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Dupuit稳定井流模型和公式自1863年提出,至今已有一百多年了,时间横跨3个世纪。由于其原理的简单及公式的简洁,人们仍在使用。而人们对Dupuit模型以及有关概念的认识,仍然存在很大的差异和误区。通过分析Dupuit稳定流模型及公式,指出Dupuit模型及公式中本身就不含有影响半径的概念。将Thiem提出的影响半径的概念理解为含水层的一个参数,一个不变的常数,并试图寻求一个具有代表性的平均影响半径是没有理论依据的。  相似文献   

潜水的降雨入渗补给模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

地下水的补排主要包括垂向的地面入渗补给、蒸发排泄(蒸发可视为入渗的负值)及侧向的地表水补给、排泄。水文地质学最基本的问题之一——地下水可持续开釆量的评价准则,涉及补给的增量与排泄的减量,因此地下水开采的预测模型必须包含上述两类的补给、排泄因素,否则不能满足要求。然而,经典的Theis不稳定井流模型,即使在傍河抽水,也只有侧边界的补给、排泄作用,而不涉及上边界的地面入渗补给。这样一来,这个解析模型基本上不能够用于预测,而只能在旱季用于井流试验求取含水系统的参数。为此,文章的目标是发展具地面入渗补给的Theis不稳定潜水井流模型。对于潜水流问题,不能再用承压水流的以水头为应变量的方程来建立,应采用第二类线性化方法的势函数来建立潜水流问题。对于既有降雨入渗补给,又有抽水井作用的复杂的水文地质问题所概化数学模型的求解,采取的方法是把它分解成若干个简单的子模型问题求解,然后将其合成为原来复杂数学模型的解。基于质量守恒原理,假定渗流服从Darcy定律并满足Dupuit徦定建立了水流基本微分方程。然后对于两平行河流及一河流平行一隔水边界形成的两类条形区域,具地面均匀稳定入渗补给的井流问题,获得通用水位方程和几类常见的特定条件水位方程及其流量方程。此外,提出并采用“边界对边界的反映法”用以求解一河流平行一隔水边界条形区域的同一问题,减少了许多推导过程。最后,作为上述理论成果的初步应用,也是一个重要的应用,即在河水水质不能满足要求的河流附近,设有一口抽水井,计算该抽水井在不汲取河水的前提下的临界流量方程,获得具重要意义的结构简洁的关系式。该方程也可以用于滨海区的抽水井,在不发生海水入侵前提下的临界抽水流量计算。给出了上述条件不稳定井流过程某时刻的地下水流网图,其流网与文献中常见的傍河井流的流网相比,具显明的特征。  相似文献   

根据土水势能原理,在试验、监测资料基础上,建立活塞武、扩散式两种入渗补给模型和单一入渗、单一蒸发及入渗蒸发三个子模型,与此相应地建立了积水模型法,表面通量法,毛细带上缘通量法和零通量面法的数学模型,描述入渗补给的时、空变化过程,计算降雨入渗补给量,从土水势能观点提出降雨入渗补给的物理机制,并在实际应用中得到了证实。  相似文献   

降水入渗补给系数综合分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章利用河北省冉庄水资源实验站、安徽省五道沟水文水资源实验站、山西省太谷均衡实验站地中渗透仪实测的降水入渗资料,对降水入渗补给系数的变化规律进行了综合分析。通过分析,得出不同岩性、不同年降水量在不同地下水埋深条件下的降水入渗补给系数,并对降水入渗补给的最佳地下水埋深和大埋深稳定点存在的机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

降水入渗补给过程中优先流的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
优先流是降水、灌溉水等入渗补给地下水的主要形式之一, 流速快, 流动路径复杂, 难以定量描述.针对优先流难以定量描述的问题, 以郑州地中渗透仪观测资料为基础, 探讨了新乡亚砂土等试筒降水入渗过程及其中的优先流补给量比例.根据土壤的水力性质、气候等资料建立不存在优先流的数值模拟模型来刻画降水入渗补给过程, 通过模拟获得的地下水入渗补给量与实测地下水入渗补给量的历时曲线, 将大于模拟值的实测值视为优先流的量及确定其在总补给量中所占的比例.结果表明, 优先流占总补给量的比例在10%~80%之间; 随着土壤粘性增加, 优先流所占比例呈增加趋势; 随地下水位埋深的增大, 优先流所占比例呈逐渐下降趋势.   相似文献   

宋秋波  黄凯  乔家乐 《水文》2018,38(3):43-48
准确计算降水补给系数对于水资源评价等十分重要。水位动态法因其使用方便、成本低、精度高等优点被广泛用于计算降水入渗补给系数。但传统水位动态法是以次降水入渗补给过程为基础,往往忽略过程中地下水排泄、滞后等问题,导致计算结果存在偏差。针对传统水位动态法的不足,提出一种改进水位动态法,将年降水看作一次降水过程,基于水均衡原理,计算降水入渗补给系数。并以沧州市金牛镇大牛庄村为例,对比两种方法的计算结果。结果表明:虽然两种方法计算结果在同一数量级,但改进水位动态法相对于传统水位动态法减小了降水入渗补给系数间的偏差,使得结果更集中可靠。  相似文献   

采用翻斗法自动量水技术和时域反射仪,对“岩土二元结构”小流域降雨过程、流域出口地下裂隙潜流以及坡地岩土水分的变化进行了测定与分析。试验结果表明,小流域坡地特有的岩土二元结构体具有较强的储、透水性能,小流域在前期坡地岩土水分平均为14.48%(埋深100cm范围内)的前提下,发生总降雨量170.25mm,降雨历时31h,平均强度5.5mmh的大暴雨,在小流域出口处未产生地表迳流;地下裂隙潜流对降雨具有明显的响应,起涨和回落过程均较为明显,峰值流量达到810Lh,是降雨前的32.4倍。因此,科学合理地利用“岩土二元结构”的水文地质特性对缓解洪峰的形成,降低洪灾具有重要作用,同时对山区的雨水资源化问题也具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

降水入渗补给量随地下水埋深变化的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李亚峰  李雪峰 《水文》2007,27(5):58-60,48
利用冉庄8m定埋深地中蒸渗仪的观测资料,根据蓄满产流理论,采用分层计算还原的方法,研究降水入渗补给量随地下水埋深的变化规律。揭示了最佳埋深和稳定点的形成机理。在试验条件下,最佳埋深出现在3m左右,降水入渗补给量随地下水埋深的增大而减小,6m以后趋于稳定。  相似文献   

在浅层地下水资源评价中建立正确的降雨入渗概念模型及其相应的数学模型,是十分重要的。本文将入渗的概念模型总结为活塞式、扩散式和捷径式三种类型,认为在非饱和入渗过程中捷径式是普遍的;由于降雨的随机性,入渗补给的数学模型宜采用随机模型。  相似文献   

The use of infiltration field tests for groundwater artificial recharge   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
 When using surface infiltration as a method of recharge, infiltration testing is considered an important additional data input along with other hydrogeologic data into the recharge decision. As part of an investigation into the potential for groundwater recharge, two desert basins in Jordan (Wadi Madoneh and Wadi Butum) were investigated to determine the possibility of recharge using floodwater retention structures. For each area, short-duration (up to 7-h) infiltration tests were conducted to estimate surface infiltration capacity of the upper soil layers in order to present to the authorities preliminary information which could be used along with other factors to aid in the selection of the best site for a pilot recharge project. Given the highly fractured rock formations that constitute the underlying aquifers in the two areas, it was assumed that the upper alluvium layers are the limiting factors in transmitting water to target aquifers. The infiltration tests conducted to estimate the recharge characteristics of the recharge sites yielded test results that indicated a representative infiltration rate of 0.44 m/day for the Wadi Madoneh site and 0.197 m/day for the Wadi Butum site. The data input was used subsequently with other decision factors to select the most promising site for the pilot project. Received: 9 January 1998 · Accepted: 27 April 1998  相似文献   

利用MODFLOW-CFP建立湖南省香花岭渗流-管道流耦合模型,并使用降雨量系数法实现非线性入渗过程,以探讨此方法在模型中的适用性。通过人工试错反演参数,得出6个不同降雨强度区间的降雨量系数;非线性入渗处理后,地下河流量模拟结果的纳什系数提高至0.91。结果表明:降雨量系数法可使该模型更好地模拟地下河流量变化,此方法也适用于一些岩溶小流域的数值模拟工作。   相似文献   

水化学指标表示裘布依公式的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从多矿物溶解化学动力学方程出发,推演并建立了由水化学指标表示的承压二维井流裘布依公式。结合水文地质、水文地球化学特征,列举了水文地质单元内不同区带、各种代表性矿物及相应组分化学指标的基本表达式。以山西省太原西峪煤矿所需解决的水文地质问题为例进行了定量研究与评价,其结果与已有的抽水试验资料接近,为矿井涌水量的评价开辟了一条新的道路。从事实上进一步论证了水化学指标表示裘布依公式的理论概括是正确的。  相似文献   

The groundwater in headwater region is an important recharge source for the adjacent mountain-front plain. In order to reveal the relationship among precipitation, soil water and groundwater, from June to September in 2004, stable isotopes (deuterium and oxygen-18) in precipitation and soil waters at the depths of 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 90, and 110 cm were analyzed at two sites covered by black locust (Robinia Pseudoacia L.) (Site A) and grass predominated by Themeda triandra (T. japonica (Willd.) Tanaka) and Bothriochloa ischaemum (B. ischaemum (L.) Keng) (Site B) in an experimental catchment at Taihang Mt., North China, respectively. The δ18O of precipitation in daily rain events shows large variations (−13.3 to −4.3‰) with a mean of 8.1‰. The δ18O and δ D of soil waters along profiles in two sites suggest that the influence of canopy cover was just up to 10 cm in top soil water. The soil water moved over the zero flux plane at 70 cm in-depth is expected to escape the evaporative effect at the end of September in both sites. The results show that the stable isotope, instead of tritium as tradition, can be used to trace the soil water behaviors based on the movement of isotopic peak along the vertical profiles in this semi-arid and semi-humid mountainous region. The infiltration depths of soil water in Taihang Mt. are 12 and 10 mm/day from June to September in 2004 in Site A and Site B, respectively. Tracing by stable isotope, recharge fluxes of soil water to local groundwater are of 3.8 and 3.2 mm/day in Site A and Site B, respectively. The results provide desirable information for assessment of local groundwater resources. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is necessary for water resources management in arid and semiarid regions. Infiltration rate is often a decisive limiting factor in site selection for MAR. In order to avoid scale effects in the application of infiltration rate parameters, the largest in situ infiltration test in China was undertaken between August 19 and August 30, 2009 to measure the infiltration rate of the field selected for MAR in Shijiazhuang City, China. The in situ test lasted for 10 days, and about 1.82 × 107 m3 of water was introduced into the infiltration field. Groundwater level variations were monitored during the test. Monitoring showed that the infiltration rate of surface water was 1.5 m/day, which means that about 10–15 × 108 m3/a of water could be injected into the target aquifer. Also, groundwater level variations showed that the northern part of the infiltration field had a higher infiltration rate, as predicted, and the test result supplied a sound foundation for validation of the groundwater numerical simulation, which will be of benefit for future predictions of the response of the groundwater level to artificial recharge engineering. Finally, an artificial recharge plan was proposed based on the infiltration test results and the water source conditions, which would be useful for the development of MAR programs and management of local water resources.  相似文献   

为了分析水层越流补给对煤层气井早期排水的影响,根据不稳定渗流理论,引入越流系数,建立了考虑层间越流现象的煤层中水的渗流数学模型。通过Laplace变换对模型求解,并利用Stehfest反演得到实空间的解,采用新的参数组合,分别绘制了压力和压力导数双对数曲线图版。从物理渗流机理上分析了层间越流对曲线形态的影响,随着越流系数的增大,径向流结束的时间越早;同时提出了利用典型图版拟合确定储层渗透率、表皮系数以及越流系数的方法。典型图版有助于定量评价越流的强弱,对煤层气井后续排采制度的调整具有指导意义。  相似文献   

 A limiting factor in developing artificial recharge of groundwater is clogging of the soil surface and consequent reduction of infiltration rates. In order to evaluate the degree of improving infiltration rates by scraping away various amounts of the upper soil materials, a study was conducted at three artificial recharge sites (Kohrouyeh, Bagh-Sorkh, and Kachak) in Isfahan Province, central Iran. Five treatments (T1–T5) were considered. Infiltration was measured: T1, on deposited sediment layer; T2, after removing the sediments; T3, scraping of sediments and 5 cm of soil; T4, scraping of sediments and 10 cm of soil; and T5, removing sediments and 15 cm of soil. Initial soil-moisture content of the sites ranged from 1.0–2.87% for Kohrouyeh, 1.18–3.47% for Bagh-Sorkh, and 1.89–3.93% for Kachak. The main texture of the soils was sandy loam. Clay particles have penetrated to a depth of more than 40 cm in some of the recharge basins. A significant increase in final infiltration rate of T5 as compared to T1 treatment was observed for all recharge sites. The final infiltration rates of T1 and T5 treatments for Kohrouyeh, Bagh-Sorkh, and Kachak sites were 0.35, 7.9; 1.22, 12.3; and 0.93, 6.2 cm/h, respectively. The differences between infiltration rates of T2, T3, and T4 treatments were not statistically significant. It is concluded that on average, the infiltration capacity of the untreated recharge facilities have reached 20.3% of the original values, and that scraping the top sediment layer and 15 cm of topsoil could restore 68.3% of the initial infiltration capacity. Received, July 1998 / Revised, April 1999, May 1999 / Accepted, June 1999  相似文献   

Model conceptualisation is a key source of uncertainty in one-dimensional recharge modelling. The effects of different conceptualisations on transient recharge predictions for the semi-arid Uley South Basin, South Australia, were investigated. One-dimensional unsaturated zone modelling was used to quantify the effect of variations of (1) lithological complexity of the unsaturated zone, and (2) representation of preferential flow pathways. The simulations considered ranges of water-table depths, vegetation characteristics, and top soil thicknesses representative for the study area. Complex lithological profiles were more sensitive to the selected vegetation characteristics and water-table depth. Scenarios considering runoff infiltration into, and preferential flow through sinkholes resulted in higher and faster recharge rates. A comparison of modelled and field-based recharge estimates indicated that: (1) the model simulated plausible recharge rates, (2) only the models with preferential flow correctly reproduced the timing of recharge, and (3) preferential flow is probably redistributed in the unsaturated zone rather than passing to the water table directly. Because different but equally plausible conceptual models produce widely varying recharge rates, field-based recharge estimates are essential to constrain the modelling results.  相似文献   

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