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提高原油的采收率在油田的开发利用过程中是一个永久的话题,它贯穿在油田的开发过程中。注气的方式提高的采收率是一种的应用的相当好的提高的采收率方法,因为的注气效果的受到的很多的油藏条件的限制,所以在注气的之前的将注气候选的油藏的筛选与评价,是注气的能否的成功关键。  相似文献   

伴随着科学技术的进步,对于工业生产来说,仪器仪表的自动化是发展的趋势,而且仪器仪表的自动化的普及程度在现在来说,是逐渐的增高的。在石油行业之中,自动化的仪器仪表的作用是非常大的,对于节省人力、物力,提升石油行业的工作效率有着明显的效果,但是对于自动化仪器仪表如果进行大量的布置,也会有一定的问题出现,主要的在于会损耗大量的能源,不能够满足我们国家的环保节能的总体的发展的要求。所以,要想对于油田进行长足的发展,就应该在环保节能的仪器仪表的研究方面加强投入,创新出更加合理、科学的建设、装配方案,不仅仅要满足油田的生产的要求,还应该达到环保、节能生产的目标。  相似文献   

公路的施工在现在面临的挑战是非常大的,主要是来自于车辆的行车速度在不断的提升,而且车辆的负荷也在增加,与是同时,车辆的数量也在逐渐的增多,这些因素都给公路的路基和路面带来了很大的影响。目前,公路的路基和路面的质量也在不断的提高,作为公路工程的基础,路基的质量会直接影响公路的使用效果,所以在进行公路施工的时候要对公路的路基的质量进行严格的控制。  相似文献   

随着我国已经加入了世界贸易组织,我国的能源市场的竞争也日益的加剧,石油企业在这种趋势之下,在不断的提高原油的产量的条件下,同时也要加快对油田生产过程中的监控以及管理系统的建设,提高竞争的手段。当今我国的石油勘探的开采技术已经得到了迅速的发展,而且取得了非常好的经济效益。但是对于联合站的原油生产的综合的处理能力以及原油的技术装置都是比较落后的。对于生产过程中参数的监测和控制装置技术的陈旧和设备的老化都对于安全生产有着重大的影响。本文通过列举油田联合站的分布式的监控系统的实例,对分布式监控系统在油田生产中的应用进行了研究。并且从油气集输的生产管理的系统现状出发,进行了系统的建模,重建了技术生产的管理流程,确立了总体的设计思路,并确定了系统开发技术的整体路线。  相似文献   

随着近年来我国社会经济发展的不断加快,城市化的进程也在不断的得以深化,建筑行业也由此而得到了更加迅速的发展,建设的速度和深度都在一定的程度上得到了提升,但是由于建设的速度越来越快,所以说在实际施工的过程当中也会相应的存在着一些问题,所谓的建筑监理工作指的是在建筑工程的施工过程当中,相关的建设单位对于监理单位进行的一种服务委托。在国家相关法律规范的指导之下,对于建筑工程的施工现场进行有效的管理工作,管理的内容主要是根据工程建设相关合同的要求来进行的,针对于建筑工程的质量、投资和工期等各个方面都要进行有力的监管工作,但是最主要的部分还是对于施工现场的相关协调,对于现场施工的各个部分进行有效的监管,及时的处理现场施工过程当中的诸多问题,从而对于工程的质量进行保证。  相似文献   

张福荣 《陶瓷工程》2014,(8):F0002-F0002
张福荣的黑陶艺术,蕴含着天地的交响。 黄色的泥土,红色的火焰,黑色的陶艺,构成统一的音符,终究造化出深沉的咏叹; 精美的画面,稳重的版式,震撼的图腾,每一种样态的交织,产生着优美的旋律,自然构造出生命的乐章。  相似文献   

高速公路的修建基础是根据当地的土质以及环境再配合相应的填充材料进行的。例如某些地方的土质是一种具有特殊性的盐渍土质。这种土质会给工程的实施带来很大的困难,因为土质的原因会出现腐蚀等一系列问题。本文对盐渍土地路基在施工时的问题进行分析。通过实验与具体的施工所遇到的问题研究盐渍路基的填料的问题。通过一系列的实验对盐渍土质的固话进行研究,为了在具体的施工过程中提供有利的施工方案,这是本次研究的主要目的。为改善盐渍路基提供可靠的科学基础。这将对未来的高速公路的发展有着非凡的意义。  相似文献   

伴随着我国整体社会的不断快速发展,城市的整体建设和综合性功能规划不能得到合理的发展。城市的整合性土建工程数量伴随着工程得到了合理的综合性发展。伴随着土建建筑工程的规模的不断扩大,工程的综合性数量、基站设备和数量得到了合理的加深。随着土建工程的机构管理设计关系的不断复杂化、多样化,带动综合性的土建设计结构液不断的发展,合理的分析土建结构的相关各个方面的关系,制定合理的综合性设计规划,从而逐步完成有效化的综合性多方面考虑工作控制。本文将针对土建设计结构进行合理的工程原则分析,制定合理的设计过程,完善综合性的土建结构设计过程的有效化分析,针对相关的结构设计进行合理的综合性问题研究,从几个方面制定合理的综合性意见分析,实现良好的结构设计控制。  相似文献   

什么样的供应商才是企业所需要的?带来低价格的供应商、高质量的供应商、有规模的供应商、非竞争性的供应商、有能力的供应商、可以控制的供应商、有品牌的供应商、专属的供应商、可以快速响应的供应商、全球化的供应商等等,以上这些特征是企业脱口而出的要求标准。  相似文献   

BIM是建筑信息模型的简称,现在BIM技术已经广泛的用于各种建筑工程中,这种技术主要是借助计算机来建立数字化的模型,它对工程项目的各个环节都有辅助的作用,对工程的招标、设计以及运营都起着重要的作用,对于建筑行业的管理者而言,它是整个工程起着重要的管理作用。建筑施工的过程是很复杂的,并且在施工的过程中有很多的不确定因素,作为建筑工程项目的管理者不但要考虑到建筑本身的设计,还要考虑到工期、成本或者是场地的问题,这些问题贯穿于施工过程的始终,而这些问题是随时变化的,不确定的因素很多,要想及时的管理是存在一定的困难的。现在我国的交通处于不断的发展中,高架桥也随着交通的发展而产生,高架桥在施工的过程中采用了BIM技术,它对高架桥的建设做出了重要的贡献,使高架桥的建设更为顺利。  相似文献   

Conclusions Studies of starting solutions of PPTA in sulfuric acid and of granules obtained under pressrue at low temperature, and of granules stored in a hermetic package, have been carried out by the methods of differential thermal analysis, turbidity spectrum and viscometry.On granulation of a solidified PPTA solution, short-term storage of the granules in a hermetic package, or short contanct of the granulated mass with air, no appreciable change in melting point or of the intrinsic viscosity of the system takes place.Long storage of a granulated solution, even in hermetic packages, can lead to a considerable decrease in the melting point of the crystal solvates, caused by an increase in defectiveness of crystal structure under the effect of moisture.Translated from Khimicheskie Volokna, No. 3, pp. 25–26, May–June, 1986.  相似文献   

Conclusions The change in propagation rate and in damping of ultrasound in elastic polycaproamide yarns has been studied. It has been found that the change in these figures is determined by the same mechanism as in yarns from the press chamber method of preparation.A region of high values of the damping coefficient (25–33) has been found for elastic yarns.Texturizing yarns by the false twist method exerts a more intense action on the polymer than the compression and bending deformation in chamber pressing.The dependence between the rate of propagation of ultrasonic waves and the damping coefficient for elastic yarns reflects the effect of molecular orientation in the polymer itself and the geometric orientation of sections of the crimp relative to the sonication direction.Translated from Khimicheskie Volokna, No. 3, pp. 46–48, May–June, 1984.  相似文献   

水泥水化热是中、低热水泥和核电工程用水泥的一项关键的技术指标。全球范围内测定水泥水化热的方法有溶解法、直接法/半绝热法、等温传导量热法三种。本文总结了中、美、欧相关方法标准,对其测试原理、仪器设备、试验过程等方面进行了比对,并对其在领域的应用做了简单的概括。  相似文献   

郑明花  金京一 《广州化工》2010,38(9):242-244
将以往实验教学中分散的、孤立的关于阿司匹林方面的实验加以总结和进一步延伸,使其系列实验内容涉及知识面较广、较深,涵盖的基本技能操作较全面,使之达到培养学生的综合能力、创新能力及提高综合素质的一项综合性实验。  相似文献   

针对预中和反应槽-管式反应器混合工艺生产磷酸二铵(DAP)产品时产品氮含量时常波动的现象进行了分析.由实际生产情况分析可知,进入预中和槽洗涤液及预中和槽料浆中和度的大小及波动是造成产品氮含量波动的原因之一,预中和槽的中和度应控制在1.45~1.58.  相似文献   

The change of the rate of dissolution upon the exposure of bilayer As39S61/As36S44Se20 films to light of wavelength 380 nm and more than 470 nm from the sulfo-selenide layer side has been investigated. Although light of wavelength 380 nm is absorbed in the first layer, in the second layer photoinduced structural changes are observed, which are assumed to occur as a result of the diffusion of electron-hole pairs from the illuminated selenium-containing layer to the nonexposed arsenic sulfide in contact. The excess charge carriers induce structural changes in the As39S61 film that are registered as dissolution rate changes. The calculated value of the drift mobility of the slowest charge carriers (electrons) of 10?11 cm2/(V s) is in agreement with the literature data. Studies of the Raman spectra of the films of interest confirmed that the diffusion of excess electrons and holes into the sulfide layer resulted in structural changes that manifested themselves in a decrease in the intensities and widths of the bands corresponding to vibrations of structural groups containing homopolar bonds.  相似文献   

The early stages of hydration of four different types of portland cements were studied by electron-optical and X-ray diffraction techniques. It was observed that, except for low-heat cement, very little ettringite formed up to 3 hours of hydration and that the alite present in the cements was more reactive than the laboratory form. Ettringite formed earlier in the low-heat cement than in other cements. Ettringite was found to be the stable sulfate-bearing phase in sulfateresistant cement, at least up to 30 months, although in other cements ettringite began to change to monosulfate by 14 days. Direct evidence was found for the formation of gypsum from either CaSO4±0.5H2O or soluble anhydrite in some cements.  相似文献   

Ethane, ethylene, acetylene, propane and neopentane have been pyrolyzed at 1173 K, and methane at 1372 K in a flow system, and the volatile pyrolysis products analyzed. Eleven aromatic hydrocarbons, containing 14 or fewer carbon atoms, accounted for 98 + % of the liquid products recovered in each case. Benzene was the main product, followed by naphthalene. No compounds with branched chains or multiple substituents were present, and compounds containing even numbers of carbons comprised 93–99% of each mixture. Acetylene was a major component of the gaseous effluent from each of the initial hydrocarbons. The effect of temperature on the composition of the gaseous effluent during pyrolysis of methane, ethane and ethylene was determined. Carbon film deposition from methane commenced at about 1273 K; from ethane at 1015 K and from ethylene at 1100 K, in each instance coinciding with the appearance of acetylene in the effluent. As the temperature was raised, at first the increase in the rate of carbon deposition closely followed the increase in the concentration of acetylene in the effluent. It is proposed that acetylene may be a common factor in the pyrolysis of aliphatic hydrocarbons, perhaps acting as the precursor of both surface carbon and aromatic hydrocarbons by a process of head-to-tail linkage of two-carbon units at active surface sites to form chains that then undergo dehydrogenation to carbon or cyclization and desorption as aromatic species.  相似文献   

目的研究大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、阴沟肠杆菌的耐药性变迁。方法对2007~2009年临床分离的大肠埃希菌(645株)、肺炎克雷伯菌(260株)和阴沟肠杆菌(150株),采用纸片扩散法进行体外药敏测定,并依据美国临床实验室标准化协会(Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute,CLSI)规定的标准,分析3种肠杆菌科细菌的耐药性变迁。结果大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、阴沟肠杆菌对氨苄西林的耐药率均较高;对头孢他啶的耐药率低于头孢噻肟;与2007年比较,2008年和2009年对头孢吡肟的耐药率明显增长;未发现对亚胺培南耐药菌株的产生。结论细菌耐药性不断增强已成为临床治疗面临的重要难题,应从耐药监测、医院感染控制、合理使用抗生素等多方面努力,减少细菌耐药性的产生。  相似文献   

Conclusions It has been found that a content of certain dyes in the brightening-finishing composition exerts and important effect on phenomena which take place during the drying of the freshly spun fibres.The introduction of additives in dyeing ensures obtained fibres of increased strength.The analogy in action of dyes and some organic and inorganic substances which we have previously investigated indicates a large role for the addition of such substances in the course of the process of drying freshly spun fibres, regardless of features in their structure.Translated from Khimicheskie Volokna, No. 4, pp. 54–56, July–August, 1989.  相似文献   

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