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《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1415-1424
The forthcoming observations by Venus Express provide an ideal opportunity to comprehensively study the atmosphere of Venus for the first time since Pioneer Venus (1978–1992), and for the first time ever in detail at polar latitudes. This article reviews some of our current knowledge from space and ground-based observations about the upper atmosphere of Venus, such as its thermal structure, the global distribution of gases and dynamics. We discuss the processes most likely responsible for phenomena such as the cold nightside cryosphere, the cloud top superrotation and waves, and highlight outstanding scientific challenges for Venus Express measurements. In particular, we describe an experiment to measure atmospheric drag using the on-board accelerometers.  相似文献   

A. Seiff  Donn B. Kirk 《Icarus》1982,49(1):49-70
Data on the thermal structure of the nightside middle atmosphere of Venus, from 84 to 137 km altitude, have been obtained from analysis of deceleration measurements from the third Pioneer Venus small probe, the night probe, which entered the atmosphere near the midnight meridian at 27°S latitude. Comparison of the midnight sounding with the morning sounding at 31°S latitude indicates that the temperature structure is essentially diurnally invariant up to 100 km, above which the nightside structure diverges sharply from the dayside toward lower temperatures. Very large diurnal pressure differences develop above 100 km with dayside pressure ten times that on the nightside at 126 km altitude. This has major implications for upper atmospheric dynamics. The data are compared with the measurements of G. M. Keating, J. Y. Nicholson, and L. R. Lake (1980, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 7941–7956) above 140 km with theoretical thermal structure models of Dickinson, and with data obtained by Russian Venera spacecraft below 100 km. Midnight temperatures are ~ 130°K, somewhat warmer than those reported by Keating et al.  相似文献   

Nightglow emissions provide insight into the global thermospheric circulation, specifically in the transition region (~70–120 km). The O2 IR nightglow statistical map created from Venus Express (VEx) Visible and InfraRed Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) observations has been used to deduce a three-dimensional atomic oxygen density map. In this study, the National Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Venus Thermospheric General Circulation Model (VTGCM) is utilized to provide a self-consistent global view of the atomic oxygen density distribution. More specifically, the VTGCM reproduces a 2D nightside atomic oxygen density map and vertical profiles across the nightside, which are compared to the VEx atomic oxygen density map. Both the simulated map and vertical profiles are in close agreement with VEx observations within a ~30° contour of the anti-solar point. The quality of agreement decreases past ~30°. This discrepancy implies the employment of Rayleigh friction within the VTGCM may be an over-simplification for representing wave drag effects on the local time variation of global winds. Nevertheless, the simulated atomic oxygen vertical profiles are comparable with the VEx profiles above 90 km, which is consistent with similar O2 (1Δ) IR nightglow intensities. The VTGCM simulations demonstrate the importance of low altitude trace species as a loss for atomic oxygen below 95 km. The agreement between simulations and observations provides confidence in the validity of the simulated mean global thermospheric circulation pattern in the lower thermosphere.  相似文献   

Curt Covey  Gerald Schubert 《Icarus》1981,47(1):130-138
Ultraviolet albedo contrasts in the Venus atmosphere are probably large-scale atmospheric waves propagating slowly with respect to the rapid cloud-top zonal winds. Using a simple theoretical model and profiles of mean wind and thermal structure based on Pioneer Venus data, we find planetary-scale gravity waves with phase velocities matching the speeds of the uv markings. We propose an upward-propagating wave and waves trapped at cloud levels as candidates to explain the observed uv features.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional nonlinear hydrodynamic model has been developed for studying the global scale winds, temperature, and compositional structure of the mesosphere and thermosphere of Venus. The model is driven by absorption of solar radiation. Ultraviolet radiation produces both heating and photodissociation. Infrared solar heating and thermal cooling are also included with an accurate NLTE treatment. The most crucial uncertainty in determining the solar drive is the efficiency by which λ < 1080 A? solar radiation is converted to heat. This question was analyzed in Part I, where it was concluded that essentially all hot atom and O(1D) energy may be transferred to vibrational-rotational energy of CO2 molecules. If this is so, the minimum possible euv heating occurs and is determined by the quenching of the resulting excess rotational energy. The hydrodynamic model is integrated with this minimum heating and neglecting any small-scale vertical eddy mixing. The results are compared with predictions of another model with the same physics except that it assumes that 30% of λ < 1080 A? radiation goes into heat and that the heating from longer-wavelength radiation includes the O(1D) energy. For the low-efficiency model, exospheric temperatures are ?300°K on the dayside and drop to < 180°K at the antisolar point. For the higher-efficiency model, the day-to-night temperature variation is from ?600°K to ?250°K. Both versions of the model predict a wind of several hundred meters per second blowing across the terminator and abruptly weakening to small values on the nightside with the mass flow consequently going into a strong tongue of downward motion on the nightside of the terminator. The presence of this circulation could be tested observationally by seeing if its signature can be found in temperature measurements. Both versions of the model indicate that a self-consistent large-scale circulation would maintain oxygen concentrations with ?5% mixing ratios near the dayside F-1 ionospheric peak but ?40% at the antisolar point at the same pressure level.  相似文献   

Data from the magnetometer MAG aboard the Venus Express S/C are investigated for the occurrence of cyclotron wave phenomena upstream of the Venus bow shock. For an unmagnetized planet such as Venus and Mars the neutral exosphere extends into the on-flowing solar wind and pick-up processes can play an important role in the removal of particles from the atmosphere. At Mars upstream proton cyclotron waves were observed but at Venus they were not yet detected. From the MAG data of the first 4 months in orbit we report the occurrence of proton cyclotron waves well upstream from the planet, both outside and inside of the planetary foreshock region; pick-up protons generate specific cyclotron waves already far from the bow shock. This provides direct evidence that the solar wind is removing hydrogen from the Venus exosphere. Determining the role the solar wind plays in the escape of particles from the total planetary atmosphere is an important step towards understanding the evolution of the environmental conditions on Venus. The continual observations of the Venus Express mission will allow mapping the volume of escape more accurately, and determine better the present rate of hydrogen loss.  相似文献   

The Ph.D. Thesis summarized in this abstract was accepted on 20 March 2009 at the University of the Basque Country (Spain) and awarded with the highest qualification. This work was advised by Drs. Agustín Sánchez-Lavega and Ricardo Hueso.  相似文献   

Electrical activity in a planetary atmosphere enables chemical reactions that are not possible under conditions of local thermodynamic equilibrium. In both the Venus and terrestrial atmospheres, lightning forms nitric oxide. Despite the existence of an inventory of NO at Venus like the Earth’s, and despite observations of the signals expected from lightning at optical, VLF, and ELF frequencies, the existence of Venus lightning still is met with some skepticism. The Venus Express mission was equipped with a fluxgate magnetometer gradiometer system sampling at rates as high as 128 Hz, and making measurements as low as 200 km altitude above the north polar regions of Venus. However, significant noise levels are present on the Venus Express spacecraft. Cleaning techniques have been developed to remove spacecraft interference at DC, ULF, and ELF frequencies, revealing two types of electromagnetic waves, a transverse right-handed guided mode, and a linearly polarized compressional mode. The propagation of both types of signals is sensitive to the magnetic field in ways consistent with propagation from a distant source to the spacecraft. The linearly polarized compressional waves generally are at lower frequencies than the right-handed transverse waves. They appear to be crossing the usually horizontal magnetic field. At higher frequencies above the lower hybrid frequency, waves cannot enter the ionosphere from below when the field is horizontal. The arrival of signals at the spacecraft is controlled by the orientation of the magnetic field. When the field dips into the atmosphere, the higher frequency guided mode above the lower hybrid frequency can enter the ionosphere by propagating along the magnetic field in the whistler mode. These properties are illustrated with examples from five orbits during Venus Express’ first year in orbit. These properties observed are consistent with the linearly polarized compressional waves being produced at the solar wind interface and the transverse guided waves being produced in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Recent Pioneer Venus observations have prompted a return to comprehensive hydrodynamical modeling of the thermosphere of Venus. Our approach has been to reexamine the circulation and structure of the thermosphere using the framework of the R. E. Dickinson an E. C. Ridley (1977, Icarus 30, 163–178), symmetric two-dimensional model. Sensitivity tests were conducted to see how large-scale winds, eddy diffusion and conduction, and strong 15-μm cooling affect day-night contrasts of densities and temperatures. The calculated densities and temperatures are compared to symmetric empirical model fields constructed from the Pioneer Venus data base. We find that the observed day-to-night variation of composition and temperatures can be derived largely by a wave-drag parameterization that gives a circulation system weaker than predicted prior to Pioneer Venus. The calculated mesospheric winds are consistent with Earth-based observations near 115 km. Our studies also suggest that eddy diffusion is only a minor contributor to the maintenance of observed day and nightside densities, and that eddy coefficients are smaller than values used by previous one-dimensional composition models. The mixing that occurs in the Venus thermosphere results from small-scale and large-scale motions. Strong CO2 15-μm cooling buffers solar perturbation such that the response by the general circulation to solar cycle variation is relatively weak.  相似文献   

Thunderstorms in Jupiter’s atmosphere are likely to be prodigious generators of acoustic waves, as are thunderstorms in Earth’s atmosphere. Accordingly, we have used a numerical model to study the dissipation in Jupiter’s thermosphere of upward propagating acoustic waves. Model simulations are performed for a range of wave periods and horizontal wavelengths believed to characterize these acoustic waves. The possibility that the thermospheric waves observed by the Galileo Probe might be acoustic waves is also investigated. Whereas dissipating gravity waves can cool the upper thermosphere through the effects of sensible heat flux divergence, it is found that acoustic waves mainly heat the Jovian thermosphere through effects of molecular dissipation, sensible heat flux divergence, and Eulerian drift work. Only wave-induced pressure gradient work cools the atmosphere, an effect that operates at all altitudes. The sum of all effects is acoustic wave heating at all heights. Acoustic waves and gravity waves heat and cool the atmosphere in fundamentally different ways. Though the amplitudes and mechanical energy fluxes of acoustic waves are poorly constrained in Jupiter’s atmosphere, the calculations suggest that dissipating acoustic waves can locally heat the thermosphere at a significant rate, tens to a hundred Kelvins per day, and thereby account for the high temperatures of Jupiter’s upper atmosphere. It is unlikely that the waves detected by the Galileo Probe were acoustic waves; if they were, they would have heated Jupiter’s thermosphere at enormous rates.  相似文献   

We present results of a simple two-dimensional model investigating the observable effects that convective motions and gravity waves can have on the condensational Venus cloud. Gravity waves have been observed in the Venus atmosphere in the form of temperature scintillations in the Magellan and Pioneer Venus occultation data. Multiple in situ probes and long-duration remote observations indicate the presence of convective motions in the Venus clouds. Dynamical studies by others have suggested that gravity waves can exist in the stable regions of the Venus atmosphere above the middle clouds and beneath the middle clouds, and likely are triggered by flow past sub-cloud plumes caused by convective overshooting. We find that a simplified treatment of convective kinematics generates variation in the Venus condensational cloud consistent with the observed variability of optical depth and brightness temperature. Specifically, we find that the downdraft regions in our simulated convective cell exhibit a decrease in cloud optical depth of around Δτ∼10. The brightness temperature ranges from about 460 K in the downdraft regions of the simulated convective cells, to about 400 K in the simulated updrafts. We also find that gravity waves launched by obstacles (such as overshooting convective plumes) near the cloud base exhibit horizontal wavelengths comparable to the separation between convective cells, and generate variations in brightness temperature that should be observable by instruments such as VIRTIS on Venus Express. However, a more robust treatment of the atmospheric dynamics is needed to address adequately these interactions between the clouds and the mesoscale dynamics.  相似文献   

Comparative study of ion cyclotron waves at Mars, Venus and Earth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ion cyclotron waves are generated in the solar wind when it picks up freshly ionized planetary exospheric ions. These waves grow from the free energy of the highly anisotropic distribution of fresh pickup ions, and are observed in the spacecraft frame with left-handed polarization and a wave frequency near the ion’s gyrofrequency. At Mars and Venus and in the Earth’s polar cusp, the solar wind directly interacts with the planetary exospheres. Ion cyclotron waves with many similar properties are observed in these diverse plasma environments. The ion cyclotron waves at Mars indicate its hydrogen exosphere to be extensive and asymmetric in the direction of the interplanetary electric field. The production of fast neutrals plays an important role in forming an extended exosphere in the shape and size observed. At Venus, the region of exospheric proton cyclotron wave production may be restricted to the magnetosheath. The waves observed in the solar wind at Venus appear to be largely produced by the solar-wind-Venus interaction, with some waves at higher frequencies formed near the Sun and carried outward by the solar wind to Venus. These waves have some similarity to the expected properties of exospherically produced proton pickup waves but are characterized by magnetic connection to the bow shock or by a lack of correlation with local solar wind properties respectively. Any confusion of solar derived waves with exospherically derived ion pickup waves is not an issue at Mars because the solar-produced waves are generally at much higher frequencies than the local pickup waves and the solar waves should be mostly absorbed when convected to Mars distance as the proton cyclotron frequency in the plasma frame approaches the frequency of the solar-produced waves. In the Earth’s polar cusp, the wave properties of ion cyclotron waves are quite variable. Spatial gradients in the magnetic field may cause this variation as the background field changes between the regions in which the fast neutrals are produced and where they are re-ionized and picked up. While these waves were discovered early in the magnetospheric exploration, their generation was not understood until after we had observed similar waves in the exospheres of Mars and Venus.  相似文献   

We have developed a new general circulation model (GCM) for the venusian mesosphere and thermosphere (80-about 180 km). Our GCM simulations show that winds in the subsolar-to-antisolar direction (SS–AS) are predominant above about 90 km. A weak return flow of the SS–AS is seen below about 90 km. We performed GCM simulations imposing the planetary-scale waves (thermal tides, Rossby wave, and Kelvin wave) at the lower boundary. Although the diurnal and semidiurnal tides are damped below 95 km, the Rossby wave propagates up to around 130 km. However, the amplitude of the Rossby wave is too small (<1 m/s) to affect the general circulation. On the other hand, the Kelvin wave propagates up to about 130 km with a maximum zonal wind fluctuation of approximately 5.9 m/s on average. The amplitude of the Kelvin wave sometimes exceeds 10 m/s around the terminator. The Kelvin wave causes a temporal variation in the wind velocity at the altitude of the O2-1.27 μm nightglow emission (about 95 km). Using a newly developed 1-D nightglow model and the composition distribution calculated from our GCM, we investigated the impact of the Kelvin wave on the nightglow distribution. Our results suggest that the Kelvin wave would cause temporal variations in the nightglow emission in the 23:50–00:20 LT region with an intensity of 1.1–1.3 MR and a period of approximately 4 days.  相似文献   

Very large short lived enhancements observed in Na nightglow measurements are described. Only nine such events have been observed in about 8 years of regular nocturnal observations at 23°S. These enhancements are believed to be due to excess sodium deposited in the upper atmosphere by meteoroid ablation. The cases observed are not always correlated with known meteor showers, except perhaps in June with χ Scorpiids and θ Ophiuchids.  相似文献   

The photodissociation of oxygen in the lower thermosphere is evaluated to obtain its global average value and the hemispheric imbalance. The observed concentrations of atomic oxygen do not reflect this imbalance in production due to the effect of seasonal wind patterns redistributing the atomic oxygen. The wind system necessary to compensate for the imbalance in solar thermal input into the lower thermosphere is found to transport an amount of atomic oxygen sufficient to compensate for the hemispheric imbalance in production. Ionospheric data indicate a winter enhancement in atomic oxygen concentration; to produce this, a higher degree of oxygen dissociation than that normally accepted (i.e. higher than an atomic to molecular oxygen ratio of unity at 120 km) is needed. The concept that the concentrations of atomic oxygen observed over the winter polar region are maintained by transport from lower latitudes requires that eddy diffusion coefficients derived from vertical transport at low latitudes (ignoring horizontal transport) be reduced by about 25 per cent.  相似文献   

This Letter reviews the results by computer simulations on the three-body problem carried out at Leningrad University Astronomical Observatory (Anosova, 1986, 1988, 1989). The intensive systematic studies of triple systems with negative and positive total energies have yielded the general features of the evolution of these systems. The processes of formation of the wide and hard binaries have been studied in details. The scenario of the general class of the final motions of the triple systems with negative total energy is considered, the necessary conditions of disruption of these systems are formulated.  相似文献   

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