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Many revegetated landfills have poor cover including bare areas where plants do not grow. This study, on the Bisasar Road Landfill site in South Africa, assessed grass species preferences to microhabitat conditions in a mosaic of patches of well-established grassed areas and bare, nonvegetated areas. Factors, including soil CO2, CH4, O2, nutrients, and other general soil conditions, were measured in relation to species distribution and grass biomass in the field. Cynodon dactylon was the dominant grass in the established grass areas but was less abundant in the areas bordering the bare areas where Paspalum paspalodes and Sporobolus africanus were common. A number of soil factors measured were significantly correlated with grass biomass and these included Mg, Ca, Zn, Mn, K, temperature, moisture, and CO2. However, a laboratory bioassay using the growth of C. dactylon with soils removed from the landfill indicated that there were no differences in the soils from the bare areas and those that supported high plant biomass. Thus, no nutrient deficiency or chemical toxicity was inherent in the soil in the laboratory. The results of the field investigation and bioassay indicated that soil CO2 as a result of landfill gas infiltration into the root zone was probably the main factor causing bare areas on the landfill where no grass species could colonize and grow and that C. dactylon was more sensitive to elevated soil CO2 than other grass species such as P. paspalodes and S. africanus.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental study on employing a pellet form of catalyst in photo-reduction of carbon dioxide with water. Water was first absorbed into titania pellets. Highly purified carbon dioxide gas was then discharged into a reactor containing the wet pellets, which were then illuminated continuously for 65 hours using UVC lamps. Analysing the products accumulated in the reactor confirmed that methane and hydrogen were produced through photo-reduction of carbon dioxide with water. No other hydrocarbons were detected. Increasing the temperature in the reactor has showed little change on the amount of methane produced.  相似文献   

In the last few decades, trampling has become a cause of major disturbance to natural areas. Trampling can occur regularly either seasonally or throughout the year, or as a single impact depending on a recreational activity or an event. This study, carried out on a coastal heathland in north Brittany (France), was based on the hypothesis that the vegetation response can differ depending on whether the trampling is repeated or due to a single event. The aim was to compare the resistance and the short-term recovery capacity of selected species in coastal heathland communities subjected to a trampling experiment, applied once or five times (with equal total number of passes from 0 to 800). The temporal distribution of the trampling did not affect the response of Erica ciliaris, whereas for Erica cinerea and Ulex gallii, trampling was slightly less damaging when applied once rather than five times. These differences could be linked to the lower resistance and the higher recovery capacity of E. ciliaris, compared with the two other species. This study also emphasized the influence of site location by comparing observations with previous studies. Plant resistance calculated here appeared to be lower than that calculated for a less stressful site. The relationship between plant traits and response to trampling was also investigated. The effects of the different times between disturbance application and observations of the short-term response of woody vegetation to experimental trampling is also discussed.  相似文献   

Used paper, a potential resource of alternative energy, can be recycled but mostly it forms a significant component of solid waste. Used office paper, foolscap paper, filter paper and newspaper have been treated with cellulase from Trichoderma reesei and Penicillium funiculosum to bioconvert their cellulose component into sugars. Both non-pretreated and pretreated paper was incubated successively with the two cellulases during four consecutive incubation periods of 1 h each. The amount of sugars released during this sequential treatment was compared with the total sugar produced during a 4 h period of continuous incubation with each enzyme system independently. Pre-treatment milling of paper proved to effectively increase the sugar formation under all incubation conditions. Successive incubation with the two enzyme systems of both non-pretreated and pretreated paper materials was more efficient than the corresponding continuous bioconversion. The highest relative sugar yield was experienced during successive treatment of pretreated materials when T. reesei cellulase initiated the degradation. However, maximum bioconversion of pretreated newspaper was obtained when P. funiculosum initiated degradation. Pretreated foolscap paper was the most susceptible substrate with maximum bioconversion when exposed to both forms of successive cellulase treatment.  相似文献   

The microbiological impact of a detergent and soap industries effluent on Clarias gariepinus was assessed under laboratory conditions. The heterotrophic bacterial count obtained from fish surfaces ranged from 1.2 × 102−2.0 × 102cfu/ml amongst the control, while values of 4.8× 106−8.6 × 106 cfu/ml were obtained for the experimental fish exposed to the industrial effluent (0.025 ppm). The fungal count for the controls ranged from 1.2× 102−1.2 × 103 cfu/ml; while a range of 1.0 × 106−2.0 × 106 was obtained for the fish exposed to the industrial effluent. While twelve bacterial species were isolated from the fish exposed to the industrial effluent, only two were isolated from the parts of the control fish used in the study. The bacterial species are those in the genera Staphylococcus, Proteus, Streptococcus, Micrococcus, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Serratia, Enterobacter, and Escherichia. The fungal isolates include Saccharomyces, Aspergillus, Rhodosporium, Candida, Alternaria, and Fusarium. The resistance of the bacterial isolates to the commonly used antibiotics showed that 100% were resistant to Augmentin, Amoxycillin and Cloxacillin, 85.71% to Tetracycline, 80.95% to Cotrimoxazole, 71.43% to Erythromycin, 33.33% to Chloramphenicol, and 28.57% to Gentamicin. Among the eight antibiotics tested, five patterns of multiple drug resistance were obtained, with the number of the antibiotics ranging from 4–8. The public health implications of these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Escalating concerns about water supplies in the Great Basin have prompted numerous water budget studies focused on groundwater recharge and discharge. For many hydrographic areas (HAs) in the Great Basin, most of the recharge is discharged by bare soil evaporation and evapotranspiration (ET) from phreatophyte vegetation. Estimating recharge from precipitation in a given HA is difficult and often has significant uncertainty, therefore it is often quantified by estimating the natural discharge. As such, remote sensing applications for spatially distributing flux tower estimates of ET and groundwater ET (ETg) across phreatophyte areas are becoming more common. We build on previous studies and develop a transferable empirical relationship with uncertainty bounds between flux tower estimates of ET and a remotely sensed vegetation index, Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). Energy balance‐corrected ET measured from 40 flux tower site‐year combinations in the Great Basin was statistically correlated with EVI derived from Landsat imagery (r2 = 0.97). Application of the relationship to estimate mean‐annual ETg from four HAs in western and eastern Nevada is highlighted and results are compared with previous estimates. Uncertainty bounds about the estimated mean ETg allow investigators to evaluate if independent groundwater discharge estimates are “believable” and will ultimately assist local, state, and federal agencies to evaluate expert witness reports of ETg, along with providing new first‐order estimates of ETg.  相似文献   

A three-year study of Connecticut, USA, salt-marsh vegetation was undertaken to determine the relationship of its distribution on the marsh surface to tidal levels, particularly mean high water (MHW) as measured on each of three sites representing different tidal amplitudes. Elevations and species present were measured on 1-m2 grids in 10x 70-m belt transects at each site. After the data were subjected to discriminant analysis and other standard statistical procedures, the results showed that 98.4% of all observations ofSpartina alterniflora Loisel. occurred at or below MHW. The data can aid in salt-marsh restoration by offering a reliable indicator of what species should be planted when restored elevations and on-site MHW are known.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of sewage purification by aquatic plants, such as water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes), was tested on laboratory and pilot scales. Cascade and semi-continuous pilot experiments verified that the plants are capable of decreasing all tested indicators of water quality to levels that permit the use of the purified water for irrigation of tree crops. This applies to biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), and turbidity. The laboratory-scale tests confirm the capacity of the plants to reach and hold reasonably low levels of BOD (5-7 mg L(-1)) and COD (40-50 mg L(-1)) and very low levels of TSS (3-5 mg L(-1)) and turbidity (1-2 NTU). In the experimental pilot setup, with circulation, COD decreased from 460 to 100 mg L(-1) after 2.5-4 days of treatment, while 6-7 days were required to this end without circulation. This doubled the active pond area and provided a two-level hydraulic loading (8 and 12 L min(-1)) with circulation that proved to be effective during the summer as well as the winter season. The outflow concentrations were 50-85 mg L(-1) of COD and 4-6 mg L(-1) of BOD. The results show that the use of this free water surface flow system (FWS) and its low maintenance system for treatment of urban and agricultural sewage is a viable option.  相似文献   

Summary In this work we attained a successful cysticidal effect against Vahlkampfia hartmanni cysts using mild to moderate experimental conditions, regarding light energy delivered and concentrations of aluminium phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate (AlPCS4). The dark and phototoxic activity of AlPCS4 towards the cyst forms of Vahlkampfia hartmanni, a freshwater amoeba previously isolated from keratitic patients, were tested. The photosensitized deactivation of the cyst form of this amoeba depends mainly on the concentration of AlPCS4 and the light fluence rate as well as the total fluence delivered during the irradiation process. Upon irradiation of the cyst suspension at 100 mW/cm2 for 10 minutes in the presence of 3 μ M AlPCS4, a complete photodamaging effect on the cysts was induced. The photodamaging effect on Vahlkampfia cysts induces a state of inability of the cysts to excyst, vacuolation of the inner contents as well as a significant damage of the outer cyst wall upon microscopic examination.  相似文献   

From 1992–1996, 3204 artificial roosts of 9 types were placed in woodlots near Indianapolis International Airport in an effort to provide habitat for the federally-endangered Indiana myotis (Myotis sodalis) and to determine the feasibility of using these structures to manage bats in a rapidly developing suburban area. We surveyed these structures at least annually during 1992–1999 and found only northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) regularly using the structures. Four other species were occasionally found using structures including big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus, n = 14 individuals), little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus, n = 2), Indiana myotis (Myotis sodalis, n = 2), and one silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans). Single, triple, and Missouri-style batboxes were almost always used, rather than the six other types of experimental roosts that had been in place. However, after 10 years in place, it appears that Indiana bats are acclimated to boxes, as 6 of them were being used rather regularly by Indiana myotis. Bat boxes can provide roosting habitat for some species under conditions where few suitable roosts exist, but assuring an abundance of natural habitats is usually more desirable for conservation of tree-roosting bats.  相似文献   

"十二五"以来,我国对水污染防治运用经济政策手段进行了积极探索。党和国家出台的政策文件、新修订的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》以及《水污染防治行动计划》等都对水污染防治经济政策手段的制定和实施提出了新的要求。因此,亟需在未来《水污染防治法》的修订过程中加强对相关经济政策手段的规定,给予相关手段明确的法律地位,充分发挥经济政策在水污染防治中的重要作用。为此,本文建议着眼于"十三五"及未来更长一段时期水环境质量改善以及水污染防治形势和突出问题,以推动构建和实施系统、协调和高效的水污染防治经济政策体系为目标,结合党和国家相关文件、法律、行动计划的最新要求,借鉴国际上通过立法保障水污染防治经济政策手段制定和实施的经验,重点从投融资政策、税费和价格政策、排污交易政策等三个方面对现行《水污染防治法》进行修订、补充和完善。具体建议包括:一是完善关于财政投入和融资渠道的相关规定,要求加大水污染防治财政投入和补贴力度、鼓励水污染防治第三方治理方式和PPP模式以及建立流域上下游(跨界)生态补偿机制等;二是完善对于环境税(费)和其他价格机制的相关规定,增加关于环境保护税的说明等;三是增加逐步推行重点水污染物排污权交易的条款等。  相似文献   

What resources should be committed to the control of invasive species? This study is based on a survey of nature conservation and forestry authorities, wildlife trusts and private landowners which investigated the extent of the ecological and economic impacts of the invasive non-native plant Rhododendron ponticum in the British Isles. There are data on 52,000 ha of land affected by R. ponticum, more than 30,000 ha of it in nature reserves. For nearly all nature reserves, displacement of native species and habitat changes were both reported. In 2001, respondents controlled 1275 ha of R. ponticum at a cost of pound 670,924. To test the optimality of this, we apply a model of social expenditure. The external costs of R. ponticum control are estimated from the probability that it will spread to contiguous sites and the damage done on invaded sites. These are then used to calculate the socially optimal level of expenditure on R. ponticum control, and the funding gap it identified by comparing the result with current levels of expenditure. The results suggest that a socially optimal level of control effort requires a significant increase in social funding for R. ponticum control, although the size of the increase varies between landholders.  相似文献   

The present study tested the separate and the interactive pollution effects of cadmium and mercury on the electrophoretically detected allelic isozyme frequencies of the enzyme phosphoglucose isomerase for two species of littoral marine gastropods —Littorina punctata andL. neritoides — and the enzyme amino peptidase forL. neritoides. Our results indicate differential survivorship of allelic isozyme genotypes specific for each type of pollutant and for their interaction, as well as trends common to all pollutants. Theoretically the results reflect the adaptive nature of at least some allozymic genotypes in these marine gastropods and seem inconsistent with the neutral theory of allozyme polymorphisms. Practically, the results reinforce earlier conclusions that changes in the frequency of allelic isozymes may be used as a genetic monitor of pollution.  相似文献   

"第一类污染物"是指会对人体健康产生长远不良影响的污染物,包括8种重金属和类金属。已经证实,工业源重金属超量排放严重,使水土及生态环境遭受到"第一类污染物"的严重污染,面临的"第一类污染物"防治形势更加紧迫。本文在重金属污染现状与治理需求分析的基础上,通过长期调研,针对重点行业提出了6项综合防治措施,建议从源头严格控制排放总量,对重点企业进行监管与治理,总结与创新重金属修复新技术等,旨在推动第一类污染物的污染防治。  相似文献   

We combined a natural experiment with field surveys and GIS to investigate the effects of dust from recreational trails and access roads on the federally threatened Valley elderberry longhorn beetle (“VELB,” Desmocerus californicus dimorphus) and its host plant, elderberry (Sambucus mexicana). Dust is listed in the species recovery plan as a threat to the VELB and unpaved surfaces are common throughout the riparian corridors where the VELB lives, yet the effects of dust on the VELB have been untested. We found that dust deposition varied among sites and was highest within 10 m of trails and roads, but was similar adjacent to dirt and paved surfaces within sites. Elderberry density did not differ with distance from dirt surfaces. Despite similar within-site dust levels, elderberry adjacent to paved surfaces were less stressed than those near dirt ones, possibly because increased runoff from paved surfaces benefited elderberry. Dust deposition across sites was weakly correlated with elderberry stress symptoms (e.g., water stress, dead stems, smaller leaves), indicating that ambient dust (or unmeasured correlates) influenced elderberry. Direct studies of the VELB showed that its distribution was not negatively affected by the proximity to dirt surfaces. Dust from low traffic dirt and paved access roads and trails, therefore, affected VELB presence neither directly nor indirectly through changed elderberry condition. These results suggest that the placement of VELB mitigation, restoration, and conservation areas can proceed independently of access roads if dust and traffic levels do not exceed those in our study site. Furthermore, dust control measures are likely to be unnecessary under such conditions. The potential effects of increased traffic and dust levels are addressed through a literature review.  相似文献   

Modeling potential herbicide loss to surface waters on the Swiss plateau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lack of sufficiently detailed data often limits the applicability of complex transport-reaction models for estimating potential herbicide loss to surface waters. Therefore, there is also a need for simple models that are easy to apply but still capture the main features of the underlying processes.In this study, a simple regression model was developed to assess the vulnerability of catchments in the Swiss Plateau to diffuse herbicide loss to surface waters. The model is designed as a screening tool to rank the catchments in a relative sense and not to calculate Predicted Environmental Concentrations (PEC) of pesticides. The main goal is to capture two dominating factors controlling diffuse herbicide transport into streams and rivers. These factors are herbicide application and fast flow processes that are mainly responsible for herbicide transport. In a first step vulnerability of sites to herbicide loss is estimated based on site-specific conditions irrespective of actual herbicide application. In the second step, this vulnerability assessment is combined with actual herbicide application data to estimate the potential herbicide loss.The fast flow index (FFI), derived from discharge data using a base flow separation method, was applied as a proxy for the amount of fast flow occurring. The influence of catchment attributes (including topographic, climatic and soil data) on the FFI was analyzed using a multiple regression approach based on data from 57 catchments of the Swiss Plateau. By combining regression analysis with mechanistic knowledge, a two factor non-linear model based on river density and soil permeability as dominant input factors was selected as the best model for FFI prediction given the available data. Higher dimensional models had to be excluded because the strong correlation between the potential input factors led to unrealistic dependences while only minimally improving the quality of the fit.The spatial pattern of the predicted FFI as a measure for the vulnerability to diffuse herbicide losses shows a clearly increasing trend from the western to the eastern part of the Swiss Plateau and towards the pre-alpine/alpine regions in the south.In general the pattern of herbicide use corresponds to site conditions typical of a low FFI. However, the spatial analysis revealed exceptions, namely areas in which high actual herbicide use coincides with a high FFI.Despite the uncertainties in the model, this simple approach seems to be useful for supporting site-adapted agricultural practice whenever the higher accuracy of more detailed models is not required or too expensive to achieve. In addition, in combination with data on actual herbicide application, it can support the design of monitoring strategies by identifying critical areas of actual herbicide loss.  相似文献   

A sequential sampling program using previously published zoobenthos data is described for ubiquitous, cost-effective biomonitoring of the effects of lake acidification. Spring densities of the littoral amphipodHyalella azteca are quantitatively sorted into five abundance catagories. An essential step in the a priori definition of decision criteria is the stratification of proportional densities per unit macrophyte biomass in relation to aqueous total phosphorus concentrations. Density rankings were related to lake acidity and to detailed lake-specific information on patterns ofHyalella life history and acid tolerance. Incorporation ofHyalella abundance as a potential metric for the assessment of the biological integrity of acid-sensitive waters is recommended. The temporal integration of transient changes in spring meltwater chemistry is an important rationale for the development of such biomonitoring procedures.  相似文献   

Because the large rivers of the Seine watershed have a low microbiological water quality, the main sources of fecal contamination were investigated in the present study. The inputs of the point (wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) effluents) and non-point sources (surface runoff and soil leaching) of fecal bacteria were quantified for Escherichia coli and intestinal enteroccoci used as bacterial indicators. In order to assess the contamination through non-point sources, fecal indicators abundance was estimated in samples collected in small streams located in rural areas upstream from all point sources; these small rivers were characterized by the land use of their watershed. Bacterial indicator numbers were also measured in effluents of WWTPs, some using classical treatment (settling followed by activated sludge process) and some using an additional disinfection stage (UV irradiation). These data were used to estimate the respective importance of each type of source at the scale of the whole Seine river watershed taking into account the land use and the population density. It shows the predominant importance of the point sources of fecal indicator bacteria at the scale of the whole watershed. In a scenario in which activated sludge treatment would be complemented with UV in all WWTPs located in this watershed, the non-point sources of fecal indicator bacteria would be dominant.  相似文献   

The dugong is classified as vulnerable to extinction by the World Conservation Union on the basis of declines in area or extent of occupancy, habitat quality, and actual or potential levels of exploitation. In Thailand, the largest groups of dugongs are found near islands off the Andaman coast. The authors conducted a 2-year project that included dugong population and habitat assessment as well as interviews with local fishers. The results indicate declining populations of dugongs. The largest threat to dugongs is incidental catch in fishing nets. The numbers of deaths reported place the dugong population along the Andaman Sea in danger of extirpation. Other threats include seagrass destruction both from fishing and coastal development and the use of dugong parts for medicinal purposes. Villagers still show strong ties with dugongs, and the majority favor establishing more large protected areas for the species. These should arise from an integrated national dugong and seagrass conservation strategy formulated by concerned stakeholders from government, nongovernmental organizations, scientists, and local communities. The strategy needs to be both top down and bottom up in its formation to balance existing and potential uses as well as conflicts between artisanal and commercial fishers. The strategy should include the development of educational materials and enforceable regulations, as well as the designation of community-protected seagrass beds and a system of dugong sanctuaries along the Andaman coast. An integrated management plan is needed urgently, with the continued input of concerned scientists, to monitor and increase knowledge of dugong behavior and distribution.  相似文献   

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