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Large granular lymphocyte (LGL) leukemia is a well-recognized disease of mature T-CD8(+) or less frequently natural killer cells; in contrast, monoclonal expansions of CD4(+) T-LGL have only been sporadically reported in the literature. In the present article we have explored throughout a period of 56 months the incidence of monoclonal expansions of CD4(+) T-LGL in a population of 2.2 million inhabitants and analyzed the immunophenotype and the pattern of cytokine production of clonal CD4(+) T cells of a series of 34 consecutive cases. Like CD8(+) T-LGL leukemias, CD4(+) T-LGL leukemia patients have an indolent disease; however, in contrast to CD8(+) T-LGL leukemias, they do not show cytopenias and autoimmune phenomena and they frequently have associated neoplasias, which is usually determining the clinical course of the disease. Monoclonal CD4(+) T-LGLshowed expression of TCRalphabeta, variable levels of CD8 (CD8(-/+dim)) and a homogeneous typical cytotoxic (granzyme B(+), CD56(+), CD57(+), CD11b(+/-)) and activated/memory T cell (CD2(+bright), CD7(-/+dim), CD11a(+bright), CD28(-), CD62L(-) HLA-DR(+)) immunophenotype. In addition, they exhibited a Th1 pattern of cytokine production [interferon-gamma(++), tumor necrosis factor-alpha(++), interleukin (IL-2)(-/+), IL-4(-), IL-10(-), IL-13(-)]. Phenotypic analysis of the TCR-Vbeta repertoire revealed large monoclonal TCR-Vbeta expansions; only a restricted number of TCR-Vbeta families were represented in the 34 cases analyzed. These findings suggest that monoclonal TCRalphabeta(+)/CD4(+)/NKa(+)/CD8(-/+dim) T-LGL represent a subgroup of monoclonal LGL lymphoproliferative disorders different from both CD8(+) T-LGL and natural killer cell-type LGL leukemias. Longer follow-up periods are necessary to determine the exact significance of this clonal disorder.  相似文献   

Primary cutaneous CD4-positive small/medium-sized pleomorphic T-cell lymphoma, a provisional entity in the 2005 WHO-EORTC classification for cutaneous lymphomas, is not well characterized. Fifteen cases meeting the definition of this entity were identified. Fourteen represented solitary lesions on the head/neck (n=9), upper extremity (n=4), or trunk (n=1). One patient presented with multiple lesions on the trunk and extremities. Histologically, the infiltrate showed a nodular pattern in the dermis and subcutis without epidermotropism, and had a polymorphous composition with a predominance of small to medium-sized CD4-positive T cells. Most cases showed normal T-cell antigen expression; diminished/absent expression of CD7 was seen in three cases and CD2 expression was absent in one case. All cases showed a notable reactive infiltrate including frequent B cells, plasma cells, and histiocytes. Clonal TCR gene rearrangements were detected in each case. No clonal Ig gene rearrangements were detected. Out of the 11 patients with follow-up, none showed systemic disease. The majority resolved without relapse, one without treatment, four with excision, and four with radiation therapy. One patient developed local recurrence. The patient with multiple lesions had disease progression despite chemotherapy and stem cell transplant. These cases highlight the polymorphous histology and prominent reactive B-cell component of this entity. Diagnosis requires molecular genetic analysis, as prominent cytologic atypia and immunophenotypic aberrancy are rare. The differential diagnosis includes reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, mycosis fungoides and cutaneous B-cell lymphomas. In patients with isolated cutaneous lesions, the indolent behavior of this rare T-cell neoplasm should be recognized to avoid unnecessary treatment.  相似文献   

In this report, we present a case of peripheral T-cell leukemia/lymphoma having mostly small- to medium-sized cells with abundant clear cytoplasmic vacuoles. The presentation at the time of diagnosis was one of leukemia/lymphoma. The phenotype of the leukemic cells of the peripheral blood was T1+, T11+, TQ1+, interleukin-2+, T3-, T4-, and T8-. The cells in the peripheral blood as well as those obtained from lymph node biopsy were strongly periodic acid-Schiff positive; the positivity was diastase sensitive. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of glycogen in the cytoplasmic vacuoles. Serologic tests were negative for human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 antibody. The data presented in this article support the existence of a vacuolated variant of peripheral T-cell leukemia/lymphoma and further expand the morphological spectrum of T-cell lymphoproliferative disorders.  相似文献   

Pityriasis lichenoides (PL) has traditionally been classified as a benign papulosquamous disease. However, there is an increasing literature precedent that suggests that PL should instead be considered a form of cutaneous lymphoid dyscrasia. We prospectively encountered 46 patients with a diagnosis of PL and used immunohistochemical and multiplex polymerase chain reaction fragment size analysis to assess for phenotypic abnormalities and for T-cell clonal restriction, respectively. We categorized them into 2 groups based on the molecular profile, namely, those cases that showed a monoclonal and/or a restricted oligoclonal profile versus those cases that were polyclonal. Half of all the cases studied showed a monoclonal and/or an oligoclonal restricted T-cell repertoire. From a clinical perspective, 2 cases in this group manifested skin lesions compatible with mycosis fungoides (MF). All of the other cases demonstrated a persistent but nonprogressive clinical course characterized by periods of regression and recurrence. In any case in which there were multiple biopsies, the same T-cell dominant clonotypes, be it in the context of representing a true monoclonal and/or oligoclonal pattern, were implicated over time and at different biopsy sites, including 2 cases in which there was a subsequent evolution to MF. Substantial losses of CD7 and CD62L were seen in both monoclonal/oligoclonal and polyclonal cases of PL, although both values of percentage reduction were greater in the monoclonal/oligoclonal cases. A dominance of CD8 lymphocytes was seen in more than half of all the cases of PL and held to be reactive in nature, potentially directed against clonally restricted CD4 cells. CD4/CD25+ (Foxp3+) T cells averaged 24% in the polyclonal cases; it was 12% in the monoclonal variants of PL. We conclude that PL is a form of indolent cutaneous T-cell dyscrasia. The limited propensity for progression to MF may reflect internal countercheck mechanisms of controlling clonally restricted CD4+ T-cell proliferations via CD8 and CD4/CD25+ regulatory T cells.  相似文献   

A 54-year-old woman developed an asymptomatic solitary lung mass, which recurred 10 years after resection. Both lesions consisted of a localized collection of intra-alveolar and interstitial macrophages filled with numerous eosinophilic cytoplasmic crystals. The crystals were non-birefringent, periodic acid-Schiff-negative, and showed polytypic reaction with both kappa and lambda light chains, and alpha, mu, and gamma heavy chains. No immunoglobulin gene rearrangements were detected. This lesion is consistent with crystal-storing histiocytosis, which has been reported in association with plasmacytoma. However, in this case, the absence of monotypic immunoglobulin staining within the crystals or the surrounding plasma cells, the absence of DNA rearrangements, and the long asymptomatic course raise the possibility that this lesion may be reactive. Similar lesions are seen in the lungs of mice with immune defects. Crystal-storing histiocytosis may represent a general reaction pattern to excess immunoglobulin.  相似文献   

Fulminant Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-driven clonal T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder (T-LPD) is rare and most patients are of Asian origin. The disease usually develops shortly after primary acute EBV infection and the mechanism remains poorly understood. Here we report such a rare case in a 28-year-old Caucasian female with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Immunophenotypic and molecular studies revealed that the proliferating lymphoid cells displayed a CD8(+) T-cell phenotype with clonal rearrangement of the T-cell receptor gamma gene. Epstein-Barr virus-encoded RNA was also observed in the clonal lymphoid cells by in situ hybridization. The patient subsequently developed fatal virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome one month after the primary acute EBV infection. The case represents the first report of fulminant EBV-driven CD8(+) T-LPD occurring in an immunocompromised Caucasian SLE patient. This study, along with studies of similar Asian cases reported in the literature, suggests that dysregulated immunity due to either acquired or genetically determined susceptibility may result in an abnormal response to primary EBV infection and contribute to the pathogenesis of EBV-mediated fatal T-LPD.  相似文献   

Lymphoproliferative disorder (LPD) with polymorphous composition of proliferation (polymorphous LPD), containing large lymphoid cells together with small lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, and/or eosinophils, is found in individuals with immunodeficiency conditions. Clinicopathological findings in 19 cases of polymorphous LPD registered with the Osaka Lymphoma Study Group, Osaka, Japan, were analyzed; they represented 0.4% of the registered cases. In six cases, there was a history of rheumatoid arthritis; five of them had received immunosuppressive agents. There were no acquired immunodeficiency syndrome cases or organ transplant recipients. Southern blotting and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based clonality analysis revealed monoclonal B cell and T cell proliferation in eight and six cases (B- and T-LPD), respectively, and polyclonality in one. In B-LPD, there was polymorphous proliferation, containing large B-lymphoid cells, while medium-to-large T lymphoid cells with occasional eosinophilic infiltration were seen in T-LPD. Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) was detected in three of eight B-LPD, four of six T-LPD, and one of one polyclonal LPD. The prognosis was not favorable; the 3-year overall survival rate was 49.7?±?17.3%. Thus, polymorphous LPD is relatively rare in Japan and is a heterogeneous disease with monoclonal proliferation of B or T cells; additionally, it is occasionally EBV-associated, and behaves as an aggressive lymphoma.  相似文献   

We report 2 cases of renal transplant recipients in whom hepatosplenic gamma-delta T-cell lymphoma (gamma-delta HSTCL) developed 5 and 10 years after transplantation. Both patients had marked hepatosplenomegaly, B symptoms (weight loss, fever, and night sweats), and abnormal peripheral blood findings, including anemia in both, thrombocytopenia and leukoerythroblastic changes in 1, and leukocytosis in the other. Markedly atypical lymphoid infiltrate of intermediate to large cells was observed in the spleen, liver, and bone marrow. The malignant cells showed typical immunophenotype of gamma-delta T cells (CD2+, CD3+, CD4-, CD8-, CD7+, gamma-delta T-cell receptor-positive, and alpha-beta T-cell receptor-negative) with clonal T-cell receptor gene rearrangement and were of the V-delta-1 subset. In addition, the cells contained a cytolytic granule-associated protein, TIA-1, and Fas ligand, indicating cytotoxic T-cell differentiation. The malignant T cells in both cases were of host tissue origin. Both cases were negative for Epstein-Barr virus genome using Southern blot analysis. The patients did not respond to reduction of immunosuppression. Despite initial response to chemotherapy, both patients died within 6 months of diagnosis. Our findings indicate that gamma-delta HSTCL can occur as a late complication in transplant recipients.  相似文献   

Six cases of large granular T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder with a selected immunophenotype (CD3+, CD4-, CD8+, CD16+) were studied to characterize a homogeneous group of patients. It was found that most of these patients did not exhibit the clinical features frequently described in large granular T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder--recurrent infection, rheumatoid arthritis, and splenomegaly. The laboratory tests usually positive in large granular T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder, including rheumatoid factor and anti-nuclear antibodies, also were frequently negative. The pathognomonic features were found to be neutropenia and large granular lymphocytosis with positive killer cell markers. All six cases showed T-cell receptor gene rearrangement that indicated a monoclonal proliferation of lymphoid cells, which were natural killer-like T cells by immunophenotyping. B cells were essentially absent in all cases. It should be emphasized that bone marrow aspirates are as informative as peripheral blood samples for the diagnosis of large granular T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder; indeed, phenotypes of blood and marrow in one case were identical in terms of percentages of markers. In this selected group of patients, the clinical courses were indolent with uncomplicated outcomes. In three patients, chemotherapy did not induce an obvious clinical response, but all patients' conditions remained stable with only supportive care.  相似文献   

Hodgkin's disease: a monoclonal lymphoproliferative disorder?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This is the first case of follicular T-cell lymphoma (FTCL) presenting as methotrexate-associated lymphoproliferative disorders (MTX-LPDs). A 69-year-old man treated rheumatoid arthritis with methotrexate presented with cervical swelling, hoarseness and fever. Imaging studies revealed multiple lymphadenopathy and lymphoma was suspected. Lymph node biopsy was performed to confirm the diagnosis. Pathologically, the lymph node was composed of atypical lymphocytes with a follicular growth pattern and area of necrosis. Immunohistochemical examination showed the atypical lymphocytes were positive for CD3, CD4, programmed cell death protein 1, and inducible T-cell co-stimulator. These findings are consistent with FTCL. During hospitalization, the patient's fever subsided and cervical lymphadenopathy improved, probably due to discontinuation of MTX. Here we presented the first case of FTCL presenting as MTX-LPDs. The T-cell phenotype MTX-LPDs are relatively rare and accounts for only 3.4%–6.3% of all MTX-LPD cases. Therefore, detailed clinicopathological features have not been clarified sufficiently. It is hoped that similar cases should be accumulated and studied to better understand the clinical and pathological features of this condition.  相似文献   

AIMS: To report the clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical features of three cases of post-transplant T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder (T-PTLD) T-cell lymphoma with primary cutaneous presentation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three cases of primary cutaneous post-transplantation anaplastic large-cell lymphomas occurred in renal transplant recipients and were shown to display a T-cell immunophenotype; all were ALK 1 protein and EMA negative and two were Epstein-Barr virus positive using in-situ hybridization. Two displayed a CD4+ phenotype, two were focally CD56+ and all three were negative for the cytolytic enzyme granzyme B. In two cases monoclonality was established by T-cell receptor gene rearrangement study. All presented with nodular cutaneous involvement and all were ultimately fatal. CONCLUSION: T-PTLDs are uncommon histological subtypes both in a general context and associated with cutaneous presentation. Our findings suggest clinicopathological and immunophenotypic similarities to primary cutaneous anaplastic large-cell lymphoma but with a progressive clinical behaviour similar to previously reported T-PTLD and to systemic nodal ALK- anaplastic large-cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

Non-Hodgkin lymphomas of the breast are rare, encompassing approximately 0.04-0.5% of all malignant breast tumors, and the vast majority are B-cell lymphomas. In contrast, lymphomas of T-cell phenotype have been rarely reported and some of these have been in close proximity to a breast implant. In our consultation practice, we have identified four patients with primary T-cell anaplastic large-cell lymphoma presenting adjacent to silicone or saline breast implants. All patients presented with seroma and neoplastic cells were identified in suspension in the serous fluid without solid tissue invasion. Three patients had no evidence of systemic disease (stage 1E), and one patient was not staged. The mean age of the patients was 46 years (range, 34-59 years). In all patients, the neoplastic cells had a T-cell phenotype, expressed CD30, cytotoxic granule-associated proteins, EMA and clusterin, and were anaplastic lymphoma kinase-1-negative. Clonal T-cell receptor gamma-chain gene rearrangements were identified in three patients. All patients underwent capsulectomy with removal of the implant. One patient subsequently received chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and another was treated with radiation alone. The third patient received no further therapy and the fourth patient has been recently diagnosed. After a mean time of 13 months (range, 9-20 months), all three patients with follow-up were alive and well without any recurrence or systemic disease. Although the follow-up time was relatively short, our series and other reported cases suggest that primary anaplastic large-cell lymphoma adjacent to breast implants is an indolent T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder.  相似文献   

Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE) is commonly regarded an angioproliferative process characterized by the presence of prominent, bizarrely shaped blood vessels. These vessels are accompanied by an inflammatory infiltrate that is thought to be a reactive component. Both the cell of origin and the pathogenesis of ALHE remain controversial. To define the histogenesis of this disorder, we analyzed the phenotypic and genotypic profile of the inflammatory infiltrate in ALHE by immunohistochemistry and T-cell receptor gene rearrangement by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, as well as automated high-resolution PCR fragment analysis. Five of 7 ALHE patients displayed a clonal T-cell population and proliferative T-cell activity in lesional tissue. Most of these cases followed a protracted and therapy-reluctant course with recurrences. These data suggest that ALHE or a subset of ALHE cases harboring a clonal T-cell population may represent a T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder of a benign or low-grade malignant nature.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) is a herpesvirus usually infecting B-cells but may occasionally infect T- or natural killer (NK)-cells. EBV-associated T- or NK-cell lymphoproliferations represent a continuous spectrum of diseases ranging from asymptomatic infection, infectious mononucleosis (IM), to clonal and malignant lymphoproliferations including systemic EBV-positive T/NK-cell lymphoproliferative disease (EBV-T/NK-LPD) of childhood and hydroa-vacciniforme-like lymphoma of the skin. The clonal diseases are more prevalent in East Asia and exhibit overlapping clinical and pathological features with chronic active EBV infection. Here we report our experience on 10 cases of EBV-associated T-cell lymphoproliferation from Taiwan including five males and five females with a median age of 18 years old (range, 15-28). The most common clinical symptoms were fever, neck mass and hepatosplenomegaly. Eight of these patients showed elevated lactate dehydrogenase level and half of the patients had cytopenia. All patients had either elevated EBV antibody titers or increased serum EBV DNA levels. Five cases were clinically IM-like with polyclonal (3 cases) or clonal (2 cases) T-cell lymphoproliferation. Two patients each had chronic active EBV infection (CAEBV) and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). One patient had both CAEBV and HLH. One of the HLH patients with marrow infiltration by intra-sinusoidal large atypical lymphocytes experienced a fulminant course. In a median follow-up time of 21.5 months, seven patients were free of disease, one was alive with disease, and two died of disease in 31 and 3 months, respectively, despite chemotherapy. We confirmed a wide clinicopathological range of EVB-associated T-cell lymphoproliferation in Taiwan. Furthermore, monomorphic LPD and the single case with fulminant course as defined by Ohshima et al (Pathol Int 2018) as categories A3 and B, respectively, died of disease despite chemotherapy. Our report, the largest series in the recent decade from Taiwan, adds to the understanding of these rare diseases with variable clinical and histopathological presentations.  相似文献   

Four cases of CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder (CD30+ LPD) of the oral mucosa are described. This article aims to draw attention to this entity and to emphasize its usual benign clinical behavior despite its resemblance to T-cell lymphoma. All the patients were adults. Three of the lesions were on the dorsal surface of the tongue and 1 affected the buccal mucosa. All biopsies showed a dense lymphoid infiltrate composed of CD30+ atypical T cells with a polymorphous infiltrate in the background, which included eosinophils. In 1 case, monoclonal T-cell expansion was detected by molecular techniques. Three cases tested for Epstein-Barr virus were all negative. It is concluded that primary CD30+ T-cell LPD of the oral mucosa can be regarded as the oral counterpart of cutaneous CD30+ LPD such as lymphomatoid papulosis or anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Recognition of the condition is important to avoid overtreatment.  相似文献   

Primary intestinal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma (nasal-type) and enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma, type II, are CD56-positive lymphoproliferative disorders with very poor survival rates. We report a long-surviving patient with a CD56-positive T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that presented as vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and pain. This patient was referred to the university hospital as a case of peripheral T-cell lymphoma due to this CD56-positive lymphocyte population. There was no evidence of enteropathy; and the infiltrates were negative for CD8, Epstein-Barr virus, and T-cell receptor gene rearrangement. Despite its persistence for 8 years, the clinical course has remained indolent. This report confirms that patients may rarely present with a CD56-positive NK/T-cell–like proliferation of the gastrointestinal tract, yet follow an indolent clinical course. Thus, all pathologic features of enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma or NK/T-cell lymphoma should be present before making this diagnosis and exposing the patient to toxic chemotherapy.  相似文献   

T-cell lymphoproliferative processes in the spleen are rare and it is important to study normal T cell subsets in the spleen to understand the splenic milieu in which they arise. True malignant T-cell processes including hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma and T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia occur in the spleen, but other atypical reactive T-cell proliferations and those of uncertain significance also have been described. Proper distinction of florid T cell responses from malignant T-cell neoplasms has important therapeutic implications for the patient.  相似文献   

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