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Motivated by the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells, we develop a general framework for describing the large-scale dynamics of an active filament network. In the cytoskeleton, active cross-links are formed by motor proteins that are able to induce relative motion between filaments. Starting from pair-wise interactions of filaments via such active processes, our framework is based on momentum conservation and an analysis of the momentum flux. This allows us to calculate the stresses in the filament network generated by the action of motor proteins. We derive effective theories for the filament dynamics which can be related to continuum theories of active polar gels. As an example, we discuss the stability of homogenous isotropic filament distributions in two spatial dimensions.  相似文献   

We implement a model to represent the effect of the deformation of the backbone of a system of motor proteins while sliding on a track filament. This model incorporates a nearest neighbor interaction term among the motors for the deformation energy. Correlations induced by this term result in increased motor force for inter-particle distances small compared to the ratchet period. Received 20 February 2001 and Received in final form 31 May 2001  相似文献   

In this paper we present the results of a large-scale numerical investigation of structural properties of a model of cell membrane, simulated as a bilayer of flexible molecules in vacuum. The study was performed by carrying out extensive Molecular Dynamics simulations, in the (NVE) micro-canonical ensemble, of two systems of different sizes ( 2×32 and 2×256 molecules), over a fairly large set of temperatures and densities, using parallel platforms and more standard serial computers. Depending on the dimension of the system, the dynamics was followed for physical times that go from few hundred picoseconds for the largest system to 5-10 nanoseconds for the smallest one. We find that the bilayer remains stable even in the absence of water and neglecting Coulomb interactions in the whole range of temperatures and densities we have investigated. The extension of the region of physical parameters that we have explored has allowed us to study significant points in the phase diagram of the bilayer and to expose marked structural changes as density and temperature are varied, which are interpreted as the system passing from a crystal to a gel phase. Received 6 July 2000 and Received in final form 28 December 2000  相似文献   

In several studies of actin-based cellular motility, the barbed ends of actin filaments have been observed to be attached to moving obstacles. Filament growth in the presence of such filament-obstacle interactions is studied via Brownian dynamics simulations of a three-dimensional energy-based model. We find that with a binding energy greater than 24k B T and a highly directional force field, a single actin filament is able to push a small obstacle for over a second at a speed of half of the free filament elongation rate. These results are consistent with experimental observations of plastic beads in cell extracts. Calculations of an external force acting on a single-filament-pushed obstacle show that for typical in vitro free-actin concentrations, a 3pN pulling force maximizes the obstacle speed, while a 4pN pushing force almost stops the obstacle. Extension of the model to treat beads propelled by many filaments suggests that most of the propulsive force could be generated by attached filaments.  相似文献   

We study the alignment of polar biofilaments, such as microtubules and actin, subject to the action of multiple molecular motors attached simultaneously to more than one filament. Focusing on a paradigm model of only two filaments interacting with multiple motors, we were able to investigate in detail the alignment dynamics. While almost no alignment occurs in the case of a single motor, the filaments become rapidly aligned due to the collective action of the motors. Our analysis shows that the alignment time is governed by the number of bound motors and the magnitude of the motors’ stepping fluctuations. We predict that the time scale of alignment is in the order of seconds, much faster than that reported for passive crosslink-induced bundling. In vitro experiments on the alignment of microtubules by multiple-motor covered beads are in qualitative agreement. We also discuss another mode of fast alignment of filaments, namely the cooperation between motors and passive crosslinks.  相似文献   

We present the experimental and theoretical background of a method to characterize the protein-protein attractive potential induced by one of the mostly used crystallizing agents in the protein-field, the poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). This attractive interaction is commonly called, in colloid physics, the depletion interaction. Small-Angle X-ray Scattering experiments and numerical treatments based on liquid-state theories were performed on urate oxidase-PEG mixtures with two different PEGs (3350 Da and 8000 Da). A “two-component” approach was used in which the polymer-polymer, the protein-polymer and the protein-protein pair potentials were determined. The resulting effective protein-protein potential was characterized. This potential is the sum of the free-polymer protein-protein potential and of the PEG-induced depletion potential. The depletion potential was found to be hardly dependent upon the protein concentration but strongly function of the polymer size and concentration. Our results were also compared with two models, which give an analytic expression for the depletion potential. Received 29 April 2002 RID="a" ID="a"Present address: CRMC2-CNRS, Campus de Luminy, case 913, F-13288 Marseille Cedex 09, France; e-mail: vivares@crmc2.univ-mrs.fr RID="b" ID="b"e-mail: bonnete@crmc2.univ-mrs.fr RID="c" ID="c"Laboratory associated to Universities Aix-Marseille II and III.  相似文献   

Adaptation of populations takes place with the occurrence and subsequent fixation of mutations that confer some selective advantage to the individuals which acquire it. For this reason, the study of the process of fixation of advantageous mutations has a long history in the population genetics literature. Particularly, the previous investigations aimed to find out the main evolutionary forces affecting the strength of natural selection in the populations. In the current work, we investigate the dynamics of fixation of beneficial mutations in a subdivided population. The subpopulations (demes) can exchange migrants among their neighbors, in a migration network which is assumed to have either a random graph or a scale-free topology. We have observed that the migration rate drastically affects the dynamics of mutation fixation, despite of the fact that the probability of fixation is invariant on the migration rate, accordingly to Maruyama's conjecture. In addition, we have noticed a topological dependence of the adaptive evolution of the population when clonal interference becomes effective.  相似文献   

We discuss a vectorial representation applicable to both single- and multi-domain protein folds. This generalized vectorial representation is essentially identical to the previously described vectorial representation for single-domain proteins folds when applied to these, but allows for the additional consistent representation of multi-domain structures. We show that the generalized vectorial representation enables the accurate analytical prediction of site-specific amino acid distributions for both single- and multi-domain protein folds, similarly as the previously described vectorial representation does for single-domain folds.  相似文献   

We simulate the evolution of a protein-like sequence subject to point mutations, imposing conservation of the ground state, thermodynamic stability and fast folding. Our model is aimed at describing neutral evolution of natural proteins. We use a cubic lattice model of the protein structure and test the neutrality conditions by extensive Monte Carlo simulations. We observe that sequence space is traversed by neutral networks, i.e. sets of sequences with the same fold connected by point mutations. Typical pairs of sequences on a neutral network are nearly as different as randomly chosen sequences. The fraction of neutral neighbors has strong sequence to sequence variations, which influence the rate of neutral evolution. In this paper we study the thermodynamic stability of different protein sequences. We relate the high variability of the fraction of neutral mutations to the complex energy landscape within a neutral network, arguing that valleys in this landscape are associated to high values of the neutral mutation rate. We find that when a point mutation produces a sequence with a new ground state, this is likely to have a low stability. Thus we tentatively conjecture that neutral networks of different structures are typically well separated in sequence space. This result indicates that changing significantly a protein structure through a biologically acceptable chain of point mutations is a rare, although possible, event. Received 8 July 1999  相似文献   

Conditions for self-reproduction are sought for a growing vesicle with its growth defined by an exponential increase of vesicle membrane area and by adequate flow of the solution across the membrane. In the first step of the presumed vesicle self-reproduction process, the initially spherical vesicle must double its volume in the doubling time of the membrane area and, through the appropriate shape transformations, attain the shape of two equal spheres connected by an infinitesimally thin neck. The second step involves separation of the two spheres and relies on conditions that cause the neck to be broken. In this paper we consider the first step of this self-reproduction process for a vesicle suspended in a solution whose solute can permeate the vesicle membrane. It is shown that vesicle self-reproduction occurs only for certain combinations of the values of membrane hydraulic and solute permeabilities and the external solute concentration, these quantities being related to the mechanical properties of the membrane and the membrane area doubling time. The analysis includes also the relaxation of a perturbed system towards stationary self-reproduction behavior and the case where the final shape consists of two connected spheres of different radii.  相似文献   

We study the overlap between low-energy states in lattice models of heteropolymers with contact interactions. The overlap distribution gives information on the degree of correlation in the energy landscape. Designed sequences have rather correlated energy landscapes, which favor fast folding kinetics. Chains with random interactions have much less correlated energy landscapes. It is indeed believed that the mean-field theory for this model coincides with the Random Energy Model, whose different low-energy states are completely unrelated. This picture has been supported by numerical studies of maximally compact configurations. Without applying this constraint, we find that the overlap distribution is indeed bimodal as expected, but it has a broad peak at large overlap, indicating a non-vanishing width for the valleys of low-energy states. This feature probably plays an important role in the kinetics of the model. It is not evident that the range of such correlations shrinks to zero for large systems. The range of the correlations seems to be influenced by the number of contacts per residue in the ground state: the smaller this quantity, the larger the correlations. Received 16 August 2000  相似文献   

Twist stiffness and an asymmetric bending stiffness of a polymer or a polymer bundle is captured by the elastic ribbon model. We investigate the effects a ring geometry induces to a thermally fluctuating ribbon, finding bend-bend coupling in addition to twist-bend coupling. Furthermore, due to the geometric constraint the polymer's effective bending stiffness increases. A new parameter for experimental investigations of polymer bundles is proposed: the mean square diameter of a ribbonlike ring, which is determined analytically in the semiflexible limit. Monte Carlo simulations are performed which affirm the model's prediction up to high flexibility.  相似文献   

The unzipping transition under the influence of external force of a dsDNA molecule has been studied using the Peyrard-Bishop Hamiltonian. The critical force Fc(T) for unzipping calculated in the constant force ensemble is found to depend on the potential parameter k which measures the stiffness associated with a single strand of DNA and on D, the well depth of the on-site potential representing the strength of hydrogen bonds in a base pair. The dependence on temperature of Fc(T) is found to be (TD - T)1/2 (TD being the thermal denaturation temperature) with Fc(TD) = 0 and Fc(0) = . We used the constant extension ensemble to calculate the average force F(y) required to stretch a base pair a y distance apart. The value of F(y) needed to stretch a base pair located far away from the ends of a dsDNA molecule is found twice the value of the force needed to stretch a base pair located at one of the ends to the same distance for y 1.0 . The force F(y) in both cases is found to have a very large value for y 0.2 compared to the critical force found from the constant force ensemble to which F(y) approaches for large values of y. It is shown that the value of F(y) at the peak depends on the value of k which measures the energy barrier associated with the reduction in DNA strand rigidity as one passes from dsDNA to ssDNA and on the value of the depth of the on-site potential. The effect of defects on the position and height of the peak in the F(y) curve is investigated by replacing some of the base pairs including the one being stretched by defect base pairs. The formation and behaviour of a loop of Y shape when one of the ends base pair is stretched and a bubble of ssDNA with the shape of an eye when a base pair far from ends is stretched are investigated.  相似文献   

This commentary on the inspiring works and ideas by Langowski, Mangeol et al., Lee et al., Bundschuh and Gerland, Schiessel, Vaillant et al., Lesne and Victor, Claudet and Bednar, Fuks, Allemand et al., and Blossey, all appearing in this issue (Eur. Phys. J. E 19 (2006)), expresses our felt need of novel approaches to chromatin modeling.  相似文献   

Chromatin is a, if not the, hallmark of eukaryotic life. Any molecular process entailing genomic DNA or the nucleus by default provokes or depends on chromatin structural dynamics on various space and time scales. Chromatin dynamics are result of changes in the physico-chemical properties of the chromatin constituents themselves or the nuclear environment. Chromatin has been found in the former case to undergo many different covalent enzyme-mediated chemical modifications. Their identification sheds light on the molecular mechanisms and the physico-chemical properties underlying chromatin dynamics, and allows the development of quantitative models for the chromatin fiber. The abundance of the different modifications, their dynamics, and short- as well as long-range correlation phenomena between different modifications also point to a second layer of genomic coding implemented at the level of chromatin. Especially, gene regulatory coding seems to depend on such a second-level code. The information-theoretical properties of chromatin in the context of gene regulatory coding are discussed. A model for the emergence of cellular differentiation from the intricate interplay between genomic and chromatin code is presented and discussed in light of recent experimental insights.  相似文献   

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