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The cardiovascular effects of KRN2391, N-cyano-N'-(2-nitroxyethyl)-3-pyridine carboximidamide monomethanesulfonate, were compared with those of cromakalim and nitroglycerin in anesthetized dogs. KRN2391 (3-30 micrograms/kg, i.v.), cromakalim (3-30 micrograms/kg, i.v.) and nitroglycerin (1-10 micrograms/kg, i.v.) produced a dose-related decrease of the mean blood pressure with concomitant increase in heart rate. The increase in heart rate caused by cromakalim was lower than that caused by KRN2391 and nitroglycerin. Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure was decreased by all doses of KRN2391 and nitroglycerin. Cromakalim at 3 and 10 micrograms/kg decreased this end-diastolic pressure but increased it at 30 micrograms/kg. Left ventricular dP/dt was increased by KRN2391 and nitroglycerin but was decreased by cromakalim. KRN2391 and cromakalim produced a dose-dependent increase in aortic and coronary blood flow. Nitroglycerin showed biphasic changes in aortic and coronary blood flow, i.e., an initial increase followed by a decrease. At equipotent hypotensive doses, the increase in coronary blood flow induced by KRN2391 was greater than that by cromakalim and nitroglycerin, and total peripheral and coronary vascular resistances were decreased by KRN2391 and cromakalim. Nitroglycerin showed biphasic changes in total peripheral and coronary vascular resistances, i.e., these resistance showed an initial decrease followed by an increase. The relative decrease of coronary vascular resistance compared to the total peripheral vascular resistance was greater for KRN2391 than for cromakalim and nitroglycerin. The changes in hemodynamic parameters caused by KRN2391 were inhibited by pretreatment with glibenclamide (5 mg/kg, i.v.). These results suggest that the hemodynamic profile of KRN2391 is closer to that of cromakalim than to that of nitroglycerin, but that the selectivity for the coronary vascular bed is higher for KRN2391 than for cromakalim. In addition, it is considered that, compared with KRN2391 and nitroglycerin, cromakalim has a low selectivity for the vasculature vs the myocardium.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to investigate the putative association between immunoglobulin G antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis and recurrent spontaneous abortions. STUDY DESIGN: Sera from 106 idiopathic recurrent aborters and 81 of their partners were tested for immunoglobulin G antichlamydial antibodies by whole inclusion immunofluorescence and compared with 3890 sera from a general antenatal population. Positive sera were further investigated by microimmunofluorescence to determine species (Chlamydia trachomatis, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Chlamydia psittaci) specificity. RESULTS: Twenty-six (24.5%) of women with recurrent spontaneous abortions had immunoglobulin G antichlamydial antibodies compared with 28 (34.6%) of their partners (chi 2 2.25, p < 0.05) and 788 (20.3%) of the general antenatal population (chi 2 1.16, p < 0.05), and the incidence of antibody positivity showed no trend with increasing number of previous abortions. Fourteen women with recurrent spontaneous abortions had antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis, 12 to Chlamydia pneumoniae. The prevalence of antibodies to C. trachomatis did not differ significantly between women with recurrent spontaneous abortions and their partners, but the male partners had a significantly (p = 0.005) higher prevalence of Chlamydia pneumoniae antibodies. Chlamydial antibody seropositivity did not correlate with subfertility or subsequent pregnancy outcome. CONCLUSION: There is no association between immunoglobulin G antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis and recurrent spontaneous abortion.  相似文献   

A balance method for the measurement of digestible and metabolizable energy in rats is described. Experimentally determined metabolizable energies of 2 diets for rats were closer to those values for metabolizable energy calculated from tabulated values for pigs rather than chickens. Some drawbacks in the use of tables of energy values to predict the energy of diets are discussed.  相似文献   

Eleven women with secondary infertility had ultrasonographic findings of intrauterine calcification. Infertility developed in all women after operative termination of midtrimester pregnancy. Dilation and curettage or hysteroscopic removal confirmed residual fetal bony fragments. The removal of these bony fragments was associated with therapeutic success for infertility.  相似文献   

The changes in unconjugated estradiol-17beta and estriol, progesterone and chorionic somatomammotropin (HCS) in peripheral plasma have been studied in 18 women at 30-minute intervals following intra-uterine prostaglandin E2 administration for therapeutic termination of second trimester pregnancy. The hormonal changes were related to the time of fetal death detected by the disappearance of fetal heart pulsations. Prostaglandin E2 was given by the intra-amniotic route with urea (5 patients) or with intravenous oxytocin (5 patients), or by the extra-amniotic route with intravenous oxytocin (8 patients). Fetal death occurred rapidly with intra-amniotic PGE2, but usually at a late stage with extra-amniotic PGE2. Three fetuses in the extra-amniotic group died at or just before abortion. A variety of fetal heart changes were noted and the time of fetal death did not appear to influence the time of abortion within each treatment subgroup. Estradiol and estriol showed a sligh but persistent fall over 24 hours prior to induction of abortion. A more rapid fall usually occurred after induction, with a consistent fall around the time of fetal death. Progesterone and HCS usually fell much less before and immediately after fetal death. A marked rise in estradiol sometimes occurred before fetal death, particularly in the intraamniotic PGE2 and urea subgroup. Estriol levels declined more rapidly before than after fetal death, whereas fetal death had less consistent effects on the other hormones. All hormones had usually fallen considerably at the time of abortion, and in some individuals marked fluctuations in hormone levels were seen.  相似文献   

A case of spontaneous colocutaneous fistula arising from the transverse colon is reported and the literature is reviewed.  相似文献   

A 30-year-old Palestinian collapsed when under interrogation by the Israeli General Security Service and was declared brain dead 3 days later. Information on the circumstances and interrogation methods was denied on security grounds. Autopsy disclosed extensive anterior chest and shoulder bruising and acute subdural haemorrhage but no other trauma. On this evidence, violent shaking was postulated as the mechanism of injury. Later, this was admitted by Israeli investigators and corroborated by histopathologically proved diffuse axonal injury and retinal haemorrhages. This is the first reported case of fatal shaken adult syndrome.  相似文献   

Fibrinopeptide B (M(r) 1552.58) was employed as a calibration compound for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) post-source decay (PSD) fragment ion analysis in the negative mode. Experiments were performed by using both continuous and delayed extraction, with the maximum reflectron voltages being 30 and 21 kV, respectively. For comparison, a common positive ion PSD calibrant, ACTH(18-39) (M(r) 2466.7), was also employed with positive ion calibration constants being applied to negative ion spectra. Using fibrinopeptide B as the calibrant, the negative ion PSD results for angiotensin II (M(r) 1046.2), renin substrate tetradecapeptide (horse) (M(r) 1759.0), and the custom-synthesized peptide (K2G4)2 (M(r) 987.1) showed a factor of 1.5-2 improvement in absolute mass accuracy. Typical absolute mass-to-charge ratio accuracies were within +/- 1 Thompson and were achieved even when the peptide being analyzed was more massive than fibrinopeptide B. In addition, both calibrants showed increased accuracy when experiments were conducted in the delayed extraction mode. Other advantages of using fibrinopeptide B are its moderate cost and the ability to perform calibration and sample analysis for negative ion PSD under the same instrumental conditions.  相似文献   

The results of a greenhouse experiment on the translocation rate of 134Cs from potato leaves to tubers were compared with calculations of the radioecological model ECOSYS-87 and other literature values. The 134Cs activities applied at three development stages (three pinnate leaves fully developed, onset of flowering, onset of yellowing) to leaves of the plant were taken as starting points for the model to calculate the activity in the tubers at harvest. The default yield in the model was replaced by the experimentally obtained values. The translocation rate measured in the greenhouse experiment was 4 to 14 times higher than the calculations of the model. Some possible reasons for such a high translocation rate, compared with the literature data, are discussed. Based on these comparisons, it is concluded that maximal translocation occurs at the growth stage of flowering of a crop and that the development stage of a crop might be a stronger parameter to describe the time dependency of translocation than the usually applied parameter 'days before harvest'.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of fetal acidemia associated with regional anesthesia for elective cesarean delivery in healthy paturients with uncomplicated singleton term pregnancies. METHODS: This was an epidemiologic study using the data base of the Swiss obstetric study group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Schweizerischer Frauenkliniken). After the exclusion of cases with extraneous factors that may have affected the health of the neonate, we analyzed the umbilical artery pH, Apgar score, and other neonatal outcome measures after cesarean delivery with reference to the anesthetic technique. RESULTS: From 1985 to 1994, 327,763 deliveries, including 40,858 (12.47%) by cesarean, were registered in the data base. Of these, 5806 patients fulfilled the study criteria. The study population included 1002 spinal, 2155 epidural, and 2649 cases of general anesthesia. The frequency of fetal acidemia (pH less than 7.10) was significantly increased in the spinal-anesthesia group (odds ratio [OR] 4.67; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.73, 8.01) and in the epidural group (OR 2.39; 95% CI 1.42, 4.04) compared with the general-anesthesia group. CONCLUSION: The rate of fetal acidemia is significantly increased after regional anesthesia. This risk must be judged in light of the risks inherent with general anesthesia.  相似文献   

Potential reproductive effects from occupational exposures to ethylene glycol ethers (EGE) are of concern since these organic solvents have been used widely in industry, and their reproductive toxicity has been well documented in animal studies. For determination of whether occupational exposure to EGE was associated with increased risks of spontaneous abortion and subfertility (i.e., taking more than 1 year of unprotected intercourse to conceive), a retrospective cohort study was conducted among workers at two semiconductor manufacturing plants in the eastern United States in 1980-1989 as part of a larger evaluation of reproductive health. Reproductive and occupational histories were obtained from interviews of semiconductor manufacturing workers and spouses. Assessment of potential exposure to mixtures containing EGE (none, low, medium, and high) was based on reported processes and company records. There were 1,150 pregnancies to semiconductor manufacturers, 561 to female employees and 589 to wives of male employees. Among female manufacturers, potential exposure to mixtures containing EGE was associated with increased risks of spontaneous abortion (relative risk in the high exposure group = 2.8; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.4-5.6) and subfertility (odds ratio in the high exposure group = 4.6; 95% CI 1.6-13.3). Both of these risks exhibited a dose-response relation with potential EGE exposure (p for trend = 0.02). Among spouses of male manufacturers potentially exposed to mixtures containing EGE, there was no increased risk of spontaneous abortion, but there was a nonsignificant increased risk of subfertility (odds ratio in the high exposure group = 1.7; 95% CI 0.7-4.3).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cigarette smoking and cocaine use may be risk factors for spontaneous abortion, but data supporting such a link are limited. METHODS: We studied the associations between cocaine and tobacco use and spontaneous abortion among pregnant adolescents and women (age range, 14 to 40 years) who sought care at an inner-city emergency department. A total of 400 adolescents and women had spontaneous abortions either at study entry or during follow-up (which lasted until 22 weeks' gestation), and 570 adolescents and women remained pregnant past 22 weeks' gestation. Cocaine use was measured at base line by self-reports and analysis of urine and hair samples. Cigarette smoking was measured by self-reports and urine analysis. RESULTS: The adolescents and women in both groups were predominantly black and of lower socioeconomic status. Among those who had spontaneous abortions, 28.9 percent used cocaine on the basis of hair analysis and 34.6 percent smoked on the basis of a urine cotinine assay, as compared with 20.5 percent and 21.8 percent, respectively, of the adolescents and women who did not have spontaneous abortions. The presence of cocaine in hair samples was independently associated with an increase in the occurrence of spontaneous abortion (odds ratio, 1.4; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.0 to 2.1) after adjustment for demographic and drug-use variables. However, the use of cocaine as measured by self-reports and by urine analysis was not. The presence of cotinine in urine was also independently associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion (odds ratio, 1.8; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.3 to 2.6). Twenty-four percent of the risk of spontaneous abortion could be related to cocaine or tobacco use. CONCLUSIONS: Cocaine and tobacco use were common in our study population and were associated with a significant risk of spontaneous abortion.  相似文献   

We examined the relations between spontaneous abortion and the consumption of caffeine, individual caffeine-containing beverages (coffee, tea, and soda), and decaffeinated coffee in a prospective study of 5,144 pregnant women. We collected information about potential risk factors for spontaneous abortion, including consumption of caffeinated beverages and decaffeinated coffee before and during pregnancy, by interview in the first trimester. Neither total estimated caffeine nor individual caffeinated beverage consumption during the first trimester was associated with an appreciable increase in risk for spontaneous abortion. The adjusted odds ratio for consumption of greater than 300 mg per day of caffeine was 1.3 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.8-2.1] after adjustment for maternal age, pregnancy history, cigarette and alcohol consumption, employment, race, gestational age at interview, and marital and socioeconomic status. The adjusted odds ratio for spontaneous abortion related to consumption of three or more cups of decaffeinated coffee during the first trimester was 2.4 (95% CI = 1.3-4.7) in the same model. Although we could not demonstrate this with available data, we suspect that this association was due to bias resulting from the relations among fetal viability, symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, and consumption patterns during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Due to the increased availability of infertility treatment, multiple pregnancies, with various resulting complications, have become more common. Two cases of triplet pregnancies with delayed delivery--interval ranged from 6 to 56 days--are reported. The first woman in the 23rd week of a triplet pregnancy came to the hospital because of premature rupture of membranes of one amniotic sac and had a miscarriage of one of the fetuses the same day. The second woman in the 26th week of a triplet pregnancy also came to the hospital because of bleeding and contractions and had vaginal delivery of the first triplet a few hours later. After confirming that the remaining two fetuses were in good condition, both patients were kept under observation with only antibiotic therapy for the first one and antibiotic and tocolysis for the second. Fifty-six days following admission to our hospital the first woman gave birth to twins while in her 32nd week. The second woman gave birth six days following admission (in her 27th week). The successful outcome of these cases demonstrates that non-intervening conservative methods could be a feasible alternative to invasive intervention. We hope that our cases will encourage more physicians to try out and report non-intervening methods so that enough information can be gathered to help make correct management decisions in the future.  相似文献   

We studied the short- and long-term epileptogenic effects of massed stimulation (MS) of the piriform cortex. Sprague-Dawley rats with electrodes implanted bilaterally in the anterior piriform cortex and the dorsal and ventral hippocampi underwent MS: electrical stimulation of the left piriform cortex every 5 min for 6 h (afterdischarge threshold, 60 Hz, 1 ms, 1 s). Animals were retested (5 stimulations) 3-4 times later at different time points to check for the kindled state. Our data showed that MS resulted in delayed development of severe epilepsy. The interval between MS and the first appearance of convulsive response (2 weeks) was characterized by deep refractoriness to seizure (silent period). Unexpectedly, dramatic seizure activity occurred 4-7 weeks after MS. This was manifested by (1) generalized tonic-clonic convulsions with multiple failings, which were elicited repeatedly during retest; (2) frequent progression of elicited generalized convulsions into a prolonged (> 8 min) postictal convulsive state expressed mainly by continuous partial seizures and even new bouts of generalized seizures, and (3) development of mild spontaneous seizures. We found that epileptiform activity predominated in the ventral hippocampus. Mossy fiber sprouting was also most pronounced in this area. We propose that the MS resulted in formation of pathological circuits which involve both piriform cortex and ventral hippocampus and lead to severe epilepsy.  相似文献   

Early pregnancy loss is a profound adverse life event for many women, and increased psychiatric morbidity has been shown to occur after spontaneous abortion. Dilatation and curettage (D&C) has been the cornerstone in the treatment of first trimester spontaneous abortion over the last few decades. During recent years the possibility of conservative management has, however, been increasingly discussed. In a prospective randomized trial, we compared psychological reactions and morbidity, after either expectant management or D&C, for miscarriages of < 13 weeks gestation in which a transvaginal ultrasound examination showed intrauterine tissue and/or blood clots with an antero-posterior diameter of between 15 and 50 mm. Of the 86 patients included, 58 were randomized to expectant management and 28 to primary D&C. In patients randomized to expectant management, pregnancy products shown by transvaginal ultrasound disappeared within 3 days in 43 cases (74%), whereas 15 patients (26%) underwent D&C owing to retained products of conception after 3 days. At 2 weeks after inclusion, all patients answered self-administered questionnaires, including visual analogue scales, concerning their experience of the pregnancy loss, the present situation and concerns about the future. A brief anxiety status inventory was included. This study showed no increase in anxiety or depressive reactions 2 weeks after a first trimester spontaneous abortion when these patients were compared with non-pregnant healthy working females 19-39 years of age. Moreover, there were no significant differences in psychological reactions between patients managed either expectantly or by D&C.  相似文献   

The present nationwide, multicenter clinical study was carried out in 26 departments of surgery to define the incidence and attendant mortality of intestinal infarction following abdominal aortic surgery, and to identify patients at risk of it. The data consist of 1752 patients who underwent abdominal aortic reconstruction during 1991-1993 as recorded in the Finnish national vascular registry (FINNVASC). Among the 1752 operations, 27 patients treated at 14 different hospitals had intestinal ischemia, and the complete patient records of all 27 cases were reanalyzed. The incidence of bowel infarction was 1.2%. Among patients operated on for a ruptured aneurysm it was 3.1%, whereas 1.0% of patients with nonruptured aneurysm and 0.6% of those operated on for aortoiliac occlusive disease developed intestinal infarction. In 14 patients (67%) the lesion affected the left colon. The overall 30-day mortality rate was 13% but reached 67% among those with intestinal infarction. We conclude that acute intestinal ischemia with bowel infarction is an infrequent but serious complication of abdominal aortic surgery. It is mainly related to surgery due to aneurysmal disease, and patients with occlusive aortoiliac disease present ischemic complications in the intestines less often. Hypotensive patients being treated for ruptured aneurysm are at greatest risk of intestinal ischemia.  相似文献   

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