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从包含完整Coriolis力的大气运动方程组出发,利用半地转近似导出了β效应、层结效应和地球旋转水平分量f_h共同作用下的非线性Rossby波满足KdV方程以及KdVmKdV方程.结果表明β效应、层结效应和地球旋转水平分量对Rossby的作用.  相似文献   

本文在正压流体中,从包含完整Coriolis参数的准地转位涡方程出发,在弱非线性长波近似下,采用多时空尺度和摄动方法,推导出大气非线性Rossby波振幅演变满足带有地形强迫的非线性Zakharov-Kuznetsov(ZK)-Burgers方程.结果分析表明:地球旋转的水平分量、β效应、地形效应和耗散都是诱导二维Rossby波产生的重要因子.  相似文献   

从既含有Coriolis力垂直分量又含有水平分量的位涡方程出发,采用不同的摄动方法推导了近赤道非线性Rossby波的演化方程,得到非线性Rossby波振幅演化满足非齐次Boussinesq方程或改进的Korteweg-de Vries方程.从演化方程可以看出Coriolis力水平分量对非线性Rossby波的影响,并且本文取特殊情况时包括了已有的一些结果.  相似文献   

在正压流体中,从准地转正压涡度方程出发,运用时空伸长变换和摄动法推导了在完整Coriolis力作用下的非线性Rossby孤立波包振幅的演变满足非齐次非线性Schrodinger方程的结论.结果分析表明,完整Coriolis力中的水平分量对Rossby孤立波产生一定的影响,同时,β效应和地形效应也是诱导Rossby孤立波产生的重要因素.  相似文献   

从含有完整Coriolis力的地转位涡方程出发,采用合理的赤道β平面近似,利用摄动法和时空伸长变换,推导了具有地形和耗散共同作用下的非线性Rossby波演变规律,其振幅满足非齐次Benjamin-Davis-Ono-Burgers(BDO-Burgers)方程.分析说明了地球旋转水平分量和下垫面对Rossby波演变的影响.当取特殊情况时,本文的结论可以退化为前人的结果.  相似文献   

正压流体中,采用摄动方法将准地转位涡方程推导出地形效应的mKdV方程,得到Rossby波振幅的演变满足地形效应的mKdV方程的结论,说明地形效应是诱导Rossby孤立波的重要因素.  相似文献   

熊建刚  易帆  李钧 《地球物理学报》1995,38(02):150-157
从包含Rossby波和惯性重力波的大气运动方程组出发,采用弱非线性相互作用近似,推导出耗散大气中这两种尺度相差很大的波动之间的非线性相互作用方程.以此为基础,得到了描述窄角谱Rossby波包和惯性重力波包的非线性时空演变规律的三波相互作用方程.数值分析表明,当一个Rossby波包与两个惯性重力波包发生相互作用时,两个惯性重力波包之间进行快速的能量交换,同时与Rossby波包之间进行缓慢的能量传输.从时间尺度上讲,惯性重力波可以看作Rossby波包运动的背景噪声,因此上述非线性相互作用过程可以理解为大尺度Rossby波包与背景噪声之间的能量交换过程.  相似文献   

热带海洋和大气中地形Rossby波和Rossby波的耦合不稳定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当大尺度背景场存在赤道急流时, 由相应不均匀的温跃层(海洋)和高度场(大气)激发出的地形Rossby波和由β效应激发出的Rossby波, 在一定条件下, 通过相互作用后可产生一类新的不稳定, 称为地形Rossby波和Rossby波的耦合不稳定. 讨论了这类波系在ENSO发展中可能起的作用.  相似文献   

从包含Rossby波和惯性重力波的大气运动方程组出发,采用弱非线性相互作用近似,推导出耗散大气中这两种尺度相差很大的波动之间的非线性相互作用方程.以此为基础,得到了描述窄角谱Rossby波包和惯性重力波包的非线性时空演变规律的三波相互作用方程.数值分析表明,当一个Rossby波包与两个惯性重力波包发生相互作用时,两个惯性重力波包之间进行快速的能量交换,同时与Rossby波包之间进行缓慢的能量传输.从时间尺度上讲,惯性重力波可以看作Rossby波包运动的背景噪声,因此上述非线性相互作用过程可以理解为大尺度Rossby波包与背景噪声之间的能量交换过程.  相似文献   

Rossby波的螺旋斑图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应用描写大气大尺度运动的准地转方程组,求得了大气Rossby波的三维定常流场以及相应的位温场、涡度场和散度场,其中的三维流场构成了物理空间的一个非线性自治动力系统. 研究表明,Rossby波具有  相似文献   


An analytical spectral model of the barotropic divergent equations on a sphere is developed using the potential-stream function formulation and the normal modes as basic functions. Explicit expressions of the coefficients of nonlinear interaction are obtained in the asymptotic case of a slowly rotating sphere, i.e. when the normal modes can be expressed as single spherical harmonics.  相似文献   

Further observational evidence of normal mode Rossby waves with higher meridional mode numbers is presented with the aid of global data from the troposphere to the stratosphere over the period November 1979 through April 1986.It is shown, without using ana priori assumption of meridional structure, that the third antisymmetric modes of zonal wavenumbers 1 and 2,i.e., (1,4) and (2,4) modes, substantially exist in the real atmosphere. These modes are, however, easily influenced by the nonuniform background field even in the equinoctial season; amplitude submaxima near the equator are apt to be dubious in the upper stratosphere so that the prototype meridional structure becomes obscure. The period of the (1,4) mode often falls into that of the (1,3) mode, about 16 days. Hence, these two modes cannot be classified simply by their periods, but the separation is made by their meridional structure.An appearance calendar of various modes is also presented for the analysis period. It is found that each mode appears irregularly throughout the year and that the year-to-year variation is fairly large.  相似文献   


Dispersion of linear quasigeostrophic plane waves in a stratified ocean with bottom topography is discussed. Particular emphasis is given to cases for which zonal gradients in the sea floor height are important. As such, the relative importance of the topographic and planetary β-effects is strongly dependent on wave vector orientation. The magnitude of the topographic slopes considered is chosen such that these two effects (topographic and planetary β) are of comparable importance. In the interest of simplicity, stratification is taken to be independent of depth. The eigenvalue problem which must be solved to find the free modes of oscillation has already been treated in the literature (in fact, Charney and Flierl (1981) have treated the effects of a more realistic stratification). The aim of this note is to more fully expose, primarily by example, several dispersive properties of these free wave modes which have been largely overlooked.  相似文献   


We consider the mixing of passive tracers and vorticity by temporally fluctuating large scale flows in two dimensions. In analyzing this problem, we employ modern developments stemming from properties of Hamiltonian chaos in the particle trajectories; these developments generally come under the heading “chaotic advection” or “Lagrangian turbulence.” A review of the salient properties of this kind of mixing, and the mathematics used to analyze it, is presented in the context of passive tracer mixing by a vacillating barotropic Rossby wave. We then take up the characterization of subtler aspects of the mixing. It is shown the chaotic advection produces very nonlocal mixing which cannot be represented by eddy diffusivity. Also, the power spectrum of the tracer field is found to be k ? l at shortwaves—precisely as for mixing by homogeneous, isotropic two dimensional turbulence,—even though the physics of the present case is very different. We have produced two independent arguments accounting for this behavior.

We then examine integrations of the unforced barotropic vorticity equation with initial conditions chosen to give a large scale streamline geometry similar to that analyzed in the passive case. It is found that vorticity mixing proceeds along lines similar to passive tracer mixing. Broad regions of homogenized vorticity ultimately surround the separatrices of the large scale streamline pattern, with vorticity gradients limited to nonchaotic regions (regions of tori) in the corresponding passive problem.

Vorticity in the chaotic zone takes the form of an arrangement of strands which become progressively finer in scale and progressively more densely packed; this process transfers enstrophy to small scales. Although the enstrophy cascade is entirely controlled by the large scale wave, the shortwave enstrophy spectrum ultimately takes on the classical k ? l form. If one accepts that the enstrophy cascade is indeed mediated by chaotic advection, this is the expected behavior. The extreme form of nonlocality (in wavenumber space) manifest in this example casts some doubt on the traditional picture of enstrophy cascade in the Atmosphere, which is based on homogeneous two dimensional turbulence theory. We advance the conjecture that these transfers are in large measure attributable to large scale, low frequency, planetary waves.

Upscale energy transfers amplifying the large scale wave do indeed occur in the course of the above-described process. However, the energy transfer is complete long before vorticity mixing has gotten very far, and therefore has little to do with chaotic advection. In this sense, the vorticity involved in the enstrophy cascade is “fossil vorticity,” which has already given up its energy to the large scale.

We conclude with some speculations concerning statistical mechanics of two dimensional flow, prompted by our finding that flows with identical initial energy and enstrophy can culminate in very different final states. We also outline prospects for further applications of chaotic mixing in atmospheric problems.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the generation of linear, baroclinic Rossby waves by an imposed current distribution, in a reduced gravity ocean, both with and without an eastern coast. A zonal current is impulsively applied and maintained along the northern edge of the domain of solution. Using Green's function techniques, analytical solutions are found, and these are evaluated for small times. Numerical solutions are obtained for larger times. The upper layer depth field consists of a transient response, due to the sudden application of the current. Maintenance of the current causes a response which is singular along the line of imposed non-zero h y. The interior field decays with time (this is shown asymptotically). The parameters used are appropriate for the mid-latitude North Pacific, and the results are relevant to sudden transport changes in the North Pacific Current.  相似文献   


The stratification profile of the Earth's magnetofluid outer core is unknown, but there have been suggestions that its upper part may be stably stratified. Braginsky (1984) suggested that the magnetic analog of Rossby (planetary) waves in this stable layer (the ‘H’ layer) may be responsible for a portion of the short-period secular variation. In this study, we adopt a thin shell model to examine the dynamics of the H layer. The stable stratification justifies the thin-layer approximations, which greatly simplify the analysis. The governing equations are then the Laplace's tidal equations modified by the Lorentz force terms, and the magnetic induction equation. We linearize the Lorentz force in the Laplace's tidal equations and the advection term in the magnetic induction equation, assuming a zeroth order dipole field as representative of the magnetic field near the insulating core-mantle boundary. An analytical β-plane solution shows that a magnetic field can release the equatorial trapping that non-magnetic Rossby waves exhibit. A numerical solution to the full spherical equations confirms that a sufficiently strong magnetic field can break the equatorial waveguide. Both solutions are highly dissipative, which is a consequence of our necessary neglect of the induction term in comparison with the advection and diffusion terms in the magnetic induction equation in the thin-layer limit. However, were one to relax the thin-layer approximations and allow a radial dependence of the solutions, one would find magnetic Rossby waves less damped (through the inclusion of the induction term). For the magnetic field strength appropriate for the H layer, the real parts of the eigenfrequencies do not change appreciably from their non-magnetic values. We estimate a phase velocity of the lowest modes that is rather rapid compared with the core fluid speed typically presumed from the secular variation.  相似文献   

Before the 1980s, El Ni?o was believed as the sea surface warming along the coast of Peru in South America. As the positive anomaly strengths, the warm water expands westward along the equator to form large area of anomalous high sea surface temperature. Rasmusson and Carpenter (1982) summarized the de-velopment process of the sea surface warm water and the corresponding wind field[1] during ENSO cylce. However, this canonical El Ni?o was questioned by 1982-1983 warm episode and later dat…  相似文献   

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