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Curves relating instantaneous growth rate to aerial exposure were determined for six species of bivalves in laboratory and shore experiments. A dimensionless index equatable with the relative intertidal growth performance of a species was calculated by integration of the growth curve after converting both growth rate and aerial exposure to decimal fractions. Intertidal growth performance of the bivalves tested corresponded well with their natural levels of occurrence on the shore, and improved in the following order: Modiolus modiolus < Argopecten irradians < Ostrea edulis < Mytilus edulis < Crassostrea virginica. Geukensia demissa, for which an index value could not be determined, grew faster intertidally than subtidally. The relative contributions made to intertidal growth performance by energy-conserving and energy-supplementing capacity adaptations were assessed by resolving the growth curves into energy-input and energy-loss components. The rate of energy loss due to intertidal exposure was lower in the high-shore species, and also less affected by harsher subaerial conditions, than in the low-shore species. Moreover, M. edulis and C. virginica showed abilities to supplement energy input such that growth per unit immersion time was better at certain intertidal levels than subtidally. Energy conservation and supplementation in these forms made roughly equal contributions to their improved intertidal growth relative to species occurring lower on the shore.  相似文献   

Contemporary research on bivalve suspension-feeding has revealed a diversity of particle processing mechanisms depending on the anatomy and functioning of the pallial organs involved. On the biochemical level, however, some evidence of homogeneity has emerged concerning the types of mucopolysaccharide associated with particle processing. The present study uses both previous data and original research combining video endoscopy and mucocyte mapping to further explore the relationships between pallial organ topography, functional correlates, direction of current flow, and mucocyte secretion type. Five species representing five different families and all four major gill types are represented: Mytilus edulis, Placopecten magellanicus, Crassostrea virginica, Mya arenaria, and Spisula solidissima. Viscous acid or acid-dominant mucopolysaccharides are used when particle transport occurs on an exposed surface, or on a structure leading directly to such a surface, counter to the prevailing current flow. Associated functions are indiscriminate transport in gill ventral particle grooves and rejection of pseudofeces. Lower-viscosity mixed mucopolysaccharides are used when particle transport is on an enclosed or semi-enclosed surface, leading to other such surfaces, and with the current flow. Associated functions are transport of particles destined for ingestion, and ingestion itself. Low-viscosity neutral mucopolysaccharides are found in regions where reduction of mucus viscosity is important, such as the areas of the labial palps responsible for fluidization of the high-viscosity mucus-particle cord of the gill ventral particle groove prior to particle extraction. There thus appears to be a specialization of mucus type corresponding to functional specialization of the various pallial organs in suspension-feeding marine bivalves. Received: 10 October 1996 / Accepted: 7 May 1997  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the mode of particle ingestion and the functional anatomy of the oesophagus in bivalves, a histological study was performed onMytilus edulis (Mytilidae),Crassostrea virginica (Ostreidae),Placopecten magellanicus, Chlamys varia, and juvenilePecten maximus (Pectinidae). Specimens were sampled from various sites in New Brunswick, Canada, and Brittany, France, from 1987 to 1989. The buccal, peribuccal, and oesophageal epithelia of all species contained a dense distribution of actively secreting mucocytes, although these were somewhat less abundant inCrassostrea virginica, which also has the shortest oesophagus. Mucocyte morphology, while constant within a family (Pectinidae), showed clear differences among families. Both acid and neutral mucopolysaccharides were secreted by the epithelial mucocytes of all species. Mucus and mucus-particle masses were observed in the peribuccal and buccal regions, as well as in the oesophageal lumina of all species, even in those specimens which had been maintained without feeding (Placopecten magellanicus) or held out of water for 48 h (C. virginica) prior to dissection and fixation. These results indicate that a basal level of mucus production and transport is continuous on the peribuccal, buccal, and oesophageal ciliated epithelia, regardless of the particle concentration in the external medium. Buccooesophageal glands, generally thought to be absent in the Bivalvia, were observed in one of the species examined (M. edulis). It is concluded that the mode of particle ingestion in these suspension-feeding bivalves is via ciliatransported mucus masses; the presence of buccooesophageal glands inM. edulis suggests a digestive role for the oesophagus in this species.  相似文献   

Vaughn CC  Spooner DE  Galbraith HS 《Ecology》2007,88(7):1654-1662
We asked whether species richness or species identity contributed more to ecosystem function in a trait-based functional group, burrowing, filter-feeding bivalves (freshwater mussels: Unionidae), and whether their importance changed with environmental context and species composition. We conducted a manipulative experiment in a small river examining the effects of mussel assemblages varying from one to eight species on benthic algal standing crop across two sets of environmental conditions: extremely low discharge and high water temperature (summer); and moderate discharge and water temperature (fall). We found strong species identity effects within this guild, with one species (Actinonaias ligamentina) influencing accrual of benthic algae more than other species, but only under summer conditions. We suspect that this effect is due to a combination of the greater biomass of this species and its higher metabolic and excretion rates at warm summer temperatures, resulting in increased nitrogen subsidies to benthic algae. We also found that Actinonaias influenced the condition of other mussel species, likely through higher consumption, interference, or both. This study demonstrates that species within trait-based functional groups do not necessarily have the same effects on ecosystem properties, particularly under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated the filtration and utilization of the enteric bacteria Escherichia coli by two suspensionfeeding bivalves, Venus verrucosa (Linné), collected, during April 1990, in Port-Vendres harbour (France), and Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck) collected from rearing units in the bay of Banyuls-sur-mer during June 1990. Because of a significant decrease in the concentration of culturable E. coli in filtered seawater, we used 14C glutamic acid to label the bacteria. Labelling efficiency was low (20%) compared to the 30% reported for the marine bacteria Lactobacillus sp. by Amouroux (1982). However, the labelling by this radioisotope was very stable, enabling its use to monitor filtration. Concentrations of culturable E. coli decreased more rapidly in the presence of M. galloprovincialis than in the presence of V. verrucosa. In both bivalve species, changes of radioactivity within the bivalve, particulate organic matter (POM), dissolved organic matter (DOM) and CO2 compartments were similar and resulted from the interaction of several processes: filtration, biodeposition, and recycling. This interaction complicates the determination of the actual ingestion and assimilation rates, and necessitates the use of mathematical modelling.  相似文献   

This study provides information about differences in composition of ingested zooplankton amongst bivalve species coexisting in the same area in a period from May 2009 to December 2010. The study was conducted at the Mali Ston Bay (42°51′ N, 17°40′ E)—the most important bivalve aquaculture area in the eastern Adriatic Sea. Stomach content analysis was performed on cultured species—Ostrea edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis, and commercially important bivalve species from their natural environment—Modiolus barbatus and Arca noae. Results confirmed carnivory in bivalves, both from natural and cultured populations, but cultured species had higher numbers of zooplankters than those living on the seabed. The most abundant taxa were bivalve larvae, followed by tintinnids, copepods, unidentified eggs and gastropod larvae. Recorded numbers of bivalve larvae in M. galloprovincialis stomach were the highest so far reported and show that mussels impact the availability of natural spat.  相似文献   

S. Conova 《Marine Biology》1999,133(3):419-428
Suspension feeders sometimes depend on adhesion between particle and collector to capture food. If food particles have different adhesive properties than other particles, food could be passively selected by adhesive mechanisms. In this regard, the effect of particle wettability on adhesion to artificial and natural collectors was studied. First, the adhesion of glass particles to artificial collectors, both varying in wettability, was assessed to determine if wettability influenced adhesion in seawater. The adhesive force between glass particles and artificial collectors was measured by increasing the force pulling particles away from the collector until 50% of the particles fell off the collector. Adhesion increased as particle wettability decreased. Next, glass particles were used to determine if the antennal collector of the suspension-feeding mole crab Emerita talpoida captured particles based on particle wettability. 0.5 to 10 and 15 to 25 μm particles were suspended in a recirculating flow tank filled with seawater, and ablated antennae were exposed to this flow, after which the captured particles were counted. Results for the 0.5 to 10 μm particles confirmed predictions based on results from artificial collectors; particle capture increased as particle wettability decreased. The 15 to 25 μm particles may have been captured by sieving, and consequently did not follow predictions based on adhesion. Passive selection of particles based upon wettability differences can occur. Received: 17 April 1998 / Accepted: 14 September 1998  相似文献   

Direct-developing intertidal Lasaea spp. occur in the North Atlantic as both continental margin and oceanic island populations. We conducted a molecular phylogenetic analysis of representative populations in order to test colonization hypotheses for North Atlantic oceanic islands. Thirty individuals each were collected in 1995 and 1996 from two continental putative source populations (Florida, Iberia) and two oceanic island populations (Bermuda, Azores). They were sequenced for a 462 nucleotide portion of the mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit (16S) gene. No amphi-Atlantic genotypes were detected: Bermudan lineages co-clustered exclusively with Floridian congeners, and Azorean samples formed an exclusive clade with Iberian haplotypes. Our data indicate that geographical proximity to continental source populations is a better predictor of phylogenetic relationships in North Atlantic Lasaea spp. than present-day oceanic surface circulation patterns. The phylogenetic trees generated are not consistent with colonization of oceanic islands by indirect-developing ancestral lineages or by truly trans-oceanic rafting events. However, they are consistent with predicted topologies resulting from limited (≤ 2000 km), long-distance colonization by rafting (against present-day circulation patterns in the case of the Azores) and from anthropogenic introductions. Received: 17 December 1998 / Accepted: 7 June 1999  相似文献   

D. Ó Foighil 《Marine Biology》1989,103(3):349-358
Members of the intertidal, near-cosmopolitan mollusc genus Lasaea brood their young either to a planktotrophic veliger or crawl-away juvenile stage of development. Developmental mode can be reliably inferred from brood masses and from prodissoconch structure. I have conducted a global developmental survey of this genus based mainly on examination of hundreds of museum lots. With one exception, Lasaea species with a planktotrophic larval development were restricted to the western Pacific. Congeners that lack planktotrophic larvae were found on all continents apart from Antarctica, and also on a large number of oceanic islands. These results indicate that (1) Lasaea species releasing crawl-away juveniles have a markedly greater collective geographic range than congeners with planktotrophic larvae; (2) pelagic larvae are not necessary for long-distance dispersal in this genus; (3) rafting has played a key role in the evolutionary success of the genus Lasaea; (4) cross-fertilizing Lasaea species with feeding larvae are less successful in utilizing chance rafting events to colonize new areas than are congeners lacking these traits.  相似文献   

Conservation and management of Sundarban mangrove forest is difficult chiefly due to inaccessibility and hostile condition. Remote sensing serves as an important tool to provide up-to date baseline information which is the primary requirement for the conservation planning of mangroves. In this study, supervised classification by maximum likelihood classifier (MLC) has been used to classify LANDSAT TM and LANDSAT ETM satellite data. This algorithm is used for computing likelihood of unknown measurement vector belonging to unknown classes based on Bayesian equation. Image spectra for various mangrove species were also generated from hyperspectral image. During field visits, GPS locations of five dominant mangrove species with appreciable distribution were taken and image spectra were generated for the same points from hyperion image. The result of this classification shows that, in 1999 total mangrove forest accounted for 55.01 % of the study area which has been reduced to 50.63 % in the year 2010. Avicennia sp. is found as most dominating species followed by Excoecaria sp. and Phoenix sp. but the aerial distribution of Avicennia sp., Bruguiera sp. and Ceriops sp. has reduced. In this classification technique the overall accuracy and Kappa value for 1999 and 2010 are 80 % and 0.77, 85.71 % and 0.81 respectively.  相似文献   

A flume system and protocol for measuring the filtration rate of infaunal bivalves is described. Assemblages of multi-sized clams, at natural densities and in normal filter-feeding positions, removed phytoplankton suspended in a unidirectional flow of water. The free-stream velocity and friction velocity of the flow, and bottom roughness height were similar to those in natural estuarine waters. Continuous variations in phytoplankton (Chroomonas salinay) cell density were used to measure the filtration rate of the suspension-feeding clam Potamocorbula amurensis for periods of 2 to 28 h. Filtration rates of P. amurensis varied from 100 to 580 liters (gd)-1 over a free-stream velocity range of 9 to 25 cm s-1. Phytoplankton loss rates were usually constant throughout the experiments. Our results suggest that suspension-feeding by infaunal bivalves is sensitive to flow velocity.  相似文献   

The ascidian branchial basket is functionally responsible for pumping water through the animal. Within Ascidiacea the branchial basket and the stigmata are morphologically variable and these features are important taxonomical characters. However, the functional significance of this morphological variation has not been studied in great detail. Here, we have measured filtration rates in seven ascidians: Clavelina lepadiformis (Order Aplousobranchiata); Ciona intestinalis, Corella parallelogramma, Ascidia virginea (Order Phlebobranchiata); Boltenia echinata, Molgula manhattensis, Pyura tessellata (Order Stolidobranchiata) and compared these rates with the morphological characteristics of the branchial basket and the stigmata. Filtration rates were measured in the laboratory and determined from an exponential reduction in algal cell (Rhodomonas sp.) concentration as a function of time. The branchial baskets of the experimental ascidians were dissected free and photographs were taken of the entire basket and of the stigmata. It was found that filtration rates in the investigated ascidians are determined primarily by the area of the branchial basket and the length of the ciliary band lining the stigmatal openings, and that the form of the stigmatal opening has no impact on filtration rates.  相似文献   

On decomposing mangrove leaves and woods collected from west coast of India, a new species of Aniptodera was encountered. Aniptodera indica sp. nov. differs from other members of the genus, as the ascospores possess single polar appendage. This new species is described, illustrated and compared with closely resembling species: Aniptodera chesapeakensis and A. juncicola.  相似文献   

Daphnia magna, a freshwater microcrustacean, is currently tested as an alternative experimental species in research dealing with nerve agents poisonings treatment. Because of this, the toxicity of the nerve agent tabun (a cyanide-group containing organophosphate) to Daphnia had to be examined by estimating the EC50 values. The immobilization of daphnids was chosen as the end-point. It was found that D. magna is sensitive to small amounts of tabun, even after 15 min exposure, and tabun toxicity increases with time. The estimated EC50 values for 15, 30, 45, and 60 min exposure were as follows: 67.39, 38.10, 26.95, and 21.9 μg l?1. In addition, the toxicity of media to which tabun was added 24 h before the start of experiments was examined. The results obtained indicate that daphnids can be used in experiments with nerve-agent intoxication treatment.  相似文献   

Daphnia magna, a freshwater microcrustacean, is currently tested as an alternative experimental species in research dealing with nerve agents poisonings treatment. Because of this, the toxicity of the nerve agent tabun (a cyanide-group containing organophosphate) to Daphnia had to be examined by estimating the EC50 values. The immobilization of daphnids was chosen as the end-point. It was found that D. magna is sensitive to small amounts of tabun, even after 15 min exposure, and tabun toxicity increases with time. The estimated EC50 values for 15, 30, 45, and 60 min exposure were as follows: 67.39, 38.10, 26.95, and 21.9 μg l-1. In addition, the toxicity of media to which tabun was added 24 h before the start of experiments was examined. The results obtained indicate that daphnids can be used in experiments with nerve-agent intoxication treatment.  相似文献   

Two new species of Hydroidomedusae, Parateclaia norvegica sp.nov. and Foersteria quadrata sp.nov., are described from specimens collected in Korsfjorden, western Norway. Neither genus has previously been observed in the North-Atlantic Ocean. The closest congenerics to the new species occur in the Mediterranean, where family Teclaiidae has been considered endemic. P. norvegica and F. quadrata were only collected at sites 500 m or deeper and are possibly deep-water benthopelagic species like their congenerics elsewhere. Sampling took place for the entire year 2003 at 2- to 4-week intervals. F. quadrata, the more numerous of the new species, was absent from the water column only during the spring months, the implications of which regarding its lifecycle are discussed. Hypotheses on speciation in the Foersteria species group and family Teclaiidae are shortly discussed.  相似文献   

森林群落的生物量及其组成树种的含碳率是研究森林植被碳储量2个关键因子,对其测定可为估算区域和全国森林生态系统碳储量的提供依据。采用重铬酸钾容量法对滇西北香格里拉县4主要树种的含碳率进行了测定,并对不同树种不同林龄不同器官的含碳率进行分析。结果表明:4树种中,云南松Pinus yunnanensis的林分平均含碳率最大达到51.48%,其次是高山松Pinus densata 51.31%,冷杉Abies georgei 50.79%,川滇高山栎Quercus aquifolioides的含碳率最小为48.71%,通过统计检验,4树种之间的含碳率差异显著;同一树种不同林龄之间的含碳率也存在着差异,但是变化较小,均未超过3%;不管是同一树种不同器官之间还是同一器官不同树种之间的含碳率都存在差异,但含碳率变化不大,变异系数均未超过6%;针叶树种平均含碳率普遍高于阔叶树种。  相似文献   

Species of the copepod genus Calanus frequently dominate the marine zooplankton in boreal and arctic waters. Up to now there have been no operational means of identifying several species closely related to Calanus finmarchicus. Reanalysis of these taxa, using material from plankton samples collected throughout Northern Hemisphere polar and coreal waters, shows that there are 3 sibling species which have been previously combined under the names C. finmarchicus and C. glacialis. Several new taxonomic characters permit unequivocal identification of C. finmarchicus, C. glacialis, and a new species, C. marshallae. Claims that C. finmarchicus and C. glacialis are subspecies are refuted; there is no evidence that the two species continuously intergrade either where they co-occur or where they are allopatric, nor is there evidence that the two species hybridize. C. finmarchicus is basically restricted to the North Atlantic Ocean and C. marshallae to the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea; C. glacialis is primarily an Arctic species, but its geographical distribution slightly overlaps those of the other two species. Taxa closely related to C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus probably represent two separate, but closely linked evolutionary lineage; species of these two lineages are placed in one of two species groups, the finmarchicus group and the helgolandicus group.  相似文献   

Assimilation efficiencies (AEs) and physiological turnover-rate constants (k) of six trace elements (Ag, Am, Cd, Co, Se, Zn) in four marine bivalves (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin, Macoma balthica Linnaeus, Mercenaria mercenaria Linnaeus, and Mytilus edulis Linnaeus) were measured in radiotracer-depuration experiments. Egestion rates of unassimilated elements were highest during the first 24 h of depuration and declined thereafter. Significant egestion of unassimilated Co, however, continued for up to 5 d in Macoma balthica, Mercenaria mercenaria and Mytilus edulis. With the exception of the extremely low values for 110 mAg, 109Cd, and 65Zn in C. virginica, physiological turnover-rate constants (k) showed no general pattern of variation among elements, bivalve species or food types, and were relatively invariant. Values from  ≤0.001 to 0.1 d−1 were observed, but excluding those for Co, most values were  ≤0.04 d−1. In all four species, the AEs of Ag, Am, and Co were generally lower than those of Cd, Se, and Zn. The AEs of Ag, Cd, Se, and Zn in these bivalves are directly related to the proportion of each element in the cytoplasmic fraction of ingested phytoplankton, indicating that >80% of elements in a prey alga's cytoplasm was assimilated. C. virginica, Macoma balthica, and Mercenaria mercenaria assimilated ∼36% of the Ag and Cd associated with the non-cytoplasmic (membrane/organelle) fraction of ingested cells in addition to the cytoplasmic fraction. The ratio of AE:k, which is proportional to the consumer–prey trace-element bioaccumulation factor (concentration in consumer:concentration in prey) was generally greater for Cd, Se, and Zn than for Ag, Am, and Co. This ratio was lowest in Mytilus edulis, suggesting that this bivalve, the most widely employed organism in global biomonitoring, is relatively inefficient at accumulating important elements such as Ag, Cd, and Zn from ingested phytoplankton. Received: 7 February 1997 / Accepted: 24 February 1997  相似文献   

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