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基于高分辨率海洋环流模式,通过比较吕宋海峡处地形优化后的黑潮入侵形态和强度不同的试验,我们研究了黑潮入侵优化后对南海中尺度涡模拟的影响。我们发现黑潮入侵的减弱导致了涡旋活动的减弱,这使得模式结果与观测结果更为相近。在这种情况下,模式模拟的吕宋海峡西部及北部陆坡区域的涡动动能明显减弱。模式涡动动能的减弱与模式反气旋式涡数量的减少和气旋式涡强度的减弱有关。涡动动能收支的分析进一步表明,黑潮入侵的优化将通过改变水平速度切变和温跃层斜率来改变涡动动能,而这两个参数分别与正压和斜压不稳定性有关。前者在模式涡动动能减弱中起着更为重要的作用,而黑潮入侵导致的涡动动能的水平输送对吕宋海峡西部区域的能量收支同样起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

南海东北部及台湾海峡环流机制的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用1个正压的数值模式研究风应力、黑潮对南海东北及台湾海峡环流的影响。结果为:(1)以风应力为驱动机制时其流态特别是在台湾海峡的流动具有季节性,但未反映南海黑潮分支的存在,在冬季也未见有南海暖流出现,但在东沙群岛附近海域终年存在着1个气旋涡;(2)以黑潮为驱同制时,黑潮通过巴士海峡侵入南海海域,并导致东沙群岛附近气旋性涡旋的形成,另外,模式体现黑潮东海分支,南海暖流及台湾暖流的存在,并表明广东沿岸  相似文献   

In this study, we develop a variable-grid global ocean general circulation model(OGCM) with a fine grid(1/6)°covering the area from 20°S–50°N and from 99°–150°E, and use the model to investigate the isopycnal surface circulation in the South China Sea(SCS). The simulated results show four layer structures in vertical: the surface and subsurface circulation of the SCS are characterized by the monsoon driven circulation, with basin-scaled cyclonic gyre in winter and anti-cyclonic gyre in summer. The intermediate layer circulation is opposite to the upper layer, showing anti-cyclonic gyre in winter but cyclonic gyre in summer. The circulation in the deep layer is much weaker in spring and summer, with the maximum velocity speed below 0.6 cm/s. In fall and winter, the SCS deep layer circulation shows strong east boundary current along the west coast of Philippine with the velocity speed at 1.5 m/s, which flows southward in fall and northward in winter. The results have also revealed a fourlayer vertical structure of water exchange through the Luzon Strait. The dynamics of the intermediate and deep circulation are attributed to the monsoon driving and the Luzon Strait transport forcing.  相似文献   

南海海流系统与环流形势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
南海海流的研究已发表了不少文章,由于以往海洋调查资料较少,尤其是12°N以南更少,造成各种版本资料说法不一。这次我们根据工作任务的需要,比较全面地收集了国内外的有关资料,从1929年起,到1989年止,六十年的资料,尤其是增加了南部的资料。对其进行了分析计算,绘制了表层海流图,深层密度流和风海流图,以及东北、西南两大季风时期的海流趋势。现将其研究结果阐述如下:  相似文献   

吕宋海峡及南海北部海域水团分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

南海环流的三维数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用Backhaus的三维海流模式,运用半隐式及C-网格方法求解基本方程,对南海各季的平均海流流场进行了数值模拟。将模拟结果与已有的研究结果进行比较,其主要流系基本上是相符的,夏季表层基本上为一反气旋型环流;冬季则转变成气旋型;在冬季,从50m层起开始显露出“南海暖流”的存在。这些表明南海海流的某些主要特征基本上已经被此模型成功地再现出来,同时此模型又给出了垂直方向各层的海流情况,在目前尚缺乏深层实测海流资料的情况下,上述深层海流的模拟结果有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

南海中尺度海洋现象研究概述   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
李立 《台湾海峡》2002,21(2):265-274
南海是一个地形复杂的半封闭海盆,受季风,黑潮等因素的作用南海呈现独特的中尺度变异特征,一些中尺度信号的强度可以和南海定常环流的强度相比拟,甚至更强,本文回顾了近20a来南海中尺度海洋现象研究的进展,并就南海的黑潮入侵,黑潮涡环,次海盆尺度多涡环流,浅海亚潮波动,近岸陷波,海洋锋等中尺度现象做若干探讨。  相似文献   

蔡怡  李毓湘 《热带海洋》1999,18(2):48-55
用已成功地模拟了大尺度环流和黑潮的三维、斜压以及具自由海水表面的数值模式,模拟了冬季南海海流场、温度场和海面高度场。所用网格为0.25°×0.25°,垂直方向分为6层:除巴士海峡和台湾海峡外,其它边界假设为封闭;巴士海峡和台湾海峡的边界值用已模拟的大尺度环流值。模拟结果基本上反映了南海冬季环流的特征。枞模拟结果可知,黑潮从巴士海峡南进入南海后,其大部分又从21°N以北返回大洋。巴士海峡西侧的气肇型  相似文献   

南海环流的三维数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
毛明  李毓湘 《热带海洋》1992,11(4):34-41

南海上层环流观测研究进展   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
李立 《台湾海峡》2002,21(1):114-125
回顾了近50a来南海环流研究的进展,重点介绍了近期有关南海上层总环流的观测研究成果,并就南海季风急流、南海暖流、南海南部的次海盆尺度环流,以及南海东北部环流的几个问题进行了专门讨论。  相似文献   

A fine-resolution MOM code is used to study the South China Sea basin-scale circulationand its relation to the mass transport through the Luzon Strait. The model domain includes the South China Sea, part of the East China Sea, and part of the Philippine Sea so that the currents in the vicinity of the Luzon Strait are free to evolve. In addition, all channels between the South China Sea and the Indonesian seas are closed so that the focus is on the Luzon Strait transport. The model is driven by specified Philippine Sea currents and by surface heat and salt flux conditions. For simplicity, no wind-stress is applied at the surface.The simulated Luzon Strait transport and the South China Sea circulation feature a sandwich vertical structure from the surface to the bottom. The Philippine Sea water is simulated to enter the South China Sea at the surface and in the deep ocean and is carried to the southern basin by western boundary currents. At the intermediate depth, the net Luzon Strait transport is out of t  相似文献   

The low-frequency variability of the shallow meridional overturning circulation(MOC) in the South China Sea(SCS) is investigated using a Simple Ocean Data Assimilation(SODA) product for the period of 1900–2010. A dynamical decomposition method is used in which the MOC is decomposed into the Ekman, external mode, and vertical shear components. Results show that all the three dynamical components contribute to the formation of the seasonal and annual mean shallow MOC in the SCS. The shallow MOC in the SCS consists of two cells: a clockwise cell in the south and an anticlockwise cell in the north; the former is controlled by the Ekman flow and the latter is dominated by the external barotropic flow, with the contribution of the vertical shear being to reduce the magnitude of both cells. In addition, the strength of the MOC in the south is found to have a falling trend over the past century, due mainly to a weakening of the Luzon Strait transport(LST) that reduces the transport of the external component. Further analysis suggests that the weakening of the LST is closely related to a weakening of the westerly wind anomalies over the equatorial Pacific, which leads to a southward shift of the North Equatorial Current(NEC) bifurcation and thus a stronger transport of the Kuroshio east of Luzon.  相似文献   

Satellite-tracked Lagrangian drifters are used to investigate the transport pathways of near-surface water around the Luzon Strait. Particular attention is paid to the intrusion of Pacific water into the South China Sea(SCS).Results from drifter observations suggest that except for the Kuroshio water, other Pacific water that carried by zonal jets, Ekman currents or eddies, can also intrude into the SCS. Motivated by this origin problem of the intrusion water, numerous simulated trajectories are constructed by altimeter-based velocities. Quantitative estimates from simulated trajectories suggest that the contribution of other Pacific water to the total intrusion flux in the Luzon Strait is approximately 13% on average, much smaller than that of Kuroshio water. Even so, over multiple years and many individual intrusion events, the contribution from other Pacific water is quite considerable. The interannual signal in the intrusion flux of these Pacific water might be closely related to variations in a wintertime westward current and eddy activities east of the Luzon Strait. We also found that Ekman drift could significantly contribute to the intrusion of Pacific water and could affect the spreading of intrusion water in the SCS. A case study of an eddy-related intrusion is presented to show the detailed processes of the intrusion of Pacific water and the eddy-Kuroshio interaction.  相似文献   

吕宋海峡及南海北部海域的水团分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据1992年3月和1994年9月台湾海峡两岸科学家对南海北部两次协同调查的CTD资料以及由此计算的重力势资料,对吕宋海峡及南海北部400m以上海水的温盐性质进行分析。结果发现,调查海区基本可划分为两种水团,即黑潮水和南海水。黑潮水主要从吕宋海峡中部和北部进入南海,侵入的黑潮水向西北方向扩展,受到台湾海峡海底地形的阻挡而大部分集中于台湾西南海域,向西的范围基本不超过119°E。虽然两次观测所处的季节不同(分别为春初和夏末),但黑潮入侵南海的差异并不明显。另外,在二次调查的部分层次上,南海北部陆坡边缘都发现有一团水平尺度约百公里的黑潮性质水。配合重力势的水平分布形式,可以用地转流场的结构解释水团分析的结果。  相似文献   

北赤道流分叉点及南海北部环流的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了北赤道流分叉点、南海北部环流的一些研究成果,并就黑潮对南海的影响所作的研究进行了回顾.北赤道流分叉点的位置对于北赤道流系水体疏运变化及在黑潮和MC之间水体、热量、盐度输运的分配中起着重要的作用.北赤道流分叉点位置约在14.6°N上,分叉点位置随深度增加而北移.分叉点有明显的季节变化和年际变化,在春、夏季向南移动,而在秋、冬季则向北移动.年际变化与ENSO现象相关紧密,在El Nio事件NEC分叉纬度处于最北端,在La Nio事件处于最南端.对于分叉点位置的定量化研究,仍然需要更多的观测结果进行研究.季风和黑潮是影响南海北部环流的两种主要因素.南海北部上层流场主要由广东沿岸流、黑潮入侵流套、东沙海流、南海暖流和吕宋海流组成.除海盆、次海盆尺度环流外,受季风、黑潮和地形等因素的影响,南海表现出多涡结构.通过近些年的卫星观测和数值模拟的结果,人们对南海中尺度涡的认识大大加深,但要想模拟出风应力形成涡的机制,还需要提高风场和模式的分辨率.由于观测资料的限制,对南海流场的垂直结构、以及春-秋季季风转相时期的流场结构等还研究得较少.吕宋海峡水交换是西太平洋对南海影响的主要途径.黑潮在吕宋海峡附近的形变一直是有争议的热点问题,目前对于黑潮入侵有3种观点:(1) 认为黑潮经过吕宋海峡形成流套结构,并分离出中尺度涡影响南海流场、水团结构;(2) 认为黑潮有一直接分支分离出来进入南海形成黑潮分支;(3) 认为吕宋海峡水交换不属于以上两种情况,西太平洋对南海的水团输送另有机制.北赤道流分叉点在对黑潮的水体、热量、盐度输运的分配中起着重要的作用,黑潮对南海北部环流的影响可能与NEC的分叉点位置有关,但目前对NEC的分叉点位置与南海北部环流相关性的研究甚少.最后提出了对未来加强该方面研究的一些展望.  相似文献   

Researches on the currents in the South China Sea (SCS) and the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas are reviewed. Overall seasonal circulation in the SCS is cyclonic in winter and anticyclonic in summer with a few stable eddies. The seasonal circulation is mostly driven by monsoon winds, and is related to water exchange between the SCS and the East China Sea through the Taiwan Strait, and between the SCS and the Kuroshio through the Luzon Strait. Seasonal characteristics of the South China Sea Warm Current in the northern SCS and the Kuroshio intrusion to the SCS are summarized in terms of the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheSCSisthelargestmarginseainthewestoftheNorthPacificOcean .Theprevailingwindinwinterisnortheast,whileinsummeritissouthwest .Itisstilluncertainthathowthecirculationandtemperature -salinityfieldassociatewiththemonsoonforcingandaccompanywithseveralkindsofvariationsbeforeorafterthesummermonsoonburst .DuringSECMEXin 1 998,twointensiveobservationperiods (IOP)havebeencarriedoutntheSCS (Fig 1 ) :IOP1 ,from 1 0Aprilto 5May ;IOP2 ,from 1 2JunetoJuly 6 ,inordertounderstandthe…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONRecentyears’studyhasprimarilyshownthattheSCShasanimportantinfluenceonthemonsooncurrentsandonthefloodactivitiesoccurredintheregionofChina (Sunetal .,1 999,Dingetal.,1 999) .ThemonsoononsetinevitablycausestheadjustmentoftheSCScircula tion ,andinturn ,th…  相似文献   

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