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翠翠 《当代老年》2007,(12):34-34
中国结从古流传至今演变成上千种编法,“结”与“吉”谐音,“吉”有着丰富多彩的内容,福、禄、寿、喜、财、安、康无一不属于吉的范畴。下面是我收集的关于一些中国结的含义 蝴蝶结:福在眼前,富运迭至;  相似文献   

阿兵 《老年人》2007,(10):34-34
我家住的房子要拆迁了,妻子说拆迁后就搬到娘家去住,过渡一段时间。从经济角度上来讲,住岳父家,伙食费交不了多少,房租就更不用交了,每月能省下一大笔开支。可是,住岳父家我心里有个结——我怕跟岳父打交道。  相似文献   

在现代建筑盛行的今天,简约的国际化建筑形制充斥着我们生活的每一寸土地,如何保存我国古建的艺术文化特征,将饱含寓意的装饰纹样在现代建筑中继续发扬光大,是值得人们深思的问题。  相似文献   

云瑶  清风 《老年世界》2008,(5):36-37
中国传统文化中“吉祥”文字与图案素来为人们熟知与喜爱,它喻示着人们良好的诉求、美好的憧憬和善良的祝福。因此,在中国传统文化中以吉祥为主体的文化艺术非常丰富,这其中最为突出的还属吉祥画。  相似文献   

中国结现在正风光呢,你看,新年贺卡都用它做点缀,还用它做成各种饰品,如风铃等。现在,新春佳节即将来临,趁着长假,何不自己动手编织,想来别有乐趣。  相似文献   

中国传统狮子艺术凝聚着数千年的民族精神与思维方式,呈现出兼容并蓄而又独树一格的艺术表现形式。作为传统装饰艺术造型中的瑰丽珍宝,狮子艺术具有较高的研究价值。本文主要以中国传统狮子艺术为研究对象,从狮子艺术的起源与发展、狮子的造型特点、传统狮子的象征性方面进行整理,有助于在继承传统的基础上进行创新,弘扬中国传统装饰艺术。  相似文献   

佚名 《老年世界》2013,(9):31-31
坦阔的鄂尔多斯高原上,古老的乌兰木伦河以一副安之若素的表情默默伫立着,一眼望不到头的水面上凝结着晶莹的银冰。乌兰木伦旧石器中期文化遗址静静地躺在河流的北岸,沐浴着冬日暖阳,陪伴着乌兰木伦河,这就是鄂尔多斯古人类曾经生活的地方。  相似文献   

吉祥图案多配有一句浓缩成四个字的吉祥词,多种图案题材组合在一起,满足了人们不同的审美情趣和要求。随着时代的发展,家具吉祥图案作为发展和延伸着的民俗精华的一部分,也必将与其所处的时代向适应,满足不同时代人们的鉴赏品味,以新颖的姿态出现在人们的日常生活中。  相似文献   

民间美术工艺品品种繁多,内涵丰富,生动反映中华民族优秀传统文化的特征,是民族文化认同的重要标志,也是丰富大众生活、弘扬传统文化的重要载体。研究立足于新的时代语境,具体探寻了整合民间美术工艺品的文化内核、多元审美与智慧创意等元素,全面推动其文化传播动力,并提出开拓更广阔市场空间的策略。  相似文献   

从丽晶到丽池,从健康桑拿到主流会馆,14年间,周涛实现了捍卫底线,追求无限,成就华丽变身。  相似文献   

《Sociological inquiry》2002,72(4):600-606
Books reviewed in this article:
Lynn Pan (ed.), The Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas
Lynn Pan, Sons of the Yellow Emperor: A History of the Chinese Diaspora
Sharon K. Hom (ed.), Chinese Women Traversing Diaspora: Memoirs, Essays, and Poetry  相似文献   

During the past 15 years, the Chinese migrant community in Spain has grown significantly. Originally a small and dispersed population, it now ranks fourth among the migrant groups from non‐European Union (EU) countries. Its increasing presence in daily urban life is evident everywhere. Even though the Chinese community has a long history of settlement in Spain, the Spanish population still considers the Chinese as a closed and somewhat mysterious community. References to exaggerated stereotypes and prejudices regarding their activities and social organization can often be overheard in daily conversations. However, China, usually considered exotic and remote, has recently assumed greater importance in Spain's foreign policy. Thus, the Spanish Government has drawn up the Asia‐Pacific Framework Plan for 2000–2002 as part of its international policy considerations, thereby extending its interests to include areas well beyond its traditional foreign policy focus on Latin America. The Government's objectives are to expand its economic relations with Asia, to enhance trade and tourism with the area, expand the development cooperation with China, the Philippines, and Viet Nam — countries defined as top priorities for the Spanish Government — and to reinforce linguistic and cultural ties with these countries (Bejarano, 2002). In support of the Asia‐Pacific Framework Plan, the Casa Asia (House of Asia) was established in Barcelona in 2002, an institution created to organize academic and artistic activities in order to promote the knowledge of the region among Spaniards, and to foster political, economic, and cultural relations with Asia. The Government intends to pursue two important objectives related to the increasing commitments it is seeking to establish with China, and which are also of relevance to the overseas Chinese as the principal social actors involved. First, the strengthening of commercial exchanges with the People's Republic of China (PRC) are likely to benefit import‐export activities among the Chinese migrants, and be supported by their knowledge and practical experience of the respective social environments. Second, the dissemination of information on Spain is expected to establish and maintain stronger links in both directions. In the near future, these initiatives may also be instrumental in increasing the movement of people between China and Spain. Besides these primary objectives, the initiative pursues another important aim — the promotion of the social integration of the Chinese migrant community in the country. This paper addresses these issues, including data sources and their availability on Chinese migrants in Spain, the relevant local legal framework and how it influences the development of the Chinese migrant group, its sociodemographic composition, and migratory patterns. Finally, it addresses the changes in their economic activities.  相似文献   

卢卫 《城市》2005,(5):35-37
人们久居城市,自然会对城市生出一份热忱、偏好和眷顾,此或日:"城市情结".然而,要思辨、理性地去阐发自己的城市情结,不仅需要足够广博的学识,更需要一种超然无我的境界.近读王明浩先生<城市情结>一书,吸引我的不仅是书名,更是其富集的思想内容.读后不由有感而发.  相似文献   

吴(wu),is the name of anancient kingdom and also of a placein Chinese history.At the beginningof the Xizhou Dynasty(circaB.C.1000-B.C.771),a prince namedTaibo came to live in Wu.His directdescendent later thrived and lordedthe region,making himself a king andWu his kingdom.But in B.C.475,thekingdom of Wu was overthrown andthe Yue Kingdom took over.  相似文献   

IN ancient Chinese characters,母(pronounced mu)depicts a womanbending on her knees and crossingher hands in front with two points onher chest symbolizing her breasts.The original meaning of 母 is anadult woman who has given birth tochildren,i.e.a mother It was later  相似文献   

女 (nü) is a pictograph. InChinese it means female, theopposite of male. In ancientChinese, women had low socialstatus which is reflected in theshape of the character. 女 in theOracle-Bone Script looks like a  相似文献   

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