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针对近场目标高分辨力成像,基于220~325 GHz频段的近场雷达收发模块,在相同测量条件下,分别采用合成孔径雷达成像以及焦平面成像。对比合成孔径成像算法以及焦平面测量法的优劣,获得详细的测量参数以及成像效果对比,用于太赫兹近场成像分辨力的提高。  相似文献   

环视合成孔径雷达(SAR)工作于波束扫描模式,雷达天线以垂直地面方向为轴线作圆锥扫描,实现对载机周围360°范围内的聚焦成像。为了研究环视SAR成像处理中几何失真校正问题,通过波束扫描至空间不同位置处的成像几何关系,分析了成像过程中引起几何失真的机理,提出了一种基于子图像素实际地理坐标的几何失真校正方法。利用文中给出的方法对实测环视SAR数据进行处理,得到无几何失真的SAR图像,证明该方法有效。  相似文献   

A SAR for Real-Time Ice Reconnaissance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prior research has shown that open water first-year ice and multi-year ice can be distinguished on an image obtained by a Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR). A small lightweight SAR, STAR-1, has been built that employs this capability for support of engineering operations for oil exploration in the Arctic. The SAR is a fully focused side-looking system capable of mapping either side of the aircraft. It has two modes, wide swath, which covers 45 km, and high resolution, which covers 22 km. The azimuth resolution is 6 m for both modes, with a range resolution of 12 m in the wide swath and 6 meters in the high resolution mode. The instrument is installed in a Cessna 441 Conquest capable of flying at high altitudes with minimum fuel consumption. An image is produced in real time by a digital image formation processing system aboard the aircraft. This image is transmitted to a ground station via a data link where a hardcopy is formed on heat-developed film.  相似文献   

多航迹圆迹SAR具备三维成像能力,但受多次航迹观测,在高度向采样不足以及目标多角度观测散射特性变化等因素影响,多航迹圆迹SAR三维成像性能还需进一步提高,以满足后端目标解译的需求。文中综合利用成像场景在距离、方位和高度三个维度的稀疏分布特性,建立联合稀疏重构模型,实现高分辨率三维成像。进一步,针对建筑物等人造目标后向散射特性随角度变化剧烈的问题,采用分子孔径稀疏约束成像后进行子孔径非相干叠加的方式,以提高最终三维成像结果的信噪比等性能,在进行联合稀疏重构时采用分子孔径处理提高了目标的可解译度。Gotcha实测停车场数据中圆台Top-hat和Toyota Camry轿车的三维成像实验验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

无人机SAR/MTI侦察技术中若干问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了国外无人机SAR/MTI雷达研究现状和发展方向,列举了X、Ka,Ku三种频段SAR/MTI雷达主要技术指标,重点从工程实现的角度对SAR/MTI雷达技术中若干问题进行了探讨,包括无人机、SAR的成像模式和MTI兼容技术、频段选择、SAR成像实时数据的传输方式、惯导系统、最后讨论了成像算法。  相似文献   

针对弹载SAR成像实时性高、非匀直弹道下成像算法、运动补偿困难,难以工程实现的现状,提出了一种末制导阶段在恒定高度采用直线斜飞弹道的SAR成像制导模式.详细分析了该模式的工作过程、极坐标格式SAR聚束成像算法及直线斜飞弹道对制导性能产生的影响.仿真结果表明,该模式在增加少量制导时间的代价下,借鉴机载聚束SAR成像算法即能获得高质量的SAR图像,为SAR末制导的工程化提供了有益借鉴.  相似文献   

Bao  X.L. Ammann  M.J. 《Electronics letters》2006,42(4):192-193
A compact circular patch antenna embedded in a narrow annular-ring which uses an unequal cross-slotted ground plane is presented. This new compact structure provides circular polarisation and is easily matched to 50 /spl Omega/ at the low frequency of operation. The size of the proposed antenna is reduced by over 55% compared to the conventional annular-ring CP patch antenna with a strip. The bandwidth and centre-frequency show weak dependence on the position of the feedpoint in the patch and demonstrate wider manufacturing tolerances. Good circularly polarised properties and wide bandwidth are obtained for the proposed compact antenna.  相似文献   

对星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)的侦察可以为合成孔径雷达电子战提供有力的支援。在地基侦收站跟踪侦察星载SAR的背景下,建立了星载SAR地基侦察信号的数学模型。该模型利用真实卫星的天线参数及轨道参数,充分考虑了脉内多普勒频率因素。在侦察场景模型基础上,计算了条带模式下方位向的天线增益,通过仿真分析了星载SAR地基侦察信号,为星载SAR参数估计等研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

王保平  马健钧  张研  方阳 《红外与激光工程》2019,48(7):726001-0726001(7)
针对圆周合成孔径雷达成像模式下应用参数化估计的三维成像算法效率低、精度差的问题,提出一种基于最小能量准则的参数估计圆周SAR三维成像算法。该算法首先对成像场景进行粗略网格划分,利用参数估计的方法得到目标的粗略位置,其次利用最小能量准则和精细化网格的方法得到目标精确三维位置和散射强度系数,最后通过CLEAN技术消除已估计点带来的影响,实现场景的三维成像。仿真实验结果表明:所提成像方法能有效对圆周观测下目标进行三维成像,同时与传统算法相比,解决了传统算法效率低、对目标估计不准确的问题,验证了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   

圆形口径平面天线阵列的多约束稀布优化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对圆形口径平面稀布阵列的多约束优化设计问题,以均匀同心圆环阵列的阵元位置分布特性为基础,构造了稀布圆阵的满足多个优化约束的可行初始解.提出了一种个体元素的间接表示法,设计了一种新的交叉算子和变异算子,运用改进的实数遗传算法优化设计天线阵的阵元位置.优化约束包括阵元数约束、口径约束和最小阵元间距约束,优化目标是使阵列响应的峰值旁瓣电平最小.运用这种改进实数遗传算法可以充分利用阵元布阵的自由度,同时能减小搜索空间,提高计算效率。仿真试验证实了算法的稳健性和有效性.  相似文献   

大气湍流是影响光学成像系统分辨率不可避免的因素之一。为了研究大气湍流内外尺度、湍流轮廓线及探测高度对光学成像系统分辨率的影响,根据光学成像系统积分分辨率理论及修正Von Karman湍流谱,推导了斜程传输路径下考虑湍流内、外尺度的光学成像系统的分辨率积分公式。数值计算中应用ITU-R公布的随高度变化的大气折射率结构常数模型,结果表明:湍流内尺度对光学成像系统分辨率的影响要远小于湍流外尺度对分辨率的影响,而湍流内尺度又限制着外尺度对光学成像系统分辨率的影响;斜程传输时,湍流轮廓线的影响大于外尺度对积分分辨率的影响;光学成像系统分辨率在近地面受近地面大气结构常数的影响大,而当高度大于5 000 m时,光学成像系统分辨率受风速的影响大。  相似文献   

吴俊政  严卫东  倪维平  张晗 《红外与激光工程》2017,46(8):825002-0825002(8)
太赫兹干涉成像原理简单,需要的探测单元少,数据获取效率高,在太赫兹成像应用中有很大发展潜力。研究了太赫兹干涉成像的原理,并设计了用于仿真成像的原理性方案。通过仿真实验分析了成像频率、圆周阵列半径、阵元数目对成像质量的影响以及成像系统的频率带宽。结果表明:在其他条件不变的情况下,成像频率越高,可有效成像要求的阵列半径越小;增加阵元数目可提高成像质量,但增加到一定数量后,提高不明显;均匀圆形阵列的有效成像带宽较宽。仿真结果所得到的结论为太赫兹干涉成像系统设计和实际应用提供了理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

RADARSAT [SAR imaging]   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RADARSAT, the first Canadian remote-sensing spacecraft, is designed to provide Earth observation information for five years. The satellite is scheduled for launch in 1994. The only payload instrument is a 5.6-cm-wavelength (C-band) synthetic aperture imaging radar (SAR). RADARSAT will gather data on command for up to 28 min during each cycle of its 800-km (nominal) near-polar orbit. Image resolutions from 10 to 100 m at swath widths of 45 to 500 km will be available. The RADARSAT mission is reviewed, and the design, characteristics, and implementation of the radar are introduced. Technical problems addressed include calibration, rapid data processing, the phased array antenna that provides controlled beam steering, and the first satellite implementation of a special radar technique known as ScanSAR  相似文献   

The first renormalization scattering method is used to obtain an expression for the synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) complex image amplitude of a volume scatterer with an undulating boundary surface. This expression is then used to derive further expressions for correlations of such an image when the boundary is either deterministic or random  相似文献   

The interest in the problems of diffraction by moving objects has become obvious due to the applications of nonstationary models for the simulation of different processes. Among them are radar control for the industry ejections or military explosions in the atmosphere and scattering by moving fronts of ionization, or by mobile artificial space objects. The detailed analysis of such processes implies the choice of an adequate model that on the one hand can be effectively investigated but on the other hand ensures a reliable approximation for the complex nonstationary processes. From this point of view, the set of canonical problems that can be solved accurately has great practical significance. We study the diffraction of an electromagnetic plane wave by a circular cylinder with a uniformly increasing radius. The formulation and analysis include propagating singularities as well as the continuous component of the solution. An accurate result is developed by means of separation of variables. Some numerical examples are discussed  相似文献   

刘守  张向苏 《中国激光》1988,15(4):214-215
本文提出只用单来激光便能在记录彩虹全息图的同时对全息像进行假彩色编码.  相似文献   

对星载合成孔径雷达信号的侦收和干扰技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了合成孔径雷达的基本工作原理,对星载合成孔径雷达信号的侦收和干扰方法进行了探讨,并提出了侦测和干扰的一些设想。  相似文献   

基于条带式SAR与聚束式SAR内在联系的SAR成像研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对条带式合成孔径雷达(stripmap sar)与聚束式合成孔径雷达(spotlight sar)的方位向频谱结构,讨论了两种模式SAR之间的区别与联系,利用两者之间的内在联系,提出斜视条件下将条带式SAR数据分块,进行聚束式处理的方法,并对聚束式成像区域大小参数的选择进行了分析.对于相同尺寸的成像区域,对条带式SAR进行聚束式处理可以减小运算量.采用空间频率插值成像算法实现了条带式SAR与聚束式SAR成像算法上的统一,最后应用外场实测数据完成成像,成像结果证实了理论分析的正确性.  相似文献   

极坐标格式算法(PFA)是传统聚束SAR的经典成像算法,但用于斜视聚束成像存在二维频域插值计算量巨大、插值精度受插值核函数长度制约以及最终图像旋转带来成像质量下降等问题。针对上述问题,文中提出一种基于尺度变化的快速PFA算法,不仅能避免斜视成像后的图像旋转操作,还具有计算效率高的优势。快速PFA算法只需要FFT和复乘运算即可完成,与直接插值PFA算法相比计算量降低到原来的30%~50%。仿真实验验证了文中方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Numerical investigation of scattering electromagnetic plane waves by a circular conducting cylinder is considered. The results presented are 1) validity of asymptotic far-field expressions when it is applied to calculate near-field around the cylinder and 2) equicontours of amplitude and phase of total field around the cylinder.  相似文献   

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