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The morphological development and nuclear behaviour of two species ofDissoconium are described. The fungi are monokaryotic in all stages of their life cycle. Liberated pairs of conidia may form anastomoses, probably serving survival under hostile environmental conditions. The function of the one-celled conidia inD. dekkeri remains unexplained.  相似文献   

J.-P. L'Hardy 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):233-238
Karyology and reproductive biology of a marine population of the species complex Gyratrix hermaphroditus, from Roscoff (Brittany, France), have been investigated. A diploid complement of six chromosomes was determined from spermatogonial mitotic figures. One chromosome pair is metacentric, the second is intermediate between meta- and submetacentric, and the third is subtelocentric.In this population, regular meiosis occurs in both female and male germ lines, and the animals reproduce only by means of amphimictic eggs. Certain specimens of the population showed the elimination of one of the three bivalents during the first meiotic division in spermatogenesis. It seems that such animals produce normal and aneuploid sperm simultaneously; the aneuploid sperm are not capable of fertilization.The Roscoff population differs in its karyotype (2n = 6) from freshwater populations, which are either diploid (2n = 4) or polyploid (3n = 6, 4n = 8). These results suggest that aneuploidy played a role in the differentiation of freshwater populations from an originally marine species complex.  相似文献   

Background: There is limited understanding about bird dispersal behaviour and seedling distribution of endangered tree species in patchy environments, although these processes are important for plant species persistence.

Aims: We tested how patch features affected bird behaviour and seed dispersal, and thus seedling distribution of the endangered Chinese yew tree (Taxus chinensis).

Methods: In the present study, we combined field data of bird dispersal behaviour and GIS-based information to elucidate the influence of spatial features of habitat patches on bird dispersal behaviour, and the resulting effects on the seedling distribution of the endangered Chinese yew in two patchy habitats.

Results: Our results showed that the only seed source patch could attract eight bird species for dispersal at the two sites. Post-foraging movements of bird dispersers was strongly related to both topography and the relative locations of habitat patches. Yew seedlings aggregated only at the seed source and bamboo recruitment patches, which was affect by both the spatial distribution of recruitment patches and patch use by dispersers.

Conclusions: Our results emphasise that bamboo patches in both patchy environments provide the necessary conditions for germination of yew seeds, and the post-foraging behaviour of dispersers determines seed deposited in these patches. Our study highlights the importance of the dispersal behaviour of frugivorous birds in the successful regeneration and colonisation of yew populations in patchy habitats.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of 1 N=24 were determined for three species of Gracilaria (G. flabelliforme P. Crouan et H. Grouan ex Schramm et Maze, G. mammillaris Montagne and G. tikvahiae McLachlan) and 1 N=32 for two species of Gracilariopsis (G. lemaneiformis (Bory) Dawson, Acleto et Folvik and G. tenuifrons (Bird et Oliveira) Fredericq et Hommersand). Karyotypes for these species exhibit a characteristic size difference between largest and smallest chromosomes. Polyvalents were a common feature of meiotic nuclei. Microspectrophotometry with the DNA-localising fluorochrome DAPI was used to quantify nuclear genome sizes. A 2 C genome size of 0·37–0·40 pg was determined for five species of Gracilaria (G. chilensis Bird, McLachlan et Oliveira, G. flabelliforme, G. mammillaris, G. pacifica Abbott, G. tikvahiae) and 0·33 pg for an isolate of G. verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss from Pas de Calais, France. Species of Hydropuntia (H. cornea (J. Agardh) Wynne and H. dentata (J. Agardh) Wynne) and Gracilariopsis (G. lemaneiformis and G. tenuifrons) were found to have slightly larger 2 C genome contents of 0·42–0·47 pg. No intraspecific variation in 2 C genome sizes was found in regional populations of Gracilaria tikvahiae and Gracilariopsis tenuifrons.  相似文献   

The seeds of Gentiana show high diversity in size, shape and surface pattern. Until now, seeds of only a limited number of taxa have been studied in detail and their utility in the subgeneric classification of Gentiana has not been evaluated. In this study we investigated seed micromorphology of the poorly known sections Pneumonanthe, Frigidae and Isomeria. In order to evaluate the relevance of seed sculpturing for taxonomy, we selected qualitative characters of seed shape and testa ornamentation of all documented sections and performed cluster analyses based on presence and absence of coded characters. Several new scanning electron microscopy pictures of seeds provided a number of valuable characters for the subgeneric differentiation of Gentiana. The results of the cluster analyses of seed characters generally support the sectional classification given by former authors. However, the European Gentiana asclepiadea does not group together with other taxa of section Pneumonanthe, but clusters near to the strictly European section Gentiana. Gentiana froelichii, endemic to the south‐east Alps and treated traditionally within section Frigidae, clusters together with taxa of the European section Ciminalis. Our results reveal that seed micromorphology supports the reassignment of some taxa incertae sedis within Gentiana. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 162 , 101–115.  相似文献   

Karyotypes and chromosomal data are presented for eight bat species representing two families (Rhinolophidae and Vespertilionidae) from Hainan Island, China. The species investigated were Rhinolophus lepidus (2n = 62, FN = 60), R. pusillus (2n = 62, FN = 60), R. affinis (2n = 62, FN = 60), R. sinicus (2n = 36, FN = 60), Myotis horsfieldi (2n = 44, FN = 52), Pipistrellus abramus (2n = 26, FN = 44), Miniopterus australis (2n = 46, FN = 50) and M. schreibersii (2n = 46, FN = 50). The karyotype of Rhinolophus lepidus is reported for the first time.  相似文献   

Many endemic species present disjunct geographical distribution; therefore, they are suitable models to test hypotheses about the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms involved in the origin of disjunct distributions in these habitats. We studied the genetic structure and phylogeography of Tibouchina papyrus (Melastomataceae), endemic to rocky savannas in Central Brazil, to test hypothesis of vicariance and dispersal in the origin of the disjunct geographical distribution. We sampled 474 individuals from the three localities where the species is reported: Serra dos Pirineus, Serra Dourada, and Serra de Natividade. Analyses were based on the polymorphisms at cpDNA and on nuclear microsatellite loci. To test for vicariance and dispersal we constructed a median-joining network and performed an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). We also tested population bottleneck and estimated demographic parameters and time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) using coalescent analyses. A remarkable differentiation among populations was found. No significant effect of population expansion was detected and coalescent analyses showed a negligible gene flow among populations and an ancient coalescence time for chloroplast genome. Our results support that the disjunct distribution of T. papyrus may represent a climatic relict. With an estimated TMRCA dated from ~836.491 ± 107.515 kyr BP (before present), we hypothesized that the disjunct distribution may be the outcome of bidirectional expansion of the geographical distribution favored by the drier and colder conditions that prevailed in much of Brazil during the Pre-Illinoian glaciation, followed by the retraction as the climate became warmer and moister.  相似文献   

As part of an on-going effort to conserve endangered and endemicScrophularia takesimensis (Scrophulariaceae), we analyzed its spatial distribution patterns by applying an index of dispersion, plant-to-all-plant distances, and the varying quadrat size method. Three indices — Dispersion, Morisita, and Standardized Morisita — all revealed clumping with small aggregates, and distances between aggregates were more or less regular. The asymptote level occurred at a distance of 20 to 30 m; the distance showing 90% of cumulative frequency coincided with 20 to 21 m; 95%, 24 to 25 m; and 99%, 31 to 32 m. The 20 m× 20 m and 40 m×40 m quadrats contained 25 and 40 plants, respectively. We conclude that this number of individuals and size of area are the minimum required for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Microspectrophotometry with the DNA-localizing fluorochrome DAPI demonstrated ploidy level differences in tetrasporophytic and presumptive gametophytic phases ofGelidiella acerosa from the Philippines. Comparison of mean nuclear DNA (I f ) values to chicken erythrocytes (RBC) resulted in an estimate of 0.32 pg/2 C genome. Karyological studies with aceto-orcein revealed a chromosome complement of six bivalents during diakinesis of tetrasporocytes. The agar yield ranges from 13–24% dry weight, depending on the method of extraction. Agar extraction in 1 N NaOH resulted in an increased gel strength of 189 g cm–2 at 1.5% concentration. Infrared spectroscopy indicated a relatively high sulfate content in native agar. The low (61 °) melting temperature is indicative of high sulfation and small molecular size.  相似文献   

Damselfishes show significant biodiversity in the coral reefs. To better understand such diversity, an ecomorphological approach was investigated in the trophic morphology of eight species of Pomacentridae (Chromis acares, C. margaritifer, Dascyllus aruanus, D. flavicaudus, Pomacentrus pavo, Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus, Pl. lacrymatus and Stegastes nigricans) belonging to different trophic guilds (zooplankton, algal, coral polyp feeders and omnivores). Geometric morphometrics were used to quantify size and shape variations in four skeletal units: (1) neurocranium, (2) suspensorium and opercle, (3) mandible and (4) premaxilla. This method allowed us to reveal shape and size differences correlated to functional diversity both within and between trophic guilds. Among zooplanktivores, C. margaritifer, D. aruanus and D. flavicaudus have a high and long supraoccipital crest, short mandibles forming a small mouth and high suspensoria and opercles. These three species can be considered to be suction feeders. In the same guild, C. acares shows opposite characteristics (long and thin mandibles, lengthened neurocranium and suspensorium) and can be considered as a ram feeder. Among herbivores and corallivores, the two species of Plectroglyphidodon and S. nigricans can be considered as grazers. Differences in skeletal shape are mainly related to improving the robustness of some skeletal parts (broad hyomandibular, short and high mandibles). The shapes of P. pavo, which feeds largely on algae, strongly differ from that of the other three grazers exhibiting similar morphological characteristics to C. acares (e.g., long and shallow suspensorium, lengthened neurocranium). This highlights likely differences concerning cutting or scraping method. Finally, no strong correlations exist between size and shapes in the eight studied species. Size difference among species having a very similar shape could be viewed as a factor optimizing resource partitioning.  相似文献   

总状花序组隶属于凤仙花亚属凤仙花属,以具多花的总状花序、侧生萼片2枚、子房5室、果实为线状圆柱形、种子多数、迈卵形、种皮表面具指状突起等特征区别于该亚属的其他类群。前人对凤仙花花粉形态的研究表明凤仙花属的花粉形态对于属下分类及种间界定具有重要的分类学价值。而对于总状花序组来说,有关花粉形态方面的研究少有报道,为了进一步探讨该组花粉S的形态特征及其分类学意义,该研究应用扫描电镜技术对总状花序组的21种植物的花粉进行了观察。结果表明:总状花序组植物的花粉粒均具4条萌发沟,两侧对称,极面观为矩圆形、长矩圆形或近方形;长赤道面观多为椭圆形至矩圆形,短赤道面观为椭圆形;长、短赤道轴比值多在1.4~2.4范围内;表面具网状纹饰,网眼在花粉粒表面均匀分布或赤道面的网眼较极面观的小,网脊边缘光滑或具波状突起,网眼内具不同密度的颗粒状突起。该组的花粉形态与宏观形态性状相关性较小,但花粉极面观形状、长短赤道轴的比值、网眼的分布、网脊边缘形状、网眼内颗粒物密度等特征具有种水平上的稳定性和特异性,对该组植物种间界定具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Gagea tisoniana Peruzzi et al. sp. nov. is described and its taxonomic relationship is discussed. The new species, which appears to be endemic to central Italy, is close to G. pratensis (Pers.) Dumort., G. pusilla (F. W. Schmidt) Sweet, and other mainly poorly known [i.e. G. succedanea Griseb. et Schenk, G. transversalis Stev., and G. paczoskii (Zapal.) Grossh.] or as yet undescribed taxa from eastern Europe and the eastern Mediterranean area. The recognition of the new taxon G. tisoniana is claimed on the basis of anatomical, karyological, ecological, and phytogeographical data. Maps of the Italian distribution of G. pratensis (2 n  = 60), G. pusilla (2 n  = 24), and G. tisoniana (2 n  = 24) are presented, together with an analytical identification key. Finally, G. pratensis is recorded here for the first time in Tuscany (Monte Cetona).  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 337–347.  相似文献   

In this study, an analysis of precipitation and temperature data has been performed over 67 series observed in a region of southern Italy (Calabria). At first, to detect possible trends in the time series, an analysis was performed with the Mann–Kendall non-parametric test applied at monthly and seasonal scale. An additional investigation, useful for checking the climate change effects on vegetation, has also been included analysing bioclimatic indicators. In particular, Emberger, Rivas-Martinez and De Martonne indices were calculated by using monthly temperature and precipitation data in the period 1916–2010. The spatial pattern of the indices has been evaluated and, in order to link the vegetation and the indices, different indices maps have been intersected with the land cover data, given by the Corine Land Cover map. Moreover, the temporal evolution of the indices and of the vegetation has been analysed. Results suggest that climate change may be responsible for the forest cover change, but, given also the good relationship between the various types of bioclimate and forest formations, human activities must be considered.  相似文献   

In rare plants that often occur in small or isolated populations the probability of selfing between close relatives is increased as a consequence of demographic stochasticity. The mode of pollination (selfing, outcrossing) may have considerable effects on seed traits and offspring performance and hence potential viability. Since current efforts aiming at the restoration of floodplain grasslands through the transfer of plant material from species-rich source stands may lead to the establishment of initially small populations consisting of founders from different populations, the present paper experimentally investigated the effects of pollen source and floral types (i.e. chasmogamous (CH) and cleistogamous (CL) flowers) on seed traits and offspring performance in three highly endangered violet species (Viola elatior, V. pumila, V. stagnina) of these grasslands. We estimated inbreeding depression and tested the performance of selfed and outcrossed offspring in two microbial environments, i.e. in soil inoculated with (i) non-sterile substrate from the same species (‘home’-conditions) and (ii) sterilised substrate.Plants produced more CL capsules than CH flowers. Pollinator exclusion had only small effects on CH seed production. CL seeds had a significantly lower mass per seed than CH seeds. This may be related to constraints in allocation or environmental conditions. Seedling growth was reduced in plants grown under ‘home’-conditions as compared to control soils. Under ‘home’-conditions, relative fitness of selfed seedlings of V. stagnina was significantly higher than that of crossed progeny. Our results suggest that high genetic differentiation among populations as a consequence of isolation may result in outbreeding depression, e.g., through biochemical or physiological incompatibilities between genes or the breaking of coadapted gene complexes. In V. stagnina, offspring fitness differed considerably between environments, but in general we found no indications for inbreeding depression in these rare species.  相似文献   

In this paper airborne pollen concentration is compared to meteorological data of Trento and S. Michele all’Adige, two sites in the Adige Valley, in Trentino (North Italy). Pollen ofCorylus, Alnus, Betula andOstrya, four winter-spring flowering plants are considered. Pollen sampling was carried out in 1996 by volumetric Hirst-type samplers. For all pollen types considered, maximum pollen concentration coincided in both stations and there was a good overlap of the main pollen season length; the pollen curves of S. Michele a/A and Trento showed a highly positive correlation. The daily airborne pollen concentrations, defined as the number of pollen grains per cubic meter of air (P/m3), were compared to daily meteorological data: minimum and maximum air temperature (°C), average relative humidity (%), precipitation (mm), global incident radiation (cal/cm2), average wind direction (°) and wind speed (m/s). A highly positive correlation was found forCorylus and maximum temperature in both monitoring stations.Betula was positively, whereasOstrya was negatively correlated to relative humidity. With this first analytical approach sharp differences in the atmospheric pollen presence between the stations located at Trento and S. Michele all’Adige were not found.  相似文献   

For management and conservation strategies in the long term is necessary to know the species distribution and main biophysical aspects that determine the structure and dynamics of the forest. The aim of this work was to determine the potential and current spatial distribution of Gonopterodendron sarmientoi, an emblematic and endangered tree species of the Dry Chaco. A further aim was to superimpose the distribution of G. sarmientoi, with the zonation in the current Territorial Planning of Native Forests (OTBN, its acronym in Spanish) to provide basic information for conservation and management of the species. For this, a Maxent model was developed to quantify the relationship between G. sarmientoi occurrence and key environmental variables (including water, topography, and climate as a variables). G. sarmientoi’s habitat was mainly influenced by precipitation variables, and secondarily by temperature variables. Considering the OTBN defined by the local forest authority, of the current area of G. sarmientoi (2,477,009 ha), the majority (57.9%) corresponded to the yellow category (forest areas with medium conservation value) and only 10.6% to the red category (high conservation value). It is important to note that around 600,686 ha (24.3%) of native forest with G. sarmientoi is in the green category (low conservation value) subject to change in land use, and 178,107 ha was uncategorized forest (7.2%). For effective management and conservation strategies, the current habitat distribution map of G. sarmientoi provides decision-makers an opportunity to review and adjust the native forests zoning at a provincial scale within the framework of the OTBN, mainly the green category (legal deforestation) with the occurrence of the endangered G. sarmientoi.  相似文献   

In order to understand the particular challenges that medicinal plant conservation and management raise at the global level, it is necessary to address issues pertaining their distribution and the environments where they grow. When reviewing medicinal plant studies from eight countries in four regions we found that a high proportion of the reported medicinal plants had wide distributions across countries and continents. Most plants are found wild (40.5%) or naturalized (33.9%), while only 3.3% are cultivated. Since many species are distributed in wild conditions, cultivated and naturalized in several continents, conservation and management interventions would be best served through collaboration between host countries.  相似文献   

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