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1IN TR O D U CTIO N Land isthemost essentiaplhysicalresource asnd mate- rialbasisforpeople'slif e(LIU,1996).Land use/cover change(LUCC ) isa key aspectofglobalenvironment change, andindicatetsheinfluencoefhuman activiti on physicaelnvironment.As we allkno…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONThere have been many literatures about the regional disparity of economic development in China since the late 1970s. Some scholars argue that disparity of re-gional development in China has been expanded since 1978, but others find it has reduced since 1978. The findings of some scholars show that the evolutionary process of the disparity of regional economic develop-ment in China follows the inverted U shape, but some others do not think so. What is the true tendency, and i…  相似文献   

How land-cover has been changed by human use over the last 300 years is one of the five overarching questions guiding the Land-use/Cover Change (LUCC) Science/Research Plan. China has variety of historical docu-ments providing unique data superiority. So the characteristics of farmland area in Shandong Province during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) are summarized firstly: 1) the rising trend of farmland area was striking; 2) farmland area had re-markable fluctuation; 3) farmland area per capita decreased dramatically; 4) wasteland reclamation index increased rapidly. Then, the driving forces of farmland area change are analyzed. It is concluded that natural and human factors are jointly influential. Among the driving forces, human dimensions are the main factors of farmland area change,which direct the general tendency of the changes mentioned above. And the natural factors influence the stability of farmland area as well. Variation of the natural factors would act as the major contributory factor to farmland area change during years or periods of abrupt climatic changes, or during the intensive occurring periods of natural hazards.Besides, the passive aspects of human factors, such as war chaos also influenced the fluctuation of the farmland area.This research indicates that it is feasible to study the land-use/cover change by Chinese historical literatures, which has huge potential to provide a comprehensive picture of the growing dominance of human land-use and land-cover pat-terns that can be used in many global change research oroiects.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONTheIGBP-IHDP(InternationalGeosphere-BiosphereProgramme,andInternationalHumanDimensionPro-gramme)jointproject—LUCC(landuse/coverchange)isaninterdisciplinaryprogramdesignedtoimprovetheunderstandingofthedynamicsofland-useandland-coverchangeasinputstoandconsequencesofglobalenvironmentalchangeandsustainabledevelopment(CHARLOTTE,2002).Inparticularthedifferentbio-geochemicalmodeling(e.g.theglobalcarboncycle)ac-tivitiesandcomparativestudies,suchasthoseconduct-edbyIGBP-G…  相似文献   

While urbanization has accelerated, the rural population in China has started decreasing in recent years. However, the expan- sion of rural settlement has not been sufficiently curbed. The questions of why this has happened and who has driven the land-use change (LUC) of rural settlement in China have aroused great interests among researchers. In this paper, it is suggested that population is not always a positive driving force for the LUC of rural settlement in China. Furthermore, socio-economic driving forces other than urbanization, population and industrialization are analyzed. On a national scale, the major driving forces are the per-capita rural housing area and the cultivated land area. On a regional scale, the main driving forces in the eastern China are the house-building capacity of rural households and the per-capita rural housing area; while in the central China, the main driving forces are rural housing investment, the proportion of primary industry employees in the rural working population, and the cultivated land area. For the western China, the main driving forces are rural register population and cultivated land area.  相似文献   

Land-use change is an important aspect of global environment change. It is, in a sense, the direct result of human activities influencing our physical environment. Supported by the dynamic serving system of national resources, including both the environment database and GIS technology, this paper analyzed the land-use change in northeastern China in the past ten years (1990–2000). It divides northeastern China into five land-use zones based on the dynamic degree (DD) of land-use: woodland/grassland — arable land conversion zone, dry land — paddy field conversion zone, urban expansion zone, interlocked zone of farming and pasturing, and reclamation and abandoned zone. In the past ten years, land-use change of northeastern China can be generalized as follows: increase of cropland area was obvious, paddy field and dry land increased by 74.9 and 276.0 thousand ha respectively; urban area expanded rapidly, area of town and rural residence increased by 76.8 thousand ha; area of forest and grassland decreased sharply with the amount of 1399.0 and 1521.3 thousand ha respectively; area of water body and unused land increased by 148.4 and 513.9 thousand ha respectively. Besides a comprehensive analysis of the spatial patterns of land use, this paper also discusses the driving forces in each land-use dynamic zones. The study shows that some key biophysical factors affect conspicuously the conversion of different land-use types. In this paper, the relationships between land-use conversion and DEM, accumulated temperature (⩾10°C) and precipitation were analysed and represented. We conclude that the land-use changes in northeast China resulted from the change of macro social and economic factors and local physical elements. Rapid population growth and management changes, in some sense, can explain the shaping of woodland/grassland — cropland conversion zone. The conversion from dry land to paddy field in the dry land — paddy field conversion zone, apart from the physical elements change promoting the expansion of paddy field, results from two reasons: one is that the implementation of market-economy in China has given farmers the right to decide what they plant and how they plant their crops, the other factor is originated partially from the change of dietary habit with the social and economic development. The conversion from paddy field to dry land is caused prmarily by the shortfall of irrigation water, which in turn is caused by poor water allocation management by local governments. The shaping of the reclamation and abandoned zone is partially due to the lack of environment protection consciousness among pioneer settlers. The reason for the conversion from grassland to cropland is the relatively higher profits of farming than that of pasturing in the interlocked zone of farming and pasturing. In northeastern China, the rapid expansion of built-up areas results from two factors: the first is its small number of towns; the second comes from the huge potential for expansion of existing towns and cities. It is noticeable that urban expansion in the northeastern China is characterized by gentle topographic relief and low population density. Physiognomy, transportation and economy exert great influences on the urban expansion. Foundation item: Under the auspices of Knowledge Innovation program Key Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX-2-308). Biography: LIU Ji-yuan (1947 - ), male, a native of Shanghai Municipality, professor, Director General of Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include environment and resources, remote sensing and geography.  相似文献   

中亚各国自独立以来,先后经历了政治经济改革、俄罗斯金融危机、全球金融危机、国际原料价格浮动等多次重大事件。为研究中亚地区1992—2017年近30年的社会经济发展变化,以DMSP/OLS、NPP/VIIRS夜光数据以及年鉴数据为数据源,采用夜光总量(SNL)、夜光增长率(PNLG)等指数并结合社会经济参量对中亚社会经济的时空动态发展过程及驱动因子进行分析,研究结果表明:① 夜光可较好的反映中亚国家社会经济发展的时空变化,且夜光对社会经济发展变化的反映较GDP等社会经济参量更直观更敏感;② 独立初期的社会经济改革对中亚地区影响大、范围广,仅土库曼斯坦夜光总量(SNL)增长4.5%,其他各国夜光总量(SNL)均有下滑;③ 20世纪以来的中亚国家由于基础条件、资源禀赋等的差异,各国间差距逐渐拉大,抗风险能力差异大。如全球金融危机(2008年)对塔吉克斯坦影响最大(PNLG=-36.4%),哈萨克斯坦影响最小(PNLG=-3.6%);④ 中亚国家易受国际能源市场价格的影响尤其是油气价格增长。通过夜光对中亚社会经济的研究分析,能为中亚区域安全保障以及“一带一路”倡议的实施提供决策参考。  相似文献   

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