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A data stream is a massive, open-ended sequence of data elements continuously generated at a rapid rate. Mining data streams is more difficult than mining static databases because the huge, high-speed and continuous characteristics of streaming data. In this paper, we propose a new one-pass algorithm called DSM-MFI (stands for Data Stream Mining for Maximal Frequent Itemsets), which mines the set of all maximal frequent itemsets in landmark windows over data streams. A new summary data structure called summary frequent itemset forest (abbreviated as SFI-forest) is developed for incremental maintaining the essential information about maximal frequent itemsets embedded in the stream so far. Theoretical analysis and experimental studies show that the proposed algorithm is efficient and scalable for mining the set of all maximal frequent itemsets over the entire history of the data streams.  相似文献   

Utility of an itemset is considered as the value of this itemset, and utility mining aims at identifying the itemsets with high utilities. The temporal high utility itemsets are the itemsets whose support is larger than a pre-specified threshold in current time window of the data stream. Discovery of temporal high utility itemsets is an important process for mining interesting patterns like association rules from data streams. In this paper, we propose a novel method, namely THUI (Temporal High Utility Itemsets)-Mine, for mining temporal high utility itemsets from data streams efficiently and effectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on mining temporal high utility itemsets from data streams. The novel contribution of THUI-Mine is that it can effectively identify the temporal high utility itemsets by generating fewer candidate itemsets such that the execution time can be reduced substantially in mining all high utility itemsets in data streams. In this way, the process of discovering all temporal high utility itemsets under all time windows of data streams can be achieved effectively with less memory space and execution time. This meets the critical requirements on time and space efficiency for mining data streams. Through experimental evaluation, THUI-Mine is shown to significantly outperform other existing methods like Two-Phase algorithm under various experimental conditions.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于DSM MFI算法的改进算法DSMMFI DS算法,它首先将事务数据按一定的全序关系存入DSFI list列表中;然后按排序后的顺序存储到类似概要数据结构的树中;接着删除树中和DSFI list列表中的非频繁项,同时删除窗口衰退支持数大的事务项;最后采用自顶向下和自底向上的双向搜索策略来挖掘数据流的最大频繁项集。通过用例分析和实验表明,该算法比DSM MFI算法具有更好的执行效率。  相似文献   

A survey on algorithms for mining frequent itemsets over data streams   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  
The increasing prominence of data streams arising in a wide range of advanced applications such as fraud detection and trend learning has led to the study of online mining of frequent itemsets (FIs). Unlike mining static databases, mining data streams poses many new challenges. In addition to the one-scan nature, the unbounded memory requirement and the high data arrival rate of data streams, the combinatorial explosion of itemsets exacerbates the mining task. The high complexity of the FI mining problem hinders the application of the stream mining techniques. We recognize that a critical review of existing techniques is needed in order to design and develop efficient mining algorithms and data structures that are able to match the processing rate of the mining with the high arrival rate of data streams. Within a unifying set of notations and terminologies, we describe in this paper the efforts and main techniques for mining data streams and present a comprehensive survey of a number of the state-of-the-art algorithms on mining frequent itemsets over data streams. We classify the stream-mining techniques into two categories based on the window model that they adopt in order to provide insights into how and why the techniques are useful. Then, we further analyze the algorithms according to whether they are exact or approximate and, for approximate approaches, whether they are false-positive or false-negative. We also discuss various interesting issues, including the merits and limitations in existing research and substantive areas for future research.  相似文献   

基于向量的数据流滑动窗口中最大频繁项集挖掘*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对相关算法在挖掘数据流最大频繁项集时所存在的问题,提出了一种基于向量的数据流滑动窗口中最大频繁项集挖掘算法。该算法首先用向量作为概要数据结构,采用定量更新滑动窗口策略解决时间粒度问题;其次通过位运算产生频繁项集,利用矩阵和数组存储辅助信息,深度优先搜索产生最大频繁项集时利用剪枝策略进一步减少挖掘时间;最后用索引链表存储挖掘结果以提高超集检测效率。理论分析和实验结果验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

由于能反映用户的偏好,可以弥补传统频繁项集挖掘仅由支持度来衡量项集重要性的不足,高效用项集正在成为当前数据挖掘研究的热点。为使高效用项集挖掘更好地适应数据规模不断增大的实际需求,提出了一种高效用项集的并行挖掘算法PHUI-Mine。提出了记录挖掘高效用项集信息的DHUI-树结构,描述了DHUI-树的构造方法,论证了DHUI-树的动态剪枝策略。在此基础上,给出了高效用项集挖掘的并行算法描述。实验结果表明,PHUI-Mine算法具有较高的挖掘效率及较低的存储开销。  相似文献   

滑动窗口中数据流频繁项集挖掘方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据数据流的流动性与连续性,提出了一种滑动窗口中频繁项集挖掘算法NSW,满足了人们快速获取最近到达数据中频繁项集的需求。该算法采用二进制矩阵表示滑动窗口中的事务列表,通过直接删除最老事务、不产生候选项集等方法控制时间和空间的开销。实验表明,该算法具有较好的时间和空间效率。  相似文献   

Association-rule mining, which is based on frequency values of items, is the most common topic in data mining. In real-world applications, customers may, however, buy many copies of products and each product may have different factors, such as profits and prices. Only mining frequent itemsets in binary databases is thus not suitable for some applications. Utility mining is thus presented to consider additional measures, such as profits or costs according to user preference. In the past, a two-phase mining algorithm was designed for fast discovering high utility itemsets from databases. When data come intermittently, the approach needs to process all the transactions in a batch way. In this paper, an incremental mining algorithm for efficiently mining high utility itemsets is proposed to handle the above situation. It is based on the concept of the fast-update (FUP) approach, which was originally designed for association mining. The proposed approach first partitions itemsets into four parts according to whether they are high transaction-weighted utilization itemsets in the original database and in the newly inserted transactions. Each part is then executed by its own procedure. Experimental results also show that the proposed algorithm executes faster than the two-phase batch mining algorithm in the intermittent data environment  相似文献   

效用(utility)可弥补支持度在表现语义重要性方面的不足。现有的几种基于效用的关联规则挖掘算法都采用了类似Apriori自底向上的搜索方法,不适合长模式的挖掘。提出了一种双向搜索高效用项集的模型及一种基于划分的inter-transaction算法。inter-transaction利用了长事务相交迅速变短的特性和新的减枝策略,能同时输出项集的效用与支持度。实验表明,该方法对蕴含长模式的高维数据库非常有效。  相似文献   

Mining closed frequent itemsets from data streams is of interest recently. However, it is not easy for users to determine a proper minimum support threshold. Hence, it is more reasonable to ask users to set a bound on the result size. Therefore, an interactive single-pass algorithm, called TKC-DS (top-K frequent closed itemsets of data streams), is proposed for mining top-K closed itemsets from data streams efficiently. A novel data structure, called CIL (closed itemset lattice), is developed for maintaining the essential information of closed itemsets generated so far. Experimental results show that the proposed TKC-DS algorithm is an efficient method for mining top-K frequent itemsets from data streams.  相似文献   

大数据环境下高效用项集挖掘算法中过多的候选项集极大地降低了算法的时空效率,提出了一种减少候选项集的数据流高效用项集挖掘算法。首先,通过数据流中当前窗口的一次扫描建立一个全局树,并降低全局树中头表入口与节点的冗余效用值;然后,基于全局树生成候选模式,基于增长算法降低局部树的候选项集效用;最终,从候选模式中选出高效用模式。基于真实数据流的实验结果表明,本算法的时空效率与内存占用比均优于其他数据流的高效用模式挖掘算法。  相似文献   

含负项高效用项集(HUI)挖掘是新兴的数据挖掘任务之一.为了挖掘满足用户需求的含负项HUI结果集,提出了含负项top-k高效用项集(THN)挖掘算法.为了提升THN算法的时空性能,提出了自动提升最小效用阈值的策略,并采用模式增长方法进行深度优先搜索;使用重新定义的子树效用和重新定义的本地效用修剪搜索空间;使用事务合并技...  相似文献   

近年来,数据流挖掘一直是国内外研究的热点,频繁项集挖掘又是数据流挖掘中的重要问题。根据数据流无限性和流动性的特点,提出了一种在滑动窗口中挖掘频繁项集的算法FIM-SW,FIM-SW算法主要是采用垂直的数据库表示方法,使用二进制向量表示每个数据项,并利用Apriori性质产生频繁项集。实验结果表明,这种算法显著地提高了挖掘效率。  相似文献   

Mining frequent itemsets from transactional data streams is challenging due to the nature of the exponential explosion of itemsets and the limit memory space required for mining frequent itemsets. Given a domain of I unique items, the possible number of itemsets can be up to 2I − 1. When the length of data streams approaches to a very large number N, the possibility of an itemset to be frequent becomes larger and difficult to track with limited memory. The existing studies on finding frequent items from high speed data streams are false-positive oriented. That is, they control memory consumption in the counting processes by an error parameter ?, and allow items with support below the specified minimum support s but above s − ? counted as frequent ones. However, such false-positive oriented approaches cannot be effectively applied to frequent itemsets mining for two reasons. First, false-positive items found increase the number of false-positive frequent itemsets exponentially. Second, minimization of the number of false-positive items found, by using a small ?, will make memory consumption large. Therefore, such approaches may make the problem computationally intractable with bounded memory consumption. In this paper, we developed algorithms that can effectively mine frequent item(set)s from high speed transactional data streams with a bound of memory consumption. Our algorithms are based on Chernoff bound in which we use a running error parameter to prune item(set)s and use a reliability parameter to control memory. While our algorithms are false-negative oriented, that is, certain frequent itemsets may not appear in the results, the number of false-negative itemsets can be controlled by a predefined parameter so that desired recall rate of frequent itemsets can be guaranteed. Our extensive experimental studies show that the proposed algorithms have high accuracy, require less memory, and consume less CPU time. They significantly outperform the existing false-positive algorithms.  相似文献   

A valid group is defined as a group of moving users that are within a distance threshold from one another for at least a minimum time duration. Unlike grouping of users determined by traditional clustering algorithms, members of a valid group are expected to stay close to one another during their movement. Each valid group suggests some social grouping that can be used in targeted marketing and social network analysis. The existing valid group mining algorithms are designed to mine a complete set of valid groups from time series of user location data, known as the user movement database. Unfortunately, there are considerable redundancy in the complete set of valid groups. In this paper, we therefore address this problem of mining the set of maximal valid groups. We first extend our previous valid group mining algorithms to mine maximal valid groups, leading to AMG and VGMax algorithms. We further propose the VGBK algorithm based on maximal clique enumeration to mine the maximal valid groups. The performance results of these algorithms under different sets of mining parameters are also reported.  相似文献   

数据流高效用模式挖掘方法是以二进制的频繁模式挖掘方法为前提,引入项的内部效用和外部效用,在模式挖掘过程中可以考虑项的重要性,从而挖掘更有价值的模式。从关键窗口技术、常用方法、表示形式等角度对数据流高效用模式挖掘方法进行分析并总结其相关算法,从而研究其特点、优势、劣势以及其关键问题所在。具体来说,说明了数据流高效用模式常用的概念;对处理数据流高效用模式的关键窗口技术进行了分析,涉及到滑动、衰减、界标和倾斜窗口模型;研究了一阶段和两阶段的数据流高效用模式挖掘方法;分析了高效用模式的表示形式,即完全高效用模式和压缩高效用模式;介绍了其他的数据流高效用模式,包括序列高效用模式、混合高效用模式以及高平均效用模式等;最后展望了数据流高效用模式挖掘的进一步研究方向。  相似文献   

High utility sequential pattern (HUSP) mining has emerged as an important topic in data mining. A number of studies have been conducted on mining HUSPs, but they are mainly intended for non-streaming data and thus do not take data stream characteristics into consideration. Streaming data are fast changing, continuously generated unbounded in quantity. Such data can easily exhaust computer resources (e.g., memory) unless a proper resource-aware mining is performed. In this study, we explore the fundamental problem of how limited memory can be best utilized to produce high quality HUSPs over a data stream. We design an approximation algorithm, called MAHUSP, that employs memory adaptive mechanisms to use a bounded portion of memory, in order to efficiently discover HUSPs over data streams. An efficient tree structure, called MAS-Tree, is proposed to store potential HUSPs over a data stream. MAHUSP guarantees that all HUSPs are discovered in certain circumstances. Our experimental study shows that our algorithm can not only discover HUSPs over data streams efficiently, but also adapt to memory allocation with limited sacrifices in the quality of discovered HUSPs. Furthermore, in order to show the effectiveness and efficiency of MAHUSP in real-life applications, we apply our proposed algorithm to a web clickstream dataset obtained from a Canadian news portal to showcase users’ reading behavior, and to a real biosequence database to identify disease-related gene regulation sequential patterns. The results show that MAHUSP effectively discovers useful and meaningful patterns in both cases.  相似文献   

High utility pattern (HUP) mining over data streams has become a challenging research issue in data mining. When a data stream flows through, the old information may not be interesting in the current time period. Therefore, incremental HUP mining is necessary over data streams. Even though some methods have been proposed to discover recent HUPs by using a sliding window, they suffer from the level-wise candidate generation-and-test problem. Hence, they need a large amount of execution time and memory. Moreover, their data structures are not suitable for interactive mining. To solve these problems of the existing algorithms, in this paper, we propose a novel tree structure, called HUS-tree (high utility stream tree) and a new algorithm, called HUPMS (high utility pattern mining over stream data) for incremental and interactive HUP mining over data streams with a sliding window. By capturing the important information of stream data into an HUS-tree, our HUPMS algorithm can mine all the HUPs in the current window with a pattern growth approach. Furthermore, HUS-tree is very efficient for interactive mining. Extensive performance analyses show that our algorithm is very efficient for incremental and interactive HUP mining over data streams and significantly outperforms the existing sliding window-based HUP mining algorithms.  相似文献   

High utility itemset mining problem uses the notion of utilities to discover interesting and actionable patterns. Several data structures and heuristic methods have been proposed in the literature to efficiently mine high utility itemsets. This paper advances the state-of-the-art and presents HMiner, a high utility itemset mining method. HMiner utilizes a few novel ideas and presents a compact utility list and virtual hyperlink data structure for storing itemset information. It also makes use of several pruning strategies for efficiently mining high utility itemsets. The proposed ideas were evaluated on a set of benchmark sparse and dense datasets. The execution time improvements ranged from a modest thirty percent to three orders of magnitude across several benchmark datasets. The memory consumption requirements also showed up to an order of magnitude improvement over the state-of-the-art methods. In general, HMiner was found to work well in the dense regions of both sparse and dense benchmark datasets.  相似文献   

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