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Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) are circulating particles surrounded by a plasma membrane carrying a cargo consisting of proteins, lipids, RNAs, and DNA fragments, stemming from the cells from which they originated. EV factors (i.e., miRNAs) play relevant roles in intercellular crosstalk, both locally and systemically. As EVs increasingly gained attention as potential carriers for targeted genes, the study of EV effects on the host immune response became more relevant. It has been demonstrated that EVs regulate the host immune response, executing both pro- and anti-inflammatory functions. It is also known that physical exercise triggers anti-inflammatory effects. This review underlines the role of circulating EVs as players in the anti-inflammatory events associated with the regulation of the host’s immune response to physical exercise.  相似文献   

Cell senescence is associated with the secretion of many factors, the so-called “senescence-associated secretory phenotype”, which may alter tissue microenvironment, stimulating the organism to clean up senescent cells and replace them with newly divided ones. Therefore, although no longer dividing, these cells are still metabolically active and influence the surrounding tissue. Much attention has been recently focused not only on soluble factors released by senescent cells, but also on extracellular vesicles as conveyors of senescence signals outside the cell. Here, we give an overview of the role of extracellular vesicles in biological processes and signaling pathways related to senescence and aging.  相似文献   

Tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (TEVs) play crucial roles in mediating immune responses, as they carry and present functional MHC-peptide complexes that enable them to modulate antigen-specific CD8+ T-cell responses. However, the therapeutic potential and immunogenicity of TEV-based therapies against bladder cancer (BC) have not yet been tested. Here, we demonstrated that priming with immunogenic Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) derived from murine MB49 BC cells was sufficient to prevent MB49 tumor growth in mice. Importantly, antibody-mediated CD8+ T-cell depletion diminished the protective effect of MB49 EVs, suggesting that MB49 EVs elicit cytotoxic CD8+ T-cell-mediated protection against MB49 tumor growth. Such antitumor activity may be augmented by TEV-enhanced immune cell infiltration into the tumors. Interestingly, MB49 EV priming was unable to completely prevent, but significantly delayed, unrelated syngeneic murine colon MC-38 tumor growth. Cytokine array analyses revealed that MB49 EVs were enriched with pro-inflammatory factors that might contribute to increasing tumor-infiltrating immune cells in EV-primed MC-38 tumors. These results support the potential application of TEVs in personalized medicine, and open new avenues for the development of adjuvant therapies based on patient-derived EVs aimed at preventing disease progression.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are cell-derived vesicles important in intercellular communication that play an essential role in host-pathogen interactions, spreading pathogen-derived as well as host-derived molecules during infection. Pathogens can induce changes in the composition of EVs derived from the infected cells and use them to manipulate their microenvironment and, for instance, modulate innate and adaptive inflammatory immune responses, both in a stimulatory or suppressive manner. Gastric cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide and infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is considered the main risk factor for developing this disease, which is characterized by a strong inflammatory component. EVs released by host cells infected with H. pylori contribute significantly to inflammation, and in doing so promote the development of disease. Additionally, H. pylori liberates vesicles, called outer membrane vesicles (H. pylori-OMVs), which contribute to atrophia and cell transformation in the gastric epithelium. In this review, the participation of both EVs from cells infected with H. pylori and H. pylori-OMVs associated with the development of gastric cancer will be discussed. By deciphering which functions of these external vesicles during H. pylori infection benefit the host or the pathogen, novel treatment strategies may become available to prevent disease.  相似文献   

Human intestinal microbiota comprise of a dynamic population of bacterial species and other microorganisms with the capacity to interact with the rest of the organism and strongly influence the host during homeostasis and disease. Commensal and pathogenic bacteria coexist in homeostasis with the intestinal epithelium and the gastrointestinal tract’s immune system, or GALT (gut-associated lymphoid tissue), of the host. However, a disruption to this homeostasis or dysbiosis by different factors (e.g., stress, diet, use of antibiotics, age, inflammatory processes) can cause brain dysfunction given the communication between the gut and brain. Recently, extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from bacteria have emerged as possible carriers in gut-brain communication through the interaction of their vesicle components with immune receptors, which lead to neuroinflammatory immune response activation. This review discusses the critical role of bacterial EVs from the gut in the neuropathology of brain dysfunctions by modulating the immune response. These vesicles, which contain harmful bacterial EV contents such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), peptidoglycans, toxins and nucleic acids, are capable of crossing tissue barriers including the blood-brain barrier and interacting with the immune receptors of glial cells (e.g., Toll-like receptors) to lead to the production of cytokines and inflammatory mediators, which can cause brain impairment and behavioral dysfunctions.  相似文献   

Myeloid neoplasms arise from malignant primitive cells, which exhibit growth advantage within the bone marrow microenvironment (BMM). The interaction between these malignant cells and BMM cells is critical for the progression of these diseases. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid bound vesicles secreted into the extracellular space and involved in intercellular communication. Recent studies have described RNA and protein alterations in EVs isolated from myeloid neoplasm patients compared to healthy controls. The altered expression of various micro-RNAs is the best-described feature of EVs of these patients. Some of these micro-RNAs induce growth-related pathways such as AKT/mTOR and promote the acquisition of stem cell-like features by malignant cells. Another well-described characteristic of EVs in myeloid neoplasms is their ability to suppress healthy hematopoiesis either via direct effect on healthy CD34+ cells or via alteration of the differentiation of BMM cells. These results support a role of EVs in the pathogenesis of myeloid neoplasms. mainly through mediating the interaction between malignant and BMM cells, and warrant further study to better understand their biology. In this review, we describe the reported alterations of EV composition in myeloid neoplasms and the recent discoveries supporting their involvement in the development and progression of these diseases.  相似文献   

Hypoxia, a condition of low oxygenation frequently found in triple-negative breast tumors (TNBC), promotes extracellular vesicle (EV) secretion and favors cell invasion, a complex process in which cell morphology is altered, dynamic focal adhesion spots are created, and ECM is remodeled. Here, we investigated the invasive properties triggered by TNBC-derived hypoxic small EV (SEVh) in vitro in cells cultured under hypoxic (1% O2) and normoxic (20% O2) conditions, using phenotypical and proteomic approaches. SEVh characterization demonstrated increased protein abundance and diversity over normoxic SEV (SEVn), with enrichment in pro-invasive pathways. In normoxic cells, SEVh promotes invasive behavior through pro-migratory morphology, invadopodia development, ECM degradation, and matrix metalloprotease (MMP) secretion. The proteome profiling of 20% O2-cultured cells exposed to SEVh determined enrichment in metabolic processes and cell cycles, modulating cell health to escape apoptotic pathways. In hypoxia, SEVh was responsible for proteolytic and catabolic pathway inducement, interfering with integrin availability and gelatinase expression. Overall, our results demonstrate the importance of hypoxic signaling via SEV in tumors for the early establishment of metastasis.  相似文献   

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) represents the dialysis modality of choice for pediatric patients with end-stage kidney disease. Indeed, compared with hemodialysis (HD), it offers many advantages, including more flexibility, reduction of the risk of hospital-acquired infections, preservation of residual kidney function, and a better quality of life. However, despite these positive aspects, PD may be associated with several long-term complications that may impair both patient’s general health and PD adequacy. In this view, chronic inflammation, caused by different factors, has a detrimental impact on the structure and function of the peritoneal membrane, leading to sclerosis and consequent PD failure both in adults and children. Although several studies investigated the complex pathogenic pathways underlying peritoneal membrane alterations, these processes remain still to explore. Understanding these mechanisms may provide novel approaches to improve the clinical outcome of pediatric PD patients through the identification of subjects at high risk of complications and the implementation of personalized interventions. In this review, we discuss the main experimental and clinical experiences exploring the potentiality of the proteomic analysis of peritoneal fluids and extracellular vesicles as a source of novel biomarkers in pediatric peritoneal dialysis.  相似文献   

The intense research focus on stem and progenitor cells could be attributed to their differentiation potential to generate new cells to replace diseased or lost cells in many highly intractable degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer disease, multiple sclerosis, and heart diseases. However, experimental and clinical studies have increasingly attributed the therapeutic efficacy of these cells to their secretion. While stem and progenitor cells secreted many therapeutic molecules, none of these molecules singly or in combination could recapitulate the functional effects of stem cell transplantations. Recently, it was reported that extracellular vesicles (EVs) could recapitulate the therapeutic effects of stem cell transplantation. Based on the observations reported thus far, the prevailing hypothesis is that stem cell EVs exert their therapeutic effects by transferring biologically active molecules such as proteins, lipids, mRNA, and microRNA from the stem cells to injured or diseased cells. In this respect, stem cell EVs are similar to EVs from other cell types. They are both primarily vehicles for intercellular communication. Therefore, the differentiating factor is likely due to the composition of their cargo. The cargo of EVs from different cell types are known to include a common set of proteins and also proteins that reflect the cell source of the EVs and the physiological or pathological state of the cell source. Hence, elucidation of the stem cell EV cargo would provide an insight into the multiple physiological or biochemical changes necessary to affect the many reported stem cell-based therapeutic outcomes in a variety of experimental models and clinical trials.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by complex cellular and molecular mechanisms, not fully elucidated so far. It involves inflammatory cells (monocytes/macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes), cytokines, chemokines and, probably, new players yet to be clearly identified and described. Chronic local and systemic inflammation, lung aging and cellular senescence are key pathological events in COPD development and progression over time. Extracellular vesicles (EVs), released by virtually all cells both as microvesicles and exosomes into different biological fluids, are involved in intercellular communication and, therefore, represent intriguing players in pathobiological mechanisms (including those characterizing aging and chronic diseases); moreover, the role of EVs as biomarkers in different diseases, including COPD, is rapidly gaining recognition. In this review, after recalling the essential steps of COPD pathogenesis, we summarize the current evidence on the roles of EVs collected in different biological mediums as biomarkers in COPD and as potential players in the specific mechanisms leading to disease development. We will also briefly review the data on EV as potential therapeutic targets and potential therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membranous, rounded vesicles released by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in their normal and pathophysiological states. These vesicles form a network of intercellular communication as they can transfer cell- and function-specific information (lipids, proteins and nucleic acids) to different cells and thus alter their function. Fungi are not an exception; they also release EVs to the extracellular space. The vesicles can also be retained in the periplasm as periplasmic vesicles (PVs) and the cell wall. Such fungal vesicles play various specific roles in the lives of these organisms. They are involved in creating wall architecture and maintaining its integrity, supporting cell isolation and defence against the environment. In the case of pathogenic strains, they might take part in the interactions with the host and affect the infection outcomes. The economic importance of fungi in manufacturing high-quality nutritional and pharmaceutical products and in remediation is considerable. The analysis of fungal EVs opens new horizons for diagnosing fungal infections and developing vaccines against mycoses and novel applications of nanotherapy and sensors in industrial processes.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been described as important mediators of cell communication, regulating several physiological processes, including tissue recovery and regeneration. In the kidneys, EVs derived from stem cells have been shown to support tissue recovery in diverse disease models and have been considered an interesting alternative to cell therapy. For this purpose, however, several challenges remain to be overcome, such as the requirement of a high number of EVs for human therapy and the need for optimization of techniques for their isolation and characterization. Moreover, the kidney’s complexity and the pathological process to be treated require that EVs present a heterogeneous group of molecules to be delivered. In this review, we discuss the recent advances in the use of EVs as a therapeutic tool for kidney diseases. Moreover, we give an overview of the new technologies applied to improve EVs’ efficacy, such as novel methods of EV production and isolation by means of bioreactors and microfluidics, bioengineering the EV content and the use of alternative cell sources, including kidney organoids, to support their transfer to clinical applications.  相似文献   

Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is an aggressive B cell lymphoma characterized by a heterogeneous behavior and in need of more accurate biological characterization monitoring and prognostic tools. Extracellular vesicles are secreted by all cell types and are currently established to some extent as representatives of the cell of origin. The present study characterized and evaluated the diagnostic and prognostic potential of plasma extracellular vesicles (EVs) proteome in DLBCL by using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry. The EV proteome is strongly affected by DLBCL status, with multiple proteins uniquely identified in the plasma of DLBCL. A proof-of-concept classifier resulted in highly accurate classification with a sensitivity and specificity of 1 when tested on the holdout test data set. On the other hand, no proteins were identified to correlate with non-germinal center B-cell like (non-GCB) or GCB subtypes to a significant degree after correction for multiple testing. However, functional analysis suggested that antigen binding is regulated when comparing non-GCB and GCB. Survival analysis based on protein quantitative values and clinical parameters identified multiple EV proteins as significantly correlated to survival. In conclusion, the plasma extracellular vesicle proteome identifies DLBCL cancer patients from healthy donors and contains potential EV protein markers for prediction of survival.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Its first clinical presentation (clinically isolated syndrome, CIS) is often followed by the development of relapsing–remitting MS (RRMS). The periphery-to-CNS transmission of inflammatory molecules is a major pathophysiological pathway in MS. This could include signalling via extracellular vesicle (EV) microRNAs (miRNAs). In this study, we investigated the serum EV miRNome in CIS and RRMS patients and matched controls, with the aims to identify MS stage-specific differentially expressed miRNAs and investigate their biomarker potential and pathophysiological relevance. miRNA sequencing was conducted on serum EVs from CIS-remission, RRMS-relapse, and viral inflammatory CNS disorder patients, as well as from healthy and hospitalized controls. Differential expression analysis was conducted, followed by predictive power and target-pathway analysis. A moderate number of dysregulated serum EV miRNAs were identified in CIS-remission and RRMS-relapse patients, especially relative to healthy controls. Some of these miRNAs were also differentially expressed between the two MS stages and had biomarker potential for patient-control and CIS–RRMS separations. For the mRNA targets of the RRMS-relapse-specific EV miRNAs, biological processes inherent to MS pathophysiology were identified using in silico analysis. Study findings demonstrate that specific serum EV miRNAs have MS stage-specific biomarker potential and contribute to the identification of potential targets for novel, efficacious therapies.  相似文献   

Mammalian exosomes have emerged as a promising class of functional materials, inspiring novel applications as therapeutic vehicles and nutraceutical compounds. Despite this, their immunogenicity has been an issue of controversy within the scientific community. Although, exosome-like vesicles, innately formed in plants and inherent to eukaryotic cell-derived vesicles, could soothe most of the concerns, they are notably underutilized as therapeutic modalities. This review highlights all efforts published so far, on the use of plant-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) as therapeutic delivery systems. A summary of the physicochemical characteristics of plant-derived EVs is provided along with their main biological composition and in vitro/in vivo evidence of their therapeutic efficacy provided where available. Despite only a hand full of clinical trials being underway, concerning these vesicles, they arguably possess significant potential as nanodelivery systems of natural origin.  相似文献   

Microglial cells represent the resident immune elements of the central nervous system, where they exert constant monitoring and contribute to preserving neuronal activity and function. In the context of glioblastoma (GBM), a common type of tumor originating in the brain, microglial cells deeply modify their phenotype, lose their homeostatic functions, invade the tumoral mass and support the growth and further invasion of the tumoral cells into the surrounding brain parenchyma. These modifications are, at least in part, induced by bidirectional communication among microglial and tumoral cells through the release of soluble molecules and extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs produced by GBM and microglial cells transfer different kinds of biological information to receiving cells, deeply modifying their phenotype and activity and could represent important diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets. Recent evidence demonstrates that in GBM, microglial-derived EVs contribute to the immune suppression of the tumor microenvironment (TME), thus favoring GBM immune escape. In this review, we report the current knowledge on EV formation, biogenesis, cargo and functions, with a focus on the effects of microglia-derived EVs in GBM. What clearly emerges from this analysis is that we are at the beginning of a full understanding of the complete picture of the biological effects of microglial-derived EVs and that further investigations using multidisciplinary approaches are necessary to validate their use in GBM diagnosis and therapy.  相似文献   

The discovery that cells secrete extracellular vesicles (EVs), which carry a variety of regulatory proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, has shed light on the sophisticated manner by which cells can communicate and accordingly function. The bioactivity of EVs is not only defined by their internal content, but also through their surface associated molecules, and the linked downstream signaling effects they elicit in target cells. The extracellular matrix (ECM) contains signaling and structural molecules that are central to tissue maintenance and repair. Recently, a subset of EVs residing within the extracellular matrix has been identified. Although some roles have been proposed for matrix-bound vesicles, their role as signaling molecules within the ECM is yet to be explored. Given the close association of EVs and the ECM, it is not surprising that EVs partly mediate repair and regeneration by modulating matrix deposition and degradation through their cellular targets. This review addresses unique EV features that allow them to interact with and navigate through the ECM, describes how their release and content is influenced by the ECM, and emphasizes the emerging role of stem-cell derived EVs in tissue repair and regeneration through their matrix-modulating properties.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a heterogeneous population of secreted membrane vesicles, with distinct biogenesis routes, biophysical properties and different functions both in physiological conditions and in disease. The release of EVs is a widespread biological process, which is conserved across species. In recent years, numerous studies have demonstrated that several bioactive molecules are trafficked with(in) EVs, such as microRNAs, mRNAs, proteins and lipids. The understanding of their final impact on the biology of specific target cells remains matter of intense debate in the field. Also, EVs have attracted great interest as potential novel cell-free therapeutics. Here we describe the proposed physiological and pathological functions of EVs, with a particular focus on their molecular content. Also, we discuss the advances in the knowledge of the mechanisms regulating the secretion of EV-associated molecules and the specific pathways activated upon interaction with the target cell, highlighting the role of EVs in the context of the immune system and as mediators of the intercellular signalling in the brain.  相似文献   

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