to be slightly warmer than the equator. This drives a flow opposite to that caused by differential rotation and so allows the system to avoid the Taylor-Proudman state. Our model reproduces the rotation pattern in the solar convection zone and allows predictions for other stars with outer convection zones. The surface shear turns out to depend mainly on the spectral type and only weakly on the rotation rate. We present results for stars of spectral type F which show signs of very strong differential rotation in some cases. Stars just below the mass limit for outer convection zones have shallow convection zones with short convective turnover times. We find solar-type rotation and meridional flow patterns at much shorter rotation periods and horizontal shear much larger than on the solar surface, in agreement with recent observations. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Mass segregation in the form of preferential concentration of more massive stars in the central regions of a number of open star clusters has been known for some time. In this paper, integratedUBV colours in concentric zones have been estimated for 12 nearby open clusters using the observations of individual cluster members. It is found that the clusters showing pronounced mass segregation also show significant radial variations in the integrated colours. However, the effects of stochastic fluctuations around the massive portion of the mass distribution function on the integrated colours should be taken into consideration, if they are present.  相似文献   

Theories of meridional circulation and differential rotation in stellar convective zones predict trends in surface flow patterns on main-sequence stars that are amenable to direct observational testing. Here I summarise progress made in the last few years in determining surface differential rotation patterns on rapidly-rotating young main-sequence stars of spectral types F, G, K and M. Differential rotation increases strongly with increasing effective temperature along the main sequence. The shear rate appears to increase with depth in the sub-photospheric layers. Tidal locking in close binaries appears to suppress differential rotation, but better statistics are needed before this conclusion can be trusted. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Data on the positions, radial velocities, and proper motions of open star clusters and OB stars are used to obtain the rotation curve of the Galaxy fitted by a polynomial in inverse powers of the distances from the Galactic rotation axis. We determine the locations of the corotation region and the inner and outer Lindblad resonances using a previously estimated pattern speed. Based on data for objects of the Carina-Sagittarius and Orion arms, we have determined the distortion amplitudes of the velocity field of the Galactic disk, ?R = ?3.97±4.79 km s?1 and fθ=+13.27±2.57 km s?1.  相似文献   

From a set of stellar spectropolarimetric observations, we report the detection of surface magnetic fields in a sample of four solar-type stars, namely HD 73350, HD 76151, HD 146233 (18 Sco) and HD 190771. Assuming that the observed variability of polarimetric signal is controlled by stellar rotation, we establish the rotation periods of our targets, with values ranging from 8.8 d (for HD 190771) to 22.7 d (for HD 146233). Apart from rotation, fundamental parameters of the selected objects are very close to the Sun's, making this sample a practical basis to investigate the specific impact of rotation on magnetic properties of Sun-like stars.
We reconstruct the large-scale magnetic geometry of the targets as a low-order  (ℓ < 10)  spherical harmonic expansion of the surface magnetic field. From the set of magnetic maps, we draw two main conclusions. (i) The magnetic energy of the large-scale field increases with rotation rate. The increase in chromospheric emission with the mean magnetic field is flatter than observed in the Sun. Since the chromospheric flux is also sensitive to magnetic elements smaller than those contributing to the polarimetric signal, this observation suggests that a larger fraction of the surface magnetic energy is stored in large scales as rotation increases. (ii) Whereas the magnetic field is mostly poloidal for low rotation rates, more rapid rotators host a large-scale toroidal component in their surface field. From our observations, we infer that a rotation period lower than ≈12 d is necessary for the toroidal magnetic energy to dominate over the poloidal component.  相似文献   

In this paper we present chromospheric emission levels of the solar-type stars in the young open clusters IC 2391 and IC 2602. High-resolution spectroscopic data were obtained for over 50 F, G and K stars from these clusters over several observing campaigns using the University College London Echelle Spectrograph on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope. Unlike older clusters, the majority (28/52) of the solar-type stars in the two clusters are rapid rotators  ( v  sin  i > 20 km s−1)  with five of the stars being classified as ultra-rapid rotators  ( v  sin  i > 100 km s−1)  . The emission levels in the calcium infrared triplet lines were then used as a measure of the chromospheric activity of the stars. When plotted against the Rossby number ( N R), the star's chromospheric emission levels show a plateau in the emission for  log( N R) ≲−1.1  indicating chromospheric saturation similar to the coronal saturation seen in previously observed X-ray emission from the same stars. However, unlike the coronal emission, the chromospheric emission of the stars shows little evidence of a reduction in emission (i.e. supersaturation) for the ultra-rapid rotators in the clusters. Thus we believe that coronal supersaturation is not the result of an overall decrease in magnetic dynamo efficiency for ultra-rapid rotators.  相似文献   

The surface differential rotation of active solar‐type stars can be investigated by means of Doppler and Zeeman‐Doppler Imaging, both techniques enabling one to estimate the short‐term temporal evolution of photospheric structures (cools spots or magnetic regions). After describing the main modeling tools recently developed to guarantee a precise analysis of differential rotation in this framework, we detail the main results obtained for a small number of active G and K fast rotating stars. We evoke in particular some preliminary trends that can be derived from this sample, bearing the promise that major advances in this field will be achieved with the new generation of spectropolarimeters (ESPaDOnS/CFHT, NARVAL/TBL). (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present high-resolution spectroscopy of a sample of 24 solar-type stars in the young (15–40 Myr), open cluster NGC 2547. We use our spectra to confirm cluster membership in 23 of these stars, to determine projected equatorial velocities and chromospheric activity, and to search for the presence of accretion discs. We find examples of both fast ( v e sin  i >50 km s−1) and slow ( v e sin  i <10 km s−1) rotators, but no evidence for active accretion in any of the sample. The distribution of projected rotation velocities is indistinguishable from the slightly older IC 2391 and IC 2602 clusters, implying similar initial angular momentum distributions and circumstellar disc lifetimes. The presence of very slow rotators indicates either that long (10–40 Myr) disc lifetimes or internal differential rotation are needed, or that NGC 2547 (and IC 2391/2602) were born with more slowly rotating stars than are presently seen in even younger clusters and associations. The solar-type stars in NGC 2547 follow a similar rotation–activity relationship to that seen in older clusters. X-ray activity increases until a saturation level is reached for v e sin  i >15–20 km s−1. We are unable to explain why this saturation level, of log( L x L bol)≃−3.3, is a factor of 2 lower than in other clusters, but rule out anomalously slow rotation rates or uncertainties in X-ray flux calculations.  相似文献   

The physical parameters of the stars in the central region of the globular cluster M5 (NGC 5904) were determined from UBV photometry using Kurucz's synthetic flux distributions and some empirical relations. It is found that the bluest horizontal branch (HB) stars have higher luminosities than predicted by canonical zero-age horizontal branch models. Parameters of the mass distribution on the HB stars are determined. It is shown that the gap in the blue HB previously reported by Markov et al. in Paper I is probably a statistical fluctuation.  相似文献   

We present CCD photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of low-mass stars in the open cluster NGC 2516, which has an age of about 150 Myr and may have a much lower metallicity than the Pleiades. 24 probable F to early K type, single cluster members have been identified from their photometry and radial velocities, along with three possible spectroscopic binaries. The projected equatorial velocities are measured and compared with younger and older clusters. Several fast rotating late G /early K stars are seen, but all hotter stars have v e sin  i  < 20 km s−1. The data are consistent with angular momentum loss models with spin-down time-scales that increase from tens of Myr for G stars to hundreds of Myr for K stars. The observed X-ray activity is consistent with the currently accepted rotation–activity paradigm. Lithium abundances are derived from the Li  i 6708-Å line. The pattern of Li depletion is indistinguishable from that in the Pleiades, including a spread in the K0 stars, where the most rapid rotators suffer the least Li depletion. The observations argue in favour of either a metallicity in the range −0.1 < [Fe/H]< 0.0 for NGC 2516, or a lower metallicity and extra Li depletion through non-standard mixing modes which occurs on time-scales of only ∼ 50 Myr. Neither our low signal-to-noise ratio spectroscopy nor our photometry can constrain [Fe/H] sufficiently to decide between these possibilities. A detailed spectroscopic chemical abundance analysis is urgently required.  相似文献   

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