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We derive an effective Hamiltonian for the two-dimensional Hubbard–Holstein model in the regimes of strong electron–electron and strong electron–phonon interactions by using a nonperturbative approach. In the parameter region where the system manifests the existence of a correlated singlet phase, the effective Hamiltonian transforms to a t1 ? V 1 ? V 2 ? V 3 Hamiltonian for hard-core-bosons on a checkerboard lattice. We employ quantum Monte Carlo simulations, involving stochastic-series-expansion technique, to obtain the ground state phase diagram. At filling 1∕8, as the strength of off-site repulsion increases, the system undergoes a first-order transition from a superfluid to a diagonal striped solid with ordering wavevector \(\vec{Q}\) = (π∕4, 3π∕4) or (π∕4, 5π∕4). Unlike the one-dimensional situation, our results in the two-dimensional case reveal a supersolid phase (corresponding to the diagonal striped solid) around filling 1∕8 and at large off-site repulsions. Furthermore, for small off-site repulsions, we witness a valence bond solid at one-fourth filling and tiny phase-separated regions at slightly higher fillings.  相似文献   

We study the evolving energy spectrum of interacting ultra-cold atoms in an optical lattice as a function of an external parameter, the tilt of the lattice. In a regime where the quantum mechanical model, the Bose–Hubbard Hamiltonian, shows predominantly chaotic behavior, we identify regular structures in the parametric level evolution and characterize the eigenstates associated with these structures. The mechanism generating these structures is found to be different from Stark localization or energetic isolation and is induced by an interplay of driving and interaction.  相似文献   


The topology of the Fermi surface of an extended dp Hubbard model is investigated using Green's function technique in a n-pole approximation. The effects of the dp hybridisation on the Fermi surface are the main focus in the present work. Nevertheless, the effects of doping, Coulomb interaction and hopping to second-nearest-neighbours on the Fermi surface, are also studied. Particularly, it is shown that the crossover from hole-like to electron-like Fermi surface (Lifshitz transition) is deeply affected by the dp hybridisation. Moreover, the pseudogap present in the low doping regime is also affected by the hybridisation. The results show that both the doping and the hybridisation act in the sense of suppresses the pseudogap. Therefore, the systematic investigation of the Fermi surface topology, shows that not only the doping but also the hybridisation can be considered as a control parameter for both the pseudogap and the Lifshitz transition. Assuming that the hybridisation is sensitive to external pressure, the present results agree qualitatively with recent experimental data for the cuprate Nd-LSCO.  相似文献   

We develop a strategy for calculating critical exponents for the Mott insulator-to-superfluid transition shown by the Bose–Hubbard model. Our approach is based on the field-theoretic concept of the effective potential, which provides a natural extension of the Landau theory of phase transitions to quantum critical phenomena. The coefficients of the Landau expansion of that effective potential are obtained by high-order perturbation theory. We counteract the divergency of the weak-coupling perturbation series by including the seldom considered Landau coefficient a 6 into our analysis. Our preliminary results indicate that the critical exponents for both the condensate density and the superfluid density, as derived from the two-dimensional Bose–Hubbard model, deviate by less than 1 % from the best known estimates computed so far for the three-dimensional XY universality class.  相似文献   

The Holstein–Hubbard model is investigated in one-dimension at half filling employing a series of unitary transformations taking into account the coherence and correlation of phonons. To treat the phonon subsystem more accurately a new squeezing transformation is introduced to incorporate the electron-density-dependent onsite phonon correlations to lower the energy further. The effective electronic Hamiltonian is next obtained by averaging the transformed Hamiltonian with respect to the zero-phonon state and the resulting effective electronic Hamiltonian is solved exactly using the method of Bethe ansatz. Finally the ground state is obtained by minimizing the energy with respect to all the variational parameters. The present method gives better results for the ground state energy of the system and also suggests the existence of a wider intermediate metallic phase at the charge-density-wave–spin-density-wave crossover region, which was first predicted by Takada and Chatterjee and later supported by Krishna and Chatterjee.  相似文献   

《Physics letters. A》1999,262(1):61-65
We compare the spectra of the new π operator of the SO(5) theory and the conventional Δ operator for the two-dimensional tJ model. We also calculate the weight transferred to the two-hole ground state from half-filling by these operators. We find that the spectra of these operators are quite similar and the weight for the π operator is smaller than the weight for the Δ operator. We argue that the two-dimensional tJ model does not have a good approximate SO(5) symmetry claimed in Ref. [1].  相似文献   

The Einstein–Straus model consists of a Schwarzschild spherical vacuole in a Friedman–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) dust spacetime (with or without $\Lambda $ Λ ). It constitutes the most widely accepted model to answer the question of the influence of large scale (cosmological) dynamics on local systems. The conclusion drawn by the model is that there is no influence from the cosmic background, since the spherical vacuole is static. Spherical generalizations to other interior matter models are commonly used in the construction of lumpy inhomogeneous cosmological models. On the other hand, the model has proven to be reluctant to admit non-spherical generalizations. In this review, we summarize the known uniqueness results for this model. These seem to indicate that the only reasonable and realistic non-spherical deformations of the Einstein–Straus model require perturbing the FLRW background. We review results about linear perturbations of the Einstein–Straus model, where the perturbations in the vacuole are assumed to be stationary and axially symmetric so as to describe regions (voids in particular) in which the matter has reached an equilibrium regime.  相似文献   

Using the density matrix renormalization group method, we study a one-dimensional system of bosons that interact with a local three-body term. We calculate the phase diagram for higher densities, where the Mott insulator lobes are surrounded by the superfluid phase. We also show that the Mott insulator lobes always grow as a function of the density. The critical points of the Kosterlitz–Thouless transitions were determined through the von Neumann block entropy, and its dependence on the density is given by a power law with a negative exponent.  相似文献   

The Bose–Hubbard model (BHM) is a standard model which describes the quantum behavior of ultracold bosons in optical lattice. When tuning the model parameters, a quantum phase transition from superfluid (SF) phase to Mott insulating (MI) phase emerges. However, an extra tunneling process – the density-induced tunneling – is usually ignored in the standard BHM. Using process-chain method, we give a thorough study of the phase diagram of the BHM with density-induced tunneling in different particle density regions and spatial dimensions. We find the density-induced tunneling process can affect the SF-MI phase boundary dramatically, by suppressing the MI region and tune the tip of the phase boundary to lower chemical potential. Our unbiased numerical study gives benchmark results of the phase diagram of the BHM with density-induced tunneling.  相似文献   

The pseudo-ε-expansions for the coordinate of the fixed point g*, the critical exponents, and the sextic effective coupling constant g6 are determined for the two-dimensional Ising model on the basis of the five-loop renormalization group series. It is found that the pseudoe-expansions for the coordinate of the fixed point g*, the inverse exponent γ?1, and the constant g6 possess a remarkable property, namely, the higher terms of these series are so small that reliable numerical results can be obtained without invoking Borel summation.  相似文献   

For a two-dimensional ultra-cold Fermi superfluid with an effective static magnetic impurity, we theoretically investigated the variation of the Yu–Shiba–Rusinov(YSR) bound state in the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer(BCS) to Bose–Einstein condensation(BEC) crossover regime.Within the framework of mean-field theory, analytical results of the YSR bound state energy were obtained as a function of the interaction parameters.First, when the background Fermi superfluid system stays in the weakly interacting BCS regime, we found that the YSR bound state energy is linearly dependent on the gap parameter with its coefficient slightly different from previous results.Second, we discovered re-entrance phenomena for the YSR state and an upper bound of the strength of the interaction between the paired atoms.By carefully analyzing the bound state energy as a function of the interaction parameters, we obtained a phase diagram showing the existence of the YSR state.Finally, we concluded that the re-entrance phenomena and the critical point can be easily experimentally detected through measurement of radio-frequency spectroscopy and density of states using current experimental techniques.  相似文献   

Based on the single-band t–t' Anderson–Hubbard model, the effect of disorder on the parameters and ranges of existence of incommensurate helical spin waves is studied. The problem is solved within the functional integration theory in static approximation, taking into account longitudinal fluctuations of the magnetic moment. Magnetic phase diagrams and parameters of incommensurate helical spin waves are obtained as functions of temperatures and electron and impurity concentrations. It is shown that disorder can lead to the first-order transition from the antiferromagnetic phase to the (Q, π) phase and the metal–dielectric transition from antiferromagnetic metal to antiferromagnetic dielectric far from the half-filled band. The results obtained are used to explain the incommensurate magnetic order observed in cuprates in the overdoped mode.  相似文献   

The Thomas–Fermi approach for self-gravitating fermions is revisited within the theoretical framework of the qq-statistics  . Starting from the qq-deformation of the Fermi–Dirac distribution function, a generalized Thomas–Fermi equation is derived. It is shown that the Tsallis entropy   preserves a scaling property of this equation. The qq-statistical   approach to Jeans’ instability in a system of self-gravitating fermions is also addressed. The dependence of the Jeans’ wavenumber (or the Jeans length) on the parameter qq is traced. It is found that the qq-statistics makes the Fermionic system unstable at scales shorter than the standard Jeans length.  相似文献   

We consider the standard Hubbard model in the U= limit. We show that, for any finite lattice with all positive hopping matrix elements, t i,j >0, the ground state energy of the system containing two particles in excess of half filling plus the energy of the system at half filling is never lower than twice the energy of the system with a single extra particle. Similar results are obtained for holes when the lattice is bipartite. As a byproduct, we obtain a simple alternative proof of Tasaki's generalization of the Nagaoka theorem for non-bipartite lattices (but without the uniqueness clause).  相似文献   

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