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天天 《电击高手》2004,(6):67-67
熟悉Office的用户都知道,“保护文档”是Word的一项功能,让用户在菜单中选择“工具→保护文档”选项,“保护内容”选择“窗体”并设置一个密码,之后除非用户知道密码,并在菜单中选择“工具→解除文档保护”后正确输入密码,否则对此文档只能观看而不能修改。这项功能原本一直为大量有特殊需要的用户提供了方便,安全性也较高,不过它也不是十全十美不可破解的。  相似文献   

宋欢  韩燕 《粮食与油脂》2007,(11):43-45
膳食纤维对人体健康具有特殊生理功能,尤其是对慢性疾病预防作用;膳食纤维本身不能直接被机体所吸收利用,但对胃肠道功能及多种营养素吸收都有一定影响,常量营养素包括碳水化合物、蛋白质及脂类;膳食纤维对于蛋白质消化吸收影响不大,但可减少脂类和碳水化合物吸收及利用。  相似文献   

铝标牌感光蚀刻专用显影水、去膜液杭州科望现向用户推出一种对铝无影响的感光油墨显影水(AL-01)和去膜液(AL-02)。铝是一种两性金属,怕酸又怕碱。铝标牌感光蚀刻后,既不能用碱液显影和去膜,也不能用酸显影和去膜,只能采用对铝无侵蚀的液体进行显影和去膜。  相似文献   

茶叶中的微量元素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微量元素对人体健康比维生素还重要。微量元素只能从外部摄入,而不象维生素那样可以在体内合成。微量元素属无机盐(矿物质)。无机盐分为两大类:占人体质量1%以上的是常量元素,如钙、钾、钠、镁、磷等;低于1%的是微量元素。目前已发现的人体微量元素有41种,其...  相似文献   

营养强化剂及其进展(三)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
4.3矿物质类矿物质在营养学上是指生物体所必需的无机盐中的某些元素。也是人体中除碳、氧、氢、氮之外所存在的各种元素的统称,共约50余种。含量较多(0.01%)的有钙、磷、钾、硫、钠、氯、镁七种,称“大量元素”或“常量元素”,含量低于0.01%的称微量元素,其中世界卫生组织明确的必需微量元素有14种,即铁、锌、铜、锰、铬、钼、钴、硒、镍、钡、氟、碘、锡、硅。微量元素与其他有机营养素不同,它们不能在人体内合成,只能从食物中获取;也不能在代谢过程中消失,除非排出体外,缺乏微量元素,会使肌体内很多酶失去…  相似文献   

液体深层发酵制醋行业中,一般均采用常规蒸馏法测乙醇含量,测定一个样品需要30分钟左右,而且只能测定1%以上的乙醇含量。如果采用马尔丁法测乙醇含量,能在15~20分钟测出1%以内的乙醇含量,还能精确测出常量乙醇含量。  相似文献   

一物一权原则,是指一个物上只能存在一个所有权,一个所有权的客体也只能是一个独立的物。因此,物的某一部分不能成立单独的所有权,多个物也不能仅成立一个所有权。  相似文献   

数字产品存在着大量盗版和侵权问题,已成为信息数字化发展的主要障碍。为了保护数字产品的知识产权,采用DRM技术,利用硬盘序列号设计了一种基于机器指纹的数字版权控制方法,将用户的机器指纹与许可证绑定,实现对数字内容的使用控制。由于机器指纹的唯一性和只读性,使得数字内容只能在特定的机器上使用,不仅防止了数字内容的非授权访问,而且,即使是授权用户也不能得到解密后的数字内容,从而有效地保护了数字内容的版权。  相似文献   

良好的UI不仅在网站开发,系统开发,甚至移动应用市场都备受用户的青睐,还让软件的操作变得舒适、简单、自由,带来更多的经济价值。对于一个成功的产品而言,能够吸引用户,用户可以更舒适的使用与消费是其最终目标。从某种层面上来说,技术带来的新鲜功能比视觉吸引力更为重要,但是技术性并不能超越用户体验,任何一种伟大的技术都是为用户的易用与体验顺畅而服务的。  相似文献   

天然资源功能因子降血糖研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
糖尿病是一种代谢紊乱疾病,目前还不能彻底治愈,只能通过控制饮食、辅以药物来进行控制。由于糖尿病药物具有一定的副作用,很多研究人员对天然产物中功能因子预防或治疗糖尿病进行了研究。本文综述了近年来有关食品中使用的天然产物功能因子预防或治疗糖尿病的研究,阐述了其作用机理以及提取方法。  相似文献   

根据映射的基本原理,将由计算机设计制作的图案应用于产品的装潢设计,能产生极佳的装饰效果.映射函数是将平面图形转换到立体产品上的具体算法,选取正确的映射函数是实现纹理贴图的关键.根据常见产品的几何形状,给出了正方体、圆柱体、球体表面的映射函数,通过微机绘图的通用程序,能实现装潢效果图的输出.  相似文献   

Automated systems to record individual milk weights of cows at each milking are now common on dairy farms. These data are used by Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) for testing purposes and by farmers to monitor herd performance. Despite the importance of these data, little effort has been made to monitor the function and reliability of milking stalls and recording equipment on a daily basis. Described is an algorithm that allows for continuous monitoring of the function of individual milking stalls. The basis of the algorithm is the comparison of milk yield of individual cows over a period of days. For each cow, milk production at a selected stall is compared with production of that same cow when milked at any other stall. These ratios are averaged across all cows milked at least once in the selected stall and once at any other stall. Ideally, the mean ratio for each stall should be 1. Stalls where the mean ratio deviates from 1 by more than 5% are assumed to be malfunctioning. This algorithm was implemented as a computer program and was used to identify 3 malfunctioning stalls out of 12 at the USDA dairy facility (Beltsville, MD). The algorithm can easily be incorporated into existing management programs or used as a separate program. In either case, routine use of this algorithm can improve the reliability of DHIA test programs and potentially reduce the incidence of new mastitis infections by enabling detection of malfunctioning milking equipment.  相似文献   

Demographic changes in developing countries have resulted in rapid increases in the size of the older population. As a result, health-care budgets face increasing costs associated with the declining health and function of older people. Some governments have responded to this situation by designing innovative programs aimed at older people. One such program, implemented by the government of Chile, distributes an instant food mix fortified with vitamins and minerals to all persons over 70 years old who are registered by the national health service. The national health service covers approximately 90% of the older population. The program specifically targets nutritional vulnerability and micronutrient deficiency, which are common among poor older people in Chile. We present here the findings of a one-year investigation into all aspects of Chile's program for the elderly. The research included in-depth interviews with policy makers and program implementers, focus group discussions with user groups, analysis of the micronutrient content of the nutritional supplement, and telephone interviews of a random sample of older people. The results demonstrate that there can be a considerable degree of self-targeting within national programs; programs need to be sufficiently flexible to permit periodic protocol change; user groups must be consulted both before and during program implementation; and the design of an effective program evaluation must be in place before program implementation. It is hoped that these results will be useful to policy makers and implementers planning programs aimed at improving the health and function of older people.  相似文献   

可视化机械设计软件开发技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
利用Visual Basic 6.0和Visual FoxPro 6.0语言对应用程序的调用功能、VisualBasic 6.0、VisualFoxPro 6.0和Visual LISP语言对纯文本文件的读写功能及Windows32 Application Programming Interface函数,实现应用程序之间的相互调用和数据传输;利用AUTOCAD2000系统的对Visual LISP应用程序的自动加载功能,实现机械工程图的自动化绘制,可开发出集机械设计计算、机械工程数据库管理及机械工程图自动绘制等多项功能于一体的可视化机械设计软件。这种开发技术既简单又实用,能够充分发挥多种可视化语言的特长,提高应用软件的开发效率,降低应用软件的开发成本。  相似文献   

目前国内几个不同版本的饲料配方饮件主要采用线性规划和目标规划进行配方优化设计。采用这两种方法进行优化调剂时,往往不能一次得到满意的结果,须经过多次调整。模糊经性规划能根据各项营养成分的影子价格自动按用户给出的伸缩量调整配方,且能得到一个较理想的结果。这是模糊线性规划优于其它方法的主要特征。开发了用模糊线性规划优化料配方设计的软件,介绍了该软件的总体设计及系统的各功能模块。  相似文献   

面向C/S应用系统的一种自动升级方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对以往应用系统升级方法中存在的系统升级效率低、不能实现差错回滚等弊端,设计了C/S应用系统自动升级处理系统。该系统利用Windows API,WinInet API和FTP的功能,充分考虑到目前客户端操作系统的特性,通过网络来完成C/S应用系统的自动升级。该系统具有自动探测版本、自动下载新程序、自动备份和出错自动回滚恢复等功能,与原有手工升级、FTP文件服务器升级和第三方控件升级相比,升级效率更高。  相似文献   

Modern livestock breeding programs feature accurate breeding value estimation and advanced reproductive technology. Such programs lead to rapid genetic progress, but they also lead to the accumulation of inbreeding via heavy impact of a few selected individuals or families. Inbreeding rates are accelerating in most species, and economic losses due to inbreeding depression in production, growth, health, and fertility are a serious concern. Most research has focused on preservation of rare breeds or maintenance of genetic diversity within closed nucleus breeding schemes. However, the apparently large population size of many livestock breeds is misleading, because inbreeding is primarily a function of selection intensity. Strategies for maintaining variation by restricting relationships between selected animals or by artificially increasing the emphasis on within-family information when estimating breeding values have been suggested, and some approaches seem to provide greater long-term responses than BLUP selection. Corrective mating programs are widely used in some species, and these can be modified to consider selection for economic merit adjusted for inbreeding depression. Selection of parents of AI bulls based on optimal genetic contributions to future generations, which are a function of estimated breeding values and genetic relationships between selected individuals, appears most promising. Rapid implementation of such procedures is necessary to avoid further reductions in effective population size. Missing pedigree information is a problem in practice, and the low net present value of future genetic gains makes it difficult for breeding companies to sacrifice short-term economic gains in favor of long-term diversity issues.  相似文献   

Potential rates of genetic progress are limited by biological constraints, which along with genetic parameters determine the structure of breeding programs to be employed for maximum genetic improvement. The objective here is to determine whether current progeny-testing programs in dairy cattle, which have been dictated and constrained by low female reproductive rates, need to be changed to capitalize on new reproductive technologies and how these changes should be implemented. Many differences between breeding programs diminish when selection on animal model genetic evaluations across all age and population groups is adopted as a strategy. Progeny-testing schemes then evolve toward dispersed open nucleus breeding schemes when multiple ovulation and embryo transfer is used on bull-dams. Nucleus breeding schemes have been advocated to capitalize on embryo transfer technology. In nucleus breeding schemes utilizing high reproductive rates, inbreeding, rather than reproductive rate, poses a limit to genetic progress, and strategies that maximize response to selection while limiting inbreeding need to be employed. One strategy is mating each dam to several sires rather than only one sire. In vitro embryo production techniques can be used to facilitate such mating strategies. Large-scale in vitro embryo production programs, in which large numbers of embryos per female are tested in the commercial population, offer the greatest potential for genetic gain with low rates of inbreeding. Cloning has an impact mainly on methods for dissemination of genetic improvement. Breeding herds, genetically inferior to marketed clones, are needed for continuous genetic gain. Reproductive technologies offer the potential for genetic improvement. Whether new breeding programs require changes in population structure, e.g., by creation of nucleus breeding herds, depends mainly on logistics and on quantity and quality of field information.  相似文献   

刘泽民  付丽  马叙  敖茜  李慧 《轻工机械》2014,(1):79-81,86
传统的制作金属餐勺的横压延工艺中,采用横压机手工操作,生产效率低而且不易操作。研制开发的自动送料机,采用链条式输送,控制采用PLC程序,具有自动上料、多种形式的自动翻转、自动卸料功能,可实现生产自动化。与传统的手工操作相比,自动化的送料机控制方便、生产效率高、安全可靠。  相似文献   

The expected role of computerized mate selection programs with regard to inbreeding and lifetime profitability of Holstein and Jersey cattle was examined using data from 25 large registered herds of each breed. Sire selection and mate allocation were carried out using linear programming with the following objectives: 1) minimum inbreeding, 2) maximum net merit subject to a fixed inbreeding threshold, and 3) maximum expected lifetime profit after adjustment for inbreeding depression. Inbreeding of actual matings was similar to inbreeding from random matings, indicating that current inbreeding avoidance programs in these herds are ineffective. Inbreeding was reduced by 1.6 and 1.9% in Holsteins and Jerseys, respectively, when a mate allocation program was applied with service sires and usage levels fixed at the actual values. Benefits of mate selection programs increased when both sire selection and mate pair allocation were considered. Maximization of mean net merit with inbreeding restricted to a fixed level (5% in Holsteins and 8% in Jerseys) led to decreases in inbreeding of 0.9 and 1.4% and increases in lifetime profit of $16.66 and $26.86 in Holsteins and Jerseys, respectively, relative to programs that ignored inbreeding. Maximization of mean expected lifetime profit after adjustment for inbreeding depression decreased inbreeding by 1.8 and 2.8% and increased lifetime profit by $37.37 and $59.77 in Holsteins and Jerseys, respectively. Inbreeding coefficients estimated with pedigree traced to 1985 were inadequate predictors of inbreeding coefficients estimated with pedigrees traced to 1960. Mate selection programs cannot function optimally unless extensive historical pedigree data are available, particularly for service sires. Computerized mate selection programs can reduce inbreeding in the next generation, which will lead to an increase in farm profitability. However, if genetic diversity is to be maintained in the long term, procedures for selecting parents of AI sires must also be considered.  相似文献   

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