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李德民  刘云虎 《中国物理 C》2006,30(12):1211-1217
基于a0(980)和D*sJ(2317)属于1 3P0介子多重态这个主要假定, 在准线性Regge轨迹方案下估计了1 3P0介子多重态成员的质量. 在介子-介子混合的框架下,建议a0(980), K*0(1052), f0(1099)和f0(530)组成基态标量介子九重态, 并且f0(1099)主要由ss组成,而f0(530)主要是uu+dd. 这些态可能分别对应已观察到的标量态a0(980), κ(900), f0(980)和f0(600)/σ. 另外, 在胶球为主的图像下, 估计基态标量胶球的质量大约为1340MeV. 给出的结果与其他不同方法给出的结果是一致的.  相似文献   

应用线性Regge轨迹和相对论夸克模型,研究了低激发态单重介子谱,并解释了这些激发态的窄质量劈裂源自轻夸克的相对论效应.计算了自旋宇称为J+(J=0,1,2)的单重介子(D,Ds,B,Bs)P波的质量,并建议存在O+态的,未被实验发现的B介子和Bs介子,其质量分别为5659 MeV和5788 MeV.计算表明,Ds0(...  相似文献   

介子的辐射衰变是低能强子物理研究的重要方向, 通过它能够揭示介子的结构和性质。从有效场论的观点来看,介子衰变主要包含光子和强子之间的相互作用。使用SU(3)对称性和VMD模型分别对矢量介子的辐射衰变进行了研究。 通过对实验数据进行拟和,给出了在两种情形下V→Pγ的衰变宽度的理论值,并得到赝标量混合角θP 为-6°。 Radiative decay of mesons is an important aspect in low energy hadronic physics,through which structures and properties of mesons can be revealed. In view of effective field theories, the radiative decay of mesons involves mainly interactions between photons and hadrons. In this paper,we investigate the decay of vector mesons by using SU(3) symmetry and the vector meson dominance model respectively. By fitting with experiments, we give the theoretic widths for V→Pγ in both cases and the mixing angle of pseudoscalars θP is -6°.  相似文献   

岳崇兴  鲁公儒 《中国物理 C》1993,17(11):1002-1010
由TC理论的有效拉氏量,给出了矢量介子与标量介子相互作用顶角,讨论了中性矢量介子各种可能的衰变,并且具体计算了衰因子A.  相似文献   

岳崇兴  鲁公儒  万陵德 《中国物理 C》1995,19(12):1096-1099
构造了与中性矢量介子有关的最低阶相互作用算符.用这些算符计算了新的一代TC(Technicolor)模型的最轻的中性矢量介子ρ0的各种可能衰变宽度、分支比,并讨论了在pp碰撞或LEPⅡ上观测此种粒子的可能性.  相似文献   

李希国  刘新宇  高远 《中国物理 C》2007,31(10):922-928
在Schaffner相对论平均场模型的框架基础上, 考虑同位旋矢量介子δ,扩展了强子动力学模型和单玻色子交换K介子-模型, 重新讨论了介子与重子和介子与K介子相互作用的耦合常数, 研究了奇异核物质中K介子的有效质量, 发现在奇异核物质中K介子的有效质量随密度的变化比在纯核子物质中的变化小. 同位旋矢量介子δ对在奇异核物质中K介子有效质量随密度变化有明显的影响, 但对不同的参数组, 其影响的大小不同.  相似文献   

吕健  杨光 《物理学报》2011,60(10):101201-101201
根据质量劈裂公式计算了轴矢介子多重态(11P1)中底偶素的质量,然后利用粒子表上最新的实验数据,在雷吉唯象的框架下计算轴矢介子多重态中双重介子Bc1、奇异偶素(ss-bar和奇异介子K1B的质量. 最后在介子-介子混合的框架下,计算了K1A - K1B混合角和轴矢介子九重态中两个同位旋标量态的混合角. 我们建议实验上在1478 MeV能量附近进一步研究轴矢介子h1(1380)的性质,在6774 MeV能量附近寻找和研究轴矢介子Bc1(1P).本文的计算结果对于实验上寻找还没有观测到的双重介子态Bc1以及理解K1A - K1B混合和轴矢介子九重态的混合有一定的意义. 关键词: 介子谱 雷吉轨迹 介子-介子混合  相似文献   

在非对心相对论重离子碰撞中,参与反应的系统具有巨大的轨道角动量,从而使产生的夸克胶子等离子体具有极强涡旋场,并通过自旋-轨道相互作用导致部分子的自旋极化,经过强子化导致重子的自旋极化以及矢量介子的自旋排列等可观测效应.矢量介子的自旋排列是指其自旋密度矩阵的00元素ρ00偏离1/3.在矢量介子衰变到两个赝标介子的过程中,衰变产物的极角分布只与ρ00有关,以此可以对自旋排列进行测量.理论研究表明,重离子碰撞过程中,重子的自旋极化反映了夸克自旋极化的时空平均效应,而矢量介子自旋排列则反映了夸克反夸克自旋极化的局域相空间关联.本文回顾了相对论重离子碰撞中矢量介子自旋排列的相关理论工作.重点以非相对论夸克融合模型为例,明确地计入夸克极化的相空间依赖性,展示了矢量介子自旋排列与夸克反夸克自旋极化特别是它们之间相空间关联的关系.本文还讨论了涡旋、电磁场、有效φ介子场以及它们的局域涨落对φ介子自旋排列的贡献,结果显示强作用场的时空关联效应是导致φ介子自旋排列的主要因素.矢量介子自旋排列为探索强相互作用物质和强相互作用场的性质提供了新途径.  相似文献   

金毅  李世渊  谢去病 《中国物理 C》2003,27(10):852-856
研究了e+e-湮没中"初始"轻夸克和胶子劈裂产生的组合为介子(包括D-, D-s, 0)或*介子(包括D*-, D*-s, *0)的过程.发现尤其在s=MZ处,其产额相对较大,当限制或*的能量大于20GeV时,它和c夸克碎裂产物的不变质量谱在稍大于2M附近有一个峰,这是该过程区别于其它或*介子产生过程的显著特征.此过程产生的矢量介子基本上是纵向极化的,与实验上观测到的*介子的纵向极化一致.  相似文献   

计算了相对论重离子碰撞中轻矢量介子(ρ,ω和φ)的光生过程。基于窄-宽近似,严格推导了相对论重离子碰撞中ρ,ω和φ半弹性和非弹性光生过程的遍举和单举横截面。从数值结果可以看出对于p-p碰撞,光生过程的贡献是不重要的,但是对于pT2.5 GeV Au-Au碰撞和pT3 GeV Pb-Pb碰撞,轻矢量介子光生过程的贡献是明显的。  相似文献   

冯学超  魏科伟  张贵杰 《中国物理》2006,15(12):2906-2908
In the framework of Regge phenomenology and meson meson mixing, this paper estimates the mass of isoscalar state (ss^-) of the 1^3D1 meson nonet, and the results given by two different approaches are 1735.51 ± 59MeV and 1730.29 ±46.SMeV.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the effect of rotation on the masses of scalar and vector mesons in the framework of the 2-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The existence of rotation produces a tedious quark propagator and a corresponding polarization function. By applying the random phase approximation, the meson mass is numerically calculated. It is found that the behavior of scalar and pseudoscalar meson masses under angular velocity ω is similar to that at a finite chemical potential; both rely on the behavior of the constituent quark mass and reflect the property related to chiral symmetry. However, vector meson ρ masses have a more profound relation to rotation. After analytical and numerical calculations, it turns out that at low temperature and small chemical potential, the mass for spin component \begin{document}$ s_z = 0,\pm 1 $\end{document} of a vector meson under rotation exhibits a very simple mass splitting relation \begin{document}$ m_{\rho}^{s_z}(\omega) = m_\rho(\omega = 0)-\omega s_z $\end{document}, similar to the Zeeman splitting of a charged meson under magnetic fields. Furthermore, the mass of the spin component \begin{document}$ s_z = 1 $\end{document} of vector meson ρ decreases linearly with ω and reaches zero at \begin{document}$ \omega_c = m_\rho(\omega = 0) $\end{document}, which indicates that the system will develop \begin{document}$ s_z = 1 $\end{document} vector meson condensation and the system will be spontaneously spin-polarized under rotation.  相似文献   

刘云虎 《中国物理 B》2009,18(5):1828-1832
<正>This paper discusses the masses and possible members of 21S0 and 23S1 meson multiplets in the framework of meson-meson mixing and Regge phenomenology.For the 21S0 meson nonet,K*(1460) may be the observed state of the 21S0 isodoublet with a mass of 1400 MeV and the mass ofω(1420) is 1412 MeV.For the 23S1 meson nonet,K*(1410) seems too light to be the 23S1 ns member.The fact that the agreement between the present findings and those given by experiments and other different approaches is satisfactory implies that the assignments in this paper may be reasonable.  相似文献   

We present an overview of a research program for the excited nucleon states in Excited Baryon Analysis Center (EBAC) at Jefferson Lab. Current status of our analysis of the meson production reactions based on the unitary dynamical coupled-channels model is summarized, and the N~* pole positions extracted from the constructed scattering amplitudes are presented. Our plans for future developments are also discussed.  相似文献   

Hiroyuki Kamano 《中国物理 C》2009,33(12):1077-1084
We present an overview of a research program for the excited nucleon states in Excited Baryon Analysis Center (EBAC) at Jefferson Lab. Current status of our analysis of the meson production reactions based on the unitary dynamical coupled-channels model is summarized, and the N* pole positions extracted from the constructed scattering amplitudes are presented. Our plans for future developments are also discussed.  相似文献   

We derive the chiral effective Lagrangian for excited heavy-light mesons from QCD under proper approximations. We focus on the chiral partners with j_l~P=3+/2 and j_l~P=3~-/2 which amounts to(1~+, 2~+) and(1~-, 2~-) states respectively. The low energy constants including the masses of the chiral partners are calculated. The calculated spectrum for the excited mesons are found roughly consistent with experimental data. In addition, our results indicate that quantum numbers of B_J(5970) can be identified with 1~-or 2~-.  相似文献   

Motivated by the recent discovery at Orsay of ?′ (1680), we study the strong interaction decays of radially excited vector mesons within the framework of the3 P 0 quark pair creation model. We stress the relative importance of phase space, algebraic spinflavor couplings, and spatial overlaps. Quite a few features of the data can be will understood by the presence of a node in the spatial wave function, but the detailed structure of the modes ρ′→4π remains a serious challenge.  相似文献   

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