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Advances in lattice-based cryptography are enabling the use of public key algorithms (PKAs) in power-constrained ad hoc and sensor network devices. Unfortunately, while many wireless networks are dominated by group communications, PKAs are inherently unicast—i.e., public/private key pairs are generated by data destinations. To fully realize public key cryptography in these networks, lightweight PKAs should be augmented with energy efficient mechanisms for group key agreement. Recently, many key management schemes for the WSNs have been proposed, but the computation and communication costs of these protocols are too high to suitable for WSNs. This paper proposes a key establish protocol for the WSNs based on combined key. The protocol adopts seed key mapping technology to achieve two-party and multi-party key establish in the WSNs, it can generate a large number of combination keys with little resources. So it effectively solve the contradiction between the sensor nodes need large storage space to store shared key with their neighbors and their limited storage space. It can also achieve mutual authentication between nodes when they establish shared key. Analysis shows that the proposed protocol has the advantages in storage efficiency, computation consumption and Communication consumption and suitable for wireless networks.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Efficiency can be achieved in CEAACK MANETs by implementing clustering technique into the network. Using this strategy the cluster head can monitor the members...  相似文献   

In healthcare applications of WSN, the data loss due to congestion may cause death alarm for a patient in critical condition. Therefore, an efficient congestion avoidance or otherwise an efficient congestion control mechanism is required. In this paper, we present an energy efficient reliable multi-path data transmission protocol for reliable data transport over WSN for the health care application. The emergency data and sensitive data packets are transmitted through an alternate path having minimum correlation with transmission interference during congestion. The proposed protocol attempts to avoid congestion by computing the probability of congestion at the intermediate nodes and transmission rate at the intermediate node is adjusted. The buffer of each node is partitioned to support fair and efficient data delivery. The reliability of the proposed protocol is achieved through hop-by-hop loss recovery and acknowledgement. The performance of the proposed protocol is evaluated through extensive simulations. The simulation results reveal that it outperforms the existing congestion control protocols for healthcare application in terms of energy efficiency, reliability and end-to-end delivery ratio.  相似文献   

针对无线体域网中因通信链路时变而带来的能量浪费问题,该文提出一种能量高效且可靠的自适应路由协议.该协议在数据传播模型的基础上引入了无线链路质量的计算方法,并将各个链路质量作为隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的状态观测值进行训练,以此得出最优的路由路径.仿真结果表明,该协议相比于基于预测的安全可靠路由(PSR)协议等已有的预测路由协议,降低了网络的数据丢包率和时延,延长了网络节点的生命周期.  相似文献   

流媒体分发的一种典型实现方法是采用具有接收方驱动拥塞控制机制的分层组播.由于目前分层组播拥塞控制协议缺乏对用户行为的限制,接收方可违规订阅上层组播组发起自利型攻击,导致非公平的带宽利用.本文提出了一种较通用的安全分层组播协议SLM(Secure Layered Multicast).在路由器辅助拥塞控制条件下,在边界路由器采用基于Shamir秘密共享体制的拥塞状态相关访问控制(CR-AC,Congestion state Related Access Control)算法,管理用户组订阅行为,避免了用户自利型攻击,并使服务提供商可根据其与用户的协约限定不同用户的最高订阅级别.分析和仿真实验表明,该协议可实时保证网络流量安全共享带宽并具有较好的可扩展性.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - A major issue in VANETs is the high mobility of the nodes. Broadcasting helps in improving the performance of the VANETs in terms of secure routing. However,...  相似文献   

MANET is a set of mobile nodes which works in a dynamic changing network and it is capable of communicating with each other efficiently where all the nodes perform a dual role as that of a transmitter and a receiver. MANETs do not use any centralized administration for communication. The performance of a MANET can be further enhanced by adapting a cluster mechanism with the help of CEAACK to provide security from penetrators. In this paper we propose a new improved ant colony optimization algorithm with two strategies to reduce the overhead in communication by predicting mobility of node and cluster formation. Firstly, a dynamic mechanism is designed for determining one or more heuristic parameters for improving the performance of the MANET. Secondly a dynamic list of nodes are maintained which helps in forming clusters and electing the cluster head faster. In addition a dynamic broadcast approach algorithm is incorporated to provide the information about the status of the nodes to the hybrid fuzzy-ant colony algorithm. This approach ensures low maintenance cost and is expected to be robust against node failures and network topology changes. The positive outcome of these two techniques consumes low energy and in the process provides better efficiency in data transmission in MANETs. It also achieves correct delivery of packets without unnecessary delay.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - A sensor node in the wireless sensor network (WSN) has an inadequate energy, and it cannot be interchanged due to the arbitrary placement, so the objective is to...  相似文献   

针对UDP数据报传输不可靠性这一问题,提出一种主动防止数据报丢失的策略。该策略在编码端分片传输UDP数据报,在接收端利用环形缓冲区接收并重组各数据报分片。这种策略不仅有效地避免了接收端多个数据报片冲突以及接收缓冲区溢出等现象的出现,而且减小了数据报片丢失和乱序对解码图像质量的影响,使得恢复的图像质量有明显改善。  相似文献   


Energy efficiency is of paramount concern in underwater sensor networks. The very nature of underwater environment makes it difficult to deploy an energy efficient network that enhances network lifetime. The existing protocols of terrestrial networks cannot be implemented directly to underwater scenarios and as such new protocols have to be designed because of speed of signal propagation under water. Improving the energy efficiency in UWSNs is an active area of research and many protocols to that end have been proposed. The routing protocol that this paper proposes is Energy Efficient Layered Cluster Head Rotation (EE-LCHR) routing protocol. This protocol makes use of the multi sink architecture and creates virtual layers containing a number of sensor nodes such that the hop count from the sensor nodes in a particular layer to the surface sink is the same. Also each layer has a number of clusters with a cluster head that keeps on rotating depending on the fitness value of the sensor nodes. The proposed protocol as compared to other extant protocols like EE-DBR and DBR improves network lifetime. The presence of virtual layers and rotation of cluster heads together ensure that energy balance is better achieved in our proposed protocol which leads to an enhanced network lifetime.



Recently, the Wormhole Attack (WA) affects the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). So far, there are ‘2’ solutions to trounce WA, that is, utilizing specialized hardware or capturing a specific pattern extra overhead over the network. Some prevailing solutions for detectingWAneed special hardware or firmly synchronized clocks or longer processing time in addition to that some solutions can’t even locate the WormHole (WH) and also have low security.This paper proposed an efficient WH detection as well as Optimal Path (OP) selection for safe Data Transmission (DT) in WSN. The proposed workencompasses a '2' phase: i) training, and ii) testing. Here, the WSN values are considered and chosen secure node utilizing the Fit Factor (FF). After selecting the secure nodes, the routes are discovered aimed at the optimal assortment of the optimal routes. Next, the gathered data is tested with a trained system in which feature reduction and classification are performed. Lastly, the MCSC securely transfers the non-attack data. The proposed method’s outcomes are examined and weighed against the other prevailing techniques and the outcomesexhibited the proposed method’s efficiency for attack detection along withdata security.


Field measurements reveal that radio link asymmetry has a severe impact on reliable data delivery. We analyze the energy efficiencies of selected reliability schemes for asymmetric radio links using theoretical models. The analysis provides guidelines for retransmission control so as to balance between reliability and energy consumption. We also design two enhancements to the “implicit” ARQ scheme addressing the negative effects of asymmetric radio links. The energy efficiencies of these algorithms are explicitly derived using our theoretical model and validated by simulations and field trials. Based on the analysis of the two enhanced algorithms, we propose an improvement, referred to as Energy Efficient Reliable Data Collection (EERDC) that controls the retransmissions of the enhanced ARQ schemes. Simulations and field trials confirm our theoretical findings and demonstrate that our proposed EERDC algorithm alleviates the impact of link asymmetry and achieves energy savings.
Sanjay JhaEmail:

Ren P. Liu   joined CSIRO in 1995 after finishing his Ph.D. at the University of Newcastle, Australia. He has been heavily involved in a number of commercial projects delivering solutions to a variety of customers such as Optus, AARNet, Nortel, Queensland Health, CityRail, and Rio Tinto. He is currently a principal research scientist of networking technologies in CSIRO ICT Centre. His interests include internetworking design, wireless network modelling and performance evaluation. Zvi Rosberg   has joined CSIRO, ICT centre in 2007 as the science leader of networking research. Previously, he held positions in the Academia and in the industry where he has been engaged in basic research and development in communication networks, wireless resource allocation and various Internet technologies. While he was with the IBM Research Lab, he won three IBM outstanding technical achievement awards, one of which is for an IBM licensed networking product. While he was the chief scientist of Radware Ltd., he designed and led the development of a content delivery network. He is serving on the editorial board of the Wireless Networks (WINET) and the International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS). His research interest include traffic engineering, wireless resource allocation, transmitter power control and planning of cellular networks, routing and scheduling, optical and ultra high speed networks, Internet congestion and flow control, applied probability and analysis of network systems. Iain B. Collings   received the B.E. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Melbourne in 1992, and the Ph.D. degree in Systems Engineering from the Australian National University in 1995. Currently he is a CEO Science Leader at the Australian CSIRO, working in the Wireless Technologies Laboratory, ICT Centre. Prior to this he was an Associate Professor at the University of Sydney (1999–2005); a Lecturer at the University of Melbourne (1996–1999); and a Research Fellow in the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Sensor Signal and Information Processing (1995). He has published over 160 research papers in the area of mobile digital communications. More specifically, channel estimation and adaptive multi-carrier modulation, for time-varying, multi-user, and MIMO channels. Dr. Collings currently serves as an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (since 2002), and for the Elsevier Physical Communication Journal PHYCOM (since 2007). He has served as the Vice Chair of the Technical Program Committee for IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2010 and IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. (VTC) Spring 2006, as well as serving on a number of other TPCs and organizing committees of IEEE conferences. He is a founding organizer of the Australian Communication Theory Workshops 2000–2009. He is also the Chair of the IEEE NSW Section Joint Communications & Signal Processing Chapter. Carol Wilson   received a BSEE in 1983 and MSEE in 1983 from Virginia Tech. She is a research consultant on propagation and spectrum management for CSIRO and is currently working on Radio Quiet Zone issues for next generation radioastronomy. She is Vice-Chairman of ITU-R Study Group 3 (Radiowave Propagation) and Chairman of ITU-R Working Party 3M (Point-to-point and Earth-space propagation). Alex Y. Dong   is a Ph.D. candidate in School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales. His current research interest is context sensing in Participatory Wireless Sensor Networks (PWSN). Sanjay Jha   is a Professor and Head of the Network Group at the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. His research activities cover a wide range of topics in networking including Wireless Sensor Networks, Adhoc/Community wireless networks, Resilience/Quality of Service (QoS) in IP Networks, and Active/Programmable network. Sanjay has published over 100 articles in high quality journals and conferences. He is the principal author of the book Engineering Internet QoS and a co-editor of the book Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systems Perspective. He is an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile computing. He was a Member-at-Large, Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC), IEEE Computer Society for a number of years. He has served on program committees of several conferences. He was the Technical Program Committee of IEEE Local Computer Networks-LCN2004 and ATNAC04 conferences, and co-chair and general chair of the Emnets-1 and Emnets-II workshop respectively. Sanjay was also the General Chair of ACM Sensys 2007 symposium.   相似文献   

The dynamic characteristics of wireless networks and stringent QoS requirements of multimedia applications identify significant challenges for providing QoS guarantees for real-time multimedia streaming in such wireless environment. QoS routing protocols can decisively contribute to the QoS provision of network systems. This paper proposes an efficient cluster-based routing protocol (ECBRP) for real-time multimedia streaming in mobile ad hoc networks. First, to improve the stability of clusterheads, we introduce a new algorithm of cluster formation, in consideration of the node mobility and connectivity. Second, a link-broken detection mechanism is designed, which is able to distinguish whether packet loss is due to mobility or congestion, and to make proper reaction. This mechanism contributes to reduce route overhead, and to increase the decodable ratio of video frame at the application layer as well. Third, the routing protocol is enhanced via an adaptive packet salvage strategy, in order to alleviate the congestion in consideration of the characteristics of multimedia traffic. Our simulation experiment results demonstrate that the ECBRP leads to more stable cluster formation than the CBRP, and 80% decreases in the frequency of clusterhead changes against CBRP. As a result, the quality of real-time multimedia streaming is improved significantly, in terms of decodable frame ratio, delay and delay jitter, etc.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Mobile adhoc network (MANET) is an autonomous network, comprising several hosts which are linked to one another via wireless connections. Since the nodes in MANET...  相似文献   

To avoid the single point of failure for the certificate authority (CA) in MANET, a decentralized solution is proposed where nodes are grouped into different clusters. Each cluster should contain at least two confident nodes. One is known as CA and the another as register authority RA. The Dynamic Demilitarized Zone (DDMZ) is proposed as a solution for protecting the CA node against potential attacks. It is formed from one or more RA node. The problems of such a model are: (1) Clusters with one confident node, CA, cannot be created and thus clusters’ sizes are increased which negatively affect clusters’ services and stability. (2) Clusters with high density of RA can cause channel collision at the CA. (3) Clusters’ lifetime are reduced since RA monitors are always launched (i.e., resource consumption). In this paper, we propose a model based on mechanism design that will allow clusters with single trusted node (CA) to be created. Our mechanism will motivate nodes that do not belong to the confident community to participate by giving them incentives in the form of trust, which can be used for cluster’s services. To achieve this goal, a RA selection algorithm is proposed that selects nodes based on a predefined selection criteria function and location (i.e., using directional antenna). Such a model is known as moderate. Based on the security risk, more RA nodes must be added to formalize a robust DDMZ. Here, we consider the tradeoff between security and resource consumption by formulating the problem as a nonzero-sum noncooperative game between the CA and attacker. Finally, empirical results are provided to support our solutions.  相似文献   


A great advancement has been made in intelligent transportation system and communication technologies in order to exchange secure information between automobiles, facilities provider have led an frame over road network. The intelligent transportation system provides an efficient traffic system for drivers, so that there must be less risk to users. In order to design a secure communication protocol among V & V and V & I is a challenging problem. In order to reduce the chance of attacks and increase privacy level, crypto graphic tools provides the feasible solution. In this paper, we proposed pseudonym changing strategy with mix zones (1) Anonymous authentication: the message should be authenticated by issuer due to mix zone and cryptographic tools secure message without any attack. (2) Privacy: Communication contents are confidential due to encrypted messages during communications also improving the scalability through address configuration scheme to reduce computational cost. (3) Efficiency: low storage requirements, The velocity and distance factors may also consider secure measurement, message delivery, overhead and coverage,packet delivery rate, reduce latency and overhead not only by computation cost and time but also compared our scheme, fast delivery rate, low latency and maximum coverage in order to enhance privacy against malicious attacks.


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