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汽车租赁不属于汽车运输经营的范畴,但有必要将汽车租赁纳入运输管理的范围。1998年,交通部和国家计划委员会联合发布了《汽车租赁业管理暂行规定》,使得租赁市场管理有了  相似文献   

汽车租赁在我国于1989年起源于北京,被称为“朝阳产业”,尤其是近年来,以神州、一嗨等为代表的汽车租赁企业的快速发展,史让世人看到了汽车租赁市场的巨大蛋糕。有资料显示,截至2011年年底,我国已有汽车租赁公司5000多家,租赁汽车超过10万辆。特别是最近“天猫”试水汽车租赁市场,就连电商们也开始对汽车租赁市场虎视眈眈了。  相似文献   

《汽车租赁》是我国首部关于汽车租赁的高职高专教材,由人民交通出版社于2009年4月出版,主要用于汽车技术服务与营销、汽车运用技术、汽车商务等专业,包括基础理论、发展状况、项目决策、经营管理实务、管理技术、工作内容及标准等内容,全面、系统地介绍了汽车租赁概念、与相关行业的关系等理论知识和业务程序、经营分析、信用审核等实际操作技能。本教材由中国道路运输协会高级工程师、北京市运输管理局专家委员会委员张一兵主编;首汽租赁有限责任公司党委书记、原总经理范永耀,交通运输部公路科学研究院高级工程师刘冬丽任副主编。中国道路运输协会会长姚明德、北京市运输管理局汽车租赁管理处处长马斌、中国汽车技术研究中心王再祥对教材编写给予不少支持;教材编写中还广泛听取了首汽、安吉、银建、福斯特、深圳至尊、神州租车等国内知名汽车租赁企业专业人士的意见。本刊将在2011年度连续选载《汽车租赁》精华内容,以飨读者。  相似文献   

汽车租赁发展宏观分析(一)汽车租赁行业发展趋势分析由于各国或地区的经济规模不同,直接比较汽车租赁的营业额大小不能客观的评价反映各国或地区的汽车租赁发展水平,我们采取希望通过与其他国家或地区比较"汽车租赁营业额占GDP比例"的方法,来分析我国中心城市汽车租赁行业的经营规模和发展趋势。  相似文献   

1989年北京筹办亚运会之际,第一家汽车租赁公司成立.1995年,北京出现第一家针对个人的计时汽车租赁公司.随后,全国各大省会城市大小不等的汽车租赁公司如雨后春笋般出现.截至目前,全国的汽车租赁公司大约有400家,可供租赁的汽车40000多辆.可以说,我国的汽车租赁行业已经进入一段飞速发展的时期.  相似文献   

像租一辆公共自行车一样,租辆电动汽车代步,已然在中国的很多城市落地开花。这种城市公共系统从"两个"车轮迅速升级到"四个"的过程。据中国道路运输协会和有关咨询机构的统计,2011年全国租赁车辆约25万辆,营业额150亿元。目前,我国多数城镇都已开展汽车租赁业务,其中,北京、上海、广州、深圳等城市的汽车租赁发展水平已接近欧美发达国家。然而,在多起租赁车辆承租人发生交通违章时,公安交通管理部门在执法中"罚车不罚人"由汽车租赁企  相似文献   

汽车租赁业作为我国的朝阳产业,其发展前景广阔但路途艰辛。通过借鉴国外汽车租赁业发展过程中的经验,对促进我国汽车租赁业发展对策进行探讨。  相似文献   

据不完全统计,我国租赁车保有量约6万辆。北京是汽车租赁发展最快的城市,拥有租赁车2万多辆,上海、天津、深圳、广州、杭州、南京、沈阳等经济发达地区汽车租赁企业也不少。近几年来,汽车租赁正在向中小城市和中西部地区发展。从总体上看,这几年我国汽车租赁业发展比较缓慢,这与整个国民经济的持续快速发展不相匹配。国内汽车租赁业发展过程中虽然问题不少,但勇于尝试的进取精神让汽车租赁业在浙江一路前行。  相似文献   

<正>汽车租赁的春天就要到了?"车立信"直击市场信用痛点由于汽车租赁所有权与服务权租赁的特点,以及国家在维权个人信用等方面的法律体系和监管机制尚未完善,加之租赁企业在经营管理方面存在的许多不足",这都对一些不法分子诈骗租赁车辆提供了契机,目前我国汽车租赁诈骗居高不下,一定程度上危害了社会的稳定。如何尽早建立租赁信用体系正被提上日程—  相似文献   

经营主体与行业监管1.经营主体我国最早的汽车租赁服务企业无一例外都是从出租企业派生出来的,这主要是由于汽车租赁服务行业早期的业务特点和服务概念与出租比较接近,而且当时正赶上出租行业的不景气时期,部分停驶出租车需要寻求出路,出租汽车企业非常迫切地要将出租车(承租人为出租司机)租出去,这样可以很容易地实现汽车租赁的业务转型。近年来,由于看重汽车租赁将成为重要的交通方式和汽车销售渠道并对我国汽车租赁行业发展充满信心,一些具有风险投资和汽车行业背景的资本以及  相似文献   

文章通过分析柳州市公共自行车租赁系统运营中存在的问题,明确了自行车交通在城市交通体系中的功能定位,从综合交通管理体制、站点管理和优化租赁程序等方面,提出了改善柳州市公共自行车租赁系统的相关建议。  相似文献   

文章针对目前广州汽车维修行业现状及存在的问题,分析存在的主要原因,提出汽车维修行业发展的管理策略。  相似文献   

辛红 《西部交通科技》2011,(8):85-87,90
文章结合机动车维修行业的用工实际,分析当前影响该行业员工思想不稳定的因素以及队伍不稳定对汽修经营企业的影响,从管理角度提出稳定员工队伍的措施与对策,对稳定员工、降低企业经营成本、降低管理难度以及稳定业务、确保维修质量等有重要意义。  相似文献   

Decision planning for an efficient fleet management is crucial for airlines to ensure a profit while maintaining a good level of service. Fleet management involves acquisition and leasing of aircraft to meet travelers' demand. Accordingly, the methods used in modeling travelers' demand are crucial as they could affect the robustness and accuracy of the solutions. Compared with most of the existing studies that consider deterministic demand, this study proposes a new methodology to find optimal solutions for a fleet management decision model by considering stochastic demand. The proposed methodology comes in threefold. First, a five‐step modeling framework, which is incorporated with a stochastic demand index (SDI), is proposed to capture the occurrence of uncertain events that could affect the travelers' demand. Second, a probabilistic dynamic programming model is developed to optimize the fleet management model. Third, a probable phenomenon indicator is defined to capture the targeted level of service that could be achieved satisfactorily by the airlines under uncertainty. An illustrative case study is presented to evaluate the applicability of the proposed methodology. The results show that it is viable to provide optimal solutions for the aircraft fleet management model. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the substantial upsurge of container traffic, the container leasing company thrives on the financial benefits and operational flexibility of leasing containers requested by shippers. In practice, container lease pricing problem is different from the consumer product pricing in consideration of the fair value of container, limited customer types and monopolistic supply market. In view of the durability of container and the diversified lease time and quantity, the pricing is a challenging task for the leasing company. This paper examines the monopolist’s nonlinear pricing problems in static and dynamic environments. In particular, the leasing company designs and commits a menu of price and hire quantity/time pairs to maximize the expected profit and in turn customers choose hire quantities/time to maximize their surpluses according to their hire preferences. In a static environment, closed-form solutions are obtained for different groups of customers with multiple types subject to capacity constraint. In a dynamic environment, we address two customer types and derive closed-form solutions for the problem of customers with hire time preference. Further, we show that the effect of the capacity constraint increases with time of the planning horizon when customers have the same hire time preference; while in the case with different hire time preferences, the capacity constraint has opposite effects on the low and high type customers. Last, the case of customers with hire quantity preference is discussed. We focus on the lease with alternative given sets of hire time and use dynamic programming to derive the numerical optimal hire time sequence.  相似文献   

"奥运期间收入虽然比平时有所提高,但相对于上千万元的投入,效益并不算很好.奥运后的压力都留给了企业,只有靠企业自己消化."北汽九龙福斯特汽车租赁公司总经理王平谈到后奥运时代的汽车租赁业时并不轻松.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether a temporary structural change would induce a lasting increase in drivers' public transport use. An experiment targeting 43 drivers was carried out, in which a one-month free bus ticket was given to 23 drivers in an experimental group but not to 20 drivers in a control group. Attitudes toward, habits of, and frequency of using automobile and bus were measured immediately before, immediately after, and one month after the one-month long intervention. The results showed that attitudes toward bus were more positive and that the frequency of bus use increased, whereas the habits of using automobile decreased from before the intervention, even one month after the intervention period. Furthermore, the increase in habitual bus use had the largest effect on the increase in the frequency of bus use. The results suggest that a temporary structural change, such as offering auto drivers a temporary free bus ticket, may be an important travel demand management tool for converting automotive travel demand to public-transport travel demand.  相似文献   

Increasing private sector involvement in transportation services has significant implications for the management of road networks. This paper examines a concession model’s effects on a road network in the mid-sized city of Fresno, California. Using the existing transportation planning models of Fresno, we examine the effects of privatization on a number of typical system performance measures including total travel time and vehicle miles traveled (VMT), the possibility of including arterials, and the differences between social cost prices and profit maximizing prices. Some interesting insights emerge from our analysis: (1) roads cannot be considered as isolated elements in a concession model for a road network; (2) roads can function as complements at some levels of demand and become substitutes at other levels; (3) policy makers/officials should consider privatizing/pricing arterials along with privatizing highways; (4) temporally flexible but limited price schedule regulations should be part of leasing agreements; and (5) non-restricted pricing may actually worsen system performance, while limited pricing can raise enormous profits as well as improve system performance.  相似文献   

汽车维修业的技术发展和经营方式始终都是与汽车工业的发展相辅相成的。广西加入东盟经济贸易圈后,汽车工业的蓬勃发展对汽车维修业提出了更大的挑战,同时也暴露了汽车维修行业存在的种种问题。文章从广西汽车维修行业面临的问题出发,提出了加快汽车维修行业发展的途径。  相似文献   

近年来,在国家新能源汽车产业的战略引导下,我国新能源汽车产业加速发展,新能源汽车技术也得到了不断提高。本文对目前新能源道路运输车辆在交通运输行业中应用面临的问题进行了深入剖析,并从战略规划、车辆选型、车辆管理等方面,对完善交通运输行业新能源汽车应用的环境提出了意见和建议,为进一步保障新能源汽车安全运行、科学发展提供了有力支持。  相似文献   

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