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Parman SW 《Nature》2007,446(7138):900-903
The timing of formation of the Earth's continental crust is the subject of a long-standing debate, with models ranging from early formation with little subsequent growth, to pulsed growth, to steadily increasing growth. But most models do agree that the continental crust was extracted from the mantle by partial melting. If so, such crustal extraction should have left a chemical fingerprint in the isotopic composition of the mantle. The subduction of oceanic crust and subsequent convective mixing, however, seems to have largely erased this record in most mantle isotopic systems (for example, strontium, neodymium and lead). In contrast, helium is not recycled into the mantle because it is volatile and degasses from erupted oceanic basalts. Therefore helium isotopes may potentially preserve a clearer record of mantle depletion than recycled isotopes. Here I show that the spectrum of 4He/3He ratios in ocean island basalts appears to preserve the mantle's depletion history, correlating closely with the ages of proposed continental growth pulses. The correlation independently predicts both the dominant 4He/3He peak found in modern mid-ocean-ridge basalts, as well as estimates of the initial 4He/3He ratio of the Earth. The correspondence between the ages of mantle depletion events and pulses of crustal production implies that the formation of the continental crust was indeed episodic and punctuated by large, potentially global, melting events. The proposed helium isotopic evolution model does not require a primitive, undegassed mantle reservoir, and therefore is consistent with whole mantle convection.  相似文献   

Abyssal peridotites are assumed to represent the mantle residue of mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORBs). However, the osmium isotopic compositions of abyssal peridotites and MORB do not appear to be in equilibrium, raising questions about the cogenetic relationship between those two reservoirs. However, the cause of this isotopic mismatch is mainly due to a drastic filtering of the data based on the possibility of osmium contamination by sea water. Here we present a detailed study of magmatic sulphides (the main carrier of osmium) in abyssal peridotites and show that the 187Os/188Os ratio of these sulphides is of primary mantle origin and can reach radiogenic values suggesting equilibrium with MORB. Thus, the effect of sea water on the osmium systematics of abyssal peridotites has been overestimated and consequently there is no true osmium isotopic gap between MORBs and abyssal peridotites.  相似文献   

Identifying the origin of primordial volatiles in the Earth's mantle provides a critical test between models that advocate magma-ocean equilibration with an early massive solar-nebula atmosphere and those that require subduction of volatiles implanted in late accreting material. Here we show that neon isotopes in the convecting mantle, resolved in magmatic CO2 well gases, are consistent with a volatile source related to solar corpuscular irradiation of accreting material. This contrasts with recent results that indicated a solar-nebula origin for neon in mantle plume material, which is thought to be sampling the deep mantle. Neon isotope heterogeneity in different mantle sources suggests that models in which the plume source supplies the convecting mantle with its volatile inventory require revision. Although higher than accepted noble gas concentrations in the convecting mantle may reduce the need for a deep mantle volatile flux, any such flux must be dominated by the neon (and helium) isotopic signature of late accreting material.  相似文献   

CSAPO A 《Nature》1954,173(4413):1019-1021

Abouchami W  Hofmann AW  Galer SJ  Frey FA  Eisele J  Feigenson M 《Nature》2005,434(7035):851-856
The two parallel chains of Hawaiian volcanoes ('Loa' and 'Kea') are known to have statistically different but overlapping radiogenic isotope characteristics. This has been explained by a model of a concentrically zoned mantle plume, where the Kea chain preferentially samples a more peripheral portion of the plume. Using high-precision lead isotope data for both centrally and peripherally located volcanoes, we show here that the two trends have very little compositional overlap and instead reveal bilateral, non-concentric plume zones, probably derived from the plume source in the mantle. On a smaller scale, along the Kea chain, there are isotopic differences between the youngest lavas from the Mauna Kea and Kilauea volcanoes, but the 550-thousand-year-old Mauna Kea lavas are isotopically identical to Kilauea lavas, consistent with Mauna Kea's position relative to the plume, which was then similar to that of present-day Kilauea. We therefore conclude that narrow (less than 50 kilometres wide) compositional streaks, as well as the larger-scale bilateral zonation, are vertically continuous over tens to hundreds of kilometres within the plume.  相似文献   

He and Ar isotopic compositions of megacrystal minerals from mantle xenoliths were measured by the technique of vacuum crushing extraction. The used samples were clinopyroxene, garnet and ilmenite in Cenozoic alkaline basalts, which were from Nushan in Anhui Province and Ying-fengling in Guangdong Province, respectively, and represented materials from the upper mantle in the continental margin of SE China. The results show ^3He/^4He ratios of 7.99 Ra to 8.58 Ra, consistent with the characteristic ratios of the MORB-type mantle. ^40Ar/^39Ar ratios vary from 313 to 909, suggesting a binary mixing between the MORB-type mantle and air argons. This may reflect the incorporation of the air argon absorbed in oceanic sediments into the mantle beneath the continental margin by subduction of oceanic plate. This study presents the first report that ilmenite megacrysts contain abundant fluid inclusions and noble gases in the mantle xenoliths.  相似文献   

Rohrbach A  Schmidt MW 《Nature》2011,472(7342):209-212
Very low seismic velocity anomalies in the Earth's mantle may reflect small amounts of melt present in the peridotite matrix, and the onset of melting in the Earth's upper mantle is likely to be triggered by the presence of small amounts of carbonate. Such carbonates stem from subducted oceanic lithosphere in part buried to depths below the 660-kilometre discontinuity and remixed into the mantle. Here we demonstrate that carbonate-induced melting may occur in deeply subducted lithosphere at near-adiabatic temperatures in the Earth's transition zone and lower mantle. We show experimentally that these carbonatite melts are unstable when infiltrating ambient mantle and are reduced to immobile diamond when recycled at depths greater than ~250?kilometres, where mantle redox conditions are determined by the presence of an (Fe,Ni) metal phase. This 'redox freezing' process leads to diamond-enriched mantle domains in which the Fe(0), resulting from Fe(2+) disproportionation in perovskites and garnet, is consumed but the Fe(3+) preserved. When such carbon-enriched mantle heterogeneities become part of the upwelling mantle, diamond will inevitably react with the Fe(3+) leading to true carbonatite redox melting at ~660 and ~250 kilometres depth to form deep-seated melts in the Earth's mantle.  相似文献   

Ketting RF  Plasterk RH 《Nature》2000,404(6775):296-298
Originally discovered in plants, the phenomenon of co-suppression by transgenic DNA has since been observed in many organisms from fungi to animals: introduction of transgenic copies of a gene results in reduced expression of the transgene as well as the endogenous gene. The effect depends on sequence identity between transgene and endogenous gene. Some cases of co-suppression resemble RNA interference (the experimental silencing of genes by the introduction of double-stranded RNA), as RNA seems to be both an important initiator and a target in these processes. Here we show that co-suppression in Caenorhabditis elegans is also probably mediated by RNA molecules. Both RNA interference and co-suppression have been implicated in the silencing of transposons. We now report that mutants of C. elegans that are defective in transposon silencing and RNA interference (mut-2, mut-7, mut-8 and mut-9) are in addition resistant to co-suppression. This indicates that RNA interference and co-suppression in C. elegans may be mediated at least in part by the same molecular machinery, possibly through RNA-guided degradation of messenger RNA molecules.  相似文献   

The prompt optical emission that arrives with the gamma-rays from a cosmic gamma-ray burst (GRB) is a signature of the engine powering the burst, the properties of the ultra-relativistic ejecta of the explosion, and the ejecta's interactions with the surroundings. Until now, only GRB 990123 had been detected at optical wavelengths during the burst phase. Its prompt optical emission was variable and uncorrelated with the prompt gamma-ray emission, suggesting that the optical emission was generated by a reverse shock arising from the ejecta's collision with surrounding material. Here we report prompt optical emission from GRB 041219a. It is variable and correlated with the prompt gamma-rays, indicating a common origin for the optical light and the gamma-rays. Within the context of the standard fireball model of GRBs, we attribute this new optical component to internal shocks driven into the burst ejecta by variations of the inner engine. The correlated optical emission is a direct probe of the jet isolated from the medium. The timing of the uncorrelated optical emission is strongly dependent on the nature of the medium.  相似文献   

新型并行计算系统的研制依赖于对新型互连网络结构及其性质的研究.超立方体及其变型——Mbius立方体两者都具有优点,也具有缺点.本文给出了在超立方体与Mbius立方体的顶点之间的一种连接,从而得到一种称为HMm-立方体的新型网络,证明了HMn-立方体不仅保持了超立方体和Mbius立方体的低顶点度数和高连通度以及其直径至多比Mbius立方体大2的性质,而且它克服了超立方体对圈模拟能力的不足.  相似文献   

The Maomaogou nepheline syenite is located at the inner zone of the Emeishan large igneous province and exhibits intrusive contact with the Emeishan basalts. SHRIMP U-Pb dating on zircons from this syenite yields an age of 261.6±4.4 Ma, in agreement with the age of the Panzhihua layered intrusion and the eruption age of the Emeishan basalts as constrained by stratigraphic data. Geochemical data fur-ther suggest that the Maomaogou syenite has a source analogue to the Emeishan basalt, and may have been formed by partial melting of gabbroic cumulates underplated in the lower crust. As s result, tem-poral and spatial relationships and petrogenetic constraints provide evidence for the genetic link be-tween basalts, mafic/ultramafic and intermediate/acidic intrusives in the Panxi area.  相似文献   

A molecular link between the bats of New Zealand and South America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Kemp AI  Hawkesworth CJ  Paterson BA  Kinny PD 《Nature》2006,439(7076):580-583
It is thought that continental crust existed as early as 150 million years after planetary accretion, but assessing the rates and processes of subsequent crustal growth requires linking the apparently contradictory information from the igneous and sedimentary rock records. For example, the striking global peaks in juvenile igneous activity 2.7, 1.9 and 1.2 Gyr ago imply rapid crustal generation in response to the emplacement of mantle 'super-plumes', rather than by the continuous process of subduction. Yet uncertainties persist over whether these age peaks are artefacts of selective preservation, and over how to reconcile episodic crust formation with the smooth crustal evolution curves inferred from neodymium isotope variations of sedimentary rocks. Detrital zircons encapsulate a more representative record of igneous events than the exposed geology and their hafnium isotope ratios reflect the time since the source of the parental magmas separated from the mantle. These 'model' ages are only meaningful if the host magma lacked a mixed or sedimentary source component, but the latter can be diagnosed by oxygen isotopes, which are strongly fractionated by rock-hydrosphere interactions. Here we report the first study that integrates hafnium and oxygen isotopes, all measured in situ on the same, precisely dated detrital zircon grains. The data reveal that crust generation in part of Gondwana was limited to major pulses at 1.9 and 3.3 Gyr ago, and that the zircons crystallized during repeated reworking of crust formed at these times. The implication is that the mechanisms of crust formation differed from those of crustal differentiation in ancient orogenic belts.  相似文献   

晚二叠世乐平期,最为强烈、规模最大的一次峨眉地幔热柱强烈活动在贵州西部形成西北高、东南低的古地理格局.沉积相带由早二叠世的近东西向变为晚二叠世北东向排布.沉积相带由西向东,由陆相渐变为海陆交替相,最后变为海相环境.在贵州西北部的威宁一带形成陆相沉积环境.遵义至安顺一线以西的黔西和黔西南地区,属于海陆交替的陆地边缘相区,...  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the lithogeochemical features of composite lavas, dikes and plutons composed of early Cretaceous associated basic-acidic igneous rocks from the coastal area of Zhejiang-Fujian. On the basis of the studies on Nd, Sr, Pb isotopic signatures and geochemical characteristics of large ion lithophile elements (L1LE) , light rare earth elements (LREE) and high field strong elements ( HFSE) of these contemporary basic-acidic igneous rocks, it is considered that the source enrichment caused by the subduction of Pacific plate and contamination of crustal rocks and melts during ascending process may lead to the formation of basaltic magmas with a high LILE concentration. These late Mesozoic composite basic-acidic igneous rocks are the products of the interactions between crust and mantle in active continental margin.  相似文献   

The Matuyama/Brunhes polarity boundary (MBPB) is recorded in Chinese loess L8, which is associated with the glacial period. It is proved that loess L8 is capable of recording earth’s secular variation, and the lock-in depth in Chinese loess is no more than that of marine sediments. Comparison with the location of MBPB in Chinese loess and marine sediments, it is put forward that there is a recording phase lag between ocean and continent climate changes.  相似文献   

为了研究湖泊水体年龄与水体中放射性同位素浓度之间的定量关系,运用数学物理方法给出了湖泊水体年龄展开为湖泊水体中放射性同位素浓度的函数表达式.在介绍年龄输运方程概念及其意义的基础上,以微分方程为分析工具,根据质量守恒原理和放射性衰变原理,利用微元法分别推导了湖泊水体的年龄输运方程和湖泊水体中放射性同位素浓度的变化规律,并给出了各自的解析解;在此两者的基础上给出了湖泊水体年龄与水体中放射性同位素浓度之间的函数关系.  相似文献   

Diatom oxygen isotopes have been widely applied in quantitative reconstruction of the paleoclimate and paleoenvironment, but have rarely been reported in China. In the present study, Lake Sihailongwan in Northeast China was selected for detailed investigation of oxygen isotopic fractionation between diatom frustules and lake water induced by growth temperature. This study involved a 2-year period of field monitoring of the lake water temperature at multiple depths and biweekly collections of traps for both sediment and water at shallow and bottom depths (7 and 49 m below the lake surface, respectively), diatom separation and purification of the trap sediments, and oxygen isotope measurement for diatom silica and lake water samples. The conditioned experiment conducted herein demonstrated that the laboratory device, methods and techniques used in this study were capable of generating reliable data for the typical oxygen isotope composition of diatom frustules. The data obtained revealed a prominent linear relationship between the oxygen isotope composition of the modern diatom and lake temperature during growth. The fractionation coefficient was about −0.185‰/°C−0.238‰/°C in the temperature range of 3.6–24°C, which is consistent with the observations from various aquatic environments and laboratory culture with different diatom taxa. These findings provide strong support for the dominant control of the growth temperature on the oxygen isotope fractionation between the diatom frustules and ambient water. A notable difference in the fractionation coefficient was observed between the surface and bottom diatom oxygen isotopes, suggesting that various depositional processes and taphonomic effects influenced the surface and bottom trap samples. Another factor leading to this difference may be that enrichment by evaporation and dilution by rainfall have a stronger influence on the surface. Overall, the results presented here demonstrate significant progress in evaluation of diatom oxygen isotopes in China and draw attention to the differences between surface and bottom diatom oxygen isotope compositions.  相似文献   

采用电子辅助热灯丝化学气相沉积(EA-CVD)方法沉积大面积金刚石膜,在金刚石膜的沉积过程中,灯丝平面与衬底间距对金刚石膜沉积的影响会直接影响着金刚石膜的生长和质量.用Raman手段对金刚石膜的生长特性进行了表征.  相似文献   

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